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So if I create a compatability will you support it? I dont mind creating one, but i want it to serve a use to people.

Why not just contribute it to ACE 3?


I mean ffs, why should RHS have to include an ACE 3 compatibility addon when ACE 3 is open source, and already includes an optional RHS compatibility addon... 

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Hello guys


i wanted to ask something im not really sure about. How do radars work on helicopters on RHS (or is it on all Arma)?


This is whati understood it, tell me if i am wrong. Apache and Cobra for example. The both share the same RWR radar, but one relays the information directly on the circular radar (which also give the relative orientation of the gunner view on respect of the hull facing) , and the other has a very very thin strip on top of the radar. Moreover, the icons arent relative to a radar lock, but a generic vehicle existance. I thought that to being on a radar you either must emit an emission (active) or receive an emission (passive). But if you place a vehicle whatsoever directly behind your chopper, here it appears in grey, and if said vehicle has a radar (say, a Shilka) and that Shilka radar locks the chopper, the icon remains grey, it doesnt give off the information that you are under radar lock. The only times when you hear a beeper is when a radar locked missile is launched at you (i.e. most of the times when it's already too late). The icon only changes colour when the gunner locks himself a target, independently of radar locks. 


Long story short, there is no RWR but for that beeper warning on a launch, and the colour or the position of the icons are not dependent of a "radar" working, but its a magical Arma interpretation of how military aviation radars work. 


Am i correct?

The military has what are called EOMS (Electro-Optical Missile Sensors). They detect the exhaust plume from missiles, and can even identify what kind of missile it is.

If you look at the "UH-60M" in RHS, you can see them on the nose (The random cylinders sticking out). They're on the UH1Y, AH1Z, CH47 and AH64 as well.



Here you can see the APR-39 RWR (Black hockeypuck looking thing) and the EOMS (Thing with the glass and orange) You'll also have the AVR-2b, seen below, that detects lasers.



You SHOULD get a warning from the Shilka locking on to you, but then again the Ai might not actually be "tabbing" on to you. I know in OA you would get a warning if one was looking at you but you were still out of range.

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I think it seems it's even easier for anyone who wants to create a compatibility config for this particular mod than i imagined..

Yup it was pretty easy to config these values.


@modding discussion:

Both teams (ACE3 and RHS) are busy with other stuff, such as developing and perfecting their work. ACE3 is open-source so it's pretty easy to contribute towards it or make some patch that helps for the compatibility. Sure, it'd be much better if the compatibility was provided instantly by RHS devs, but they have chosen not to do so and we should respect their decission as it is their mod to make those calls.



I don't think having ACE3 compatibility would create any dependencies though; would it? Toadie's weapons don't spew errors when you load them w/o ACE, and yet they're properly configured for it.

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The military has what are called EOMS (Electro-Optical Missile Sensors). They detect the exhaust plume from missiles, and can even identify what kind of missile it is.


I didnt know the fine detail of this, thanks :)


From what i get out of it it sounds like the beeper on missile launch, which it seems is autonomous (but may integrated, i think) in the RWR passive detection measures.


The RWR, i.e. the radar array that doesnt emit a frequency but instead analyses if there's a focus of radiation on you (which means you have been radar locked) was simulated in ACE back in the A2OA days, i think.


All radar systems are the meat and bones of modern aerial warfare.Active radars give away their position to other radar systems, even from hundreds of km away, and it's common practice turning off all radars from an aircraft before raiding in enemy territory to avoid detection. now i know this is true for fixed wings from my times with Falcon BMS, but i dont know if the same applies to attack choppers too. All in all, i think that the way Arma simulates the radar is a sort of always on, 360° ground radar, with no information about radar locking. Truth be told, many locking systems are IR (i.e. heat) based and wouldnt let off a radar lock themselves.


All in all though, i dont think htis is something in the gears of RHS team, TBH. They seem more focused in units rather than interdependent systems, it looks more like stuff for an overahaul project like ACE (but again, who am i to tell a modder what to do with his time? ;) )

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This is talking super duper long term, but would RHS ever see itself making the Chinese Armed Forces?

not unless some of us learns chinese and moves to china, eventually directly into their military ranks = never



1.Sure, it'd be much better if the compatibility was provided instantly  by RHS devs, 

3. instantly

2. they have chosen not to do so and we should respect their decission as it is their mod to make those calls.


1. why would it be so much better?

2. nothing can be provided instantly

3. RHS, and well as other mods out there are a constant WIP. They change some things with each release. On top, BIS changes how core things work just as well, with each release. Compatibility is desired, but it isn't the scope. We cannot dedicated to upkeep such compatibility files with different mods out there we have no control over.


And with this last explanation, please refrain from talking to anything unrelated to RHS mods in the thread from now on

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To complement Pufu's answer, in our official website you can find our official position in certain frequently asked subjects (check the number 9): 

RHS official F.A.Q

I hope it helps you to understand us better  :)

Nothing will beat the question " Who Killed Captain Alex" :D :D :D

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not unless some of us learns chinese and moves to china, eventually directly into their military ranks = never



You could always draw straws to see who'll enlist  ;)

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I don't know if it was mentioned before but what do you guys think about adding(making?) hidden versions of NVGs? Also anyone know how do they do it? Is it just a config change or should we make an invisible NVG model?

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I don't know if it was mentioned before but what do you guys think about adding(making?) hidden versions of NVGs? Also anyone know how do they do it? Is it just a config change or should we make an invisible NVG model?

I might not be getting the point but for what is this exactly?

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I might not be getting the point but for what is this exactly?

A lot of not to realistic mods make invisible NVGs it is just for aesthetic purposes so players don't have ugly NVGs ontop of their head. For example PG Services has a Ear piece that cant be put in your NVG slot. It also illuminate the entire screen. Other mods like TRYK have bandannas as NVGs.

Basically it is for people who want to look good instead of being realistic. I certainly hope you wouldn't consider going down this road.

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A lot of not to realistic mods make invisible NVGs it is just for aesthetic purposes so players don't have ugly NVGs ontop of their head. For example PG Services has a Ear piece that cant be put in your NVG slot. It also illuminate the entire screen. Other mods like TRYK have bandannas as NVGs.

Basically it is for people who want to look good instead of being realistic. I certainly hope you wouldn't consider going down this road.


I think he meant something like massi's hidden NVGs, they're invisible until you're actually using them, then they're visible. IMO it's not too bad.

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A lot of not to realistic mods make invisible NVGs it is just for aesthetic purposes so players don't have ugly NVGs ontop of their head. For example PG Services has a Ear piece that cant be put in your NVG slot. It also illuminate the entire screen. Other mods like TRYK have bandannas as NVGs.

Basically it is for people who want to look good instead of being realistic. I certainly hope you wouldn't consider going down this road.


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Download TRYK and go into virtual Arsenal and go into NVGs and you will see what im talking about.

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Sorry marcgf something messed up on the quote, I mean to quote rekkless. So yeah we will not do this. Also not the hidden unless used. Equiping something in Arma literally means putting it on. If you dont want it displayed then put it into the backpack.

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I think he meant something like massi's hidden NVGs, they're invisible until you're actually using them, then they're visible. IMO it's not too bad.

^^This is what I'm talking about, not those TRYK things.


Edit: Whoops didn't see Soul's message. 

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Sorry marcgf something messed up on the quote, I mean to quote rekkless. So yeah we will not do this. Also not the hidden unless used. Equiping something in Arma literally means putting it on. If you dont want it displayed then put it into the backpack.


I know what you mean and I agree, but the AI won't use the NVGs unless they're in their NVG slot.

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I know what you mean and I agree, but the AI won't use the NVGs unless they're in their NVG slot.

Arma 3 feedback tracker?

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Arma 3 feedback tracker?

I doubt that this is a problem and not an intended behaviour. People can't use NVGs from their backpacks either. ;)

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I know what you mean and I agree, but the AI won't use the NVGs unless they're in their NVG slot.

Afaik the mod "ASR AI" fixes that, so the AI actually puts the NVGs away when they don't need it.

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I might not be getting the point but for what is this exactly?


I know it sounds weird but I sincerely don't know why I wanted to do it. Normally I like it when your equipment is visible on your character but for some reason it just "disturbed" me.


I've figured out how to do it and made a config file which adds invisible versions of NVGs when they are not used, they are visible when they are used. When I learned how to compile bin files and create bikeys I may release a mod, with your permission of course. Don't judge me, people could have interesting requests sometimes.  ^_^

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Your rpt is filled with hundreds of reports related to ACE, CUP and a plethora of other mods.

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He keeps spamming rhs, cup and ericj threads with those obscure rpt files and error messages demanding fixes and various modded items. Just ignore it i guess.

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So maybe you should only run one mod at a time, open a fresh clean mission in the editor, and try it there. Offline, no other mods, no custom mission, no server with mods, just the most basic configuration and take that rpt file. Maybe someone can help you then.

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I wasn't running any of those mods.  Maybe someone on the server I played on was.  The rpt will say which ones I'm running.

Thanks for nothing, though, mdtorch, keep it up.

Actually, I just switched to CUP. It's not nearly as good, but I can hear people shoot.


Could it have anything to do with the fact that Windows and some apps are on a solid state and the game is installed on a separate mirrored RAID?

Again, there are only 2 mods that do this, and they're both ones I really like.  It's very sad panda.

DUDE, if switching to CUP will keep you from spamming this thread with non-sense, please do so.

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I wasn't running any of those mods. Maybe someone on the server I played on was. The rpt will say which ones I'm running.

Thanks for nothing, though, mdtorch, keep it up.

Actually, I just switched to CUP. It's not nearly as good, but I can hear people shoot.

Could it have anything to do with the fact that Windows and some apps are on a solid state and the game is installed on a separate mirrored RAID?

Again, there are only 2 mods that do this, and they're both ones I really like. It's very sad panda.

So stop being sad panda and LISTEN to what we are telling you. You are playing on unlocked servers running without keys..... other people are screwing up your game because they can run what they like.... over writing the weapons config on your machine.

I already told you we had this EXACT situation and solved it by locking the server with keys.

Last time I offer help...

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