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I found some weird values for weights in the USA pack..


The M107 weighs less than a MK18? Lol

Also, the HK416 D10 weighs less in-game than the MK18, whereas IRL the MK18 is .66 lbs lighter, according to wikipedia.


Also, not sure if this is due to the visual update but I noticed the XPS3 has some bad glare issues when the sun is coming in over your shoulder. Instead of a normal glare, the glass of the eotech whites out.


Anyways, good work guys.

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How about a UH-1 huey? Would go perfect with the tanoa setting.


If you're looking for an old Huey there's already a good mod for them ;)

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Also, not sure if this is due to the visual update but I noticed the XPS3 has some bad glare issues when the sun is coming in over your shoulder. Instead of a normal glare, the glass of the eotech whites out.


I think reyhard has fixed this already on our end. It was either a problem from not testing on devbranch lighting or I missed it entirely; either way - my bad.

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Is it just me or US Army's UCP uniforms became really white/bright after the update?

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Hey guys, is there a possibility of hiding ATGMs from russian IFVs, like you can hide NSV from T-80s?

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Is it just me or US Army's UCP uniforms became really white/bright after the update?

I've resolved setting saturation at 140,less contrast and more appealing colors

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Where can I find all the classnames for RHS stuff ? I'm editing a mission and don't have the patience to acquire them the old fashioned way any more. Thanks.

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Thanks for that link, but its not got all the classnames. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am looking for items/vests/headgear/uniforms in addition to weapons/magazines/vehicles. The reason being to blacklist OPFOR items in a BLUFOR mission to reduce confusion among players.

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Thanks for that link, but its not got all the classnames. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am looking for items/vests/headgear/uniforms in addition to weapons/magazines/vehicles. The reason being to blacklist OPFOR items in a BLUFOR mission to reduce confusion among players.

Vests and stuff should be under the CfgWeapons class. It's not categorized though.

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Thanks for that link, but its not got all the classnames. Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am looking for items/vests/headgear/uniforms in addition to weapons/magazines/vehicles. The reason being to blacklist OPFOR items in a BLUFOR mission to reduce confusion among players.




like this for example: http://test.rhsmods.org/class/2315f5dc-dae6-4b56-9d08-ea0c7a7ab0b6

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You were certainly right about the lists not being categorised :huh:


There is no way to have them categorized. These are generated automatically from the configs and follow the same structure. Since there are 10,000+ classes (after being filtered only to the necessary ones) it would be crazy to categorize them by hand.

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Can someone please clarify the exact names of the mod folders, cuz I used plain new folders to get the updaters download the files and I'm afraid of compability issues regarding missions.

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Mod folder names won't affect mission compatibility. You can call the folders @swisscheese1 and @awesomehamburger2 and still get everything loaded correctly, it's whats inside the pbos that counts :)

(yes damnit, I'm still at work and I'm hungry as fuck :().


But, for the sake of the argument ... folder names in my downloaded 0.4.1 files; @RHSAFRF, @RHSUSAF and @RHSGREF.

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Hey guys, the Salvo function on the BM-21's is amazing. Is there any way to command all BM-21's in a section or platoon to fire that way? As it stands the fire artillery command only can fire up to 4 rockets.

Bumping for an answer

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I had a question regarding the uniforms... is there anyway to overwrite the faction/side specific clothing? I want players to be able to use/access all the clothing without having to use the 'take all' option.

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I had a question regarding the uniforms... is there anyway to overwrite the faction/side specific clothing? I want players to be able to use/access all the clothing without having to use the 'take all' option.

I believe if you use the BI Arsenal you can give a soldier any uniform from any faction regardless of side, but if you're looking for the ability to loot enemy gear, might I recommend this mod? It allows exactly what you've described, and though I used it a few months ago, I don't recall having any issues with it then. Might help!

On the subject of uniforms, I was wondering if the team was planning variants of the Gorka uniforms with the hoods up? Sorry if it's been asked before, but I was reminded of one of the older RHS packs for the original OFP that had troops in gorka uniforms with the hoods up. I always thought they were the coolest as a young'n, and would love to be able to recreate that in A3!

Just curious! :D

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Speaking of uniforms, I just gotta say the GREF Nationalist uniforms blend with the new Tanoa map amazingly! Been having a blast trying to hunt them down in the bush.

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Bumping for an answer

There was a "Fire mission" advanced waypoint, but it broke after Eden update.


I used it on Zeus to make a barrage of GRADs... Alternatively you can use some altillery fire commands and make AIs empty all their rounds during a fire mission.

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I have a question for the RHS team, if they can answer it; the Il-76 is in development, but will you have the Il-78 as well? Seeing as it's basically the same plus aerial refuelling capabilities? Would love to be able to aerial refuel my Russian planes using a Russian plane :)

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Also, there are 2 Army factions for each color uniform.  What is the difference?

The Airborne (ARB) is light elite infantry, as the 101st Airborne Div (Air Assault) and the 82nd Airborne Div. There're some differences in the load out as well as some gear like vests (SPCS).

While the other is just regular infantry.

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Is there any plans for older model Army Combat Uniforms? At first I thought the pants were Crye G3s, but after some research I found that the Army adopted pants almost identical to G3s to replace older ACU pants, so I guess its not out of place like I had thought initially. You could give current uniforms with the lightweight shirt and the improved combat pants to the ARB units and give regular units either the lightweight shirt and old cut pants or a full old cut uniform.

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Love the new M4 sounds Lax.Can we hear them suppressed or is that not done yet?

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