LordJarhead 1733 Posted July 5, 2015 (edited) I don't know is it reported already but i can't hear the gbu explosion sound ??? or any bomb sound dropped from air game up to date latest ! Added that already to my list same pages ago. I know about this and have to check whats the actual problem there. Just gotta say if tinnitus would be added I hope it would be optional. I have tinnitus and obviously I don't like it. The sound can drive people insane for real and it can be very loud. It can be anything but pleasant to hear.For example I couldn't sleep properly for two weeks when my tinnitus started and got very loud. And it was the worst time of my life, I almost lost my sanity during that period. I just wanted to give a heads up because it isn't a "nice" sound afterall. No one has planned that so far. No worries. I use everything I can :pThis mod doesn´t work. Explosion sound like in the videos. But infantry battle sounds like vanilla (with that odd sound when bullets fly by, as if someone hits a pencil on the desk). I tested it several times. i deinstalled and reinstalle and the sounds are the same. Probably mixed the mods? This new release cannot be mixed with any other/older one. You have to delete all the old content or the whole folder and add this new mod to it. This is NOT an update, this is a new release, a new mod! Might have missed the change to mention... I made the order as you guys said. Maybe I try installing the whole game anew.Could someone please do a video with grenade throwing with the mod enable/disabled. Arma says the mods are installed but the grenades sound definetely different from what I hear on Youtube. Then something would be weird with your game I guess. Maybe the load order, maybe the way you load your mods. Or maybe, as stated, the mix of both mods. @LJ how to disable LEXMAN script in this mod it takes too much FPS :( No, there is no way to do so. That's what the lite version is made for which will be released during the next week ;) LJ - I also am unable to hear ANY explosion sound from a UGB or GBU (GBU-12 or similar) from an aircraft.I'm just using JSRS DragonFyre. Yeah, noted :P I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but 40mm grenades will play the vanilla sound immediately after they explode, and then the Dragonfyre sound within a reasonable amount of time for the sound to travel to the player. I've had the same problem with mortars and artillery too, I haven't tested other explosives yet though. Downloaded from and running through playWithSix. Weird indeed. I'm not sure if PlayWithSix has just updated the old RC release, because YOU CANNOT MIX the both mods. This is a new mod. I hope they didn`t do that because then all the PlayWithSix JSRS content would be fucked up... LJ, you really topped all your previous efforts.This puts all previous iterations of JSRS to shame. The accuracy to pinpoint shooters is incredible. Performance test of the new 1.0 (only cba and dfyre loaded) took place with around 180 civs, ~25 blufor engaging ~25 opfor, bit of arty going on. With 1.0 I'm getting around 45-55 fps, same for vanilla arma, absolutely no performance issues on my side (my specs are to be found earlier in this thread). Noticed the sounds are a bit beefier, bit more on the hollywood side of things. I usually don't like that but this feels as authentic as it can be. And there's some special charm on those sounds. I had to turn the volume up a good bit to hear the more quiet stuff (sitting in an absolutely silent room) The dynamic range between very quiet and a firefight is plain awesome, that's just how it has to be, you really seem to have hit that small golden spot of balance, it just feels right. Stuff I found: The new vehicle sounds must be hell to balance. If you know there's a vehicle and try to listen to the sound, it's a bit too quiet. If you don't know there's a vehicle and spot it by sound it seems to be well balanced, loudness wise, though the sounds could be triggered a bit further out. Choppers could be a wee bit louder, at around 2km you should be clearly able to tell where that chopper is coming from. Explosions are too quiet, although the mortar seems to be fine impacting at around 500m. 40mm launcher and the mortar is giving me no issues here, not running into what Taepodong-2 wrote. Seems to be fine otherwise. Nothing more to add. This "hollywoodish feeling" wasn't kinda planned, this is just what I got from my shooting session. This feel of firing weapons, the immediate feedback of sound from all surroundings. All that experience went into this mod. Yeah, the balancing is a bitch heh. Its hard, especially for modders, we have to change something in the config, get the game started, test it under various conditions to make sure it all works well and get back out of game, change it again maybe. Then step up to the next vehicles... of like 40. And after you did all that 40 times you have to compare all the vehicles ingame... and you realize you can start from scratch with the whole stuff again lol I had a hard time downloading it (internet failures at my house), but it was worth it!It does sound excellent - I have to spend more time on it, but yeah it's probably the best iteration of your work LJ. One thing though : it looks sounds like having RHS enabled will disable the distant gunshots (including for vanilla weapons), making gunfights sound weird as you only hear a high pitched sound - I don't think that was the case with the previous version? I did not test this mod with other mods. I dont have the time for that. Also, if I would support a mod, other mods want support either. Thats not fair. I