johnnyboy 3802 Posted May 21, 2016 Haha what the heck - did you script that eagle catching the snake in?? I'm just minding my own business in the swamp dude. Those crazy swamp hawks will strike any time, any where. I had to change my shorts after that. You got the birds to fly over in a v formation? Could we do this for AI in helo's Helos should already fly in formation with waypoints, but if you wanted a tighter formation, you could use this script (probably for cut scenes only though). Any object will work. A flying rabbit formation looks pretty sweet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jnr4817 215 Posted May 21, 2016 I want to see pigs fly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted May 23, 2016 Improved Mission Teaser video: It now includes the must-see world famous Mabunga Voodoo Dancers: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zagor64bz 1225 Posted May 23, 2016 Improved Mission Teaser video: It now includes the must-see world famous Mabunga Voodoo Dancers: HAHAHHAHA..VOODOO dance is N° 1!!!!!!!!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted May 24, 2016 OK, the Mabunga Voodoo dancers are just too beautiful to leave buried in the promo video. This short clip is just the Voodoo Dance segment. I think you will find it a unique cultural experience, possibly worthy of a PBS documentary. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted May 24, 2016 PETA Special Forces are HALO jumping into Mabunga Swamp as we speak before that bunny sacrifice reaches it's conclusion......... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted May 24, 2016 PETA Special Forces are HALO jumping Mabunga Swamp as we speak before that bunny sacrifice reaches it's conclusion......... Dude! Don't give away the plot of my sequel mission!!!!! :protest: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ineptaphid 6413 Posted May 24, 2016 Man i wish I had not watched that before playing the mission ;) Ah-my own fault.Nice job mate! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted May 27, 2016 Here's my favorite script that came from this mission: JBOY Birds of Prey. This is likely the last script I'll release until my next mission "Last Tango in Tanoa" is done (sequel to Last Tango in Bagango). Don't worry: The over-the-top tandem attack at the end was just for's not really part of the script. But if we ever get a pterodactyl mod, this script is ready to roll! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Undeceived 392 Posted October 15, 2016 Hahaha, awesome, johnnyboy! Btw. are you working on another mission? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted October 15, 2016 Hahaha, awesome, johnnyboy! Btw. are you working on another mission? Hi Undeceived! I'm working on all this right now: 1. Mabunga mission update (fix a few problems including your suggestion to take prisoner into your group if other friendly ai group rescues him first, improve performance, prevent evac choppers from being destroyed after players board.). 2. Leper Island mission update (it was broke by a patch about 6 months ago) 3. New dog control script (I'm excited about this one! Should be releasing within a few days). 4. Want to start a new mission on Tanoa that uses my dog script, plus lots of other ideas I have percolating. I need to quit my job and have my wife support me, so I can devote full time to Arma! Maybe you guys can talk to her and convince her... How about you brother? Started a new project? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Undeceived 392 Posted October 16, 2016 Haha :D I know what you're talking about, RL can be very demanding, but well... this is where we live in after all. :) Cool, waiting for that Tanoa mission! I should update Evil's Last Will and also have a new 5 mission campaign in a pretty advanced state, but... At the moment I'm FULL STEAM converting my campaign Black Lands to Arma 3. :) I forgot how long my own campaign is... Will take a while, but progress is quite good, as technically it's MUCH more solid than the mess in ELW, which was my very first mission ever. And at the moment I'm absolutely motivated and focussed on it so everything else has to wait. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mordacai 38 Posted January 27, 2017 Hello, for SP, play through LAN? Thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted January 27, 2017 1 hour ago, Mordacai said: Hello, for SP, play through LAN? Thx Either way. I like LAN better, because then you have option to play as CSAT or NATO. With SP, you play as CSAT only. If you try it, please comment here and rate on steam. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted April 14, 2017 Coming soon: Property of Mabunga -- Apex Edition (includes French localization) Includes: French localization thanks to Kawa! Apex weapons Some Apex vehicles 10 random evac positions, so your path to evac (while escorting hostage and being chased) will be different every time you play Performance fixes (removed tons of needless triggers) Preventing evac chopper from being blown when player aboard. This frustrated players, because it was beyond their control to prevent. Improved AI lead rescue team's abilty to achieve objectives. In multiple playthroughs, the opposing rescue team captured hostage first, and started moving to their evac point. Had to chase them. Sometimes hostage would change hands multiple times (Blufor AI rescues hostage, Pirate AI kills Blufor and retakes hostage, then player lead Opfor takes hostage from pirates, etc. When playing as Blufor, I was even beaten by AI lead Opfor once (they captured and evaced hostage before my Blufor team could prevent it). Fixed possibility of Hostage getting stuck in building. This wil be released in a few days (or maybe a few weeks if it has to wait until I return from vacation)... 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted April 14, 2017 Nice one JB! Had a lot of fun playing this first time around...I'll be more than happy to return to the Mabunga Swamp for a second helping. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domokun 515 Posted April 27, 2017 We played this last night and it was great fun. On our first attempt, we raided the 5 areas marked with anchor icons thinking that they were the pirate camps (after all a pirate would likely live next to the water, right?). However after an hour and half of fruitless searching, we realised that we'd misinterpreted the briefing. So we went into the swamp! Having already lost about half our squad, we were quickly obliterated. Our second attempt went much better until we found the GPS when all hell broke loose. Initially we were irritated by the fog reducing our visibility but eventually we learnt to fight with it. The ambient gunfire (presumably from nearby firefight between the pirates and our Persian rivals) was awesome. However we felt that the approach to the swamp would have benefited from other audio cues, e.g. crickets, frogs or mosquito sounds. If that's too difficult, try checking with TPW from the TPW MOD. When finally found the hostage we laughed our heads off and were impressed by his path-finding. Although he had an irritating habit of lying down when the rest of us were crouching. So maybe you could implement a sort of "Copy my stance" type of command? The extraction was really exciting with infantry chasing and sniping, constant fly-overs by a helicopter and finally the discover of a truck at a nearby farm. We then hurtled along through the fog (watch our for those steel-reinforced concrete bushes!) as a orange hue grew in the east. Finally we reached our extraction point where we battled desperately with a Little-bird that kept buzzing us (would pirates really have access to such an expensive and high-maintenance transport?). Wouldn't a drone be more realistic and almost as scary? Nonetheless there were whoops of joy when we finally shot her down. Shortly afterwards our birds arrived. A player commented that maybe the pirate's helo could have been different because it would have made it easier to distinguish the friendly helos from the hostile. We boarded nervously (we really liked the warning about insubordinate AI in the briefing) but the hostage seemed to board our helo fine. We flew north and about a minute later, as we fly over a nearby town, our helo was struck by something hard (MANPADS?). Anyhow our brave pilot managed to land her without crashing but the mission was declared a failure because the hostage died. Needless to say everyone was pissed but in a good way. Well done on such an tense, innovative and exciting mission. We look forward to any improvements. Here's video of our exploits ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted April 29, 2017 @domokun Hey man, thanks for the great detailed comments and the video link (I was able to watch only a few minutes while on vacation, due to bad wifi). Sorry you guys spent an hour on the coast first! lol. The anchors are marking where some boats are, in case the Opfor team loses its evac choppers and needs to evac by sea. You have a lot of great suggestions, and I may implement a few, but I need to move on from this mission, so don't expect them all. I recommend you try it again as Opfor, as then you experience the "hot insertion" via zodiacs. You may wan to wait for my Apex version that will be out shortly. I have one bug to fix, and then will release it. Thanks again for the awesome feedback. And I encourage you and your mates to comment and rate the mission on steam. I still don't have enough ratings there to merit stars (It irks me that my Leper Island mission has 4 stars on Steam, and this one has none...and this mission is much better IMO). Edit: I watched your video, and it was very cool to see how you approached my mission (the 2nd time You guys did well. I've never seen the invisible Admiral bug, so I will look into that (weird!). The incomplete healing issue I believe is an Arma bug, as I have no healing related scripts running. The timing of how you converged on the VIP camp at same time Persians were engaging it was totally random. The opposing force AI rescue team is executing the exact same plan as you. They search the swamp (using a random search pattern) until they encounter a pirate camp; then they take down the camp, find the GPS in the camp, then move to the VIP. So its likely the Persians had taken a camp on SE side of swamp, captured a GPS, and moved to VIP camp coincidentally at the same time as you. I also enjoyed your run for the evac. The GPS tracker mechanic worked as I'd hoped: it motivated you to move fast and find transport if possible. You cracked me up when ordering hostage in truck: "Get in you tit!". In the end, the hostage didn't jump, he was killed by the AA blast. I've written a "Fall From Vehicles" script so that anyone who dies while riding on a LIttleBird bench, falls from the vehicle. You would have seen this effect if you had killed any of the pirate heli bench shooters who were chasing you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted May 5, 2017 Apex Version Released! Steam Link Includes: French localization thanks to LoupVert (aka @kawa ) Apex weapons Some Apex vehicles 10 random evac positions, so your path to evac (while escorting hostage and being chased) will be different every time you play Performance fixes (removed tons of needless triggers) Preventing evac chopper from being blown when player aboard. This frustrated players, because it was beyond their control to prevent. Improved AI lead rescue team's abilty to achieve objectives. In multiple playthroughs, the opposing rescue team captured hostage first, and started moving to their evac point. Had to chase them. Sometimes hostage would change hands multiple times (Blufor AI rescues hostage, Pirate AI kills Blufor and retakes hostage, then player lead Opfor takes hostage from pirates, etc. When playing as Blufor, I was even beaten by AI lead Opfor once (they captured and evaced hostage before my Blufor team could prevent it). Fixed possibility of Hostage getting stuck in building. Sadly, VTOL evac aircraft not included. They would not obey the land waypoints. COOP and PVP: Play using Player Hosted Server as one or more players. I played with 3 players and there were no problems. I haven't tested with more than 3 players. SP: You can play in SP as well, but for SP I prefer to host a COOP server and join as either OpFor or BluFor, as I prefer Group Respawn over Team Switch in SP. Dedicated Server: This mission crashes in dedi, and I don't have the bandwidth to fix it. Use Player Hosted Server...which works great for me. This is still my go-to mission for action. I never get tired of it, as its challenging and goes down differently every play through. Now my attention will return to JBOY Dog! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AIG.Tartar 2 Posted June 13, 2017 Too bad how you build the mission not for a Dedicated server ? Great mission 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3802 Posted August 21, 2017 On 6/13/2017 at 3:47 AM, AIG.Tartar said: Too bad how you build the mission not for a Dedicated server ? Great mission Thanks man. Unfortunately unitPlay doesn't work on Dedicated Server, so for COOP you have to use a player hosted server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites