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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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There is NO AGM fastrope????? Or do i need to place down a module for it now?

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Has anyone had any luck locking on to things using Ace? I can't seem to lock onto vehicles with the Titan launcher. Also for some reason my keybindings didn't set all the way, keys 1-6 were unassigned with the rest of the them being as normal weapon switching like agm.

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Has anyone had any luck locking on to things using Ace? I can't seem to lock onto vehicles with the Titan launcher. Also for some reason my keybindings didn't set all the way, keys 1-6 were unassigned with the rest of the them being as normal weapon switching like agm.


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Good job!

Now can start the questions:

How to set a captive unit (without module)?

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Everythings seems to be working very smooth, except for Locking on with any guided AT launcher. Doesn't matter how I set my keybindings or how long I press it, no tone no lock. The Alt fire mode works fine (DIR Path vs TOP Attack) as does the FLIR mode, just no lock.

The new menu system is smooth, and I like how you organized the keybindings.


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Congrats on the release! Can't wait to test it in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks for all the hard work keeping A3 alive and well.

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Congrats on the release guys! May i ask why there isnt fast roping with ACE? Im sorry if i missed somewhere that it wouldnt be added into the mod. It was with AGM and you guys did merge... Ah well anyways again congrats! One little bug with the medical system i will report on the Github. When you set the player damage to anything but 1, it screws up the whole system.

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Haha, just asked the same thing BadLucky, look up :P

Most things seem to be working great, liking the new interaction menu for the most part, and the new shell fragmentation is awesome. Also attaching stuff to vehicles, badass.

A few other questions though if anyone knows:

-I can't seem to disable realistic names for vehicles/weapons, anyone know where this setting is?

-Setting advanced ballistics to 'NO' doesn't seem to have any effect, anyone try this already? My group will definitely not be able to handle the mill scopes and all that.

-There doesn't seem to be an option to arrest/setcaptive a unit, in the interaction menu, only through the module, is that intentional? Only way i was able to get it to work was on civs, and there didn't seem to be a release option.

-I also saw an option in the prerelease build to put your hands up, like a set-captive on yourself, was this removed?

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FastRoping is not in due to rather inconvenient way of how it worked in AGM, there are plans to find a better way and so it was decided to add it in later versions.

You can't disable some parts of ACE3 while the game is running (realistic names, optics adjustment...) due to reliance on config, removing the PBO is currently the only way.

Set captive on yourself was not removed, put your weapon on the back and then you can surrender. For targets, make sure you have cuffs on you.

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-Setting advanced ballistics to 'NO' doesn't seem to have any effect, anyone try this already?
Advanced Ballistics is disabled by default: http://ace3mod.com/wiki/missionmaker/modules.html
My group will definitely not be able to handle the mill scopes and all that.
Removing ace_scopes.pbo is your only option to get vanilla scopes back.

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Congratulations! Are there any special instructions for dedicated server installation, or install like any other mod?

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Advanced Ballistics is disabled by default: http://ace3mod.com/wiki/missionmaker/modules.html

Removing ace_scopes.pbo is your only option to get vanilla scopes back.

Oh i guess i misunderstood, I thought that Advanced ballistics was responsible for the mill scopes. Well that's a shame, I thought all the things that were non-essential PBOs in AGM were going to be module options in ACE.

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Grats on realease! :cool:

The new 3D interaction menu is super slick. I have great love for any mod that allows me to take other mods out of my list for simplification.

I will say that visibility of the menu under certain conditions (bright daylight) can be challenging. If there was a way to draw a better contrast around the text I'd suggest pursuing that.

I'm also getting a non-critical error on startup that appears tied into HLC; "No entry ;bin\config.bon/CfgAmmo/HLC_7.62x51_tracer.model'." that I assume I'm getting because I'm not a HLC user.

Clear shooting glasses in the items list would be nice. As would modelling the active hearing protection of some existing headgear items. The overmodeling of the goggle effects from AGM seem to be inherited; one's vision shouldn't wash out white when firing in broad daylight.

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congrats for the release!

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Is there any documentation for serverconfig.hpp yet?

I don't think it has been documented yet but it would be very helpful for server administrators.

There is NO AGM fastrope????? Or do i need to place down a module for it now?

Not in this initial release. They are redoing the fast rope system entirely. I believe its on the 3.1.0 roadmap.

And does anyone else get poor performance when using ACE? I notice an overall lower average FPS compared to AGM or vanilla Arma. I am not sure what's causing it.

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Weapon shortcut keys 1 through 7 or so aren't bound by default and for whatever reason i can't assign them. As soon as i double click to set a new one it tells me "unknown error 347788" or something(not sure about the number)

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I thought all the things that were non-essential PBOs in AGM were going to be module options in ACE.
That's the case with most modules. But tweaks to vanilla configs (like ace_scopes) can not be a module option.
This mod have requires errors. HLC Weapons, CUP, ASDJ Joint Rails..... Please edit your first post and section Requires.
Are you using PwS? If so you have to remove the xxx_compat_xxx files from the addons folder, or wait for PwS to fix it.

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