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USMC Sniper

Btr 70 for download!

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Looks adequate from the outside, but I was dissapointed at the interior, like the factit has dkmm mod SISU-XA dashboard. and the turret machinegun doesn't look at all like KPV 14.5mm machine gun. Even engine sound is same as in DKMM Sisu XA.

I hope they improve A LOT for final release...

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speaking of DKM, weren't they making a BTR-80? judging by the pics which were a while ago, i would have thought it would have been released by now.

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Nice addon...but it could do with 1 or 2 improvements.

A decent optics view for the MG is essential in an enclosed turret...

And an icon for the vehicle would be good too.

But, all in all, an excellent addon, much needed for the East...

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finally some Russian Vehicles...I look forward to the final release!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC_Mike @ Nov. 09 2002,08:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">pics please<span id='postcolor'>


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It's not amphibious yet. I hope they'll fix this.  confused.gif

canfloat=1 should do the trick, but it needs more editing, to make it float at a correct position

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there are a couple of things that could be better, the inside of the turret could do with some more work and also adding the sights as someone said, also the machinegun is just an edited M2, it could do with being a brand new model and also the textures could do with being slightly edited to remove the green/red fuzzyness at close range, other than that its a really good addon

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Personally I thought that the textures outside were fine, but as others mentioned, inside the turret it could use some work.

Here are things that need to be fixed:

1. As others said, a real weapons site for the machine gun.

2. The correct designation for the machine gun which is a 14.5mm machine gun (not a .50 cal).

3. The real BTR-70 also has a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun next to the 14.5mm machine gun. It would be cool to switch between the two and perhaps give the 7.62 less killing power but a higher rate of fire.

4. Improved sound for the 14.5mm machine gun. Something nice and heavy with plenty of bass frequencies to the sound so that people know a heavy machine gun is being fired at them. smile.gif

5. In the crew compartment, better seats for the driver and front seat passenger would be nice.

6. If possible a more realistic dashboard and not the same one as the Patria addon. I understand if pics are hard to come by of the driver compartment in the BTR-70, however at least the existing textures taken from the Patria could be modified to make it look more like a typical Russian vehicle painted in that ugly green color. Maybe throw in a few more dials and things in there.

7. Passenger compartment needs better texturing. Around the vision ports for example could be better outlined and other little details could be added. The periscope sites are I imagine difficult to implement, but if the existing vision ports could be lowered a little that would be nice. If not that's ok.

Other then that, the vehicle handles well, and the AI gunners engage the enemy well. Likewise the enemy AI really enjoy shooting RPG's and tank shells at it. smile.gif I also really like the way the 4 front tires turn together and the sound of the engine is fine.

Overall it's really great addon I think. Just with a little more work it could be an amazing addon! I look forward to seeing newer versions of this. As is it's very enjoyable, and can only get better!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I agree with ALDEGA, they should make it amphibious,

One thing I just noticed about this addon is that it causes mines to explode, meaning that it must be a true armored vehicle, not just under the amored section. And I believe that its thought that armored vehicles can't have wheels, which this obviously does, so there must be a way to get wheels on armored vehicles.

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the mine probably just needs a certain mass to set it off, this is definately a car, you can get wheels on armoured vehicles, there is nothing defining an armoured vehicle in the simulation=car; or simulation=tank; the armour is added in the cpp, you cant use a simulation=tank; for a vehicle with wheels because...its made for a tank with tracks and non rotating wheels, ive noticed quite a lot of people saying armoured vehicles cant have wheels but im not sure why they think that, you cant have rockets on wheeled vehicles, because BIS didnt need rockets on wheeled vehicles, if you define an armoured vehicle as a vehicle, with armour, then its entirely possible, you cant have a wheeled vehicle with all the attributes tanks have ofp because there was no need for BIS to make an extra wheeled tank-like simulation

[edit: just took a quick look at the cpp, and this below means its definately a simulation=car; type vehicle, although it does have the mass of a tank, so that could be why it sets mines off

            class All {};

class AllVehicles : All {};

class Land : AllVehicles {};

class LandVehicle : Land {};

class Car : LandVehicle {};

class Jeep : Car {};

class BRDM: jeep {};

class jeepMG: BRDM {};

class BTR70 : jeepMG ]

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class All {};


class AllVehicles : All {};

class Land : AllVehicles {};

class LandVehicle : Land {};

class Car: LandVehicle{};


class Truck: Car{};

class Ural : Truck{};

class Scud: Ural

they are both car simulations (it doesnt actually look like that i just went through the commented config and grabbed the two simulations on the way to defining the scud), from looking at this im almost certain that mass sets the mines off not any coding in the cpp

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I like the model, but the machinegun is very bad. It doesn't even have sights. I've modified it to use the NSV and PKM from Aaron Ash's realistic T-80, and it rocks!!

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Now this os what I call a cool Russian APC! More is better! We have so few Russian vehicles... Anyone making some Russian tanks?

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Thought i would just point out that they have udated this great add on on you can find it @ http://www.flashpoint.ru/

It has some new textures it seems, it now floats, better sounds for 14.5mm cannon, and now has a coax 7.62mm also.

You can open and close the front windows for the driving compartment which is a nice touch. Still think its a beta, but its a big improvement on an already very good add on.

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the new version is all good but ...


scale problem

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Nov. 20 2002,22:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">the new version is all good but ...


scale problem<span id='postcolor'>

Interesting.... I never noticed the scale problem because when it's next to a soldier it looks just about right. Although I wonder which one is off scale....the BIS made BRDM-2 scout car or the BTR-80? smile.gif I'll have to compare it to the BMP's I guess... but thanks for pointing that problem out. You should email a link to that pic to the addon creators so they can fix that because they may have not noticed the problem at all (at least I sure didn't until you showed that pic).

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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