phronk 905 Posted December 5, 2016 I N S U R G E N C YTAKISTAN [ REQUIRED ADDON: CUP:Terrains ] [ OPTIONAL ADDONS: TFAR ; CUP_Weapons ; CUP_Units ; CUP_Vehicles ; TalibanFighters ; TacticalBeard ; RHS:USF ] ACE3 Compatibility is still WIP! 'Takistan Insurgency' is a cooperative multiplayer mission/game mode for ArmA 3, influenced by the insurgency mission made in ArmA 2:OA by PogoMan and Fireball. [CO-27] FEATURES: Reveal hidden contents MISSION OBJECTIVE: • Search buildings for INTEL • Question civilians for INTEL • Dead insurgents can drop INTEL • Once INTEL is acquired, a ? marker will appear on the map • The ? markers are clues within the vicinity of a cache • The more INTEL you find, the closer the ? markers appear • Weapons caches can be destroyed with an EXPLOSIVE SATCHEL • There are nearly 100 grids occupied with insurgents to clear • RED grids will turn BLUE after being cleared • Complete randomly generated tasks for rewards CURRENT FEATURES: • Plug and play! Supported mods will automatically be used in mission, if host is running them • Random insurgent patrols in forests, valleys, hills, mountains, and towns • Insurgents may also be mounted on static weapons, such as mortars • Insurgents can become wounded; a nearby insurgent may drag their wounded away and revive them • Civilian traffic, parked cars, pedestrians, and residents • Civilians may decide to pull out a concealed weapon or strap on a suicide vest • Domesticated animals and wildlife *WIP* • Randomly generated roadside IEDs • Randomly generated roadside VBIEDs • Call to prayer sound emits from minarets in villages every hour • ArmA 2:OA style post-processing effect/color corrections • Basic wind simulation effects trajectory/velocity of fired rounds • Wind direction changes throughout the mission • Random wind and fog values, which change throughout the mission • Virtual Arsenal is accessible from the weapon racks at base, inside the warehouse • Simple scripted medical system with revive functionality • Respawn at base or on friendlies in your group, if enemies aren't within 75m of them • JTAC role can call in CAS to drop explosive ordnance on a target location once every 10 minutes • PCML Launcher is a single-shot disposable weapon • Players can attempt to field repair vehicles, but E.O.D.'s with a ToolKit are more efficient • Vehicle rearm, repair, and refuel station in front of hangars • Destroyed vehicles will respawn at base after 2 minutes • Players can toss ropes from a transport helicopter they are in and repel down when it is stationary • Some vanilla weapons/grenades cannot be used in base (TK prevention) • Vanilla scripted VON radio system, if TFAR/ACRE2 is disabled PERFORMANCE: Takistan Insurgency is one of the most optimized insurgency missions out there: • Global Video Settings: Everyone has reduced draw distance for shadows, objects, and visibility • Garbage collection: Removes dropped equipment, destroyed vehicles, corpses, etc. • Optimized Scripts: Cleaned all scripts of needless content for optimal filesize • Improved AI Spawning: Slowly spawn AI units to reduce stutter and desync SCREENSHOTS: Reveal hidden contents Takistan Insurgency (No Mods) Reveal hidden contents Takistan Insurgency (Taliban Fighters & Tactical Beard) Reveal hidden contents ​ Takistan Insurgency (Taliban Fighters) Reveal hidden contents VIDEOS: Reveal hidden contents TO DO LIST: Reveal hidden contents • Steam Workshop: Release mission officially on Steam Workshop for even more accessibility. • Logistics: Load crates of ammunition or smaller vehicles into and out of larger vehicles, such as a HEMTT or Chinook. • Simple Scripted Medical System: Write a simple injury/medical and respawn script. • Enhanced Vanilla: For groups running the mission with as few mods as possible; Will include scripted features such as civilian interactions and improved logistics. • Full RHS Support: If host enables RHS:RFAF, insurgents will automatically use weapons from RHS:RFAF. If host enables RHS:USAF, vehicles at base will automatically be RHS:USAF vehicles. • Full ACE Support: If host has ACE enabled, the mission's scripted injury, repair, and ballistics will automatically turn off for ACE to work properly. * WIP • Full ACRE2 Support: If host has ACRE2 enabled, the mission's scripted VON radio system will turn off for ACRE2 to work properly. * WIP • Headless Client Support: Integrate a system to auto-detect and enable a headless client(s). • BattleEye-Free Protection: For servers that don't want to enable BE, this system will give the admin control to kick/ban/punish players as well as help prevent incidents • Better Ambient Civilians: Slightly more lively civilians which interact with each other, the environment, and players. * WIP • Introduce PVP: A couple player slots will be opened up on the insurgent side to join the insurgency against BLUFOR. Insurgent players will be able to strap on a suicide vest, plant IEDs, and more! • Port to Other Maps: Port the mission to other fitting maps: Afghan Village, Aliabad, Clafghan, Fallujah, F.A.T.A., Tora Bora, N'ziwasago, Kunar Province, Reshmaan, and Zargabad. DOWNLOAD - Dec 23, 2016 Reveal hidden contents Version: 1J Size: 2.69 MB Download Link (Google Drive)Download Link (Armaholic - TBD) [ REQUIREMENTS: CUP_Terrains ][ OPTIONAL: TFAR ; Taliban Fighters ; Tactical Beard ; CUP Weapons ; CUP_Units ; CUP_Vehicles ; RHS:USF ] ADDITIONS: • Added: RHS:USF vehicles will now automatically replace Arma3 vehicles at base, if host runs it • Added: Taliban Fighters uniforms will disable CUP Uniforms/Vests/Headgear from spawned AI, if both enabled • Added: 'Addon-Free ArmA Radio' script (If host isn't running TFAR/ACRE2 and lobby parameter is enabled) • Added: Persian MO's 'Injured AI' script (Disabled if host enables ACE) • Added: 645waka654's 'Simple Earplugs' script (Disabled if client enables ACE) • Added: ArmA 2 Takistan post-process effect can now be toggled off in lobby parameters • Added: Scripted "Radio Menu" can be disabled in lobby parameters • Added: Grass is turned off for players in base and is re-enabled shortly after leaving base (If lobby parameter enables grass) • Added: Player terrain view distance is set to 4000, if driver/pilot of vehicle • Added: Driver's view distance is reset when dismounting vehicle • Added: Destroying a minaret playing the Call To Prayer will cease its audio • Added: Points of interest in base are now marked with a unique task marker • Added: "Questioning for intel..." text on screen when questioning a civilian • Added: Killhouse now has arrow markers on floor in front of breachable doors • Added: More red grid squares to clear • Added: More random patrols around the map • Added: Kronzky and Shuko to credits (Long overdue!) ADJUSTMENTS: • Changed: Call To Prayer script rewritten for better efficiency/synchronization • Changed: Vcom AI is disabled for civilians • Changed: VCom AI is disabled for Cell Leader and IED Maker • Changed: Intel dropped by insurgents is now a handheld radio, instead of a suitcase • Tweaked: Intel/caches can now also spawn in mosques, oil rig towers, and factories • Tweaked: Title/option names for Intel amounts per town lobby parameter • Tweaked: Players no longer generate positive or negative rating (Experimental) • Tweaked: Delays in between reactivating each AI feature for spawned AI • Tweaked: Slightly increased AI skill for aimingAccuracy and aimingSpeed • Tweaked: Suicide bombers detonate when they get 2 meters or less from you, down from 4 • Tweaked: Civilian's animSpeedCoef is set to 0.8, down from 0.85 • Tweaked: Civilians have their "cover" AI feature re-enabled after spawning • Tweaked: Cell Leader and IED Maker have unique weapons to stand out more • Tweaked: Suicide bombers should be more likely to sprint towards you now (WIP) • Tweaked: Increased chance for E.O.D. to successfully disarm an IED by +5% • Tweaked: Reduced chance for an IED to also have a secondary IED by 5% • Tweaked: Minimum altitude for HALO Jumping increased to 1000m, up from 750m • Tweaked: HALO Jump parachute automatically deploys at altitude 300m, up from 150m • Tweaked: 2nd floor of killhouse expanded (WIP) • Tweaked: Improved placement of players inside the barracks in base • Tweaked: UAV drone now respawns at base • Tweaked: If CUP Vehicles is enabled, UAV drone at base will be a USMC MQ-9 Reaper • Tweaked: Set the Intelligence Specialist's trait as a "UAVHacker" • Tweaked: Intelligence Specialist can now hack into UAV on runway, if physically next to it • Tweaked: Classname of explosion for cache secondary explosions FIXES: • Fixed: Destroying a cache counted as 2 caches, instead of 1 • Fixed: "Gather INTEL" addAction would disappear if used when too far away from intel object • Fixed: Gathering intel spawned in a house would sometimes not create an intel marker • Fixed: Gathering an intel item creates only 1 intel marker on map now • Fixed: Intel spawns slightly higher above the ground to prevent it from being under floors • Fixed: Intel lobby parameter works again • Fixed: All intel/cache script comments and diag logs should be in English now • Fixed: Cell Leader and IED Maker would sometimes run several kilometers away • Fixed: Units are temporarily invulnerable when spawning to prevent from getting ArmA'd • Fixed: Insurgents and CSAT have their conversations feature re-enabled after spawning • Fixed: HALO Jump parachute deploys automatically again • Optimized: Replaced custom HALO Jump sounds with default ArmA 3 sounds • Optimized: Players flying a plane cannot activate a grid, unless below 100m • Optimized: Converted most base objects into Simple Objects • Optimized: Removed paramsArray variables from mission initialization/respawn scripts • Optimized: Units spawned for side objective now use the disableAI "ALL" command • Optimized: Replaced "BIS_fnc_selectRandom" with "selectRandom" in all scripts • Optimized: Civilian traffic script now uses the "createVehicle Array" instead of "createVehicle" • Optimized: Rewrote scripts that randomize spawned AI to use "switch" commands, instead of if()then{}else{} • Optimized: Rewrote script that replaces vehicles in base with modded vehicles to use "switch" also • Optimized: Improved efficiency of automatic mod detection/integration • Optimized: Cleaned more unnecessary whitespaces and comments in scripts • Optimized: Shortened name of "debug" variable/function in scripts to "dbug" • Optimized: Shortened name of many variables/functions in intel/cache scripts • Optimized: Shortened name of many variables/functions/scripts for EOS scripts • Optimized: Shortened name of many variables/functions/scripts for ATM_airdrop scripts • Optimized: Shortened name of variables/functions in PCML script • Optimized: Base negligent-discharge protection script REMOVED: • Removed: Kumeda's 'VON PLUS Gui' radio menu script • Replaced: ACRE radio sounds with default ArmA 3 radio sounds for AFAR KNOWN BUGS: • Civilian traffic script still spams RPT log with errors, if both CBA and the Civilians lobby parameter are enabled (Temporary Workaround: Add -noLogs to your server's init) NOTE: Please read the ReadMe.txt file included! Although ACE is somewhat compatible with this mission, it is still an extremely early work-in-progress effort and will be done more properly in the next update. Please report any issues you have with the mission. Special thanks to Jon Snow (AKA Hodor) for his $20 donation of appreciation! Development Thread OFFICIAL SERVER:Hostname: T A K I S T A N I N S U R G E N C Y -verifySignatures ONIP: 2302BattlEye: NoFilePatching: YesVerifySignatures: YesTeamSpeak: ATCAG.TS.NFOServers.comWebsite: 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted December 6, 2016 Big fat thumbs up! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ziant 14 Posted December 6, 2016 Big fat thumbs up! (2)(possible) stupid question. do you use any addons/mods on your server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted December 6, 2016 At the moment, the server is running CBA_A3, CUP_Terrains, and Taliban Fighters. VCOM AI is also enabled server-side, but not required. Here is a list of whitelisted addons that should also work on the server, in addition to the required addons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ziant 14 Posted December 6, 2016 ooooh.. nice. please keep taliban fighters optionals. hehe... :rolleyes: review (in-progress):- please remove or add options to disable "ArmA 2:OA style post-processing effect/color corrections".- go easy with adding structures, AI, and stuffs on HQ to minimize the impact on performance. I usually gets FPS above 45 when playing in Arma 3 Takistan (CUP Terrains Core+Maps) but only get below 30 on your Insurgency and sometimes drop below 20 inside HQ.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jus61 54 Posted December 6, 2016 The missions are very very very very simple Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
y_t 2 Posted December 13, 2016 (edited) When I attempt to join the mission on my dedicated server I get the following errors and cannot get past the lobby. Help appreciated. 14:56:50 Warning Message: Picture \a3\ui_f_data\igui\cfg\simpletasks\types\destroy_ca.paa not found 14:56:50 Warning Message: Picture \a3\ui_f_data\igui\cfg\simpletasks\types\kill_ca.paa not found 14:56:50 Warning Message: Picture \a3\ui_f_data\igui\cfg\simpletasks\types\rifle_ca.paa not found 14:56:50 Warning Message: Picture \a3\ui_f_data\igui\cfg\simpletasks\types\target_ca.paa not found Edit: Figured out that ASR AI was missing a config file. causing the mission to fail to load. Edited December 14, 2016 by y_t Figured it out 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnakesBlood 2 Posted December 22, 2016 Great stuff! One of the best insurgency missions I've played. Could you add an option to recruit AI by lobby parameter, or AI/disable AI slots in lobby? Would be outstanding for the few I play with or lone wolf it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeroesandvillainsOS 1504 Posted December 22, 2016 On 12/22/2016 at 12:31 AM, SnakesBlood said: Great stuff! One of the best insurgency missions I've played. Could you add an option to recruit AI by lobby parameter, or AI/disable AI slots in lobby? Would be outstanding for the few I play with or lone wolf it. Phronk and I briefly discussed more refined options for a SP experience in his development thread. He seems willing to make that happen after he stabilizes the COOP version, which would be pretty cool because yeah, this is an excellent mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted December 23, 2016 @SnakesBloodI'll make the mission more solo-friendly in the future in a way that compliments the atmosphere I'm trying to create in the mission. The plan is to add a system that allows you to earn points for accomplishing goals and those points would be spent on things like equipment and AI squadmates. I'd even like the AI squadmates you recruit to physically fly in and join your group, rather than just instantaneously pop next to you. If these things make it in, it'll be a good while from now. My focus is finishing the COOP aspect of the mission first. Also...Mission has been updated! Check the download spoiler in the first post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptoid21 1 Posted December 25, 2016 Nice mission, very fun to play however none of the vehicles respawn except the normal cars. Is this intended? This gets annoying after clearing the closest towns, and on the previous version caches wouldn't explode. I have CUP vehicles enabled but not the RHS one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted December 25, 2016 The vehicles respawn after 5 minutes in the current released version. Also, the weapons caches DO explode, but they require an EXPLOSIVE SATCHEL charge to destroy it, as mentioned in the briefing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptoid21 1 Posted December 25, 2016 On 12/25/2016 at 9:35 AM, phronk said: The vehicles respawn after 5 minutes in the current released version. Also, the weapons caches DO explode, but they require an EXPLOSIVE SATCHEL charge to destroy it, as mentioned in the briefing. Hmm, well I just tested it today again, including a couple of hours play session with some friends yesterday, and still no dice. For some reason none of the vehicles ever respawn, I think cars too. I'm hosting using just the CUP stuff and CBA from the steam workshop. Currently I'm using the J version. Also what are the rewards and how do they work if you don't mind me asking? The satchel worked with the caches though, thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted December 27, 2016 Sorry for the late reply, I've tested the default vehicles and they DO respawn and I don't see why the CUP Vehicles wouldn't respawn, since it's roughly the same code. Either way, I'll look into it. The rewards are currently a placeholder: Completing a randomly generated objective will spawn a reward at base near the green hangars, West of the A10s. It can be a slingloadable ammo crate, fuel, or random vehicle. With the virtual arsenal in the mission and respawning vehicles, rewards are currently meaningless. I'm currently experimenting with the idea of predetermined loadouts and no respawning vehicles in an Altis version of the mission, in hopes it will incentivize teamwork more and make accomplishing goals actually rewarding. The next version of Takistan Insurgency will include much better interactive ambiance/atmosphere, more bug fixes, more optimizations, and new content. It will also have full RHS support similar to CUP and even work alongside CUP. You can keep up with the mission's development changes here to get a better idea of what you can expect, so far. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted December 27, 2016 I can remember BattleZone by Zonekiller had a fully fledged battle ongoing that the player could influence (or just sit back and watch!). Would be interesting to see if Insurgency could do that too :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted December 27, 2016 Right now, that's outside the scope of Insurgency. It is possible in the (probably distant) future there will be stuff like friendly road patrols or checkpoints, but I don't think I'll have it act like ALiVE where there is a friendly AI company/battalion trying to take over the map and the player just helps along. This is mainly because my mission is designed to be played with a fireteam or more of players (Multiplayer) and it'd also tax the mission, clients, and server even more out of memory and FPS. Maybe it'd be more plausible with the 64-bit version of ArmA 3, but that's not in my mind right now. For now, I'm constantly improving the mission for what it is and throw in features that fit not only the context of the mission, but also enhance the gameplay and immersion of all players. I'd like to set a new standard for non-ALiVE Insurgency missions, essentially. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted December 27, 2016 Don't worry mate it wasn't a request just my musings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xDinox 11 Posted January 4, 2017 Hi, I have a problem, when I choose a unit, it appears to me like a bird. I have the mission loaded on a server and I connect from another PC. What am I doing wrong? Thank you so much. I'm sorry my English is very bad, I use Google Translator. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted January 5, 2017 Add this to your dedicated server's init: -autoInit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xDinox 11 Posted January 5, 2017 On 1/5/2017 at 4:27 AM, phronk said: Add this to your dedicated server's init: -autoInit Hello, thank you Phronk, now works fine. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cel.Geoffry 1 Posted January 10, 2017 @phronkWere you able to put the "Fleeing Civilians" script on this mission? Where I can put "[_unit] call civFlee;"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted January 10, 2017 Yes, it'll be in the next version of the mission. You can call it in the randOP4.sqf where the civilian stuff is handled and/or in the COScore.sqf after the createUnit[] line. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yxman 90 Posted January 19, 2017 i think newest rhs broke something within your mission. used mods: @CUP_Terrains @RHSAFRF @RHSUSAF @RHSGREF @RHSSAF default params > spawning as a bird. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites