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The Iraq Thread

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The internet revolution began with the U.S military's DARPA.  

Yeah, that really was the internet boom when all five persons that used it were connected at the same time. Web was the revolution.

The Internet is of course an American invention and I'm not trying deflate its meaning. The author of the article seemed however to think that the internet boom was a phenomenon only in America, which is wrong.

Quote[/b] ]oh and America was the center of the global dot-com industry. Per-capita arguments are BS.

Hmm.. I suppose that's why I'm on a 100 mbit line while you are on what? DSL? Cable? And that's why I have a nice 2,5 Mbit wireless connection on my new 3G phone. Yes, America truly is ahead in internet infrastructure. A true world leader.  biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Yes.. and your irrational hatred of him will haunt you because long after Bush is gone, we will still despise "Europe".

I think you indeed will since you won't be able to cope with the competition for long smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]sabotaged? lol.  Anyone who knows anything about these two "projects" will know that they'd be lucky to get a single ratification vote in our congress.  The American people reject both these "projects" heartily.

Yes, and hence the unpopularty. All the children want to play football while you want to play the banjo. No wonder you are unpopular  wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]ahh.. typical Euro-centrism.  Europe is not the "entire planet". I know why Europe is angry - because Europe's ego cannot contend with the fact that it is a has-been.

You are right. Other parts of the world positively hate you and crash airplanes into your cities. That's what I call a popularty vote  wow_o.gif Apart from Israel Europe is your best friend. If your friends don't even particularly like you, one can only imagine how your enemies feel about you  wow_o.gif

Fortunately not all Americans are like Bush or you. My faith is in them to elect a normal government.

Quote[/b] ]Now.. to get back to lobbying the government to withdraw all troops from the region as well as any form of monetary aid. The German freeloaders have been conning the U.S out of hundreds of billions for half a century.

Yeah, Rumsfeld made that threat in the prelude of the Iraq war. The Germans said: Yes please! USA then quickly withdrew that request when they realized that the Germans would be very happy not to have foregin soldiers on its soil while USA would lose its number one base of operations.

I agree with you entirely. The US troops should be withdrawn smile_o.gif

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[snip] destroyed the detached partition we had from recurring European barbarism.  [/snip]

It`s good that the excellent educated average US citizen is able to judge our European barbarism. Maybe there`ll be some problems with finding Europe on the globe, but don`t give up. You managed to wipe out your barbarians (also called Indians or Native Americans) and you sealed the last of them into reservates just a hundred years ago. You`re our shiny idol!

Now to the rest of the world, which contains how mentioned not only of the USA and Europe - and it`s no plate either! Really!!

There are a lot of other countries, well and most of them are very cautious when it comes to the USA (Russia) or even hate it (98% of the arabic Nations, including those in Africa and Middle-East). The USA is pretty lonely right now, exceptions may be the "new Europe" and Australia, but that`s only because of the Australian chief of state. People the USA will get more and more problems with are the arabic states and the muslims, the nice thing about that is: the ones who kick the USA`s ass the hardest have all been trained by the CIA, but that`s another story. These countries and people hate you, while I guess there`s no country in Europe hating the USA, even after it gave us so many reasons. We know that the current situation is based on a illegitable President and a corrupt leading party including all worse sorts of neo-conservatives. That`ll hopefully change some day, but right now it seems like the whole USA is brought to one line and we`ve seen something like that 60 years ago. So Europe is upset, a little angry and resignating. It`s like watching a too big grown child, which is a little narrowminded and naive, waving around a revolver (model Peacemaker... ) with six new shiny mini nukes in it.


P.S.: Something for your information. Barbarians is an expression which bases on ancient Greek language (European) and it`s very, very old. 2000 years + It meant foreigners and persons who weren`t able to speak greek. But that`s of course nothing compared to the long american history! And you`re not talking english, aren`t you? Geez... that would be another barbaric european language! And so on... and so on...


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Quote[/b] ]

Why do people hate America?

Four letters: B-U-S-H

Yes.. and your irrational hatred of him will haunt you because long after Bush is gone, we will still despise "Europe".


Europe? You mean Britain, Poland, Denmark, Spain and Italy? And "a few" East bloc countries? Last I checked, they made up a sizeable chunk of Europe.

At least, those are the governments I irrationally hate smile_o.gif , but I don´t understand why you would hate them? Didn´t they help the U.S in Iraq? Remember their help the next time Poland wants to invade Russia. What´s that? A war against Russia is totally unreasonable? But you haven´t...FORGOTTEN THEIR SACRIFICE, HAVE YOU!? The Fre-I mean the Americans are a bunch of cowards who never fight and wear pink dresses and are totally gay and sux0r and blah blah blah


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 Monroe had the right idea imo.

Monroe's ideas facilitated things for people like Somoza, Batista, Pinochet. Yes, those were some lovely ideas allright.

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Quote[/b] ]

Why do people hate America?

Four letters: B-U-S-H

Yes.. and your irrational hatred of him will haunt you because long after Bush is gone, we will still despise "Europe".

Just curious - will you also despise Asia, Australasia and the rest of the world who also hate Bush and think he is a mentally deficient warmongering assclown?  wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Why do people hate America?

Four letters: B-U-S-H

Yes.. and your irrational hatred of him will haunt you because long after Bush is gone, we will still despise "Europe".

Just curious - will you also despise Asia, Australasia and the rest of the world who also hate Bush and think he is a mentally deficient warmongering assclown?  wink_o.gif

Bush is a gangster and a phony. He doesn't hate anyone... or maybe I should say he hates EVERYONE. His entire motivation is money. Profit for his father's and Dick Cheney's corporate mafia. How stupid do you have to be not to see this? His anti-environmentalist attacks for the sake of drilling, logging, and freedom to spread cancer. His tax cuts that do nothing but support the rich and give the poor and middle class a pat on the back. His defense of Enron and other monopolies. His fascist social policies intended to put more power in the hands of censors and corporate media outlets.

Btw, who sent that Anthrax? Strange how Iraq turned out to not have any WMD.

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I actually kind of like you Euros and other assorted foreign types smile_o.gif I just wish we all could get to know each other in a bit different setting than a geopolitical power realignment- I think that has quite a bit to do with everyone's obnoxious self-righteousness.

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Hey, just because I don't like Bush, doesn't mean I dislike Americans. Heck, I despise my own leader, John Howard!

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I'm so glad I missed the heat of this stimulating discussion. I would have been banned for sure. Know what I think? It really doesn't matter because I'm a soldier and I have to follow orders. I go where they send me. Personally, if I had to chose between Iraq and Afghanistan, I would choose the later. I have come to the conclusion that I will never understand the European perspective because I'm simply not European. Just as you will never understand our perspective because you aren't American. My field of study in college has made me realize a few things about the human mind. Are we nationalists? Yes we are. Do I view my nation with a perspective of civil religousness? Yes I do. Is that bad? I don't know, but it gets me out of bed in the morrning. What do I think about Iraq? Doesn't matter, it's over. American self-interest, the end. What do I think about the negative European response? That's a self-interest thing as well. I doubt anyone really cares about the actual Iraqi people, except for maybe some sympathetic soldiers who witness their suffering. To my fellow soldiers, bravo. Not ever in history has a war been fought so cleanly, despite it's reasons. What do I think of the UN? C'mon Muamar Khadafi heads the humanitarian aid committee.....I like Bush, I think he has balls, something an American president hasn't used for something other than an oval office porno since 1988.

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Quote[/b] ]Isnt it time to change the name of this thread into THE IRAN THREAD

lets be honest. The countdown to a war in Iran is a stable as an atomic watch. The US administration wont bother bringing back home all equipment and troops if it sees another "opportunity" to make us of them. The fixed-costs of the war were immense and must pay off

I doubt it.

I don't think the U.S. has the resources to pull off another invasion. They already have a $500 billion debt to deal with. And besides, I don't think U.S. opinion would favour another invasion this time. There was enough opposition the first time around.

My hope is that the middle east can stabilize and that the West, especially the U.S. doesn't forget it's commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan, or else they will turn into nests of terrorism all over again.


