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Pls try not to make the sharks too aggressive. Swimming around with sharks is one thing, battling your way through them is another.

And do these sharks always swim near the surface? It would be really cool and helpful will they swim a bit deeper when possible.




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My bro made this new screencapture footage, look out contains spoilers




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I remodeld the shark again, here some screen shots










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26 minutes ago, General Bacon 965 said:

Will the sharks always have the fish underneath or will that be an optional thing?/sometimes occuring thing?

There are a few different shark versions. Some have the pilot fish and some do not. 

I have the newest version for testing etc now, so expect some new pics and videos tomorrow

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Nice vid there!  A question - does the shark "automatically" 100% of the time attempt to bite when it gets close, or is there a chance it might bump you and swim away before returning to attack?  I recall reading that sharks will do that very thing so real encounters do not always 100% of the time going to result in an attack.

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Just now, hcpookie said:

Nice vid there!  A question - does the shark "automatically" 100% of the time attempt to bite when it gets close, or is there a chance it might bump you and swim away before returning to attack?  I recall reading that sharks will do that very thing so real encounters do not always 100% of the time going to result in an attack.

I will be doing some testing with the new version  today, but from what I have been told, "The sharks use the script from Feint, they hunt Tuna in the first place .If the Tuna are not around in a radius of 50 m they will hunt you"


Bumping and test bites is a good idea though

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Please add the possibility to alter the aggresiveness of sharks!

Via their initilization or by having sharks that attack and sharks that just don't or something.




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 Agreed its the unpredictability of sharks that creates that awesome tense environment. If a shark always attacked it would simply be a monster.

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And the whole mod pack will be for what? So as for divers to attack sharks?

It would really be a shame for this mod only to be able to be used for a White Shark hunting mission  :icon_confused:

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I think this will definitely add more atmosphere to certain mods or missions based in the ocean.  For example when I release my ship players can also use this mod so in shark infested waters people can either take the chance and swim to shore or play it safe and launch the ship's boats to go ashore.  Or if a player falls overboard the threat of being attack could give them a sense of urgency to get back on the ship.  If a mission also has a food and water system players could hunt the shark for meat.  Or in my case if a ship is taken by pirates the pirates could butcher a corpse and throw it overboard to send the sharks into a bloody feeding craze, then throw innocent people overboard to get eaten for the pirate's sick entertainment.

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@helicopterenthusiast, I read from your words that you love nature. This also applies to me, the reason that I make the Great white shark for Arma3 is that I initially wanted to make a stand-alone mod called "Treasure hunt armada", three teams looking for treasures within a certain time and cash them in their home base, one of the three teams are pirates who can steal acquired treasures (optional). Team with the most cash at they end off the set time wins the round :)
To make the treasurehunt an exciting event there must also be threat from the ocean. The Great white shark is a spinoff from this stand-alone mod.

What others want to do with this mod (Great white shark) is beyond my responsibility.

Let it be clear, i love sharks and nature, hopefully i find more time to make more sea life just for fun to observe in VR :) so the real thing can be left allone.



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21 minutes ago, B@Co said:

@helicopterenthusiast, I read from your words that you love nature. This also applies to me, the reason that I make the Great white shark for Arma3 is that I initially wanted to make a stand-alone mod called "Treasure hunt armada", three teams looking for treasures within a certain time and cash them in their home base, one of the three teams are pirates who can steal acquired treasures (optional). Team with the most cash at they end off the set time wins the round :)


Are you still planning on making the standalone mod? Sounds like fun-a very unique game mode. kind of like that game "Depth"

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I still have the desire to do so ineptaphid. I'm also working on a map for that mod :) Perhaps in the future, I have to look for a team to work out my ideas :)

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Would be nice if the sharks will working with ALiVE and spawning in a radius around the players.

Maybe with a adjustable probability and a optional marked area by markers so the missionmakers can define some places.

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19 hours ago, B@Co said:

@helicopterenthusiast, I read from your words that you love nature. This also applies to me, the reason that I make the Great white shark for Arma3 is that I initially wanted to make a stand-alone mod called "Treasure hunt armada", three teams looking for treasures within a certain time and cash them in their home base, one of the three teams are pirates who can steal acquired treasures (optional). Team with the most cash at they end off the set time wins the round :)
To make the treasurehunt an exciting event there must also be threat from the ocean. The Great white shark is a spinoff from this stand-alone mod.

What others want to do with this mod (Great white shark) is beyond my responsibility.

Let it be clear, i love sharks and nature, hopefully i find more time to make more sea life just for fun to observe in VR :) so the real thing can be left allone.



Uhm good guess but that is not it  :thumbsup:

I mean I am not in favor of slaughtering sharks but doing so in a game is not all that extreme. I wouldn't do it but other players doing it in Arma rather in reality is cool. I am just planning on using your mod in a WIP mission. The hypothesis and all is CENSORED but the thing is that sharks attacking constantly will be a serious issue. That is why I would like the sharks' attack ratio to be alterable :smile_o:




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once this is released would this be usable for exile? would be cool to see a shark in a survival game mode, maybe be able to kill it for some meat to cook (just have it return regular steak or something) or find loot inside it just a thought

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I am soooo excited about this mods release!!! :hyper:.. hehm did someone say release date? lol 

Ron and Valerie Taylor (google them lol) were my childhood idols, I don't know too many 5yr olds, back then, that wanted to be marine biologists let alone knew what one was... and Jaws was one of my favourite movies as a child (scared the poop out of me which I think began my fascination with the critters)!

Having read through this forum I can see many differing views and think it's a great idea to have a system where shark attacks can be altered from sedate fishy-is-your-friend to blood-lusting man eater, which should appease ALL wants and needs... personally I would like the sharks to, somewhat randomly, attack players in the water, or be somewhat chilled at other times...  a menacing threat! Then I could drop primo loot crates in some locations and have sharkies to 'safeguard' the crates... or even have the sharks be a more cautionary deterrent to players just heading straight out to grab underwater loot crates without a care or fear. :tempt:

I noticed it's mentioned above that the Great White Shark is using scripting from Feints Sharks. I have been trialling Feints mod on my server and they haven't attacked me once, its meant to be between 10-25% chance depending on time of day, but I'm yet to see any "fishy" behaviour, it really needs to be adjusted for people who want the pure ambient wonder or an interactive threat! Can you do that??? If that is at all possible.... omg we're all in shark heaven!!!!! :yay:



Feint has teased that this could be adapted into the scripting at an undisclosed future time with "The attack coding is not modifiable. But it's a good idea. I will look into making that something that people can set themselves". Fingers crossed it happens!

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1 hour ago, Numbat177 said:

I am soooo excited about this mods release!!! :hyper:.. hehm did someone say release date? lol 

Ron and Valerie Taylor (google them lol) were my childhood idols, I don't know too many 5yr olds, back then, that wanted to be marine biologists let alone knew what one was.


Pretty much identical to myself from the age of 3 onward, and indeed they were excellent shark conservationists, had I not gone down the medicine route I pretty sure I would of tried to go down the marine-bio route :) 

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