rimap-p90 15 Posted October 30, 2014 Hi everyone! Have anyone notice that aiming has become way too much difficult to handle now... I don't know if I did something wrong: I install a lot of mod recently and I patch the game ( I was in 1.28 and now 1.32), but the aiming looks odd. When you are not looking at your sight, but you are looking from left to right, your arms and gun keep moving all arround... It's not like other FPS, where your arms and gun usually stay at the same place. Aiming has also changed.When I'm standing and aiming at something, it keeps moving from left to right for no reason. I can even hit a target... Even when I'm controlling my breathing. Is it the patch? Is it an attempt by the developers to make it more realistic? the Aiming system looks like Arma 1 again.... Is it possible to revert to the "old" aiming system (Arma 1.28?)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pd3 25 Posted October 30, 2014 I've been waiting to say this. But... "Get gud". The old aiming system was for plebs who couldn't handle A2, sorry, just dispensing some truth. I kind of wish BI would make it optional and enforceable via server rules, but honestly, the further away Arma gets from being a battlefield/CoD style twitch fest - the better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 61 Posted October 30, 2014 (edited) I kind of wish BI would make it optional and enforceable via server rules Thats the point. Such a drastic change to gameplay-shouldnt have never be there as "default" behavior. Even more..It rewards the player who will just stay prone with his eyepiece..and just camp other players running/moving for objectives-unable for them to react with a weapon's behavior that resembles drunken (as hell) cowboy riding his horse at full speed-trying to hit a barn. Bullshit i say (again) Edited October 30, 2014 by GiorgyGR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
simon1279 53 Posted October 30, 2014 I've been waiting to say this.But... "Get gud". The old aiming system was for plebs who couldn't handle A2, sorry, just dispensing some truth. I kind of wish BI would make it optional and enforceable via server rules, but honestly, the further away Arma gets from being a battlefield/CoD style twitch fest - the better. totally agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SnowSky 12 Posted October 30, 2014 ..It rewards the player who will just stay prone with his eyepiece..and just camp other players running/moving for objectives-unable for them to react with a weapon's behavior that resembles drunken (as hell) cowboy riding his horse at full speed-trying to hit a barn. In real life you have the same advantage when lying and not moving. What I dislike more is to hit every bullet of a magazine to kill one guy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 272 Posted October 30, 2014 In real life you have the same advantage when lying and not moving.What I dislike more is to hit every bullet of a magazine to kill one guy I would also blame more the armor/wound/medical system than the aiming though the inertia could be better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 61 Posted October 30, 2014 Lets not mention Real life plz. The combination of natural 3D vision of human && muscle memory allows FAR MORE accurate hits under stress EVEN from the hip This is just a cheap workaround to prolong firefights in PvP along with the "emptyness" of ARMA worlds (object number wise) The new system is like a mini game inside ARMA which involves you..against the crazy mouse pointer :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rimap-p90 15 Posted October 31, 2014 (edited) Thats the point.Such a drastic change to gameplay-shouldnt have never be there as "default" behavior. Even more..It rewards the player who will just stay prone with his eyepiece..and just camp other players running/moving for objectives-unable for them to react with a weapon's behavior that resembles drunken (as hell) cowboy riding his horse at full speed-trying to hit a barn. I totally agree with you... About getting better... When I said I couldn't shoot when I'm standing, I exaggerate a bit. Well, I've been playing Ofp, Arma 1, Arma 2, Arma 3 since 02 or 03. And I've been playing a lot... . - I don't like the new "aiming system". When you are aiming, you should control your breathing. The movement should be up and down to simulate breathing, like in America's army not left to right and vice versa. - Holding your breath doesn't even work anymore. - Like you said, it reward campers. - Bis should have made it optional like increasing the difficulty. - I hope somebody will fix this. Edited October 31, 2014 by RiMaP-P90 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted October 31, 2014 The new system makes shooting much better. Now you can't run ten km with tons of equipment and then shoot like a sniper who had been concealed all day. But move from cover to cover, sprint less, use vehicles to get from town to town and it's pretty simple to make accurate long range shots. Up close is even easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
forteh 11 Posted October 31, 2014 When you say controlling your breathing are you holding right mouse/zoomed view for extended periods? By default the right mouse hold controls breathing for a limited time only whilst also zooming. I believe it's something like 6 seconds of controlled breathing ( at which time the crosshair only moves vertically a fraction) after which you return to a slightly higher fatigue state and wobble all over. You can alleviate this by splitting the breath control and zoom to separate keys; I zoom using freetrack and use breath control sparingly. I also installed the improved fatigue system mod (for sp only to allow me to keep up with superhuman ai) and the shacktac fatigue bar to give a useful guide as to current fatigue states. I did find it annoying that sitting on the right click zoom fatigued you through holding your breath but separating the two actions/controls has made it far better :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avfc 10 Posted October 31, 2014 It is over the top, i mean these are fully trained up soldiers who cant move 10 meters without shaking all over the place. Against humans it isn't so bad because they suffer the same but when you have absolutely no chance of hitting something and the AI just runs, 180's and headshots you it just makes you laugh. For me atleast on MP servers the Fatigue and Aiming stuff makes playing on the ground utterly tedious, you literally have to get to an obj and hide somewhere for a bit before you can look for some targets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drill 1 Posted October 31, 2014 I like the new weapon sway and inertia, the updated fatigue. On my opinion, infantry battles in general get more realistic and tactical now. And I don't suffer any excess difficulties in aiming, there's just new choice here: to fire fast and more, or less but precisely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karbiner 11 Posted November 2, 2014 The Fatigue is all good and what not but please give our virtual soldier the stamina of a SOLDIER and not the stamina of a super asthmatic 60-year-old-obese man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilslayersbane 28 Posted November 2, 2014 The Fatigue is all good and what not but please give our virtual soldier the stamina of a SOLDIER and not the stamina of a super asthmatic 60-year-old-obese man If you're sprinting and fast-jogging it everywhere, you should get tired. I know guys that can run 2 miles in 12 minutes, but as soon as you give them a ruck with 25+lbs, plus 4 quarts of water, an m16 and a weapon they get tired after 50 meters of running, too. Keep in mind, this was during a real life FTX. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted November 2, 2014 Try these if they may help you http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22435 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23820 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26813 use the Remove Sway pbo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amatt 10 Posted November 2, 2014 I feel the fatigue system has gone too far, whether or not one would consider it accurate to a real life counterpart, movement is now made very laborious (and often frustrating) by the amount of times you must stop to regain your breath. In contrast, I think the weapon inertia has some promise. Making it more difficult to have high levels of accuracy immediately after running some distance. Being able to alter the severity of the effects may be a nice addition, particularly for use in more fast paced missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jona33 51 Posted November 2, 2014 Is it just me or are people ridiculously loaded up, because I seem to rarely notice the fatigue until I start really loading myself up. Maybe I tend to pack lighter than everyone else but maybe 8 magazines, a weapon and a couple of grenades, couple of smokes it usually fine. I was playing the SP campaign In Our Time yesterday, my loadout was MX/3GL, seven magazines (might have been six) 9 HE 3GL rounds, a couple of hand grenades, a pistol and two magazines and an explosive charge. You have to run for maybe 400-500 metres and then fight through the valley. At no point was I fatigued to the point I couldn't fight, sometimes I was getting some weapon sway but if I go prone then I only have to wait for maybe five seconds and I'm all better. That would appear to be a pretty heavy loadout there but I wasn't getting any effects that weren't easily dealt with. If you jog with your weapon down and take even five second halts where you crouch every now and then you'll never have to worry much about fatigue. I mean when I grabbed a PCML and a couple of rockets (I'd also rearmed so I was up to my original weight) to deal with an APC then I was starting to get hit hard by the sway but I'd expect that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
x3kj 1247 Posted November 2, 2014 If you are not hurt it's not such an issue but if you are wounded and use medpack your entire body is damaged 25% no matter where you where wounded. And at that point you can barely hit AI 50m away even with holding breath and crouched. Combine 30fps with that (controlls become sluggish) and you got a cocktail of frustration. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilslayersbane 28 Posted November 2, 2014 Is it just me or are people ridiculously loaded up, because I seem to rarely notice the fatigue until I start really loading myself up. Maybe I tend to pack lighter than everyone else but maybe 8 magazines, a weapon and a couple of grenades, couple of smokes it usually fine. I was playing the SP campaign In Our Time yesterday, my loadout was MX/3GL, seven magazines (might have been six) 9 HE 3GL rounds, a couple of hand grenades, a pistol and two magazines and an explosive charge. You have to run for maybe 400-500 metres and then fight through the valley. At no point was I fatigued to the point I couldn't fight, sometimes I was getting some weapon sway but if I go prone then I only have to wait for maybe five seconds and I'm all better. That would appear to be a pretty heavy loadout there but I wasn't getting any effects that weren't easily dealt with. If you jog with your weapon down and take even five second halts where you crouch every now and then you'll never have to worry much about fatigue. I mean when I grabbed a PCML and a couple of rockets (I'd also rearmed so I was up to my original weight) to deal with an APC then I was starting to get hit hard by the sway but I'd expect that. Well, what we may be dealing with here are people who try to take on a battalion as a fire-team so they have to load up with carryalls and launchers and LMGs. All you really have to do, though, is move realistically. You're not in combat? Walk or drive. I promise you, if you can't get somewhere fast enough without jogging, you can use a vehicle. It's not that hard. This isn't a twitch shooter and every move bohemia makes to move it away from that is a good one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted November 3, 2014 If you are not hurt it's not such an issue but if you are wounded and use medpack your entire body is damaged 25% no matter where you where wounded. And at that point you can barely hit AI 50m away even with holding breath and crouched. Combine 30fps with that (controlls become sluggish) and you got a cocktail of frustration. You've been shot. You're walking wounded. It should be frustrating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EDcase 87 Posted November 3, 2014 I understand the reasons for the added weapon handling 'challenges' but it is getting more frustrating than fun... Perhaps some things just need toning down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
devilslayersbane 28 Posted November 3, 2014 Or maybe you could relax a bit and take a walk. Enjoy the time before you take contact. Chat with your friends as you walk along. Then when you take contact, kill em all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
karbiner 11 Posted November 4, 2014 Yeah just go walking gun down in PvP:yay: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danius 13 Posted November 6, 2014 While I agree that aiming and stamina management can be annoying at times, I also thoroughly enjoy the mechanics and think they are great. You just need to be able to learn the mechanics and use them properly. - Use sprint SPARINGLY. Really you should only use sprint over very short distances and only when absolutely necessary. Any period of sprinting MUST be followed by a period of rest behind cover before moving on. - There is nothing wrong with the stamina levels. You are a fully kitted up soldier. You need to manage your inventory (really should only be at half capacity or less), and you need to move tactically. Crouch behind cover, survey your surroundings, move to next cover, wait, survey surroundings, repeat. If you were on a battlefield taking fire from hundreds of meters away, you bet your ass you'd move carefully and slowly also. - You should never fire at anything from standing. The only time this may be necessary is if you run around a corner and run into enemies at very close range. Typically if you are firing from standing, you are in a lot of trouble. - As forteh said earlier, you should figure out the key binding for the "temporary zoom" or "zoom in" mechanic (I think that's what it is). This will allow you to zoom in on your optics WITHOUT holding your breath. For me I have "Hold Breath" bound to right mouse button and the zoom in bound to the forward button on my mouse. This will give you zoom benefits without killing your fatigue. - Once you figured that binding out, you should only use "hold breath" for like half a second before you fire, aim, fire, release immediately. If you hold down hold breath for more than a few seconds (I think someone said 6) you are going to kill your fatigue and your aim until you can catch your breath. Anyway, those are my tips and my opinions. Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The aiming and fatigue mechanics are way different from other games and it took me a long time to adapt to them. But now that I understand them and are kind of used to them, I really enjoy the added layer of complexity and difficulty. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted November 6, 2014 It should be frustrating. game design 101 right there. frustration is key to success! If you're sprinting and fast-jogging it everywhere, you should get tired. the problem is that there is no distinction between being tired and being winded. the latter would logically cause sway increase due to increased chest movement from breathing frantically and slow down from exhaustion. being tired would only slow you down. but since all anims and all fatigue are handled the same way and sway is simply tied to fatigue without distinction the outcome is not logical in many cases. being shot in the arms (not sure if hitzone even matters) should cause sway, yes. but when sway from fatigue is already overdone and badly implemented you get a cocktail (as someone said) of things that aren't balanced with eachother and cause effects that or neither realistic nor logical in terms of game design. another problem is tha lack of a faitgue multiplier command. so now you either disable it overall and can sprint forever or get what we have now.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites