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Hey BI

 Still Loving the game but i have a suggestion for the skill tree. 


Would it be possible to set it up in a way that lets you have different loadouts available without the hassle of disconnecting and resetting your skillpoints?


I would love if you could have 3-4 different "skillsets" that let you spend your xp in different ways.

Right now i end up using the same loadout on every map as there is no way to change skills on the fly. This is limits my play style as i can only play one role at any given time. 


Give ppl the possibility of creating multiple characters with different skills, i belive it would make the game more tactical and less repetitive.


Keep dem updates commi'n!

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So what you say is for example the loadout should be a higher level "loadout" and in each loadout you can use your skill points differently?

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  On 7/31/2017 at 12:44 PM, DancZer said:

So what you say is for example the loadout should be a higher level "loadout" and in each loadout you can use your skill points differently?

Yeah, thats the jist of it

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OK I'm still enjoying playing Argo although I still think LINK went backwards from how it was originally. Now no complaints about the latest update EXCEPT the server selection. That sucks big time. Good for a single player or maybe two friends, but hopeless if like my group of 4 to 8 players all wanting to try to get on one server. The added complication is we are spread out between Australia & New Zealand and like to average out a server's ping to please players on both sides of the Tasman. Please please give back the original server listing. Now "Battlefield 1" (for example) uses both methods for getting into a game, even calling the full server listing method, "the old school way". Great flexibility how to join a game. "Titanfall" uses the quick play system and that was a total pain to get friends all on the same server.


So please add "the old school way" of choosing servers back into "Argo".

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 Hello dear developers. Under the impression of the patch 1.01 can not leave a review. I've been waiting for this update and overall I'm pleased with it, if not for one thing. New matchmaking is just awful, and exactly what I now do not see the total list of servers, can't choose a more interesting and comfortable games ( a good ping and a strong opponent either by skill or superior ). Auto selection of servers I connect to either server with high ping or 1 levels more often, still it happens that the search gives a server with 1 or two players. How to play with five friends in one team I did not ask.


I think if you do the balance for the levels that need to be divided into 2 groups : 
1-10, inclusive
11-25 (it is connected with the armor and weapon that kills with one bullet, for example, Mk14,Mk16 which is available from level 11 to kill in the leg with one bullet at quite a decent distance)

But we must remember that very often players level 25 play worse 12, perfect balance is achieved. But in this game it's not the most important.


P.S. Please bring back the server list.


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I'm sorry, but the new damage model is garbage, almost on par with the awfully nerfed Battlefield and such games. This is supposed to be a stem of ArmA, keep it that way.


And, yea, the server list going away sucks. 

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Disabling "Server browser" (Update 1.01) is not a good idea. Offer to return the "Server browser", but to separate the servers for different levels of players.


For example, servers for 1-5 levels (at the 6th level you can take a bulletproof vest) and other servers 6-25 levels.
Getting XP as in "Combat Patrol". Mission accomplished - received XP. Mission failed - no XP.


If a player with level 10 connects to the server 1-5 level, then he will not get XP. Or the player with 4th level connected to the server 6-25, then also will not receive the XP.

Before connecting to wrong servers, the player must be warned, that he will not receive XP.

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  On 8/5/2017 at 1:37 AM, RSF RenegadeAce said:

I'm sorry, but the new damage model is garbage, almost on par with the awfully nerfed Battlefield and such games. This is supposed to be a stem of ArmA, keep it that way.


And, yea, the server list going away sucks. 


No intentional change to the damage model has been done. We are investigating the issue.

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First of all, thanks for Argo! It rocks.


Thought, I'd post a few suggestions - maybe not all of them are good ideas, but those are just my opinion on what I'd like to see. I've sorted things by their relative importance, as I perceive it.


1. It would be awesome to have team match making.


  This is the issue that bugs me most. I usually play in a 3-4-person team, and finding a server is a problem. Right now, we're basically trying to work around the recent restrictions by searching for a quick match (premium servers are rarely populated, if ever) and hoping that at least one member would find an EU server with enough free slots. Needless to say, this doesn't always work.


  Ideally, I wish, Argo would use Arma III Unit system and have "find our unit a server to play" button, that would look up who's online and in Argo and find a server you decide would be the fairest option. In my opinion, that would be a perfect solution, as it would fully satisfy our needs and allow for any algorithmic team matching (take min/max/median ranks of our unit members, find server that would be most fair for the occasion), so not compromise the reason manual server selection was disabled.


  Alternatively, adding a "need at least [1-5] free slots [total | on a single team]" selector to the "quick play" menu would make us happy just as well. (If there are no matching servers - can't be helped, send us to an empty one, so maybe some other team would find us this way).


2. Tune after-death camera a little bit, please.


  I believe camera movement after death should be restricted to 1-1.5 seconds max. After that - or maybe upon losing LOS - it should just remain static. In CQB, it just doesn't make sense to disclose where the enemy is changing their location to after they got you. Especially if you don't even see them anymore (e.g. enemy's behind a container or a fence). I saw some argue for the complete removal - I'd disagree. It makes sense to have killcam as a concept - to prove the kill was fair (esp. when weapon's silenced) and reveal the enemy location. But a ritual of fake maneuvers for the sake of the dead just feels weird.


  At the same time, I'd suggest to make things a little bit harder for long-distance marksmanship. If the killer is further than 150-200m away, maybe camera can gradually zoom in a little (say, 1.5x-2.5x) over a few (3-4) seconds onto the location where the sniper was, at the time of the shoot. Laying down in a bush some 500-600m away with a MAR-10 (or even something 7.62), observing both enemy's 1A & 1B is a way to induce a lot of pressure (some would even say grief). Immediately getting cover, then trying to spot and outsnipe is fun, but if the sniper's skilled team goes out of tickets really fast.


3. Can we choose diverse loadout classes, please?


  On some occasions, I'd like to try my skill as a marksman, on some I'd just tank my way with a LMG and some body armor, and on some I'd want nothing but an ol' good assault rifle. I don't need nor want to have all three in a single game. I can reset the skill tree, but having a cost to switch makes me essentially commit to a specific gameplay style, at least for a while. Meh.


  I'd think it would be better to not restrict players to the single skill tree path. Let us select a preset at the join time, then commit to it for the duration of the map. Or a server connection. Or an hour, or maybe even a day - whatever you feel would be fair.


  E.g., at the "equipment" screen, increment number of loadouts to, e.g. 9, and group them into triples, so it would be [A1A2A3] [B1B2B3] [C1C2C3]. Other configurations (e.g. 3x2) may be a better idea - you probably have stats on how many different loadouts players use in a single match, I don't. When configuring - speaking for the 3x3 case - let there be three independent skill trees, A, B and C. When joining a server, a player is locked onto a group they chose. E.g., I select A3 and I'm locked into A1/A2/A3 and can't select B or C until the map rotation, or some other criteria. I'm sure you have great UI designers and UX engineers who can polish the overall idea into perfection.


  Heck, I'd even like that as a paid option. It won't give me any advantage in any single match (so no pay-to-win here, all fair - or I'm missing something?), but enjoy more diversity and fun into my overall Argo gaming, adding extra value.


  Free resets may do the trick as well, but are somewhat less convenient.


4. When customizing loadouts, can we use one as a template?


  I know, others may have loadouts with different headgear, so their bandana matches the map, but I guess most use those for weapons and have roughly the same coveralls. Can we have a shortcut that quickly copies one loadout slot to another, so we just need to customize the fine details?


  Just a small button for slots 2-5 "copy from slot 1" would be perfect.


5. Add faction progress bars and respawn tickets to the HUD.


  Number of wins is essentially useless. I know how many times we won or lost - no need for this information on the HUD. At the same time, things that change fast - number of tickets available, and this round's team score is much more important to be available at a glance.


6. Remove enemy's 1A and 1B status from the HUD.


  It discloses some information about overall enemy presence. While useful, I don't think it makes any sense. How come we're getting that intel, when we haven't even touched their comm nodes nor had any visuals? I'd suggest to just make them gray or something like that.


7. When picking up a weapon from a body, can we also pick some ammo?


  If the body had any full magazines on them - can we have some of them as well, when we pick the gun from the body? I believe this would improve game balance if there are significant differences in the loadout levels. And once I found myself out of ammo, there was a ton of weapons laying around, but none was loaded, lol.


8. Multiple tactical ping types, maybe?


  I wonder if it would be a good idea to have a few different icons for the pings (e.g., circle, bullseye and an arrow). Or, to make things simple, maybe just an option to send light gray pings instead of red ones, so informational pointers won't be confused with threat designation.


  Basically, the idea is to have a way to point direction without alarming the team. Voice+ping works, but a replacement of a precise silent hand gesture would be nice.


9. Can we have a night time experiment?


  I understand that daytime is intentional and what everyone wants, and this probably won't be even discussed, but I still want to say I'd just love to play some late-evening Raid and Clash games (doesn't make much sense for Link). In Arma 3, at late evenings things look just gorgeous. I'm missing this scenery in Argo. (Oh, just think about the light towers!) Wish there'd be an experimental EU server with that.


  Just saying.

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  On 8/5/2017 at 2:01 PM, Locklear said:


No intentional change to the damage model has been done. We are investigating the issue.


That's odd. Well glad y'all are looking into it, because most people I've talked with agree that most guns seem nerfed.

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Confirm the words of RSF RenegadeAce system logging damage that has happened, it happens that the clip with the SPAR 17 to give the enemy at close range, he is either not die or die much later. In my experience this is absolutely not related to ping, the same thing is happening with all my friends.

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At this point I played 27 hours. I'm enjoying Clash and Raid a lot. I don't quite like Link.


A few suggestions:


- score system:

it's kinda unfair that just being alive at the end of the match gives you lots of points. assuming you're winning a match a sniper isn't as likely to die as the assault rifle player and therefore get's more points for just being alive. because of this a of people want to be a sniper which sometimes lead to teams where everyone is a sniper which leads to 5 minutes of waiting and then 1 minute of panicking how the team should get in the zone in time (clash). you could give the points to everyone in the team.

capturing points gives way to much points. a lot of times me and my friend lost games because either we or the rest of the team wanted the points for capturing instead of covering the team mates from a better position


- friendly fire

I mean... someone of my team shoots me and i'm just dead? a lot of times i got killed by a team mate and he left which makes it a 3v5 and almost an instant loss. meh.

Instead of the way it is at the moment you could just kill the shooting player not the player who got shot at.


- matchmaking and groups / team balance

balanced teams would be nice. me and my friend are quite good (in games below level 15 guys). after the first match on a server our team is completely full and sometimes in the other team there is only 1 guy or 2. pls create a group join mechanic and auto balancing on servers.

the next issue would be if we were 4 or 5 people. we could hardly ever get our whole group in one team because there's always that one random guy who wants to be on that team.


- ghosting

why is there even a possibility to pick the team? if two friends play against each other (which is a problem because there is no group join mechanic) and one of them dies, that one tells the other one where exactly his whole team is. this is a major issue.


- 5v5

i would increase the number of players for a clash game to 6 or 7. 5v5 feels kinda


- loadouts

make it possible to copy a loadout

there's a bug that the TAR-20 without any additional gear is the top listing loadout when you're choosing the spawn. (6th loadout, there only should be 5 to choose i guess?)

when i'm checking out new loadouts in the armory and i'm getting out of the shooting range: pls let us keep the loadout we equipped before. it's a real pain in the ass to check out new weapons with diffrent scopes


- progression system

sights 1 is kinda useless, to fight high level players which already got scopes and long range weapons you at least need sights 2. so you need to be level 5 to even try to fight long range loadouts in clash.

why can you get a DMR at level 6 if you have to be a higher level to get sights for your "designated marksman rifle"?


- flames / clouds

there's one clouds character model which looks like one of the flames. hard to tell them apart


I hope you (re-)consider some of the stuff i mentioned..

best \95

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How about just letting us "sell" weapons that we no longer need for credits, even at a loss. 

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A small idea you could do. When a player is afk in the lobby he's not going to be kicked by the server because he is not in game but in the lobby. Why not add a auto kick in the lobby if the match is launched and the player did nothing after 1 minute ?

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  On 9/18/2017 at 7:08 PM, urfinjuce said:

If I'm not mistaken, I already told something similar... "if you don't press the respawn..."


I'm speaking when you are at the lobby. Not in the respawn menu or ingame during the match.

Yes it's similiar you are right but it's not the same thing ^^.

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  On 9/18/2017 at 4:11 PM, Lt.Master said:

A small idea you could do. When a player is afk in the lobby he's not going to be kicked by the server because he is not in game but in the lobby. Why not add a auto kick in the lobby if the match is launched and the player did nothing after 1 minute ?

Added in last update :)

The delays was because it was separate system to the one which kicks players for inactivity in scenarios. 

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  On 9/27/2017 at 1:12 PM, ITokyYourCookie said:

Added in last update :)

The delays was because it was separate system to the one which kicks players for inactivity in scenarios. 

I've asked before the update =b

Meh anyway it's cool to see anoying things be tweaked ^^

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Having been there, having done the mistake, reset my skill tree a few times, now I am stuck with one load-out. Especially if you count newer players who had good knowledge of the skill tree mechanics), and are willing to grind for it, a casual player who invested in some skill decisions before knowing what was good, what was awesome (and the game did keep changing after all), the decision of the developers to tie the weapons to the skill tree is IMHO bad. I always thought of this game as a more casual FPS after an Arma session, just for the fun of it. But having played it as such, trying several load-outs, I just realised I do not have enough in-game credits to buy any more weapons or armour the game offers me (even though I have it unlocked). I have no intention to just start from over, although it might be actually easier if I only wanted to play Argo and not Arma as well. The whole skill and credits system is IMHO wrongly implemented. When you have no option to recycle purchased weapons or attachments for in-game credits, you can't ever change your load-out. Because you don't get enough credits for buying anything new. Especially since you reset the skill tree few times, experimenting, which is a mistake the game warns you about, but not enough with how much subsequent resets cost. I am no longer interested to grind with a new character just to get enough to be able to make the "perfect" skills and load-outs. There is no way I am gonna earn 250 000 in-game currency to get a vest even though I have the levels for that, unless I grind a lot and grind a lot.


The current system just leads to going for one playstyle right from level 1, never deviating, never trying anything else, no experimenting with different loadouts because there is never enough credits for that.


Either give us the option to "sell" unneeded" purchased equipment, overhaul the skills and equipment trees completely, or please just stop pretending this is a casual game. I had been drawn to it because of the casualness, and because partly of the Arma style realism. The way it seems now, you either get a perfect equipment and skills for one and only play-style from the level 0 (because you won't be able to change it or get enough money to change it after you chose another), or start over with a new character.

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  On 10/13/2017 at 11:30 PM, fraczek said:

the decision of the developers to tie the weapons to the skill tree is IMHO bad

I agree. If "Project Argo" positions itself as advertisement for "Arma 3" and connects skill tree to weapons - it is a mistake. Leave only the credits to buy weapons. Players want to try different loadouts and to make the decision on purchase of the game.
If "Project Argo" is a separate game based on "Arma 3", in which it is necessary to detain players for a long time, then link between a skill tree and weapon is necessary.

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Well, my main point was about the separation of the skill tree, levels, and ingame credits. That would make sense for a P2W game, which I guess could still be an option to monetise Argo (no problem with that, same model as others do, if you don't want to grind, just subrscibe), although I have no idea if that's intended. It's an Incubator game after all, to try out new game modes and all. I was happy to get it for free. It's only that it's too hard to actually experiment with loadouts or roles - any meaningful change of role/loadout is tied to buying all the items for ingame credits, which you lose a lot if you reset your skill tree. Thus, it makes economical sense to only invest in one loadout/role right from the start, because any experiment is punished severely by the fine for reseting the skill tree, not leaving you enough credits to buy the weapons you unlocked by the reset. So you have to consider just one preferred loadout right from the start, sticking to it, or make another BI account for a different role, because that seems actually simpler the way the skills and levels unlock. It all comes with not  being able to recycle past gear purchases, locking you into whatever you bought during leveling up. So you either consult a table/wiki, pick your preferred role you would like and not buy anything else at all, or experiment during the level up, getting screwed for ingame credits in the meanwhile, or grind for hundreds of hours to get all. Which is all certanly possible, but not nice when pairing level 1 guests with level 25 players...

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The AI in combat mode is some of the worst AI Ive ever encountered, virtually invincible to headshots, can drop several different players in a single shot regardless of locations, can shoot through walls and other "solid objects" and preset loadouts are unreliable, these are jus a few of the issues with the game, playing anything else other than combat mode is pointless as the other modes are hacked to death, but combat patrol in itself has the potential to be a very good tactical shooter if the AI is fixed otherwise this game will fall on its backside and fail!

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  On 10/16/2017 at 10:26 PM, fraczek said:

That would make sense for a P2W game, which I guess could still be an option to monetise Argo (no problem with that, same model as others do, if you don't want to grind, just subrscibe), although I have no idea if that's intended.
Argo is one of the last F2W game and making it P2W would kill what's left of the playerbase IMO.


  On 10/20/2017 at 1:47 PM, Tactical_Lunatic said:

The AI in combat mode is some of the worst AI Ive ever encountered, virtually invincible to headshots, can drop several different players in a single shot regardless of locations, can shoot through walls and other "solid objects" and preset loadouts are unreliable, these are jus a few of the issues with the game...
The AIs in Argo are usually really competent and offer a good training.
For sure those bugs are extremely annoying, but I think some of them are related in part to the servers themselves.
When playing alone on my own server (my PC), those bugs are really reduced, I always got my own loadout.

So this is not only about the game itself I think, but how it is handled on the server's side too.


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Hi, awesome game, but i play with friends only 3 times, and always a guy trolls, killing us on same team, friendly fire only make trolls coming to kill others, we play only 3 times because always trolls in your server. And the report system sucks. You need i write 50 dates, and you need a picture¿? really, they guy troll can make shoot us easy, and i need write a CIA inform to report him? more work to me that this guy troll? you need fix this system or always no people on your server because easy to trolls.

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There is an automatic ban system in place for team killers and inactive players...

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