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^^Yeah, and there is something like responsibility for the weapon you use in military. You MUST keep them in good condition, otherwise you will meet very bad consequences from CO :) And obiously weapon in bad condition is making you suicider, beacuse you have it to defend yourself, not to shine it, so leading it to worse performance isnt good move.


You are not issued a new weapon. The wear an tear is just from normal operation. 



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No, above mentioned weapons looks really silly with stock unfolded (because of arma animation system) so it will stay that way



All I wrote was related to PP2000 w. folded stock being a cool/practical idea and that a collapsed stock MP7 should follow suite.

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All I wrote was related to PP2000 w. folded stock being a cool/practical idea and that a collapsed stock MP7 should follow suite.

 reply was related to unfolded PP2000/MP7 in pistol slot. it definitely doesn't look cool due to how arma treats pistol anims ;)

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^^Yeah, and there is something like responsibility for the weapon you use in military. You MUST keep them in good condition, otherwise you will meet very bad consequences from CO :) And obiously weapon in bad condition is making you suicider, beacuse you have it to defend yourself, not to shine it, so leading it to worse performance isnt good move.


Obviously you never served in military, and never had a real weapon issued to you. :P


Did you ever seen how AK's look taken from unit armory? Yeah, good condition and clean, in your dreams. :P


My AKMS was in bad condition, especially it's stock, but I still was lucky enough to get AKMS that actually never jammed and was accurate enough, some of my collegues were less lucky, their AKMS's failures ranged from bad reset in trigger mechanism, jamming stock release mechanism, bad accuracy due to bended barrel (not noticable by naked eye), damaged sights, magazines with bad feed issues, and finally one had piston that during firing broken off from the bolt carrier.


As a soldier you can't manage such issues on your own, because the only thing you do is cleaning your weapon after firing. Of course you can give your weapon to maintnance shop, but when my collegue done that to fix problem with trigger reset, his weapon got a new issue, it stopped to be accurate. So a maintnance shop is a certain risk. :P


Right now I have a better weapon issued, wz.96A, but mainly because it's newer, builded in 90's.


Same is with how weapon looks like, in the military nobody cares about that. Because you run with it, crawl with it and so on, it's finish will get beaten up, there will be rust and so on. And because how AK type weapons are designed, it's immposible to keep sand, dust, mud out from it's interior, so it gonna get beaten up not only outside but also inside after some time.

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Depends on the military really and the kind of armorers you have. Over here most rifles are pretty well looked after but it still varies as to the armorer who's actually looking after them. I've seen a few rifles with absolutely shocking furniture but the weapon still works well. One thing though are sights are looked after as a top priority, because obviously they are your bread and butter. They might have a little chipped paint, but mostly they are repainted when you lose paint to protect it from rust. rust is removed whenever its found cause that leads to failure of the system. Although that's just from my own experience. Different rifles, different nations, different armorers can lead to weapons being better or less well maintained. So long as when you pull the trigger the thing goes bang and someone (preferably the enemy) dies then i guess you can't really complain.

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Well, AK type rifles are cheap, besides our army phased out AKM's and AKMS's long time ago, now everyone is running there with much newer wz.96A or wz.96C (very rarely wz.96B). So wz.96 series are maintained pretty well, and are new. AK's on the other hand are not that important, used mostly only to give some training for new recruits during so called preparation service in some units tough I heard that with each year in more and more units even for this purpose they are replaced by wz.96A. In future AK's will be phased completely out of service, and most likely just left in stocks for "just in case" scenario.

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Depends on the military really and the kind of armorers you have. Over here most rifles are pretty well looked after but it still varies as to the armorer who's actually looking after them. I've seen a few rifles with absolutely shocking furniture but the weapon still works well. One thing though are sights are looked after as a top priority, because obviously they are your bread and butter. They might have a little chipped paint, but mostly they are repainted when you lose paint to protect it from rust. rust is removed whenever its found cause that leads to failure of the system. Although that's just from my own experience. Different rifles, different nations, different armorers can lead to weapons being better or less well maintained. So long as when you pull the trigger the thing goes bang and someone (preferably the enemy) dies then i guess you can't really complain.

That's about getting to the point. When I was Younger (sig! :P ) I served in the paratroopers. We had Beretta 7.62 BM59 FAL issued


and some units dated back to the 50' and 60'...( :lol: ) but still in (almost) perfect condition.Some are still capable of tight grouping at 800 mt still....

So I guess is just a matter of how your armorers keep them. Note that those weapons where issued to drafters, so really used and abused, changing hands every 12 month.Damn, they weight like a bag full of bricks, but not stamped steel there..just old iron and wood..HAHAHAHHAHAH

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Well, AK type rifles are cheap, besides our army phased out AKM's and AKMS's long time ago, now everyone is running there with much newer wz.96A or wz.96C (very rarely wz.96B). So wz.96 series are maintained pretty well, and are new. AK's on the other hand are not that important, used mostly only to give some training for new recruits during so called preparation service in some units tough I heard that with each year in more and more units even for this purpose they are replaced by wz.96A. In future AK's will be phased completely out of service, and most likely just left in stocks for "just in case" scenario.

Also from what I've heard the AK can be abused a lot and not really be affected....but then again no offence to AK users but i hear they don't have the greatest reputation for accuracy so i guess loss in accuracy from wear and tear is less noticeable.

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Also from what I've heard the AK can be abused a lot and not really be affected....but then again no offence to AK users but i hear they don't have the greatest reputation for accuracy so i guess loss in accuracy from wear and tear is less noticeable.


This is not true, if you abuse it you can cause malfunctions. It's a myth that AK is more reliable than any other comparable carbine/rifle. I seen my self for example bad feed from magazine malfunction because magazines were abused, or a piston breaking off from bolt carrier during firing. And AK's do not like mud, especially that it's rather easy to get mud inside them. When it comes to reliability, InRange on YouTube made interesting videos about mud and firearms reliability.



Dirt, sand etc. are less affecting AK, but it can cause malfunctions. In reality the design of AK makes getting dirt and other stuff getting inside rather easy, heck in the field I found inside my AKMS not only dirt or sand but also small rocks, grass and other stuff. It makes cleaning rather inconvienient.


As for accuracy, AK type rifles are accurate and comparable to other rifles/carbines of the same class. I fired both AKMS for 7,62x39mm and wz.96A for 5,56x45mm ammo, and singleshot they are quiet accurate, even when using only iron sights. Full auto is of course a different story. :P

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I can imagine my weapon is scratched, but rusty? If i clear my weapon every day, it cannot be rusty. To get rust, weapon must be in some mud, then pulled out of it and get dry (and not touched off course). Now if you put some oil on it (once per month, week (depend which army army, which unit etc) it cannot rust. Off course repaint is mentioned in previous post.. Besides that US weapon are in perfect condition.

And here are AK's from last "news"

They dont look rusty to me.

Every pcs weapon of weapon behave diferent :

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You gotta remember though damian, the reserves usually get the shit stuff, stuff that works, but barely, one experience with one variant of the AK doesn't mean all of them do that. You're not an expert on the firearm after such a short time using it, you've had enough time to muster an opinion of your personal experience, but that's it.

The AKMS you were given was most likely old, badly treated by soldiers and reserves alike and as a result not in the best of conditions I'm sure if you were to turn back time to say five years ago, it wouldn't be the same story.

I'm sure there are many more accounts of AK's being picked up from the mud and still working than your single experience as a reserve troop.

But regardless, if it can rust, it will rust, end of story, feel free to retexture it if you don't like it though :)

Just my 2 pennies worth

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Oh right, that's interesting to learn  :D.


Tell you what i love the BI forums, especially RHS thread, you learn a lot.

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You gotta remember though damian, the reserves usually get the shit stuff, stuff that works, but barely, one experience with one variant of the AK doesn't mean all of them do that. You're not an expert on the firearm after such a short time using it, you've had enough time to muster an opinion of your personal experience, but that's it.

The AKMS you were given was most likely old, badly treated by soldiers and reserves alike and as a result not in the best of conditions I'm sure if you were to turn back time to say five years ago, it wouldn't be the same story.

I'm sure there are many more accounts of AK's being picked up from the mud and still working than your single experience as a reserve troop.

But regardless, if it can rust, it will rust, end of story, feel free to retexture it if you don't like it though :)

Just my 2 pennies worth


Never said I am expert. :P


And of course you are right, reserves get junk pretty much. My AKMS was from 1985, so yeah pretty old. However these experiences still hold a point that AK's are not wonder weapons, they can malfunction, they can rust as well.


Actually rusting is pretty interesting thing. Because it seems weapons tend to rust in military storage. :P Even if we literally drown them in conservation oil after every firing range session or proving grounds, and also when we packed weapons after our service ended, before sending them back to armory.


The thing is however that not entire weapon rusts, in case of AKMS it's mostly folding stock mechanism that rusts. Of course also barrel and bolt carrier group + piston are prone to rust due to residue from powder, and before someone say it should be cleaned, it is cleaned and still it's very difficult to clean it perfectly, always a bit of residue will stay even after several hours of cleaning.


Still Zee I would preffer an old AK than the gun we don't talk about. ;)



Oh right, that's interesting to learn   :D.


Tell you what i love the BI forums, especially RHS thread, you learn a lot.


Aye. Oh one more thing about AK's in general, it's true that older AK's like AKM/AKMS is rather heavy, due to use of wood. However newer AK's where wood was replaced with composites, are relatively lightweight. Also ammo will have impact here, 7,62x39mm is of course heavier, while 5,45x39mm or 5,56x45mm is lightweight, and this will also affect general weapons weight. I think my wz.96A is only a bit heavier than your typical AR-15.


Of course advantage of 7,62x39mm is longer effective range, but in practice, I doubt it matters much, especially if you use only iron sights. And about iron sights, older AK's are terrible to shoot in dark, simply because iron sights do not have night markers, and are dark coloured. Newer AK's like wz.96 have tritium night sights. Sights themself are not bad, but not great either.

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I still dont see even one pic of rusted AK in Modern Russian army from last 2 years :

Now even better - type in google graphics "rusted ak-74m" -  you should see only one rusted version from somali pirates, found on British beach :D

Also there is still a bug with action menu - non-default actions are still visible, even without action menu opened :

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So you will really make a fuss about something such trivial as weapon texture? Leave it, the team have more important things to do right now, and as far as I know, guys that made that texture spended a lot of time on it to make it look good.

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Sorry i just reported it dont fit into game, and its unrealistic. (but good for DayZ or something). No need to nerves

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But this thread is not for reporting. You don't like it? Do not play it, simple as that.

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But this thread is not for reporting. You don't like it? Do not play it, simple as that.

Sorry but you blocked me on feedback, on facebook so this is only place where i can do this (reporting).

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Sorry but you blocked me on feedback, on facebook so this is only place where i can do this (reporting).

your personal opinion has been noted. note that some of the textures are getting ready for the visual update.

Also, as far as our 3d artists go, we allow some artistic freedom for obvious reasons. We provide hidden selection so that everyone can feel free and create their own textures.


we won't discuss the reasons why you've been banned on a public forum though.


now please stop dragging this thread further down this path..same goes for you damian.  

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your personal opinion has been noted. note that some of the textures are getting ready for the visual update.

Also, as far as our 3d artists go, we allow some artistic freedom for obvious reasons. We provide hidden selection so that everyone can feel free and create their own textures.


we won't discuss the reasons why you've been banned on a public forum though.


now please stop dragging this thread further down this path..same goes for you damian.  

I really apreciate your work, i'll try to create my own textures soon, but i'm only beginner in modding. Texturing the Ak will be first texturing made by myself :P

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Okay-this discussion has gone way off topic now and is starting to turn a bit nasty.Let's just drop it please.

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as a question back on topic, the russian MSV is kinda a paramilitary force and works closely with the VV. Does the RHS class units such as OMON, Alpha, and Vymple (can't spell it, won't even try) to be part of the armed forces?

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Vympel* close :D


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