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Pete's Re-Textures (EUROFORCE, CSAT Snow Tigers)

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Glad you like them, I hope I can publish the next version soon.

Well, I'm uncertain about third party work. I think I'll keep the no depenencies policy for now. Would love to have a nice European main assault rifle though, we'll see.^^

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I like the new flags, but I also liked the rank system. Isnt it possible to combine the flag and the rank? Besides this I have to say that the camo and the dust textures getting better and better.

So keep up the good work. I look especially forward the MP-Showcase.:cool:

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Well, technically it would be possible to combine them. But I'd need to put the rank into the flag texture. That's 8 rank images times 3 roles (Medic, Tech and None) times 38 flag patches - you see where I'm getting at. I need an assistant for such dull copy-paste duties. :D

Besides, I've never made an actually successful attempt at rank insignias, no-one did as far as I can see. I'd love to have more native uniform customisations such as name tags, ranks, flags etc. Maybe in Arma 4.^^ But the rank insignias are still in the mod and can be used; just the automatic functions apply (random) flags for now.

I should really get to that showcase, time's so short, dammit! But we're getting close, just need to re-tex the Ghosthawk, Blackfoot and Ghillie suits. Boats are done as well. And I need to overthink the infantry snow camo; it just doesn't match the snow vehicle colours. I've tried to add some green but it looks weird, additional experimenting seems necessary.^^

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So, I gave the infantry snow camo an overhaul with a few green hexes and some grey taken from a Finish snow pattern. Also showing the Bobcat in several schemes here. I need to fiddle around with my lightbar function, maybe I can come up with a cool orange light pattern, we all know from towing vehicles or heavy transport trucks. The armed patrol boat also got a repaint, around the same grey colour as the original but in the cloud pattern known from ground vehicles. Plus the helos are done as well. All in Black, Green and Navy triangle camo patterns. I find the Blackfoot now looks like one badass motherfucker. ;)

2015-02-26_00001rzo6t.jpg 2015-02-26_00002c7o5v.jpg 2015-02-26_0000362p4w.jpg 2015-02-26_00004orqox.jpg 2015-02-26_00005l9o3a.jpg 2015-02-26_00006o1r27.jpg 2015-02-26_00007zmol2.jpg 2015-02-26_00008zpoc9.jpg

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I hope you're watching the news, we've got a report from the crime scene coming in! ;)


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I hope you're watching the news, we've got a report from the crime scene coming in! ;)

lol, awesome! Like it!

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Missed this thread being largely hors de combat for the last 7-8 months.

These look great Pete, thanks for sharing.

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Thanks chaps!

As some may noticed I've made up a quick paramedic uniform for the picture in my previous post. Developed it a bit further and made a matching vest and headgear:

2015-03-02_00001ggs88.jpg 2015-03-02_00002l2s83.jpg 2015-03-02_00003gms30.jpg

So the MP now has unarmed paramedics available, dressed in fancy signal colours. Obviously, they're non-combattants. Sadly, the writing on the vest is a bit cropped, not sure what to do about that.

Maybe I'll develop the concept of unarmed support personnel a bit further at some point. But I want to push out the new version first to gain some feedback regarding the new stuff. ;)

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I really like them, because they fit into the time and the ambient. Do you also plan to retexture a vehicle as civilian ambulance?

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Na, at least not yet. Maybe in the future.^^

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Looking really good my friend. Good stuff

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Re-worked the snow infantry again. Gave the uniform a darker green and re-texed the rifles with a spraypaint scheme similar to the vehicle camo:

2015-03-03_000015tsp0.jpg 2015-03-03_00002k4svf.jpg 2015-03-03_000032is17.jpg 2015-03-03_00004r2sjj.jpg 2015-03-03_00005ows0g.jpg 2015-03-03_00006u2sso.jpg

Might also rework snow helmets later.

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Looks really good!!!,

Any chance to make this faction work with ALiVE.

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Thanks, not sure, what would I have to do to make that possible?

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I see, so I'd need to ask them to index my mod and then insert groups right into the vanilla structure. Posting this pre-coffee I find it a bit unclean as - to fit their standard - I can't use custom categories resulting units of different sub-factions (i.e. different camos) show up in one category. Right now, I have them nicely separated. Will see what I can do.

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Many thanks!!!

I do not consider make it work with ALiVE is something vital, since their Faction is mainly "Playable", but would help a lot in terms of populate military Areas (create security zones, patrols, etc...), or maybe if some mission editor wants to use them as "enemies".

Anyway Great Work!!!

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It's what they say in their own wiki.^^

But A3's side system is so outdated, my great-grandfather probably already worked with it. I've posted in several threads already that I'd just love a flexible system known from strategy games where you can just assign any faction to any side and form as many teams as you like. Would offer more editing possibilities and save modders some ugly config work when defining units for multiple sides.

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You better f****** do!


Or these scary m************ will visit you. In the middle of the night. When it's dark. And you're alone.

How it looks in-game:


Stay tuned...

...and obey the MP! ;)

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A bit off topic but quite fitting for this thread I think: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/08/jean-claude-juncker-calls-for-eu-army-european-commission-miltary

My personal political views about the idea or the people involved in the article aside, but I think they should use my camo scheme. :D

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I agree!!!:D

Imagine all that money I could make with licenses! Tax-payers' money. Your money. :D

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Thanks, I hope I can release at least the new units within the next few days. The showcase might take a bit longer. Too many projects on my list at the moment.

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Thanks, I hope I can release at least the new units within the next few days. The showcase might take a bit longer. Too many projects on my list at the moment.

New Leo's retexture included? awaiting for next release, many thanks!!!

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