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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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49 minutes ago, Chairborne said:


I was expecting this question, but not from you. I'm disappointed :P

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It's been a while since someone asked, had to take that off my chest.:shoot:

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I know someone has probably already asked this but are people permitted to retexture CUP's uniforms? I'm just curious, because I love this mod, but I miss the more classic flora camo that is from Arma 2, the flora in this looks more like mountain flora as compared to the greener variants. Thanks!

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5 hours ago, Chairborne said:

It's been a while since someone asked, had to take that off my chest.:shoot:


maybe people have finally clicked that with this awesome config from AuTigerGrad you don't need to wait for someone to port them over?

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Not the first time someone does that, didnt stop them from asking before. =)

Also people whined so much about it it became a running joke for us.

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11 hours ago, TheShadowMarksman said:

I know someone has probably already asked this but are people permitted to retexture CUP's uniforms? I'm just curious, because I love this mod, but I miss the more classic flora camo that is from Arma 2, the flora in this looks more like mountain flora as compared to the greener variants. Thanks!


No problem with that, as long as your retextures are not copying over anything from CUP, i.e. if you make the addon dependent on CUP and just use config retextures, nobody will object.

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I would like to ask one about locking targets with the Ka-50. Couldnt find anything here or in bugtracker.

In Ka-50 you dont have visual locking on hud or radar right ? So one needs to lock on view and have audio lock sign ?

Sorry if this sounds stupid but Iam more Infantry than pilot, I need to know though.

Or is there any chopper on opfor who can lock aircrafts ?

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Uhm no? Pretty sure you should be able to lock with a visual cue on HUD.

You can also turn on the laser designator, open the targeting pod (left ctrl+rmb) and self designate on targets that arent usually lockable with the Vikhr ATGM.

Beware though that there are two versions, one with ATGM missiles and one with AA missiles (Igla). If you're not getting any visual cues with the Igla then maybe something changed somewhere else, it used to work right before.

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23 hours ago, Varanon said:

I was expecting this question, but not from you. I'm disappointed :P

I can oblige if you'd like me to ask again. The last time wasn't very fun for me, but you guys do good work and deserve a smile every once in awhile. :)

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14 hours ago, Alwarren said:


No problem with that, as long as your retextures are not copying over anything from CUP, i.e. if you make the addon dependent on CUP and just use config retextures, nobody will object.

Awesome! Thanks a lot!

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On 05/02/2017 at 6:49 PM, Varanon said:

Ambient Planes from Take on: Helicopters. They have no interior, but they can be used, showing a "UAV" like pilot view. Main purpose is for ambience, though, not for player use



Oh my god dude I have been waiting and hoping for so long for someone to do exactly this!

The hard part is waiting for the next update!

Amazing work as always!

Edited by R0adki11
removed quoted pictures as per the forum rules
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I follow this quite a while now and i saw that recently there were black uniforms added.


Even though those guys are ficticious would it be possible to add a kind of Shadow Company to US Forces / BLUFOR ?



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35 minutes ago, veloxz said:

I follow this quite a while now and i saw that recently there were black uniforms added.


Even though those guys are ficticious would it be possible to add a kind of Shadow Company to US Forces / BLUFOR ?



Why not create your own addon and use CUP as a requirement?

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1 hour ago, veloxz said:

I follow this quite a while now and i saw that recently there were black uniforms added.


The black uniforms aren't added yet. However, I *was* actually considering a "shady PMC" branch with some black ops operators, but don't take this as a promise or assume they will be in the next update.

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1 hour ago, Alwarren said:


The black uniforms aren't added yet. However, I *was* actually considering a "shady PMC" branch with some black ops operators, but don't take this as a promise or assume they will be in the next update.


Nah no promise taken. :)


It just came to my mind as the "Umbra Catervae" has some sort of badass- and coolness but never actually appeared as a playable faction. Neither in the original game nor in an ArmA 2 or ArmA 3 addon :/

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23 hours ago, Chairborne said:

Uhm no? Pretty sure you should be able to lock with a visual cue on HUD.

You can also turn on the laser designator, open the targeting pod (left ctrl+rmb) and self designate on targets that arent usually lockable with the Vikhr ATGM.

Beware though that there are two versions, one with ATGM missiles and one with AA missiles (Igla). If you're not getting any visual cues with the Igla then maybe something changed somewhere else, it used to work right before.

Just tryed today in eden with no luck. Could only lock enemy chopper with rmb on sight but no locksignal to see or hear. fired rockets but they flew straight into horizon.

Again Iam lame as pilot but can anybody tell how to do it ?


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6 hours ago, Alwarren said:


The black uniforms aren't added yet. However, I *was* actually considering a "shady PMC" branch with some black ops operators, but don't take this as a promise or assume they will be in the next update.


This just in, high ranking CUP dev CONFIRMS BlackOps PMC factions, more at 11



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1 hour ago, JD Wang said:


This just in, high ranking CUP dev CONFIRMS BlackOps PMC factions, more at 11




CUP has the best black ops. Everybody says so. We're very good at black ops. Lots of bad hombres.

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Hey guys,


I love the CUP. But every time I get in the Apache (of any type/faction) as pilot and turn the engine on the ATRQ immediately glitches to full damage. No other human players on my server have that problem and the AI can fly it fine.

Anyone know the problem?



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5 hours ago, Jester504 said:

I love the CUP. But every time I get in the Apache (of any type/faction) as pilot and turn the engine on the ATRQ immediately glitches to full damage. No other human players on my server have that problem and the AI can fly it fine.


As b.a.verrecus said, it's the Advanced Flight Model. The lack of good documentation and the fact that nobody of us uses it is the reason this hasn't been fixed yet, and it is very unlikely to get fixed any time soon.

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On 2/10/2017 at 2:09 AM, Alwarren said:


As b.a.verrecus said, it's the Advanced Flight Model. The lack of good documentation and the fact that nobody of us uses it is the reason this hasn't been fixed yet, and it is very unlikely to get fixed any time soon.

Ohhhhhhh. Sucks. Thanks.

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I was looking into the AFM of the Apache, but didn't find a problem yet. It all looks correctly set up. So, still looking

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