purepassion 22 Posted November 25, 2011 (edited) nice some kind of odor system. That could maybe work with a config similar to sounds atm: Volume=Strenght of the odor sound occlusion= odor affected by the environment Btw, just made a ticket for the seperate weapon modification menu on CIT :) Edited November 25, 2011 by PurePassion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C.tremblay 10 Posted November 26, 2011 what do you guys think about my post in the other thread about being able to put wounded soldiers into vehicles and medic them inside it. we had a LAV and I went down and for some reason my buddy put me in it while he cleared a bunch of takis. then he had to pull me out and medic me on the ground. In real life they would have medic'd me inside the vehicle. to protect him and me from small arms fire. while someone else provides over watch for rpgs ect... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maio 293 Posted November 26, 2011 Guys, I created a CIT ticket for my wish. I say it's rather important. Vote that baby up :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PuFu 4600 Posted November 26, 2011 oh, there are several improvements i would put on top of the list regarding the server browser before that one: 1. favorites servers 2. friends playing (and on what specific server) 3. difficulty level ( with the ability to actually see the individual settings such as 3rd pers, crosshairs, and so forth) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted November 26, 2011 +1 for the BM-30 smerch :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antrix 10 Posted November 26, 2011 +1 for the :) So... yes, it's time for one of the best AA and rocket systems ever made. :) Buk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buk_missile_system - OPFOR MLRS :D And... Topol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT-2UTTKh_Topol-M Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted November 29, 2011 Ondrej Spaniel to use Twitter. Now i no the guy is super busy but i have seen a lot of Indie developers turn to twitter to express what they are currently doing at that present time and how they feel about it. I know we have the Developers blog but a big blog takes time, and a good way to keep people interested in long term would be to have one of the programmers tweet :) "Working on making flying pigs/talking sheep" etc etc i think it could be quite fun to get a little insight to what the programmers/developers are doing =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maddogx 13 Posted December 7, 2011 From the wish list thread: I think it would be helpful for the MP community at large if there were smaller game files for dedi servers. I know that some server admins dread having to upload several gigabytes of game data to their server, and the sad fact is that most of this data is made up of large textures that the server doesn't need anyway. Textures are usually the largest files in any game, but they are of course never displayed on a dedi server.I believe BIS should consider distributing alternative, ultra low quality game files that contain minimized textures (even smaller than the "lite" versions of BAF & PMC). These game files would probably be an order of magnitute smaller than the main game files, thus greatly reducing the effort required to host and update a game server. Uploading a few hundred MB is already a lot less hassle than uploading several GB, but as an added bonus, BI could consider hosting these files in a place that would allow server admins to grab them directly from the server, for example using wget. I've created a feature request ticket >>here<<. great idea, however I never thought it was that big of a deal because most server have very fast download speeds so it still goes pretty quickly! Server download speeds are not the problem, but rather user upload speeds. Since the game files are needed on the server in order to host a dedi, server admins usually need to upload these files from their local computer, which can take a long time thanks to them being several GB in size. I dare say only a minority of people have upstream bandwidth greater than 2 MBits, so the upload time can be very, very long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BelgarionNL 10 Posted December 7, 2011 @maddogX yea duh ( was out of it last night) but yes you are right! luckily there is six updater and that works very well! no client uploads required a part from some missions and stuff! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ra1n0fpa1n 10 Posted December 7, 2011 2 things actually for customization can you guys add sliders when you are creating your players face (for the face structure and tan) and last but not least can you make it possible to change individual pieces of armor in game like lets say you don't like your helmet you can individually change it in game without the need of changing the whole uniform, these are just suggestions im not expecting you guys to actually do this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted December 7, 2011 lets say you don't like your helmet you can individually change it in game without the need of changing the whole uniform, these are just suggestions im not expecting you guys to actually do this They actually did :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spektre76 10 Posted December 7, 2011 I'd like to see this as a BLUFOR vehicle controlled like a UAV by the 'Team Leader' class. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted December 7, 2011 @maionaze The ASh-12 resembles very much to an ordinary assault rifle only speaking by it's appearance (eg. A91-M). It is somehow missing the "heavy gun feeling" You know this "Look at my big gun, I will hunt down an APC with it!" :D I really much like this rifle, however I think there should be something that already looks dangerous in this specialised category of anti-materiel rifles. Another nomination could be the AMR-2 Greets :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maio 293 Posted December 7, 2011 (edited) @maionazeThe ASh-12 resembles very much to an ordinary assault rifle only speaking by it's appearance (eg. A91-M). It is somehow missing the "heavy gun feeling" You know this "Look at my big gun, I will hunt down an APC with it!" :D I really much like this rifle, however I think there should be something that already looks dangerous in this specialised category of anti-materiel rifles. Another nomination could be the AMR-2 Greets :) I went with the ASh-12 for it's size and usefullness in a CQC scneario. For longer ranges, I do agree with you, the AMR-2 will do :) Edited December 7, 2011 by Maio Canadian bacon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted December 7, 2011 (edited) Yeah the ASh-12 is especially handy in those kinds of situations since you can strap a GL etc on it! :D But then it's also somehow strange because there should also be a pure long-range rifle as the CQC aspect is already covered by multiple other weapons Edited December 7, 2011 by PurePassion Took an arrow in the knee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ra1n0fpa1n 10 Posted December 7, 2011 I'd like to see this as a BLUFOR vehicle controlled like a UAV by the 'Team Leader' class. +1 id like to see that Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spektre76 10 Posted December 8, 2011 Yeah the ASh-12 is especially handy in those kinds of situations since you can strap a GL etc on it! :DBut then it's also somehow strange because there should also be a pure long-range rifle as the CQC aspect is already covered by multiple other weapons Christ that gun gives me a hard on1 .50cal in a sub!!!! What more can you ask for? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corvinus 35 Posted December 8, 2011 (edited) Well, Ash-12 isn't an anti-materiel rifle, but rather a dedicated CQB weapon, similar to shotguns in performance: "As said above, ASh-12.7 is a dedicated “Close / Urban combat†weapon for high-risk law enforcement operations, which must combine high stopping power with limited penetration and short 'dangerous range', to avoid collateral damage to innocent bystanders or hostages." And it was developed on the request of FSB, so I doubt it will get to the Russian Army, therefore it won't be really suitable to a game from ARMA series, that I always imagined as games about armies and armed conflicts rather than police operations. Edited December 8, 2011 by Corvinus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted December 8, 2011 Well, Ash-12 isn't an anti-materiel rifle, but rather a dedicated CQB weapon, similar to shotguns in performance:"As said above, ASh-12.7 is a dedicated “Close / Urban combat†weapon for high-risk law enforcement operations, which must combine high stopping power with limited penetration and short 'dangerous range', to avoid collateral damage to innocent bystanders or hostages." Yeah that's the problem with this gun. I think the "anti materiel" rifle category, as it is something special and there won't be much weapons in it, should only contain designated rifles that are built and serve exactly this special purpose. E.g. the AMR-2 :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Corvinus 35 Posted December 8, 2011 E.g. the AMR-2 :) Or the M99B, which looks slightly more modern (since ARMA 3 is all about futurism) than the AMR-2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
purepassion 22 Posted December 8, 2011 true. That thing looks nice! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gaz22 0 Posted December 8, 2011 I would Love to see fully detailed vehicle interiors, for example the tank interiors in Steel Fury - Kharkov 1942. Also realistic ballistic & armor penetrations and damage model of vehicles. A feeling of weight to the heavy armor(vehicles seem real bouncy, like they don’t weigh tons). With the overall current great looks and open landscape combat of ArmaII/ArmaIII and some of the above implementations added it could be the best military combat sim of all time!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iratus 71 Posted December 8, 2011 Going with the heavy weapons here, let's discuss weight.A heavy weapon, like an anti-materiel rifle should have different handling characteristics than a sub-machine gun. So, for example, when you have an SMG out, when you aim around and the gun moves, it stops nearly the second you stop input, because its more lightweight and therefore more maneouverable. With a machine gun or heavy rifle, the inertia's going to keep it moving a little longer even if nobody moves the mouse. Just my two cents (from "ArmA 3: Community wishes & ideas|NO DISCUSSION". Since NO DISCUSSION to me means NO DISCUSSION im going to discuss it here :D) We allready have kind of this in the game since the original OFP. However, it only works inside the floating aim zone. Compare for example a M107 to a MP5 with a floating zone >0 (and activated crosshairs). The little ' indicating where the gun points at will "lag behind" if you change your aim with the M107. If you do the same with a MP5 the little ' moves as fast as the two aiming markers. Thus the M107 takes longer to get aimed onto a target this way. But with floating zone reduced to zero there is no more "lagging behind", even with the M107. Every gun turns as fast as the soldier himself turns. I think heavy weapons should turn slower even if floating zone is reduced to 0 (maybe to the same extend as if floating zone would be set to max). This would make heavyer weapons less useful in CQC since they would take just a little bit longer to get aimed at. Additionally if looking trough the ironsights of a heavy weapon this should limit the turning speed accordingly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Coulum- 35 Posted December 8, 2011 @ Iratus I agree that more detail needs to be put into the way weapons are handled depending on the weight, the way they are balanced etc. I started a thread on it but I guess it wasn't deemed interesting enough to have its own thread out side of the wishlist so it didn't really survive long. heres what I said. Weapon handling in arma 3Okay it may just be me but in A2 I find that there is very little difference from one gun to another in terms of “feelâ€. To me the m107 seems just as heavy as the m16 and the mp5. When going into a fight it doesn’t really matter whether I get an m4 or m16 because besides the fire modes they seem to handle the exact same way. To me the only thing I take into consideration when choosing weapons is stopping power, recoil and the whether I like the sights it comes with. Maybe I am the only one, but I rather like having a favorite just because I like the feel of it and how it handles. But this is somewhat lacking in arma. Basically I think it would be really nice to have different guns react in different ways concerning: General handling and aiming – Basically different weapons should have something implemented so they all move in different ways. I am not sure what this could be. Maybe different weapons have different max speeds they can be turned at, perhaps they all have different sensitivities or delay before moving to where tou are aiming them. Do you guys have any ideas on what could make different weapons actually feel different? Recoil – yes it is already implemented and different guns have different recoils but I think it needs to be not only along a vertical axis but also on the horizontal. And I feel it needs to be more/less predictable on different weapons. Sure an SCAR H has some heavy kick back in game now but since it is always the same the shooter can easily make up for this recoil. I think it would be really neat if an mp5 had really small recoil that was quite predictable so it can be easily compensated for while an ak would have not only high recoil but very unpredictable recoil so it is much harder to compensate for. Lining up the sights – currently it takes your avatar milliseconds to line up the sights perfectly. I think it would be beneficial to make it so different weapons take longer/shorter to line the sights up on. With a submachinegun it would take half a second allowing for quick snap shooting at close range, while a Saw would take a couple of seconds to pull up the sights because it is heavy, bulky and not as balanced. Also, when the gun is jerked suddenly the sights should become misaligned temporarily. I don’t know, maybe I am just imagining this issue, but I am interested to know how you think the current handling of weapons can be improved if at all. __________________ I think a mix of these changes would help make guns not only look different but feel different and in a realistic way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katipo66 94 Posted December 8, 2011 Ok, wishlist... In game if i am SL i want to be able to give my self a way point on the map, press "Auto" and the system takes over my character and the squad moves to waypoint, and i can continue to do the dishes, listen to the missus or whatever, if there is an engagement i want to receive a text message "get back here now, we need you" where by i tell the missus her story about her day is really interesting but i gotta go Sorry, Friday.. feeln silly :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites