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Glad to hear! Thanks for the reply.


Also - Seems like Tapatalk works for me now!


Hi Folks,


    "Tapatalk" is fixed ???


    I still can't get passed the login screen - I can read posts - but - I am unable to post since the login fails... 




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Hi Folks,


    "Tapatalk" is fixed ???


    I still can't get passed the login screen - I can read posts - but - I am unable to post since the login fails... 




Sorry, unfortunately Tapatalk is not fixed yet, changes were not applied directly for Tapatalk yet. However, some users, very few I believe, find that it works for them and we are investigating possibilities on how. One potential item, the fix for Adblock login issue, may have had an affect on it, but that is not confirmed.

Best regards,


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Changes were made for Location. There should now be just one field for "Location" and it is now editable.


Best regards,



Yep, it's looking good!  I added my location and can now see it right below my (expired) 2011 warning points... ;)


The location from the old forums is still in my profile, and is uneditable.  Will that old, inherited location be removed?



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Small update today:


Fixed: removed old no longer used secondary Location field from your user profile.
Meanwhile till real expire warning points fix: Removed display of own warning points for user.(only moderators can see)

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Small update today:


Fixed: removed old no longer used secondary Location field from your user profile.

Meanwhile till real expire warning points fix: Removed display of own warning points for user.(only moderators can see)


You're on a roll.  Keep up the good work!  :)


Edit:  now the Biography section, from old forums, is uneditable in profile.  Or am I missing it somewhere?

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You're on a roll.  Keep up the good work!  :)


Edit:  now the Biography section, from old forums, is uneditable in profile.  Or am I missing it somewhere?


Thanks :)


Added Biography allow edit by user. Will need to work on the format and display of the user profile edit page.



591. Member since display on post bio. Only shows up on the profile card when you hover over username.

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Added Biography allow edit by user. Will need to work on the format and display of the user profile edit page.


Wouldn't it be better to convert biography into the new (introduced with IPB) About page? This one allows WYSIWYG editor.


If it's possible, naturally.

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^ ^ Yes, that sounds like a good idea. The About Me page (no idea where that info shows up) and the old Biography seem redundant....


The new Joined date looks good!

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We will definitely look into About page soon, thanks for the suggestions OMAC and krzychuzokecia. Appreciate the continued feedback.


Small update today:


Fixed: Added back in all of the previous emoticons. When you are editing your post, click on the smile icon in the edit bar.
A bar of smileys will show up. Click on the right arrow to see more, or click on "Show All" to get a pop-out where you can scroll down through all of them. There is a limit of no more more than 10 emoticons per post.
568. Emoticons / smileys too limited compared to the previous version.


:yay::face_palm: what have i done? Hey, my 100th post! :partytime:

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Thanks for continuing to work on improving the forums.


The vertical space on the home page of the forum is much better now, but there is still an awful lot of wasted vertical space on any other page of the forum, in my opinion.

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^ ^ GREAT!   :ok:   Those old emoticons are essential.  I was sad that they had been removed.  :o:

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Fixed: Added back in all of the previous emoticons. When you are editing your post, click on the smile icon in the edit bar.

Not bad.


Now get back to work :torture:

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:292:  :619:  :622:  :803:  :459:  :dancehead:  :m:  :notworthy:  :pc:

...and for the last, tenth emoticon in this post, the Immortal Dancing Banana!


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Formatting a post, especially when editing it, is an effing nightmare and needs to be fixed. Font size changes do not respond correctly, url tags don't take half the time and have to be redone, the forum inserts line breaks between bullet point lists when editing a post, the list goes on and on and on. I don't understand why old bbcode can't be used (or maybe I need to do something to be able to use it) because that was 1000000x easier and didn't cause all of these issues. Pretty much any time I click the edit button I have to mentally prepare myself to end up re-editing the post 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 times to get it to display correctly, and even after all those tries, chances are it will still be broken somehow and not the way I want it or had it prior to clicking the edit button. Happens regardless of using the quick editor or the full editor.

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Formatting a post, especially when editing it, is an effing nightmare and needs to be fixed. Font size changes do not respond correctly, url tags don't take half the time and have to be redone, the forum inserts line breaks between bullet point lists when editing a post, the list goes on and on and on. I don't understand why old bbcode can't be used (or maybe I need to do something to be able to use it) because that was 1000000x easier and didn't cause all of these issues. Pretty much any time I click the edit button I have to mentally prepare myself to end up re-editing the post 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 times to get it to display correctly, and even after all those tries, chances are it will still be broken somehow and not the way I want it or had it prior to clicking the edit button. Happens regardless of using the quick editor or the full editor.

