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This little script for the mission file let you decide how long vehicles will be able to drive with one full fuel tank and how long a vehicle can let his engine on while standing till one fuel tank is depleted.


You can download the rar file, extract it and put the scripts folder in your missionfile.

If you don't have a initPlayerLocal.sqf, just put the one provided in. If you already have a initPlayerLocal.sqf, then copy the content from the provided one to yours.


You can adjust the values in the kp_fuel_consumption.sqf


The script adjust the depletion every second on the machine of the driver or last driver if there is no new driver.



  • Differs between "standing", "normal speed" and "turbo"
  • "turbo" -> If you use "Shift+W" to increase the speed above the speed you could reach with only "W" for acceleration
  • Moved from init.sqf to initPlayerLocal.sqf
  • Configuration moved inside the sqf instead of parameters at execVM




Author: Wyqer
Website: www.killahpotatoes.de
Date: 2017-02-02

This script handles the fuel consumption of vehicles, so that refueling will be necessary more often.

_this select 0 - OBJECT - Vehicle


Example for initPlayerLocal.sqf:
player addEventHandler ["GetInMan", {[ _this select 2] execVM "scripts\kp_fuel_consumption.sqf";}];

private ["_kp_neutral_consumption","_kp_normal_consumption","_kp_max_consumption"];

// Time in Minutes till a full tank depletes when the vehicle is standing with running engine
_kp_neutral_consumption = 180;
// Time in Minutes till a full tank depletes when the vehicle is driving
_kp_normal_consumption = 60;
// Time in Minutes till a full tank depletes when the vehicle is driving at max speed
_kp_max_consumption = 40;


if (isNil "kp_fuel_consumption_vehicles") then {
	kp_fuel_consumption_vehicles = [];

if (!((_this select 0) in kp_fuel_consumption_vehicles)) then {
	kp_fuel_consumption_vehicles pushBack (_this select 0);
	while {local (_this select 0)} do {
		if (isEngineOn (_this select 0)) then {
			if (speed (_this select 0) > 5) then {
				if (speed (_this select 0) > (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (_this select 0) >> "maxSpeed") * 0.9)) then {
					(_this select 0) setFuel (fuel (_this select 0) - (1 / (_kp_max_consumption * 60)));
				} else {
					(_this select 0) setFuel (fuel (_this select 0) - (1 / (_kp_normal_consumption * 60)));
			} else {
				(_this select 0) setFuel (fuel (_this select 0) - (1 / (_kp_neutral_consumption * 60)));
		uiSleep 1;
	kp_fuel_consumption_vehicles deleteAt (kp_fuel_consumption_vehicles find (_this select 0));






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this is a pretty interesting subject.

It'd be kind of cool if you could modify this for cargo weight and such.

maybe adjust the speed threshold? 5 seems kind of low

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At the moment the threshold of 5 is only to check if someone is driving or standing with the vehicle.


But I've already thought about include the count of passengers or weight to the calculation with a multiplier.

Also some kind of "full speed" status where it consumes also something more per tick.

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Great idea so far. Tom_48_97 from BIS wrote his version based on speed variables. I think adding some of that into yours might help. http://tom4897.info/blog/2014/06/arma-3-scripting-increase-fuel-consumption/


Then maybe change to add some classnames  I could never get this one to work. It has to be exec on the client side.  I do like the acceleration parts. Easy enough to add weight cargo.

if !(_vh isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || _vh isKindOf "Car" || _vh isKindOf "TANK" || _vh isKindOf "MRAP_01_base_F" || _vh isKindOf "B_MBT_01_base_F" || _vh isKindOf "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F" || _vh isKindOf "A3_Soft_F_Crusher_UGV" || _vh isKindOf "A3_Armor_F_EPC_MBT_01" || _vh isKindOf "B_MBT_01_TUSK_F" || _vh isKindOf "Truck_F" || _vh isKindOf "Car_F") Then {
                     if (speed _vh > 5 && speed _vh < 50) then {
                        _vh setFuel ((fuel _vh) - (tm4_prom_spotrebaPaliva select 1));
                     if (speed _vh > 50 && speed _vh < 120) then {
                        _vh setFuel ((fuel _vh) - (tm4_prom_spotrebaPaliva select 2));
                     if (speed _vh > 120) then {
                        _vh setFuel ((fuel _vh) - (tm4_prom_spotrebaPaliva select 3));
                     sleep .20;





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Hey @breech99,

thanks for your reply and as I read it I've done some modifications this morning.


First an explanation of which thought I followed with this script:

My goal is not to have a "realistic" fuel consumption depending on hp, engine volume, rpm, etc. for each individual vehicle.

It is more the thought of the logistics to operate a vehicle. So the time you can drive is intended (at the moment) for every vehicle the same. But what differs is the amount of fuel it consumes. Relative consumption is always the same for each vehicle, but the amount in litres to refuel the vehicle differs on the fueltank size.

So to operate a Truck it consumes more litres from your resupply truck than operating a quadbike.


Now to the modification I made:

Settings are now in the sqf and not via parameters for the execVM.

Added the "max" consumption value for driving at 90% or above of the max speed of a vehicle.

Moved from init.sqf to initPlayerLocal.sqf


Example for a HEMTT:

Max speed for a HEMTT in cfgVehicles is 80 km/h.

If you drive the HEMTT with only "W" you reach about 70 km/h on a flat street -> normal consumption

If you use "Shift+W" you reach the max speed if 80 km/h -> max consumption as you increase speed above the normal value.


I've done some testings with different cars and mostly the maxSpeed - 10% is near the "only W" speed, so the max consumption fires only if you drive with "turbo".

It's a pitty that I haven't found a "normalMaxSpeed" value or something in the cfgVehicles which would return the maximum "only W" speed of a vehicle. Maybe I've missed that, so I would be thankful for any hint on this.

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5 hours ago, Wyqer said:

Hey @breech99,

thanks for your reply and as I read it I've done some modifications this morning.


First an explanation of which thought I followed with this script:

My goal is not to have a "realistic" fuel consumption depending on hp, engine volume, rpm, etc. for each individual vehicle.

It is more the thought of the logistics to operate a vehicle. So the time you can drive is intended (at the moment) for every vehicle the same. But what differs is the amount of fuel it consumes. Relative consumption is always the same for each vehicle, but the amount in litres to refuel the vehicle differs on the fueltank size.

So to operate a Truck it consumes more litres from your resupply truck than operating a quadbike.


Now to the modification I made:

Settings are now in the sqf and not via parameters for the execVM.

Added the "max" consumption value for driving at 90% or above of the max speed of a vehicle.

Moved from init.sqf to initPlayerLocal.sqf


Example for a HEMTT:

Max speed for a HEMTT in cfgVehicles is 80 km/h.

If you drive the HEMTT with only "W" you reach about 70 km/h on a flat street -> normal consumption

If you use "Shift+W" you reach the max speed if 80 km/h -> max consumption as you increase speed above the normal value.


I've done some testings with different cars and mostly the maxSpeed - 10% is near the "only W" speed, so the max consumption fires only if you drive with "turbo".

It's a pitty that I haven't found a "normalMaxSpeed" value or something in the cfgVehicles which would return the maximum "only W" speed of a vehicle. Maybe I've missed that, so I would be thankful for any hint on this.

Very cool, I still think this is pretty cool.

Especially since anything written for things like fuel consumption beforehand is now either obsolete 

or broken.


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To be honest, I've not looked really for a script before I wrote this one, so I don't know if there are maybe already better scripts or something. I like it to do these things myself, because this also trains in the sqf language and understanding.


I'll have a look tomorrow morning to another modification. Counting the passengers and adjust the consumption on that with a small multiplier.

Tried today already something with the getMass function, but well.... the items in the vehicle inventory and also crates in the ACE vehicle cargo don't have a physX Mass, so they're not added to the vehicle mass if loaded in.

If I miss something there, I'll would be thankful for any hint (yes, a hint... not a "here is a script for that", because I want to learn and not to copy) :)

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Tricky tricky when it comes to finding things outside of ammo,backpacks,weapons,etc.

Crates even? That'll be weird. Especially since there is no real documentation for ACE and their cargo system to be scripted with the mission.

I know very possible to do just the weapons,items,ammo, etc.


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That's totally awesome Wyqer. I like your ideas.  Something simple and that makes fuel consumption at least doubled. I read that the compressed scale of all of the game's islands are about one third to half scale in size. I think you are on the right track. Gives purpose for having fuel trucks and the battlefield commanders have to think about how they are going to deploy vehicles like tanks which think in terms of gallons per mile and not miles per gallon.  Large trucks have tons of fuel but it's nice to see the need to refuel. Arma2 I remember having to refuel a lot but in Arma3, I'm not seeing the need anymore. This is a fun feature to add.

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I agree with you Wyqer that it's not intended to simulate the real life consumption but more to relate the use of gas with gaming on the unrealistic map sizes average 20x20km to make the players feel that gas is a vital element of the battle force.

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On February 8, 2017 at 11:07 AM, breech99 said:


That's totally awesome Wyqer. I like your ideas.  Something simple and that makes fuel consumption at least doubled. I read that the compressed scale of all of the game's islands are about one third to half scale in size. I think you are on the right track. Gives purpose for having fuel trucks and the battlefield commanders have to think about how they are going to deploy vehicles like tanks which think in terms of gallons per mile and not miles per gallon.  Large trucks have tons of fuel but it's nice to see the need to refuel. Arma2 I remember having to refuel a lot but in Arma3, I'm not seeing the need anymore. This is a fun feature to add.


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thumbs up from me, too.

this is what arma 3 needs. why all these operational gas stations on map, and no one uses them, because their fuel tank never get empty while playing a mission.

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Very nice script. I second madpat3, this needs to be in vanilla Arma 3 as vehicles have always full fuel.

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Spectacular script, me and my friends, in all our missions!
Is it possible to cancel it in a particular vehicle? In UAVs it consumes much faster than other vehicles.

I Tried:

if ((_this select 0) isKindOf "UAV_01_base_F") exitWith {};

did not work, I do not have much experience in .sqf = [

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Don't even know the script you've mentioned.

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Thank you, Wyqer.


I found your script doing a search and it's perfect.


I run and play a Domination server and fly the Blackwasp a lot and thought it would be nice if the fuel went down a little faster and your script with the default settings are perfect.


(Gives me a reason to practice my carrier landings more.)


Great job.

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Hey @Wyqer
The link to the download above isn't working anymore, would I be able to get the .rar off you if I joined the discord or something please? 
Is it just the script in the initPlayerLocal.sqf or is there supporting files in that need to go into the scripts folder?

Cheers mate. 

Disregard, figured it out thank-you. 

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On 9/3/2020 at 9:57 AM, MAJ Thomas said:

Hey @Wyqer
The link to the download above isn't working anymore, would I be able to get the .rar off you if I joined the discord or something please? 
Is it just the script in the initPlayerLocal.sqf or is there supporting files in that need to go into the scripts folder?

Cheers mate. 

You can get it from ArmaHolic: https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32270

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Hey @Wyqer
I'm having bit of an issue with the script in that some vehicles will drain really fast and some won't. It seems to be random and effects helicopters as well. I run a milsim group and we play with approx 60 players on a server and will often have approx 6+ ground vehicles and 4 helicopters operating. Some of them will drain at the set rate but some will drain at the vanilla rate. Some will do half and half where they will start of draining slow, then all of a sudden it will drain really quickly. 
Any ideas or has anyone else run into this issue?

Thanks for your time. 

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