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Seb nam pack 2 out!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">pardon my stupidity but is this only for resistence?...i only have coldwar w/ red hammer upgrade<span id='postcolor'>


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How do I download the pack? I keep clicking on those German links that I don't understand due to the fact that I don't know German!!! This is frustrating me! mad.gif Someone instruct me on with place to click. Do I need to register first? English instructions would have been helpful. sad.gif

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I have the freezing problem w/ the Nam pack too.  It's not just Ia Drang, either.  I put some troops on Everon, and it still locks up.  I do have mortars in the mission, but I've played some missions without mortars and they've locked as well.  So far I haven't seen any pattern to the locks, either. Some missions, large or small, work fine... others crash w/o warning.

My computer's stats:

PIII @ 1.0GHz


32 MB RADEON SDR video card

I play at 800x600x32, 900 view distance, lowest terrain, no shadows.  I tried lowering the settings but I can't go much lower and still have a good experience, so I can't say whether that helped.

I hope you can figure it out and get it fixed soon.

Edit -- said the opposite of what I meant to... had to fix!

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KDXer, I have the EXACT same settings as you in OFP, but I lowered it to your settings after I had frequent freezing. confused.gif I have a question, if you made a small mistake in a cpp, something that OFP does not "care" about, could that cause freezing? Could a very long cpp cause freezing? confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USMC Sniper @ Dec. 04 2002,04:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">KDXer, I have the EXACT same settings as you in OFP, but I lowered it to your settings after I had frequent freezing.  confused.gif  I have a question, if you made a small mistake in a cpp, something that OFP does not "care" about, could that cause freezing? Could a very long cpp cause freezing?  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

That's a good question, but I believe I've had these freezes even when I didn't have a description file in my mission folder.

The scary thing is that there may be multiple things that cause these freeze-ups. sad.gif

I still for the life of me can not figure out how Adammo (Capt. Moore)'s mission works perfectly without crashing even though it has plenty of units and extra addons in it. I even added my music script (from a past mission that crashed) into the description file and it still worked fine.

So far I've not had any problems with the units on any of the BIS made maps (Everon, Malden, Nogova, ect...) so I'm surprised that someone has had the freezes their as well. sad.gif

I've only had the problem with Jungle maps but perhaps only because I was not creating the right combination of events that cause the lock up. Furthermore, I heard of someone else who played Capt. Moore's map on the 101st's server, who had a lockup. The only other addon that did this to me was Frandsen's FAV addon back when I tried to use it for Resistance. The game just freaked out and crashed my computer each time I tried to load it. sad.gif

I'm afraid that the only way to solve what's causing this is to get assistance from BIS. Earlier in this thread I posted part of my Flashpoint.rpt file which contains the specific errors. I'm sure one of the BIS programmers could tell us what is most likely to be causing the error from that information. But I've heard no response from them on this thread.

If Suma or anyone else from BIS is reading this, it would be of great benefit if you guys could help us figure out what's causing this bug. This will prevent other addon makers from having similar problems. Plus the SEB NAM pack is a VERY VERY good reason for people to buy OFP and the OFP:Resistance expansion pack.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I doubt BIS folks will read all 300 posts here, so it might help to post a question in a different thread (like troubleshooting).

I can confirm that 60mm mortars aren't an issue. I took them out of my mission and still got the crash bug. I also merged the mission to malden, and got it to lock up there.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dinger @ Dec. 04 2002,07:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I doubt BIS folks will read all 300 posts here, so it might help to post a question in a different thread (like troubleshooting).

I can confirm that 60mm mortars aren't an issue.  I took them out of my mission and still got the crash bug.  I also merged the mission to malden, and got it to lock up there.<span id='postcolor'>

True, but someone on the SEB team could compile the information and collect the Flashpoint.rpt files from people who are having these crashes. That way BIS can take a look at the data and give some them some advice on what is most likely causing the problem. That is assuming BIS is interested in helping. There is also Operation Vietnam that BIS has been close to (which the SEB NAM pack is in competition with), but I suspect that it will end up being an expansion pack to Operation Flashpoint 2.

Anyways hopefully BIS will help, or on their own, the SEB team will figure out what's going on.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Are the VC and NVA movement speed changed to reflect that they're alot quicker than the americans, just due to the fact they are not loaded down with so much equipment. I was shooting up some VC in the open rice farms and they were running all directions, and with my gunship, I was gunning them down fairly easy. But I've read stories of VC run across a dike in record speed, much faster than any american can run. Is this a value that can be changed in OFP, and if it is, was the speed of the VC or NVA changed to reflect this?

-=Die Alive=-

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the speed of the NVA/VC has not been changed AFAIK, and the fact you were finding it easy to gun down the vc, is probably attributed to the fact you were flying a gunship, even if they were going a few kph faster, it still wouldnt make a difference smile.gif

and yes, if BIS could help, that would be fantastic

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can everyone who is getting frequent crashes email me a copy of their flashpoint.rpt file? [email protected]

its best to send it just after youve had a crash, so i can show somsone at bis which report it is

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">getting frequent crashes email me a copy of their flashpoint.rpt file?<span id='postcolor'>

the .rpt file doesn't tell Bi studios very much info about the crash.. you will also need to send him the context.bin along with a note on when you were doing when the crash occured..

zip this all together into one file... when the crash happenes DONT keep playing.. stop the game and ip the files.. or else you might get conflicting files if it crashes again

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No one answered my question. sad.gif How do I download this Nam pack? All I see on their site is German. I can't speak German! Someone help. I'm going to ask this in the Alt. Flashpoint newsgroup. A direct link should be added though. confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ Dec. 04 2002,16:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Are the VC and NVA movement speed changed to reflect that they're alot quicker than the americans, just due to the fact they are not loaded down with so much equipment.  I was shooting up some VC in the open rice farms and they were running all directions, and with my gunship, I was gunning them down fairly easy.  But I've read stories of VC run across a dike in record speed, much faster than any american can run.  Is this a value that can be changed in OFP, and if it is, was the speed of the VC or NVA changed to reflect this?

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

The VC and NVA were not any faster then U.S. troops. Often U.S. infantrymen in Vietnam also travelled fairly light depending on tactical circumstances and standard operating procedures (unit SOP).

However the VC often operated local support and did not usually engage in prolonged firefights, but rather guerilla style hit and run attacks. U.S. infantrymen are trained not to run after an opponent as often that can lead to them getting ambushed. The only time you run at high speed is if you need to outflank an opponent quickly to exploit a weakness and when you are fairly certain that the enemy does not have significant flank security. It goes without saying, that also when retreating you haul ass, but leap frogging so that you cover each other as you disengage the enemy and retreat. As for the ability to mow tons of them down from a helicopter, like Evi said, that's because you were using a gunship and also because the vegitation in OFP is generally not anywhere near as thick as it is in the real life Vietnam where normally you can not see anyone moving in the jungle unless they are moving across an open space (like a rice patty) or where the vegitation is not as heavy.

Also in OFP, try hitting the VC or NVA soldiers with an M60 mounted on one of the UH-1 slicks or from the OH-6's and it's a much different story. I think you'll find that a bit more challenging.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Some additional units I'd like to see (historical value possibly not withstanding):

1. Shotgun soldier

2. Tunnel rat (w/M1911, flashlight)

2. MP (With M1911, M16 or M60 - did they use M-79s?)

3. Journalist (maybe just for missions?)

4. Photographer (maybe he can take a screenshot?)

5. Officer in simple olive drab uniform w/baseball cap (SEE BELOW)

6. Same but with M1911


7. CIA (like during the embassy seige, with Uzis, etc.)

...anything else?

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Good idea with photojournalist, journalist, military police, but there is already a shotgun soldier!

Does anyone know of any good vietnam style music for use in missions? wink.gif

PS: 11,000 post views? Someone is a bandwidth hog! tounge.gif

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I think it's preferrable that they include real ARVN units instead of some reporters. Now you have to 'simulate' ARVN units by using the tedious setface vcfacexxx command on each soldier. HARDLY a tribute to those hundreds of thousands of South-Vietnamese soldiers who fought and died along the US and 2 years 1973-1975 alone after US disengaged from the war 'without losing face'.

'The Americans abandoned us. They sold us out...A Great ally failed a small ally.'

-President Thieu, April 21, 1975

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I know some cool 'Nam music!

The Doors - The End

Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary

Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

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I guess this question must have been asked a dozen of times or more, but there are just too many pages to go through ...

What are some of the best missions for this pack ?


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Did the gunships in Vietnam really look that crap? I'm sure the AH-1 G looked different to what is in SNP2.

Apart from that though - very good pack.

I love the people with leaves and stuff in their hats - very fashionable and the ch47C with the ramp is just nicer to fly than the original one.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jinef @ Dec. 05 2002,20:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Did the gunships in Vietnam really look that crap? I'm sure the AH-1 G looked different to what is in SNP2.<span id='postcolor'>

Can you be more specific?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jinef @ Dec. 05 2002,20:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Did the gunships in Vietnam really look that crap? I'm sure the AH-1 G looked different to what is in SNP2.<span id='postcolor'>

By crap, do you mean the worn out paint? It's pretty realistic.

It takes all of about a minute or two on google looking for ah1g and looking at the pics to see that the ah1g version in the pack is pretty accurate as far as the outside textures, even the weathered and worn look, and the model go.

Or were you talking about the C model Huey?

Just wondering exactly what you thought was crap.

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Okay i was very vague, the Hueys are great especially with the animations. I was under the impression that AH1s looked pretty much the same in Vietnam as they do now but i've been looking at pictures on the net and they look ugly there too, they are all pointy and urhhh.

Well done to Bell aviation for making an ugly but effective that has now become unugly and well done to the people who recreated it's uglyness in amazing detail! lol

This was me just opening my trap before i bothered to research first, okay so the helicopters in SNP2 are great recreations of horribly ugly helicopters.

I love the marine's model, you can use them for everything! Also the VC and some of the American models could represent modern day guerillas (supplied with M16s) quite easily and with the HKpack2 you could have special forces vs guerillas just like maylasia! All we need is daring RAF pilots and wessex helicopters!

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