just produce JSRS for ArmA3vanilla+cba, thats it. Back in the days it was ACE because... well it was ACE, everyone was using it anyways. But nowadays I'm staying with my old vanilla ArmA3 and get that b*tch to sound good. :D Hi Jarhead,Loving the newest iteration of JSRS. Some things I've noticed and I'm sure others have mentioned, but I'll go through them anyways: Only tested with hand grenades and 40mm grenades, when relatively close, I hear the distance sound play BEFORE I hear the actual sound effect. GBU's play audio only up close, medium range not much is heard at all. RPG-32 explosions only 300m away play a VERY faint distance sound effect. Also, is L_ES integrated into Dragonfyre? Or should we be running that mod concurrently with Dragonfyre? You shouldn't run L_ES with DFyre as both mods would kinda do the same plus add more scripting to the game, makes it even slower. Thats also a reason for the double explosions as you mentioned. Its probably a performance reason as the script cannot detect the explosion quick enough to spawn the sound in the exact same time. With the new scripts it will be way better. As said, this is just an SP release so you people have at least SOMETHING to use, as the old JSRS RC4 wasn`t working anymore. The rest is noted! Could please someone upload a video of two infantry groups fighting in a distance. I have crackling and that weird noise as if someone hits a plastic pen on the desk. No, no more video requests please... A CPU upgrade only for Arma is so necessary like the movie "Titanic 2" ^^ i made a little test with my Rig (specs in signature) 2 weeks ago with the default CPU-speed of 3900Mhz (i4690K with Turbomode) and Overclocked to 5500Mhz (cooled by MachII GT Compressor) and the result was 1 little frame gain, Arma´s Engine at it´s best :eek: Unless there wont be an update for the Games engine there wont be an increasement with frames. @ LordJ MLRS impact sound should be a lot higher in my opinion. I think its way too low with actual impact volume :D Noted. I now believe this humming effect is caused by script. It seems to start or at least increase when you are nearing walls or buildings, like some echo effect going rogue? Thats a willed sound effect kinda giving a feeling of buildings/rooms, electricity and air conditioners. We are in 2035, so every building has one. Should be... I kinda like that noise. Amazing work. Just annoying that I've encountered some ArmA bug where my sounds seem to play at varying audio levels constantly, like, firing a magazine and every 5-6 rounds might sound loud than the rest. It's so jarring. Not related to JSRS but it also seems to effect JSRS as well as vanilla sounds :/ So can't fully appreciate this fine work just yet. Exactly! Thats the biggest f*ck up that ever happened if you ask me and there is absolute NO reason for that to happen. I dont even know HOW this can happen. Its an internal issue as the configs are not able to have any control over this. I mean, if the sounds would get lower by each shot in a certain amount of time, I would have get it, like a feature, maybe even liked it. Like how an MG start with a loud BANG and goes to a BANGBangbangbagbabababa somehow. Would be an awesome feature.. But this is just bananas man. I have looked over the thread during the last few days of HELL here in germany (40 degrees Celsius, 107 Fahrenheit) and was considering each post and reading them all carefully :) I'm very happy to hear mostly, apart form those (Let me say) minor issues, that this mod comes along so great so far. I'm thinking since release on how to increase this quality and furtherly update it. And I surely have some new things to do and add already. Nonetheless the mentioned issues are top priority right now, such as the new scripts to be finally implemented and cover all the features we need. The problem is, we need a new script that is client side only, works fine on Multiplayer Mode, doesn`t broadcast shit, spams no RPT's during dedi server runs, gives distant explosions, firefights, surrounding soundscapes and tails, echos, shrapnel close explosion effects, inroom effects, inroom shell sounds, interior vehicle hit effects, first person (interior camera) effects for vehicles, .... uhm.... yeah and some others not even I can think of right now. And this must work all fine without any kind of performance loss. You can imagine the amount of time and energy that has to went into that script :P So, here is the current to-do list again of things that got posted and the feedback I got: -ZEUS MODULE artillery sound didnt work (exept maybe the 230mm but sound littely muffled for me) -MB-T Kuma 120mm Cannon missing impact sounds -GBU rounds are very muffled, no distant effects, to short -AH-99 Blackfoot Asraam-Missile missing impact sounds -MI-48 Kajman Scalpel-Missile missing impact sounds -A-164 Wipeout Macer AGM-Missile missing impact sounds -A-164 Wipeout Falchion-22 AAM-Missile missing impact sounds -AMV-7 Marshal stuttering engine sound -MRLS impact sounds to quiet -RPG-32 impact sounds to short -Vehicle balancing -Helicopter distance tweaks, further notability -Building humming noises a bit to loud/present -New scriptings -Performance issues, causing double explosions -Awarness of not mixing both mods must be mentioned -Updating base class Turrets->, by dfyre_v_w_strider\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MRAP_03_base_F/Turrets/ Updated mod v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: https://withsix-usercontent-cdn.withsix.com/mod/8a631a89-5cf1-4f32-a840-baa0a4d1a7fb/logos/banner-420x120.png Hey LordJarhead , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now! Make your own promo page, get the power to release your work at your own point of choosing. To learn more, follow this guide. Have you deleted all the older files first as this mod is a new release and CANNOT be mixed with the old RC4 release. This is important and its probably my fault to mention heh, please let me and others know. In that case, you would have to re-upload I guess :( Edited July 5, 2015 by LordJarhead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted July 5, 2015 Wonderful job yet again LJ! Absolutely jaw dropping... I'm having double frag grenade explosion sound. One explosion sound followed by another one after. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordJarhead 1733 Posted July 5, 2015 Wonderful job yet again LJ! Absolutely jaw dropping...I'm having double frag grenade explosion sound. One explosion sound followed by another one after. on the list -Performance issues, causing double explosions :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tyl3r99 41 Posted July 5, 2015 Have you deleted all the older files first as this mod is a new release and CANNOT be mixed with the old RC4 release. This is important and its probably my fault to mention heh, please let me and others know. In that case, you would have to re-upload I guess :( hmmm good point LJ my PWS just updated the 0.4 version on PWS to 1.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mickeymen 324 Posted July 5, 2015 Hi, LJ! You still didn't answer me. I would like to know your opinion. Do you think that the loudness of sound of heavy wapons hit (when player inside vehicle) is sufficient? Or all the same you will agree with me and will try make it more louder? I have provided one example, when vehicle, with the player inside gets hit from AT-missile: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Frogman 0 Posted July 6, 2015 Hey Jarhead, after playing a bit I noticed the FV-720 Mora engine sounds are VERY quiet, almost nonexistent.. thought i'd let you know. Great sound mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PTV-Jobo 821 Posted July 6, 2015 Hey Jarhead, after playing a bit I noticed the FV-720 Mora engine sounds are VERY quiet, almost nonexistent.. thought i'd let you know. Great sound mod! Just tested and heard it just fine, inside and out. I mean it's not ear blistering loud, but definitely not borderline none-existent at least on my end. Seems like we are going from the so-called "loudness war" to the "quiet war" hehheh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Frogman 0 Posted July 6, 2015 Yeah I actually just listened to it DragonfyreLITE, what I should have done first, and it sounds almost the same. My bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kgino1045 12 Posted July 6, 2015 Hi, LJ! You still didn't answer me. I would like to know your opinion. Do you think that the loudness of sound of heavy wapons hit (when player inside vehicle) is sufficient? Or all the same you will agree with me and will try make it more louder? I have provided one example, when vehicle, with the player inside gets hit from AT-missile: ^This Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordJarhead 1733 Posted July 6, 2015 Hi, LJ! You still didn't answer me. Oh I'm sry, King Mickey, didn't know that I'm supposed to be an customer service here :P Well thats a script issue, its not supposed to be like that. And the script wont work in MP later anyways I guess so I could now start to fix it and delete the whole thing afterwards again^^ Its a script issue, nothing else. Bohemia will provide interior hit sounds soon enough so I dont need it to be scripted anymore. Hey Jarhead, after playing a bit I noticed the FV-720 Mora engine sounds are VERY quiet, almost nonexistent.. thought i'd let you know. Great sound mod! Yeah I actually just listened to it DragonfyreLITE, what I should have done first, and it sounds almost the same. My bad. So what now, is it to quiet or not?^^ I need to balance the vehicle sounds anyways soon. LJ DFyre SP ToDo List: -ZEUS MODULE artillery sound didnt work (exept maybe the 230mm but sound littely muffled for me) -MB-T Kuma 120mm Cannon missing impact sounds -GBU rounds are very muffled, no distant effects, to short -AH-99 Blackfoot Asraam-Missile missing impact sounds -MI-48 Kajman Scalpel-Missile missing impact sounds -A-164 Wipeout Macer AGM-Missile missing impact sounds -A-164 Wipeout Falchion-22 AAM-Missile missing impact sounds -AMV-7 Marshal stuttering engine sound -MRLS impact sounds to quiet -RPG-32 impact sounds to short -Vehicle balancing -Helicopter distance tweaks, further notability -Building humming noises a bit to loud/present -New scriptings -Performance issues, causing double explosions -Awarness of not mixing both mods must be mentioned -Updating base class Turrets->, by dfyre_v_w_strider\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MRAP_03_base_F/Turrets/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aushilfsalien 11 Posted July 6, 2015 Excellent update! Thank you for your work :) is there anything we can do to fix the pws issue? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LtShadow 41 Posted July 6, 2015 Thanks for all your hard work, LJ. If you need any help, let me know. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordJarhead 1733 Posted July 6, 2015 Excellent update! Thank you for your work :) is there anything we can do to fix the pws issue? Pws issue? What do you mean? I have talked to the pws team already and we couldn't discover and problems. If you have a problem you can also use one of the other mirrors, there are enough by now :) LJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mickeymen 324 Posted July 6, 2015 (edited) Oh I'm sry, King Mickey, didn't know that I'm supposed to be an customer service here :P I'm not king, I'm just the person asking the question and waiting for answer. I'm not from the idleness recorded my video. I recorded it for you. so I wanted to know your opinion. Edited July 6, 2015 by mickeymen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted July 6, 2015 I'm not king, I'm just the person asking the question and waiting for answer.I'm not from the idleness recorded my video. I recorded it for you. so I wanted to know your opinion. List of things that DO NOT grant people with entitlement to receive answers, support or cookies from a content creator: 1) using the mod 2) asking politely 3) making videos and asking politely 4) making videos and asking aggressively Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acoustic 82 Posted July 6, 2015 Welp, I'm hooked again. Changes the game completely. Looking forward to multiplayer verison, thanks JH! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Frogman 0 Posted July 6, 2015 So what now, is it to quiet or not?^^ I need to balance the vehicle sounds anyways soon.LJ In my opinion, it's too quiet.. just compare it to the Gorgon, which sounds perfect and how a vehicles should sound like.. Once again my own opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corona2172 25 Posted July 7, 2015 (edited) @LordJarhead: I looked through the thread and didn't see anyone else mention this, but I did notice something....odd. The sound effects are great, especially the long range to medium range sounds. However, when I get within roughly 5 meters of another shooter, their shots go from being loud to extremely muffled. I have no idea why. If a guy with an MX 6.5mm (or any other weapon system that I get close to) is shooting at something directly in front of him, and I walk towards him, at about 5 meters the sounds gets very very quiet. It is strange and jarring. I can walk a 360 around him and the sound continues to be extremely low. As I walk away, the volume exponentially increases back to normal again. If it helps, I am using the PW6 version. EDIT* By "guy" and "him" I am actually referring to the AI. I understand that MP is a no-go with this version so I wanted to clear any potential confusion :D. Edited July 7, 2015 by corona2172 Clarification Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spyderblack723 407 Posted July 7, 2015 @LordJarhead: I looked through the thread and didn't see anyone else mention this, but I did notice something....odd.The sound effects are great, especially the long range to medium range sounds. However, when I get within roughly 5 meters of another shooter, their shots go from being loud to extremely muffled. I have no idea why. If a guy with an MX 6.5mm (or any other weapon system that I get close to) is shooting at something directly in front of him, and I walk towards him, at about 5 meters the sounds gets very very quiet. It is strange and jarring. I can walk a 360 around him and the sound continues to be extremely low. As I walk away, the volume exponentially increases back to normal again. If it helps, I am using the PW6 version. I've only experienced this issue with other players in MP, which of course the mod isn't made for atm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcae2798 132 Posted July 7, 2015 Oh I'm sry, King Mickey... Hahaha. Hey LJ, just wanted to drop by and say love it (again :) ) What i am noticing BTW is i can hear the sound Effect before the actual distance affect. Assuming a scripting lag affect. In your TODO list though sounds like you're aware and working on it. Either way great work mate. Turns the game into something else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
corona2172 25 Posted July 7, 2015 @SpyderBlack723: I was not on MP, but rather SP. In fact, I noticed it while testing the new sounds out in some of the Showcase missions (like combined arms, armed assault, etc). I made a small skirmish in the editor and it happened there as well. Whenever I get within 5m or so of an AI who is shooting, the volume sharply decreases until I move away again. Interesting to note that you only heard it in MP though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3550 Posted July 7, 2015 In my opinion, it's too quiet.. just compare it to the Gorgon, which sounds perfect and how a vehicles should sound like.. Once again my own opinion. I think armored vehicles (tested the 3 AAF armored right now) are prominent and just about right. Regular vehicles like hatchback, quadbike are almost silent, like if they're electrical vehicles. Tested the Zamak and if other trucks are like it they're pretty much spot on. Did some further firefight testing and I have to say this is keeping me on my toes. Really good work, especially the suppressors sound very authentic. Gonna give arty and vehicle weapons a tickle later today. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rath 10 Posted July 7, 2015 Hello my name is Evan Rath and I am a Dragonfyreaholic. This is my first meeting and I cannot play ArmA 3 without heavy consumption of JSRS. Thank you Jarhead for making ArmA like 100 times more awesome :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChuWie 11 Posted July 7, 2015 (edited) Hello my name is Evan Rath and I am a Dragonfyreaholic.[...] Welcome to the club of DragonFyreHolics, Rath! It's ok that you can not live w/o it anymore, you're not alone. Praise LordJarhead :D @LordJarhead: I looked through the thread and didn't see anyone else mention this, but I did notice something....odd.The sound effects are great, especially the long range to medium range sounds. However, when I get within roughly 5 meters of another shooter, their shots go from being loud to extremely muffled.[...] I'm experiencing it as well and made a video to demonstrate the issue. At around <=4 meters, the weapon sounds (applies to pistols as well) seem the be completely missing/bug out and just the surrounding sound of the weapon is playing. However the weapon sounds of the player himself are played just fine in 3rd perspective. ArmA 3 stable branch 1.46 CBA RC 7 Hotifx JSRS DragonFyre SP version Test mission in ArmA 3 Editor Beside of that particular issue I also found some spam in the RPT log file; 12:51:11 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_3 (4).wss' 12:51:11 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_3 (6).wss' 12:51:12 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_3 (1).wss' 12:51:12 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (4).wss' 12:51:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:51:14 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:15 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (10).wss' 12:51:15 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (8).wss' 12:51:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (10).wss' 12:51:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' 12:51:17 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:51:17 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (9).wss' 12:51:18 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' 12:51:18 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (2).wss' 12:51:19 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (2).wss' 12:51:19 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (9).wss' 12:51:20 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (6).wss' 12:51:24 No owner 12:51:45 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:51:45 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (10).wss' 12:51:45 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' 12:51:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (8).wss' 12:51:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (5).wss' 12:51:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (2).wss' 12:51:47 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:51:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (2).wss' 12:51:49 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' 12:51:50 No owner 12:51:50 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:58 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:58 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:58 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (5).wss' 12:51:58 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (7).wss' 12:51:59 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' 12:52:12 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:52:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (4).wss' 12:52:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (4).wss' 12:52:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (10).wss' 12:52:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (6).wss' 12:52:13 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (9).wss' 12:52:14 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (2).wss' 12:52:14 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (7).wss' 12:52:14 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (2).wss' 12:52:14 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (8).wss' 12:52:15 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (9).wss' 12:52:15 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (6).wss' 12:52:15 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (4).wss' 12:52:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (1).wss' 12:52:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (1).wss' 12:52:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (5).wss' 12:52:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_2 (10).wss' 12:52:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:52:16 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (10).wss' 12:52:17 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (1).wss' 12:52:17 No owner 12:52:17 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' 12:52:17 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_a_sounds\classes\trg20_dist_1 (3).wss' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16:05:44 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:44 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:46 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:48 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:49 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:49 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:50 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:50 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:51 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' 16:05:51 Cannot load sound 'dfyre_p_environmensounds\sfx\bell_small.wss' Apart from a few minor issues I'm very glad you are back LJ and still continue maintaining and further develop this awesome soundmod. Thank you! :) Edit: Added another RPT spam in the spoiler. Edited July 7, 2015 by ChuWie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iceman_TF_Timberwolf 12 Posted July 8, 2015 Great work! I have a problem though with using RHS and JSRS3. Turrets on RHS HMMWV's and other M2 turrets won't turn or fire, they're stuck in freelook. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites