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Pete's Re-Textures (EUROFORCE, CSAT Snow Tigers)

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Yes, currently working on preparing the update for M.E.R.C.S. 1.01 (hopefully being released today) while at the same time working on my regular paid side job (stress ensured!). Once that's out I still want to create an orange lightbar for the Bobcat support tank and need to index all vehicles to make them work with Zeus. Oh, and I might need to re-do my CfgGroups to make it comaptible with Alive, we'll see. Long list ahead, but now it's dinner time. ;)

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Working on the release but I've encountered yet another problem. Any sound magicians here? I've ripped a siren sound, converted it to .ogg and Audacity tells me it is 1.59 seconds long. Tried looping it in 1.6 second cycles but it's "doubling", i.e. it sounds like the next cycle is starting while playback of the first sound hasn't finished yet. Successfully applied this method before on other WIP sounds but can't seem to find a decent cycle time for this one. I'm getting the feeling something's wrong with the file. Anyone able to take a look at it?

Uploaded it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fye6u8zarv53zn0/EF_Siren.ogg?dl=0

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Awesome! Thanks, man, I'll give it a whirl ASAP!

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As said, the Showcase MP will follow. For now, I just wanted to share the new units with you guys. Hopefully, everything's working. Throw me a message when it's not.



2015-03-10_00001zfshd.jpg 2015-03-10_00002rrss8.jpg 2015-02-23_00004ztku1.jpg 2015-02-20_00008p3p1p.jpg 2015-02-26_00005l9o3a.jpg 2015-03-03_00004r2sjj.jpg 2015-02-24_00008b4uxr.jpg 2015-02-25_00007a4uc5.jpg

Version: 1.10


  • Re-Textures of most NATO and AAF vehicles and infantry, including weapons, vests, headgear and backpacks.
  • Altis, Black, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland Hex schemes.
  • Altis, Desert, Snow and Woodland conventional forces.
  • Altis, Black, Desert, Snow and Woodland special forces (the "Wolfpack").
  • Navy Military Police (MP) with custom units and vest.
  • Fixed-wings in Light and Dark Grey Triangle pattern.
  • Helicopters in Black, Green and Navy Triangle pattern.
  • Ground vehicles in Altis, Desert, Navy, Snow and Woodland Cloud schemes.
  • Ships in Grey Cloud scheme.
  • Custom rank insignias / fictional rank system. (Loosely based on Mass Effect's Systems Alliance, additional emblems for Techs and Medics.)
  • Country flag insignias for all 28 current EU states plus extra flags for England, Scotland, Wales, Norway, Iceland, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro and FYROM.
  • A mini showcase campaign. Nothing fancy, just five straight forward missions around the redeployment on Altis roughly two months after the events in M.E.R.C.S.
  • Zeus and (hopefully soon) Alive support.


1.1 - 10.03.2015

  • FIXED: Officer (Combat) and MP Officer had the wrong pistol.
  • FIXED: Testmode and debug functions were still active in the showcase campaign.
  • FIXED: Snow and Woodland vehicles had the wrong weapons in cargo.
  • CHANGED: Infantry snow camo scheme now has green parts.
  • CHANGED: Snow MX versions now have white-green spraypaint camo.
  • ADDED: Complete re-textures of all NATO and most AAF vehicles.
  • ADDED: Non-combatant medics.
  • ADDED: Functioning lightbar and siren to MP vehicles and Bobcat support tanks.
  • ADDED: Custom signs for EUROFORCE Armoury, Checkpoint, Command, EUROFORCE, Kamino, Maxwell, Mike-26, Military Police, Rogain, Stratis Air Base and Vehicle Range.
  • ADDED: Zeus and hopefully soon Alive support.
  • ADDED: Server key.

Known Issues

  • Some weapons / vehicle parts cannot be re-textured at the moment, hence the snow versions of the NLAW and some support trucks do not work until BI decides to enable hidden selections for these objects.

Future Plans / ToDo

  • Adding custom generic identities with common names from all European countries.
  • Showcase: Military Police


Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.

Credits & Thanks

  • black-light-studio for their / his great Hexatal Camo Concept – Seamless!
  • Catchina-Q2 for her/his Buzzard graphic!
  • cobra4v320 for his HALO/parachuting scripts!
  • drdraze for the space wolves chapter badge!
  • norrin for his great convoy defend script!
  • Shuko for his SHKPos script!
  • Surfer for his splendid Wipeout texture!
  • tpw for his ambient civilian script package!
  • And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions!


Dropbox v1.10

Steam Workshop v1.10

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So far so good (good to see my sample worked ^^)

It seems, that the MP Armor and MP Support are missing with Zeus! (But only on the Blufor side. They appear on the Empty side)

Also, if you spawn a MRAP (or anything else) thorugh Zeus (one from the Blufor side) and then remote connect to it, the sound and light bar does not work.

One Request: Would be cool if one yould see the light bar (physicaly). The lights work great!

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Hm, first thing might be a copy paste bug. I've counted 300-something different vehicle classes, a few might slipped through my partly automated process of indexing them.^^

Are the actions not showing up or can't you see / hear the lights?

That pretty much depends on the model. If it has lights I could try to re-tex them like this guy did in his police mod I've linked some pages ago. Problem is the APCs, Hunters and Striders don't feature such lights. At least none that are not used by the regular vehicle light. We'll see.

Anywy, thanks again for the sample. Still need to figure out the perfect cycle, especially with sleep being inaccurate as f.

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Hm, first thing might be a copy paste bug. I've counted 300-something different vehicle classes, a few might slipped through my partly automated process of indexing them.^^

Are the actions not showing up or can't you see / hear the lights?

That pretty much depends on the model. If it has lights I could try to re-tex them like this guy did in his police mod I've linked some pages ago. Problem is the APCs, Hunters and Striders don't feature such lights. At least none that are not used by the regular vehicle light. We'll see.

Anywy, thanks again for the sample. Still need to figure out the perfect cycle, especially with sleep being inaccurate as f.

Yeah I thought so...I just wanted to tell you.

The Actions does not show up!

Yeah, it was just a suggestion for the future...^^

I noticed that rarely the sound gets stuck for a split sec but that is not as annoying...what I could hear so far worked pretty well I would say. If you have any other sound problems/needs don't hesitate to ask me!

Oh yea one question: Where do I find the Country flag insignias? They don't show up for me in the Arsenal!

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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@Moon_chilD: I'll take another look.

Strange, because the user action is set in the vehicle config and not added by script or so. Might be the extra isPlayer check. Which is obsolete I later discovered. Probably forgot to remove that.

Yeah, sometimes sounds are overlapping or there is a small unwanted delay within the loops. My best guess is it's Arma's scheduled / un-scheduled script environment thing. If that sound loop is sleeping and the engine decides another script has priority it temporarily abandones the first one and so we get these micro-glitches sometimes. This sample works better than my old one though.

They're not in the arsenal? oO They're in the same config as the old insignias. But the scheme is quite simple, yet I (of course) forgot to document it properly. When using EUROFORCE units add something like this to their init line:

// For single word countries
this setVariable ["IP_Country", "Germany"];
this setVariable ["IP_Country", "Norway"];

// Or for multiple word countries
this setVariable ["IP_Country", "United_Kingdom"];
this setVariable ["IP_Country", "Bosnia_And_Herzegovina"];

When applying the inisignias on non-mod units, the insignia classes are always "EF_" + country name. Full list is in the classnames.csv and here:

// Classname                                   Country
EF_Albania					Albania
EF_Austria					Austria
EF_Belgium					Belgium
EF_Bosnia_And_Herzegovina	Bosnia_And_Herzegovina
EF_Bulgaria					Bulgaria
EF_Croatia					Croatia
EF_Cyprus					Cyprus
EF_Czech_Republic			Czech_Republic
EF_Denmark					Denmark
EF_England					England
EF_Estonia					Estonia
EF_Finland					Finland
EF_France					France
EF_Germany					Germany
EF_Greece					Greece
EF_Hungary					Hungary
EF_Iceland					Iceland
EF_Ireland					Ireland
EF_Italy					Italy
EF_Latvia					Latvia
EF_Lithuania				Lithuania
EF_Luxembourg				Luxembourg
EF_Malta					Malta
EF_Montenegro				Montenegro
EF_Netherlands				Netherlands
EF_Norway					Norway
EF_Poland					Poland
EF_Portugal					Portugal
EF_Romania					Romania
EF_Scotland					Scotland
EF_Serbia					Serbia
EF_Slovakia					Slovakia
EF_Slovenia					Slovenia
EF_Spain					Spain
EF_Sweden					Sweden
EF_United_Kingdom			United_Kingdom
EF_Wales					Wales

@Foxhound: Brilliant, thanks!

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Sure, make it slow ^^ not that Important!

Also here, not that big of a deal! I discovered it by accident!

As far as I can remember it also happens in that police mod. And if I think back...I think it was worse! ^^

Does that mean, one can not find it in the arsenal? (I don't know if I interpret your answer right @.@)

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No, they should be in the arsenal. I have no idea why they're not showing up.^^

I just elaborated the background because there is a function running on init on every unit. But it hits post-init. Means if you call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsgnia from a unit's init line it will most likely be overwritten by my own function to set the country flags. By defining the "IP_Country" variable you can tell the automatic script what flag it should set. However, if you set "IP_Country" to false in a unit's init the script will just do nothing and you can apply whatever insignia you like.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

Just checked, they're showing up in my arsenal. Any other mods runinng?

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You are kidding me?:icon_frown: On the day I have to send my laptop to the repair service you publish the next version. Now I have to wait a week to test the new units.:(

Besides that: Congratulations!!!:cool:

Edited by reforger

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Hm, sounds like you've got a problem there. Good I always have two machines in service at the same time. :P

Get well soon, in the meantime I can kill a bug or two.^^

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Hey Indeed Pete,

EU forces... good work on all. Like how you've set them up.

Now if only they will be more involved in European problems than the real EU Battlegroups...

Europe's got a thing with putting together good force solutions that sit dormant while politicians watch as situations in their sphere of influence turn to chaos like slow motion train wrecks. The whole Bosnia Kosovo debacle comes to mind. Now, we're practically watching a rerun on the daily news in Ukraine...different decade same tune. Sadly, deterrent does no good back at base.

Make sure to write a set of cojones for ARMA 3 EU political apparatus in the config ;-)


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Thanks, chaps!

I'm not really a fan of the military in general but in this case I'll just do what all movie soldiers do: Stay away from the politics and just save the world! :D

I don't see any way in which European (or NATO) forces could de-escalate anything in the Ukraine. Quite the contrary, I believe. With every NATO (or Russian!) "manouver" (read: sabre rattling) in eastern Europe tensions continue to grow while no-one actually gives a f. about the Ukrainian population being torn apart in the middle. And don't forget that NATO also has a thing for bombing civillian targets (and not only the "bad guys"), be it in Kosovo or anywhere else on the world (Afghanistan, Iraq...). Anyway, we should keep the politics in the European Politics thread I think. I'll try to remain as neutral as possible, I really don't prefer any side in these conflicts.^^

As for Arma, there actually is a rough background story about what happened in Europe between 2015 and 2035 (or 2037 in my universe). It's somewhere along the documents shipped with the M.E.R.C.S. campaign. Not sure if it's still consistent with my future plans, might need to change an event or two. :D

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Well, everyone's free to use his own background story.^^

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Believe it or not but there is a whole Fire Team hiding in this picture. :)


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Believe it or not but there is a whole Fire Team hiding in this picture. :)

Well, I could believe there are units hidden behind trees or under low-hanging branches. Otherwise impossible to tell from such a low-resolution picture :)

Hmm, that might seem a little churlish; certainly not meant as such. Very nice work Pete, adds a welcome new dimension to the stck A3 scenario.

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Well, it's 1920x1080, so pretty much what I see ingame. :D You're right, I've purposely placed them under trees:


Thanks, more is on the way!

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I found the guy ahead, but the rest was invisible.:)

By the way, what map is it?

Edit: My laptop is back! I will test the new version today.

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I'm not sure if it would be really awesome or pretty bad if the AI was smart enough to hide efficiently.^^

That is a cool new map called Lost Island: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?189794-Terrain-Pack-Lost-Island-Lost-Island-Winter&p=2899987&viewfull=1#post2899987

I'm still not sure which map to use for my next SP project. Can't decide bewteen Helvantis and this new Lost Island. Both have really awesome places and fit the scenario. We'll see!


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