Not sure what the issue is - i find the new wysiwyg reply options perfectly fine. Could you tell us why your prefer the bbcode version?

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Formatting a post, especially when editing it, is an effing nightmare and needs to be fixed. Font size changes do not respond correctly, url tags don't take half the time and have to be redone, the forum inserts line breaks between bullet point lists when editing a post, the list goes on and on and on. I don't understand why old bbcode can't be used (or maybe I need to do something to be able to use it) because that was 1000000x easier and didn't cause all of these issues. Pretty much any time I click the edit button I have to mentally prepare myself to end up re-editing the post 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 times to get it to display correctly, and even after all those tries, chances are it will still be broken somehow and not the way I want it or had it prior to clicking the edit button. Happens regardless of using the quick editor or the full editor.



Sorry that you are having issues. What browser are you using?

The editor is indeed not perfect, and the way it works takes some getting used to, but I find that it works pretty well. Some tips about using the editor:

  • If you are pasting in text from another source, or copy and paste from another post for example, you will get better results with plain text if you first click on "options" gear icon top/right of the edit toolbar, and choose "Paste as plain text by default" before you paste in the text.
  • Having trouble with some of the text in your post, try to remove the format by highlighting the text and clicking on the easier icon in the top/left(second icon) of the editor toolbar.
  • Pasting in text in a format that has multiple blank lines to give space, there is an issue that the blank lines get removed. This is particularly troublesome when you want blank lines after using quoted or code text.


BBcode is available, not all, but we are working on implementing all of the BBcode that was available in the previous forums.

Unfortunately, there are many instances of old posts where after the migration, the BBcode was not re-interpreted or rendered correctly. We are investigating this issue and looking to fix those posts if possible.

Here examples of the BBcode that can currently be used on the forums when creating a post:

Use: [acronym='Looking For Group']LFG[/acronym] for the following result:


Use: [background=red]Red background behind this text[/background] for the following result:

Red background behind this text

Use: [b]This text is bold[/b] for the following result:

This text is bold

Use: [center]Centered Text[/center] for the following result:

Centered Text

Use: [code]$text = 'Some long code here';[/code] for the following result:
$text = 'Some long code here';
Use: [color=blue]This text is blue[/color] for the following result:

This text is blue

Use: Please email [email=admin@mysite.com]the admin[/email]
My email address is [email]my@emailaddress.com[/email] for the following result:

Please email the admin


My email address is my@emailaddress.com

Use: [font=Tahoma]This text uses Tahoma font-family styling[/font] for the following result:

This text uses Tahoma font-family styling

Use: [hr] for the following result:

Use: [img]https://www.bistudio.com/assets/games/arma3/box.jpg[/img] for the following result:


Use: [indent=1]Indent this text to make it stand out[/indent] for the following result:

Indent this text to make it stand out

Use: [i]This text is italicized[/i] for the following result:

This text is italicized

Use: [left]Left aligned text[/left] for the following result:

Left aligned text

Use: [list][*]Unordered list[/list]
[list=1][*]Ordered list[/list] for the following result:
  • Unordered list

  • Ordered list
Use: [media]
(video sites are currently supported:YouTube, MySpace Video, GameTrailers, YouTu.be, Vimeo, Dailymotion) for the following result:

You can also use imgur and flickr galleries in your post like: imgur gallery[media]http://imgur.com/a/IMGURURLCODEHERE[/media] or flickr [media]https://www.flickr.com/photos/FLICKRUSERNAME/sets/FLICKRSETDIGITCODE/[/media] (there is an issue trying to put this media code inside a spoiler tag however, so avoid that for now)
Use: [member=BohemiaBeck] is the Community Developer. for the following result:

@BohemiaBeck is the Community Developer.

Use: [php]$variable = true;
(Allows you to enter PHP code into a formatted/highlighted syntax box) for the following result:

$variable = true;

Use: [post=2903133]Click me![/post] (This tag provides an easy way to link to a post. Please test that it goes to the correct destination, as we are currently investigating an issue with links to posts in large threads that have had posts previously moved, hidden or deleted via moderation.) for the following result:

Click me!

Use: [snapback]2903133[/snapback] (This tag displays a little linked image which links back to a post - used when quoting posts from the board. Opens in same window by default. Again, please test that it goes to the correct destination, as we are currently investigating an issue with links to posts in large threads that have had posts previously moved, hidden or deleted via moderation.) for the following result:


Use: [quote]Some generic content here[/quote] for the following result:
Some generic content here
Use: [quote name='BohemiaBeck' date='18 August 2015, 16:05' post='2903133']Check back here and provide feedback to this thread for forum issues and updates.[/quote]
Displayed quoted text within post content. for the following result:
Check back here and provide feedback to this thread for forum issues and updates.
Use: [right]This text on the right.[/right] for the following result:

This text on the right.

Use: [spoiler]Some hidden text[/spoiler] for the following result:

Some hidden text

Use: [sql]SELECT p.*, t.* FROM posts p LEFT JOIN topics t ON t.tid=p.topic_id WHERE t.tid=7[/sql]
(Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted SQL code) for the following result:
SELECT p.*, t.* FROM posts p LEFT JOIN topics t ON t.tid=p.topic_id WHERE t.tid=7
Use: [strike]Striked out text[/strike] for the following result:

Striked out text

Use: Carbon Dioxide's chemical composition is CO[sub]2[/sub] for the following result:

Carbon Dioxide's chemical composition is CO2

Use: The mathematical way to write "x squared" is x[sup]2[/sup] for the following result:

The mathematical way to write "x squared" is x2

Use: [topic=184155]Click me![/topic]
This tag provides an easy way to link to a topic
(Thread = Topic) for the following result:

Click me!

Use: [twitter]BohemiaBeck[/twitter] for the following result:


Use: [u]This text is underlined[/u] for the following result:

This text is underlined

Use: [url=https://forums.bistudio.com]BI Forums[/url] or [url]https://forums.bistudio.com[/url] for the following result:

BI Forums or https://forums.bistudio.com

  <tag param='1'>Test</tag>
(Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted XML code) for the following result:
  <tag param='1'>Test</tag>

Best regards,


Edited by BohemiaBeck
changed img tag format to just [img]url[/img]
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Does somebody else has the same trouble?


If I'm changing my Avatar I'm unable to get it from Gravatar. I can select it but the forum do not save my mark.

Not sure how to fix this ^

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oauth.bistudio.com seems to have been lagging out all page loads for most of today for me. Anyone else having this issue? It is taking about 30 seconds for every page load, while my browser indicates that it is waiting on the url I indicated... which appears to be the login authentication.

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Does somebody else has the same trouble?


If I'm changing my Avatar I'm unable to get it from Gravatar. I can select it but the forum do not save my mark.

Not sure how to fix this ^



oauth.bistudio.com seems to have been lagging out all page loads for most of today for me. Anyone else having this issue? It is taking about 30 seconds for every page load, while my browser indicates that it is waiting on the url I indicated... which appears to be the login authentication.



^ Indeed, it's straight pain.

Thank you for the reports. The web team is looking into the issue.

Best regards,


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Thank you for the reports. The web team is looking into the issue.

Best regards,


Seems to be back to normal this morning.

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Thank you for the reports. The web team is looking into the issue.

Best regards,


A little while ago today the web team tracked down an issue and implemented a change to resolve it. The change should have now resolved the account Login button missing issue and the reported performance issue.

Thank you for the reports, it is appreciated!

Best regards,


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There is an issue with logins using Chrome and Microsoft Edge/


I have a username RhodesianScout and had not been able to login in...even in last 5 minutes..... I put the user name and password in and press the green login button but nothing happens. The login button stays dark green instead of turning light green.


I think there is an issue if people logged out yesterday and are trying to log back in.

I have had to create a secondary username with a 2 after it under my business email to login and report the issue. My old username that I want still exists. I can change password but cannot login.







I have now tried logging in again and my original login works and the login turns bright green instead of staying dark green Not sure if this is because you guys just fixed the problem in the last 10 minutes  or the issue was fixed by my logging in under a different name which then solved the problem.

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I still had an issue where I was trying to login with my username and password and the login button was not working. I then figured out that what was happening was the the chrome browser had my saved username in the top field as I have always been logging in before via saved username and the 2nd field is the password. Not sure if this was a change with the forum software but as soon as I saw that the top field was asking for an email address and not a username that fixed the problem.


So if anyone can not login make sure you are logging in with your email address and not your username.

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Thank you for the response quoted below, however this does not solve any issues on my end. I'd like to point you to this thread https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184545-mynocks-missions/?p=2909421 in which I just tried to make a very simple addition by adding one bulleted line to the In Progress section. Everything in the editor looked great, however upon submitting the modified post, the result was absolutely awful. There are now blank bullet pointed lines, text sizes are changed from their original, and a variety of other issues. Using bbcode does not fix any of these issues. I will leave my thread looking like crap so you can see evidence of how awful it is to attempt to edit anything. Once again I want to make it extremely clear, I had the post looking 100% how I wanted it before clicking submit, but the forum decided it needed to look terrible and took things into its own hands and ruined it for probably the 30th time in a row. I spent approximately 45 minutes editing it over and over before finally giving up because the forum is so uncooperative and unresponsive to changes or creates changes all on its own. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184545-mynocks-missions/?p=2909421


I am using Chrome browser just like I image the majority of your other forum users are.


Additionally, as of today, the quick editor does not work at all. Submitting an edited post via the quick editor results in the green loading bar like it's trying to process, then nothing happens and you have to enter the full editor.


I do not have any of these issues with any other forums I use on a daily basis which are a variety of different phpbb forums with various formats. This is the only forum I have this incredibly frustrating issues with. I'm sure I am not the only one with these issues.


Sorry that you are having issues. What browser are you using?
The editor is indeed not perfect, and the way it works takes some getting used to, but I find that it works pretty well. Some tips about using the editor:

  • If you are pasting in text from another source, or copy and paste from another post for example, you will get better results with plain text if you first click on "options" gear icon top/right of the edit toolbar, and choose "Paste as plain text by default" before you paste in the text.
  • Having trouble with some of the text in your post, try to remove the format by highlighting the text and clicking on the easier icon in the top/left(second icon) of the editor toolbar.
  • Pasting in text in a format that has multiple blank lines to give space, there is an issue that the blank lines get removed. This is particularly troublesome when you want blank lines after using quoted or code text.


BBcode is available, not all, but we are working on implementing all of the BBcode that was available in the previous forums.
Unfortunately, there are many instances of old posts where after the migration, the BBcode was not re-interpreted or rendered correctly. We are investigating this issue and looking to fix those posts if possible.

Here examples of the BBcode that can currently be used on the forums when creating a post:

Use: LFG for the following result:


Use: Red background behind this text for the following result:

Red background behind this text

Use: This text is bold for the following result:

This text is bold


Centered Text

for the following result:


Centered Text




$text = 'Some long code here';
for the following result:$text = 'Some long code here';





Use: This text is blue for the following result:This text is blueUse: Please email the admin
My email address is my@emailaddress.com for the following result:

Please email the admin
My email address is my@emailaddress.com

Use: This text uses Tahoma font-family styling for the following result:

This text uses Tahoma font-family styling

for the following result:

Use: box.jpg for the following result:



Indent this text to make it stand out

for the following result:

Indent this text to make it stand out

Use: This text is italicized for the following result:

This text is italicized


Left aligned text

for the following result:


Left aligned text



  • Unordered list
  • Ordered list
for the following result:
  • Unordered list

  • Ordered list





(video sites are currently supported:YouTube, MySpace Video, GameTrailers, YouTu.be, Vimeo, Dailymotion) for the following result:





You can also use imgur and flickr galleries in your post like: imgur gallery


or flickr


(there is an issue trying to put this media code inside a spoiler tag however, so avoid that for now)





Use: @BohemiaBeck is the Community Developer. for the following result:@BohemiaBeck is the Community Developer.



$variable = true;

(Allows you to enter PHP code into a formatted/highlighted syntax box) for the following result:

$variable = true;





Use: Click me! (This tag provides an easy way to link to a post. Please test that it goes to the correct destination, as we are currently investigating an issue with links to posts in large threads that have had posts previously moved, hidden or deleted via moderation.) for the following result:Click me!



Use: 2903133[/snapback] (This tag displays a little linked image which links back to a post - used when quoting posts from the board. Opens in same window by default. Again, please test that it goes to the correct destination, as we are currently investigating an issue with links to posts in large threads that have had posts previously moved, hidden or deleted via moderation.) for the following result:2903133[/snapback]




Some generic content here

for the following result:







Check back here and provide feedback to this thread for forum issues and updates.

Displayed quoted text within post content. for the following result:








This text on the right.

for the following result:

This text on the right.





Some hidden text

for the following result:

Some hidden text







SELECT p.*, t.* FROM posts p LEFT JOIN topics t ON t.tid=p.topic_id WHERE t.tid=7
(Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted SQL code) for the following result:SELECT p.*, t.* FROM posts p LEFT JOIN topics t ON t.tid=p.topic_id WHERE t.tid=7






Use: Striked out text for the following result:Striked out text



Use: Carbon Dioxide's chemical composition is CO2 for the following result:Carbon Dioxide's chemical composition is CO2



Use: The mathematical way to write "x squared" is x2 for the following result:The mathematical way to write "x squared" is x2



Use: Click me!
This tag provides an easy way to link to a topic
(Thread = Topic) for the following result:Click me!



Use: @BohemiaBeck for the following result:@BohemiaBeck



Use: This text is underlined for the following result:This text is underlined



Use: BI Forums or https://forums.bistudio.com for the following result:BI Forums or https://forums.bistudio.com




  <tag param='1'>Test</tag>
(Allows you to enter formatted/syntax-highlighted XML code) for the following result:


  <tag param='1'>Test</tag>




Best regards,


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