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This one was also pretty good from a few weeks back... biggrin_o.gif


-=Die Alive=-

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Isnt it time to change the name of this thread into THE IRAN THREAD

lets be honest. The countdown to a war in Iran is a stable as an atomic watch. The US administration wont bother bringing back home all equipment and troops if it sees another "opportunity" to make us of them. The fixed-costs of the war were immense and must pay off   rock.gif


Iran countdown begins

I think you'll be eating those words. It would be stupid to interfere in the already collapsing power of the mullahs.

Am i really the only one who sees that this guy wrote febuari? Now i might be wrong, but i didn't know the month after january was called febuari...

Gotta love the army...

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I have come to the conclusion that I will never understand the European perspective because I'm simply not European. Just as you will never understand our perspective because you aren't American. My field of study in college has made me realize a few things about the human mind. Are we nationalists? Yes we are. Do I view my nation with a perspective of civil religousness? Yes I do. Is that bad? I don't know, but it gets me out of bed in the morrning.

I'll agree with you there even if I'm not sure it's really Nationalism, I would say 99.9% of all people have only the capacity to understand the point of view they were always exposed to when they were young. Same goes for understanding someones suffering, especially if it's not in your face everyday stuff, the vast majority have to experience some things in life to understand them. That's it, for all situations. smile_o.gif

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The author of the article seemed however to think that the internet boom was a phenomenon only in America, which is wrong.

on the otherhand, many countries denounced internet as tool of US infiltrating into their society to corrupt minds, i.e. it's something that is related only to america.

Quote[/b] ]Hmm.. I suppose that's why I'm on a 100 mbit line while you are on what? DSL? Cable? And that's why I have a nice 2,5 Mbit wireless connection on my new 3G phone. Yes, America truly is ahead in internet infrastructure. A true world leader.

there are several things to consider when talking about economy and internet. how is internet utilized? just because you have some great connection doesn't neccssarily mean that it translates to economic growth. If a company utilizes internet to boost productivity, then it is a form of investment that is affecting economy. in case of having a good ISP, it does contribute to the economy, but is not that strictly related to how internet is used for production and etc. internet can be used as a form of entertainment and leisure, then it is not utilized in context of economics.

back ont he article i linked, seems like you missed the conclusion. th conclusion was that US should learn how to use its power correctly.

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in case of having a good ISP, it does contribute to the economy, but is not that strictly related to how internet is used for production and etc. internet can be used as a form of entertainment and leisure, then it is not utilized in context of economics.

ISPs? Who is talking about ISPs? It's the infrastructure that's important! It's the high bandwith wireless 3G network and the tons of fiber optics that connects the entire country. ISPs have nothing to do with it  rock.gif

Quote[/b] ]back ont he article i linked, seems like you missed the conclusion. th conclusion was that US should learn how to use its power correctly.

No, his conclusion was that USA is unpopular because people think it is too powerful. And I'm saying: bullshit! The US was stronger 5-10 years ago and people did indeed like USA.

I told you the reasons very clearly and I would be happy to explain some more if there is something that you don't understand. I don't see where the confusion would be though.

Quote[/b] ]Why do people hate America?

Four letters: B-U-S-H

After 11/9 there was a huge sympathy in Europe for USA. Do you know that Chirac was the first chief of state to visit ground zero in NYC?Just about every country offered military help and gave full support for the "war on terror". What did Bush do? Bascially tell everybody to fuck off that America would handle it by itself.

In between he sabotaged two projects that Europe and the world have great hopes for and have put down a lot of energy to create: The Kyoto protocol and the ICC war crime tribunal. Clinton signed them and Bush withdrew the signature when he came to power. You can imagine the immense enthusiasm that this generated around the world.

And then we have Iraq... Ahh, Iraq. Let me see: Bush wants to attack Iraq. Saddam has dangerous weapons he says. The UN inspectors are recalled to Iraq and find nothing. But Bush knows that Saddam has been a bad boy and lying to the UN. Violating UN rules can't be tolerated so he started an illegal war against the wishes of the world (the UN). How many bonus points do you think America got from that move? In the process they also vilified France and the other countries opposing the war. The bastard Chirac had the nerve of representing the wishes of his people who did not want to start bombing without letting the UN inspectors finish their work! And now, when they havn't found any WMDs, instead of apologizing to France et al they still accuse France of some sort of betrayal. No sir, France did not betray USA. USA betrayed France. Friednship goes two ways and obviously France's position to let the UN inspections continue was right.

Your governement has in three years managed to piss off the entire planet.  And then people ask: Why do people hate America?

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Quote[/b] ]Why do people hate America?

Four letters: B-U-S-H

After 11/9 there was a huge sympathy in Europe for USA. Do you know that Chirac was the first chief of state to visit ground zero in NYC?Just about every country offered military help and gave full support for the "war on terror". What did Bush do? Bascially tell everybody to fuck off that America would handle it by itself.

In between he sabotaged two projects that Europe and the world have great hopes for and have put down a lot of energy to create: The Kyoto protocol and the ICC war crime tribunal. Clinton signed them and Bush withdrew the signature when he came to power. You can imagine the immense enthusiasm that this generated around the world.

And then we have Iraq... Ahh, Iraq. Let me see: Bush wants to attack Iraq. Saddam has dangerous weapons he says. The UN inspectors are recalled to Iraq and find nothing. But Bush knows that Saddam has been a bad boy and lying to the UN. Violating UN rules can't be tolerated so he started an illegal war against the wishes of the world (the UN). How many bonus points do you think America got from that move? In the process they also vilified France and the other countries opposing the war. The bastard Chirac had the nerve of representing the wishes of his people who did not want to start bombing without letting the UN inspectors finish their work! And now, when they havn't found any WMDs, instead of apologizing to France et al they still accuse France of some sort of betrayal. No sir, France did not betray USA. USA betrayed France. Friednship goes two ways and obviously France's position to let the UN inspections continue was right.

Your governement has in three years managed to piss off the entire planet. And then people ask: Why do people hate America?

Am I allowed to repeat this Quote for theatrical Effect? I think its Basic and True.

How will historians view this man...?

And I dont mean the history they will teach you in Middle american schools... Actually they could slot it into where the old "Evolution" classes used to be... tounge_o.gif

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Am I allowed to repeat this Quote for theatrical Effect? I think its Basic and True.

How will historians view this man...?

And I dont mean the history they will teach you in Middle american schools... Actually they could slot it into where the old "Evolution" classes used to be... tounge_o.gif

Which Clinton or Bush?

Clinton probably: a great American president who was also a pathological liar and a pervert.

Bush: The dumbest man to ever lead America, with the all important balls to act upon his stupidity. smile_o.gif


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Why do people hate America?

Four letters: B-U-S-H

After 11/9 there was a huge sympathy in Europe for USA. Do you know that Chirac was the first chief of state to visit ground zero in NYC?Just about every country offered military help and gave full support for the "war on terror". What did Bush do? Bascially tell everybody to fuck off that America would handle it by itself.

In between he sabotaged two projects that Europe and the world have great hopes for and have put down a lot of energy to create: The Kyoto protocol and the ICC war crime tribunal. Clinton signed them and Bush withdrew the signature when he came to power. You can imagine the immense enthusiasm that this generated around the world.

And then we have Iraq... Ahh, Iraq. Let me see: Bush wants to attack Iraq. Saddam has dangerous weapons he says. The UN inspectors are recalled to Iraq and find nothing. But Bush knows that Saddam has been a bad boy and lying to the UN. Violating UN rules can't be tolerated so he started an illegal war against the wishes of the world (the UN). How many bonus points do you think America got from that move? In the process they also vilified France and the other countries opposing the war. The bastard Chirac had the nerve of representing the wishes of his people who did not want to start bombing without letting the UN inspectors finish their work! And now, when they havn't found any WMDs, instead of apologizing to France et al they still accuse France of some sort of betrayal. No sir, France did not betray USA. USA betrayed France. Friednship goes two ways and obviously France's position to let the UN inspections continue was right.

Your governement has in three years managed to piss off the entire planet.  And then people ask: Why do people hate America?

That's so true, you allmost made me cry


(there's something in my eye)


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