Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 15, 2019 44 minutes ago, Moon_chilD said: Oh boy, I'm so dumb. I completely missunderstood the use of the Hit Eventhandler. xD Howerver, now that brings me to an issue: I want to make it so, that whenever a Zombie attacks and hits a unit a script/function is executed. Any idea how I could do that? I use dammaged or hit eventhandlers for that, and filter out non zombie attackers before starting the script triggered by the eventhandler There should be atleast a hit eventhandler already in the zombie module of ravage. Else i have an example that I can send you once i get to my pc. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted May 15, 2019 If I understand it right, the hit Eventhandler only fires on the person getting hit. Therefore I guess the option in the Zombie Module can not be used for what I want to do (I want to add an infection script I wrote). I guess I could use the hit evenhandler on all player and add a check for the source of the damage to the script. I just wonder if the Zombie will actually be the Source. I can test it, would still not say no to that example ;3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 15, 2019 My infection script works with dammaged EH applied to all players and AI, i am still happy with it and can recommend this EH for such script. this addEventHandler ["Dammaged", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_hitIndex", "_hitPoint", "_shooter", "_projectile"]; }]; If (_shooter != "zombie") exitwith {} ; .... Your code here.... "zombie" (or maybe "zombies") is the config parent for ravage zombies class 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted May 15, 2019 Seems to work @Vandeanson, except that for some reason it does not like this: "If (_shooter != "zombie") exitwith {} ;" Which is odd. I get the error: "Error in expression" for "!=" but I don't know why. (!(_shooter != "zombie") doesn't work either). But I'll find a different solution for that. Thank you for the help! (zombie is right by the way) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 15, 2019 Ah yeah i thought so.. Hmm i forgot what i used... Try !isKindOf "zombie" This searches also the subtypes of config entries. I think != or !isEqual is looking for exactly the same object Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 15, 2019 18 hours ago, EO said: The only thing that's stopping a pure Ravage/GM only hybrid is trader backpacks, they still spawn with either vanilla bergens or carryalls, @haleks any way traderSupply could be amended to spawn traders with GM only packs? Reveal hidden contents As for the rest, trader experience is perfect, he only sells GM gear, hell he's even selling my own EO GM uniforms I added to the gearpool array, that's really awesome the trader scripts pick up on that. Bought a snazzy Combat Uniform for $30. For the moment, I'm afraid it's impossible to define your own backpacks - the classnames are stored in a variable local to a script so it can't be manipulated from the "outside". 😕 But adding a global variable to deal with that is easy peazy - I'll take care of that once I resume work on Ravage. Good news otherwise - I realise I totally forgot to test the upgraded gearpool set-up on traders! 😄 It's nice to see they are behaving. 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: Ah yeah i thought so.. Hmm i forgot what i used... Try !isKindOf "zombie" Yep, _shooter isKindOf "zombie" is the way to go. Alternatively - and if you don't need to return the shooter itself - it can more reliable to check for the ammo classname : _projectile isEqualTo "rvg_zedAmmo" or (typeOf _projectile) isEqualTo "rvg_zedAmmo" I can't remember the exact syntax right now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted May 15, 2019 Mhhh still having issues though I think they are more Arma issues than Ravage ones but maybe someone knows why: So whenever I don't add a check for the Zombie all works fine. My script fires and everything works as expected. When I add the check (either with Vandeansons or haleks' way) nothing happens. So I went out and debugged a bit. I added this "hint format ["%1\n%2\n%3\n%4",_unit,_shooter,_damage,_projectile];" What I then get is something like: bis_o1 <NULL-object> 0.45 <NULL-object> What is interesting is: before <NULL-object> is shown it says something else for a fraction of a second. (I would guess it shows what actually is supposed to be there. So zombie_walker and rvg_zedAmmo) Anybody knows whats going on and what I could do (and maybe what I do wrong xD). 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 15, 2019 @Moon_chilD It might be easier to work with the HitPart EH : this addEventHandler ["HitPart", { (_this select 0) params ["_target", "_shooter", "_projectile", "_position", "_velocity", "_selection", "_ammo", "_vector", "_radius", "_surfaceType", "_isDirect"]; if (count _ammo isEqualTo 3) exitWith {};//undefined origin (fall, collisions etc) if ((_ammo # 4) isEqualTo "rvg_zedAmmo") then { hint "Goddamn zombie!" }; }]; 3 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted May 15, 2019 Awesome, works now. Thank you two for your help. :3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted May 15, 2019 It's possible to have authentic GM car patrols... Spoiler "gm_ge_army_kat1_451_cargo_wdl","gm_ge_army_u1300l_repair_wdl","gm_ge_army_kat1_451_reammo_wdl","gm_ge_army_kat1_451_refuel_wdl" 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 15, 2019 8 minutes ago, Moon_chilD said: Awesome, works now. Thank you two for your help. :3 Also, note that (atleast when using the dammaged EH) one strike by a Z might be registered multiple times, and hence is triggered multiple times. Your infection effect (maybe damage over time loop) would be triggered multiple times, if you dont manage this. Not sure if that fact also applies to haleks version. Cheers Vd 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 15, 2019 56 minutes ago, haleks said: "Goddamn zombie!" 😁 Will try that EH too, atleast using the projectile as filter seems to be faster. Thanks! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 15, 2019 19 minutes ago, Vandeanson said: Also, note that (atleast when using the dammaged EH) one strike by a Z might be registered multiple times, and hence is triggered multiple times. Your infection effect (maybe damage over time loop) would be triggered multiple times, if you dont manage this. Not sure if that fact also applies to haleks version. Cheers Vd I reckon "HitPart" is safer to use in that regard. "HandleDammage" should only be used if you wish to override the final damage; for any other use, I would suggest using "hit" or "hitPart". 😉 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 15, 2019 28 minutes ago, EO said: It's possible to have authentic GM car patrols... Reveal hidden contents "gm_ge_army_kat1_451_cargo_wdl","gm_ge_army_u1300l_repair_wdl","gm_ge_army_kat1_451_reammo_wdl","gm_ge_army_kat1_451_refuel_wdl" Those GM vehicles look absolutely dope - that truck feels much more menacing than any offroad! ❤️ 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted May 15, 2019 @haleks Note that i mean the dammaged one, not handledammage;) this addEventHandler ["Dammaged", { params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_hitIndex", "_hitPoint", "_shooter", "_projectile"]; }]; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lv1234 75 Posted May 17, 2019 So considering the issue I'm having with the indoor looting bug in my mission (which is most likely caused by my manually placed items, which would take a very long time to debug). Is there any way for us to have the "old" interior looting system back that we had before the new one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuRaZorWitchKING 725 Posted May 17, 2019 2 hours ago, lv1234 said: So considering the issue I'm having with the indoor looting bug in my mission (which is most likely caused by my manually placed items, which would take a very long time to debug). Is there any way for us to have the "old" interior looting system back that we had before the new one? What's the bug? If the items are being deleted that you're placing down then the Ravage module's are doing their jobs, if you have the "cleanup" option set to "yes" then all the items you have hand placed WILL be deleted... Simply put the cleanup function to "No" and it should resolve your issue... Though you should know that doing this WILL cause eventual build up over time of mission items and can lead to game crashes... This is why Halek's has the dynamic loot in the first place. If you're wanting custom loot, I recommend placing loot crates around the map (basically stashes) and then using "addItemCargo" you can manually add items you'd like to be within your crates Just by using their specific class names... (beans, bacon, rice, water, soda... etc...) If you need further assistance, or have further questions you know where we're all at! 🙂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moon_chilD 200 Posted May 17, 2019 By the way, dunno if these have been reported already. I'm currently playing your Singleplayer missions and this keeps poping up when trying to search an object (only occasionally and not everytime). Whenever the error pops up the inventory window opens for a fraction of a second and closes again: 21:33:33 Error in expression <m); _lootholder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_loot, 1]; _lootholder setdir (random 35> 21:33:33 Error position: <_loot, 1]; _lootholder setdir (random 35> 21:33:33 Error Undefined variable in expression: _loot 21:33:33 File ravage\code\rvgLoot\fn_checkLoot.sqf, line 32 And this one pops up every now and then while moving around: 21:42:20 ERROR: Switch uniform! Uniform is not supported by soldier 21:42:20 Uniform U_BasicBody is not allowed for soldier class Bandit_Renegade 21:42:20 Error in expression <Random rvg_backpacks; _unit addBackpack _backpack; clearAllItemsFromBackpack _un> 21:42:20 Error position: <_backpack; clearAllItemsFromBackpack _un> 21:42:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _backpack 21:42:20 Error in expression <ectRandom rvg_goggles; _unit addGoggles _goggle; }; }; if (!((count rvg_nvgs) is> 21:42:20 Error position: <_goggle; }; }; if (!((count rvg_nvgs) is> 21:42:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _goggle 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 17, 2019 2 hours ago, Moon_chilD said: By the way, dunno if these have been reported already. I'm currently playing your Singleplayer missions and this keeps poping up when trying to search an object (only occasionally and not everytime). Whenever the error pops up the inventory window opens for a fraction of a second and closes again: [...] And this one pops up every now and then while moving around: [...] Ghaaah! (Thanks for reporting, I'll investigate as soon as technically feasible) 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lv1234 75 Posted May 17, 2019 23 hours ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said: What's the bug? If the items are being deleted that you're placing down then the Ravage module's are doing their jobs, if you have the "cleanup" option set to "yes" then all the items you have hand placed WILL be deleted... Simply put the cleanup function to "No" and it should resolve your issue... Though you should know that doing this WILL cause eventual build up over time of mission items and can lead to game crashes... This is why Halek's has the dynamic loot in the first place. If you're wanting custom loot, I recommend placing loot crates around the map (basically stashes) and then using "addItemCargo" you can manually add items you'd like to be within your crates Just by using their specific class names... (beans, bacon, rice, water, soda... etc...) If you need further assistance, or have further questions you know where we're all at! 🙂 It seems that every time i touch the indoor looting items, I either take damage or die which seems to be caused by manually placed camps as deleting all of them takes away the issue edit: it still happens but less severely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuRaZorWitchKING 725 Posted May 18, 2019 I love it how most subscribers to my missions / Ravage complain about how the Dynamic loot system doesn't give "ANY" loot at all.... Even though I just yoinked an M16A2 out of a garbage pile at the Radio tower camp (aka Green Mountain) I even had two 5.56 mags on me, time to deck this baby out, where's a damn bandito camp when you need one VD?! 😉 😂 It's time for some huntin' boys, got my Survival suit thanks to EO, so no worries on the pouring rain if I run into a thunderstorm, or even a micro burst... I'll stay nice and toasty! 🌡️ 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted May 18, 2019 12 hours ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said: I love it how most subscribers to my missions / Ravage complain about how the Dynamic loot system doesn't give "ANY" loot at all.... Sometimes I wonder how long people play or test before posting feedback... I've been asked to restore the old loot system fairly often (before the introduction of the ambient furniture system), on the basis that it was giving more loot... But the code handling the actual loot spawn (not the containers) has always been the same between the two versions - the "shipping" method is the only thing different. I reckon it boils down to lack of patience : play-testing or balancing a sandbox mission of potentially big scale is no easy task, no matter how streamlined the process may be. 5 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuRaZorWitchKING 725 Posted May 18, 2019 1 minute ago, haleks said: I reckon it boils down to lack of patience THIS. ^^^ I play-test my missions for hours, and hours before a release, or a patch, but then you have someone who comes in and hasn’t even been playing ten minutes telling me that the loot system is broken. CLASSIC. 😂 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Donnie_Plays 435 Posted May 19, 2019 3 hours ago, haleks said: I've been asked to restore the old loot system fairly often (before the introduction of the ambient furniture system), on the basis that it was giving more loot... But the code handling the actual loot spawn (not the containers) has always been the same between the two versions - the "shipping" method is the only thing different. Both systems work in different ways for people depending on what they want to do. Loot is not really a problem for me. I basically never get complaints from people about it, with regards to comments on sandbox workshop stuff. I did at first, but once I figured out the right balance for what I wanted to do, it was not a problem anymore. I think the current system for Ravage is excellent for mission making and singleplayer. It's very immersion based and it works. I believe the old loot system is a much better system for people who want to try Ravage on a server. I didn't discover this until I tried to run a couple of Ravage servers. There is a clear difference in performance with the new loot system. Also... the behavior of people on servers is just different than the way people act in a mission. On servers... people tend to want to grab loot and fight as soon as possible if they can. This is why it is advantageous for people to run inside a building, see if objects have spawned and if they have not, they know they can move to the next building. One system operates faster for gamers. Unfortunately... gamers today have lost patience. I tend to point my fingers at PUBG directly. I've thought a lot about loot in Arma. Breaking Point did a great job with loot, when it comes to performance. In Breaking Point, loot spawns based upon player position first. If you get close to a town, loot will spawn. It will stay there based upon a specific amount of time (not sure exact parameters) and the loot will despawn. It also will despawn if no players are present in the area. One thing that works really well with this loot system, loot does not get thrown to the ground when you open a container. It stays inside the container. This means if I search a box and find a shotgun... it will still be there for the next player who searches it, as long as loot had not despawned yet. Anyone here familiar with the use of headless clients? This is a comment from Dyslexci on performance that I wanted to mention just to get it out there. I'm not very well versed on headless client systems for Arma, but I know BP mod uses it for server related stuff to help improve performance. Quote "The headless client is a technique by which you can spawn a game client without graphics (hence 'headless') on a server. This client can have things like AI offloaded to it, which means that the normal server can focus on network traffic and all of the fundamental server behaviors, while the HC can do AI calculations. The HC allows for faster, more responsive AI, without being tied to the server's framerate or performance. It's part of what makes the AI in our Arma 2 coops as challenging as they are. Before the HC, higher-playercount AI would be more and more braindead as the server's framerate dropped (from playercount)" 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites