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@Dirty Haz,

Thanks, and thank you for your help with string table language translations.

Almost every script has been edited in some way or at least reduced in size on this release as the mission keeps growing.

About Bail -

CBA mod is not an absolute requirement.

In any combination mission will still function properly.

Bail from chopper action will appear on client when in chopper if CBA is loaded on server and client.

If server has CBA but not client then Bail action will not be available to that particular client.

If CBA is loaded only on client there will be no Bail action as well.


Thank you. I took some time on this one in hopes of avoiding having to release a potential hot fix, but please let me know if you find any problems.

This release should also be very sound and flexible for a customized ACE integration if any choose to do so.


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@Dirty Haz,

Thanks, and thank you for your help with string table language translations.

Almost every script has been edited in some way or at least reduced in size on this release as the mission keeps growing.

About Bail -

CBA mod is not an absolute requirement.

In any combination mission will still function properly.

Bail from chopper action will appear on client when in chopper if CBA is loaded on server and client.

If server has CBA but not client then Bail action will not be available to that particular client.

If CBA is loaded only on client there will be no Bail action as well.


Thank you. I took some time on this one in hopes of avoiding having to release a potential hot fix, but please let me know if you find any problems.

This release should also be very sound and flexible for a customized ACE integration if any choose to do so.


So we can run ACE with no problem?

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So we can run ACE with no problem?

It should be fine as long as you choose one of the disabled revive system options in lobby.

Vehicle Reward will not be issued to player who blows up ammo cache if using ACE satchel or charge. To have full functionality of Vehicle Reward you should remove ace_explosives.pbo from client and server.

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So we can run ACE with no problem?

It should be fine as long as you choose one of the disabled revive system options in lobby.

Vehicle Reward will not be issued to player who blows up ammo cache if using ACE satchel or charge. To have full functionality of Vehicle Reward you should remove ace_explosives.pbo from client and server.

Awesome, just put it on my server.. I'm having a crashing problem when I use the RHS AFRF as the enemy, but when I use leight's it's fine.. not sure if it's just me because my folder is named differently?

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Thats odd that Leights opfor which depends on RHS Escalation works but not RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

I just tested Stratis version on dedi with opposing army set to RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It is working OK here.

In this mode @rhs_usf3 is not required at all but if you do run it, then vehicle assets from blufor will be available in Vehicle Spawner

Enabled mods on my test client and server side were:


A different mod folder name (for ex. @RHSescalation or whatever) should not have any bearing on any activated mods as long mod is activated on both client and server sides.

Off topic:

Should note that though Leights mod is supported, is conveinient if all ready running RHS, is popular, and works, his mod is unfinished and generates ramdomization script errors from within the mod itself everytime a unit is spawned so not the best performance wise. I prefer using AccuracyThroughVolume's Syrian Iraqi Conflict for the best performing Middle East faction mod. Plus he has no hesitation about sporting ISIS logos on uniforms and it utilizes the full range of great static weapons from Arma 2 and the techical vehicles (puck-up trucks) come in all variants of Static mounted weapons. The ISIS faction is also true to real life in that they use weapons and vehicles that are not limited to Russian made, but rather use equipment which was abandoned such as Humvees and m-16s.

Edited by Jigsor

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I can help you with russian localization. Because I saw that everything was translated through the translator.

And you know this because you speak French and all other languages in the stringtable? :D

Dirty Haz

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hi this is fun to play!!!

one question to VA is it still possible to whitelist/blacklist items??? cause we are useing quite a lot of mods

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Hi, I was wondering if you could give me the instructions on adding another mod (OPTRE) into the line up of compatibility. I play on a mil sim and insurgency is probably the best game mode for ace/tfar.

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@Ganger, replied per p.m.


There was blacklisting available when mission was using VAS, but mission now uses Virtual Arsenal, As far As I know there is not a way by scripting to black list items but only whitelist. From what I can tell you have to disallow all weapons/items and then build whitelist using BIS arsenal functions. Its all described here.

It just seams to me to be to impractical to incorporate this into mission with all the potential mods someone may want to run. Whitelists could have hundreds even thousands of items.

Edit: actually there are bis arsenal functions for removing classes on the same page. Might give that a go.

Edited by Jigsor

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i'm thinking about to apply your ingsurgency mission to some other terrains. Is it a problem (for you/generally)?

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Great Mission, but I have a couple questions.


2 Questions:


1) Does this allow for Headless Client?

2) Is there a way to save map state on dedicated server? I have it set as persistant but need to reboot server sometimes.


Found Solution: Also, does anyone know if I can change the day/night time cycle? instead of realtime I wanted to make them both 2 hours, so a 4 hour complete day cycle.


Found Solution: I saw that there was different parameters for weather, does anyone know how I change these when I am hosting the game on a dedicated server, I can't double click on the parameters to change even when admin.


Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Anyone having issues with this crashing on a dedi box ?  seems when an almighty explosion hits (think it is mortar fire) it kills the server (Arma 3 stoppedworking)  using steam on windows 2012 server and had this happen twice and i can't understand why as we are running 2 other armer 3 servers without issue.


Any help would be great as my clan love this mission.



EDIT: Disregard was using V1.42  downloaded newer version.

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Headless client and persistence are currently not integrated into this mission.

Some groups or players have integrated Wethles's Headless Kit on their own, though I am unsure of to what extent all funtions and aspects of this mission may or may not be compatible. Maybe someone can chime in on their experience with or how to implement it.

Thank you for playing.

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Me again @jigsor


Sorry to be a pain i edited the v1.43  just adding a few more units and a bargate hear and there

Changes made to scripts were intro picture & saying EGTID instead of BMR on welcome message  (left credit to yourself on loading screen and the diary is unchanged).


Yet for some reason Im just getting a read from bank error when loading on my dedi server (it works fine from my PC when i load it as lan or internet but behind firewall so couldnt get anyone to join aprt from myself).


Here is a link to the log file if it helps.


Link to net log:  Netlog click here


My small clan and i love this mission and I would be greatfull of any help from yourself or others.


T.I.A  Jim

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"21:45:03 Missing addons detected:
21:45:03   blastcore_vep
21:45:03 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.blastcore_vep"


My guess is it looks like you have edited the mission with blastcore enabled and it probably added a blastcore mod dependancy entry in the mission.sqm under addOns[]= and or addOnsAuto[]=.
Your server is not running blastcore and so cannot run the mission as you have it by the looks of the .rpt. Its a common mistake that happens when editing with un-required sound or visual client side mods. Best practice is to only edit mission with only required mods.

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"21:45:03 Missing addons detected:

21:45:03   blastcore_vep

21:45:03 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.blastcore_vep"


My guess is it looks like you have edited the mission with blastcore enabled and it probably added a blastcore mod dependancy entry in the mission.sqm under addOns[]= and or addOnsAuto[]=.

Your server is not running blastcore and so cannot run the mission as you have it by the looks of the .rpt. Its a common mistake that happens when editing with un-required sound or visual client side mods. Best practice is to only edit mission with only required mods.



Yeah forgot i had my mods on last night when i did it DOHHH


Time to start again lol

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Today the guys at CUP (Community Upgrade Project) released an update.
Singular cup mod is now deprecated and future cup releases will be split by mod type: weapons, units, vehicles and terrains ect.

This affects players using Iraqi-Syrian Conflict mod and its dependancies with this mission.


What needs to be done to get it working again?


@cup mod needs to first be deleted then replaced with newly released @cup_weapons
So the requirements for Iraqi-Syrian Conflict are:
"Syrian Arab Army and Islamic State - Requirements :: @iraqi_syrian_conflict;@cup_weapons;@asdg_jr;@mas_nato_rus_sf_veh"

A simple mission edit is also required to get it working again.

In init.sqf on line 128 "cup_creatures_peaople_military_dummyset" must be deleted.

    case 11 : // Iraqi-Syrian Conflict
    //line 128 must be changed to this:
    activateAddons ["Iraqi_Syrian_Conflict","iraqi_syrian_conflict_v","mas_UH1Y","mas_UH60M","mas_CH47","asdg_jointrails"];

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@jigsor, your insurgency is working fine with Werthles Headless Kit, tried it on windows and debian linux server.
Important things in this Headless script:

-trigger/waypoint syncs are re-established,
-units can be ignored by the script (for use with other scripts etc.),
-units can be split evenly among multiple HCs,
-units linked to Arma support modules automatically stay on the server (otherwise these modules break),
-checks for units to be transferred to HCs are made according to the user's specifications, to ease server demand,
-script sits mostly idle if no units need to be transferred,
-many AI enhancements work alongside this script (if setup correctly!),
-debug mode can be (de)activated during the mission, to show real-time info on HC activity.
how to implement it:
in arma mission editor, place a headless client or more in your mission
Insert Unit->Game Logic->Virtual Entities->Headless Client
Give it a name like HC_1, HC_2 ... and set it as playable.

Copy the "WerthlesHeadless.sqf" in your mission folder and add this line at the beginning of your init.sqf.
[true,30,false,true,30,3,true,[]] execVM "WerthlesHeadless.sqf";

i am using this one
[true,30,false,true,30,3,true,["B_"]] execVM "WerthlesHeadless.sqf";
with this, all blufor (base defense) stay on server and will not be transferred to HC´s.

that´s all.

More things i changed in the mission:
removed zbe cache (think its not working properly with the HC´s)
disabled eos caching in eos_core.sqf (line 193 - 269), cause caching is to fast.
Disabling the eos cache is not the best solution but i am not very familiar with scripting.
Best way will be a server parameter where you can choose a time limit before eos caching starts.
eos cache off - or starts after 30 mins - after 60 mins - after 90 mins - after 120 mins
Any help would be great for this solution.

You can test the performance on our server     -      Altis version     -      Stratis Version

running wit ASR-AI on Elite, no Mods needed on clientside.

i send a link to jigsor with the modified mission files, asr-ai settings and server profiles (server and HC´s), cause
i don´t know if i have permission to post it here. If it´s ok, jigsor can post the link here.

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All addaction commands with BIS_fnc_arsenal execution will need to be deleted.
Example: remove

INS_Wep_box addAction[("<t color='#ff1111'>") + (localize "STR_BMR_open_VA") + "</t>",{["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;}];

from init_player.sqf
All scripts containing BIS_fnc_arsenal addaction execution are:
init.sqf, init_player.sqf, client_fncs.sqf, common_fncs.sqf and mission.sqm in MHQs' init fields


Grid will stay black if eos does not initialize.
Your Unitpools.sqf and init.sqf additions look fine.

In Parameters.hpp it will be easiest to add Guerrillas to bottom of list (12th option)

    class INS_enemy_army//11
    title = "        Opposing Army/Mod Initialization";
    "CSAT - Requirements :: None",
    "AAF - Requirements :: None",
    "Africian Rebel Army and Armed African Civilian Rebel supporters - Requirements :: @african_conflict;@nato_russian_sf_weapons",
    "CAF Aggressors - Requirements :: @caf_ag1.5",
    "Islamic State of Takistan/Sahrani and Afghan Militia - Requirements :: @rhs_afrf3;@rhs_usf3;@leights_opfor",
    "Syrian Arab Army and Al Qaida - Requirements :: @mec;@cup;@asdg_jr;@rds;@rds_tank;@cha_mi24",
    "Taliban and Islamic State - Requirements :: @mec;@cup;@asdg_jr;@rds;@rds_tank;@cha_mi24",
    "Hamas and Hezbollah - Requirements :: @mec;@cup;@asdg_jr;@rds;@rds_tank;@cha_mi24",
    "Sud Russians - Requirements :: @evw;@rds",
    "RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Requirements :: @rhs_afrf3",
    "Syrian Arab Army and Islamic State - Requirements :: @iraqi_syrian_conflict;@cup_weapons;@asdg_jr;@mas_nato_rus_sf_veh",
    "Guerrillas - Requirements :: None"};
    default = 2;

You are missing 2 other things.
1. In INS_definitions.sqf for non eos AI spawns

// Class Arrays /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Guerrillas
if (INS_op_faction isEqualTo 12) then {
more classnames here..

2. Missing a case 12 in scripts/DefLoadoutOp4.sqf for opfor player loadout.
The easiest thing to do here is make a Gorilla kit in arsenal and export it.
Paste it in case 12, delete removal parts and change variable this to _player. Just follow the format of other existing loadouts.

    case 12 : // Guerrillas
    custom loadout goes here...
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@jigsor, your insurgency is working fine with Werthles Headless Kit, tried it on windows and debian linux server.

Important things in this Headless script:

-trigger/waypoint syncs are re-established,

-units can be ignored by the script (for use with other scripts etc.),

-units can be split evenly among multiple HCs,

-units linked to Arma support modules automatically stay on the server (otherwise these modules break),

-checks for units to be transferred to HCs are made according to the user's specifications, to ease server demand,

-script sits mostly idle if no units need to be transferred,

-many AI enhancements work alongside this script (if setup correctly!),

-debug mode can be (de)activated during the mission, to show real-time info on HC activity.


how to implement it:

in arma mission editor, place a headless client or more in your mission

Insert Unit->Game Logic->Virtual Entities->Headless Client

Give it a name like HC_1, HC_2 ... and set it as playable.

Copy the "WerthlesHeadless.sqf" in your mission folder and add this line at the beginning of your init.sqf.

[true,30,false,true,30,3,true,[]] execVM "WerthlesHeadless.sqf";

i am using this one

[true,30,false,true,45,3,true,["B_","C_man"]] execVM "WerthlesHeadless.sqf";

with this, all blufor (base defense) and civilian stay on server and will not be transferred to HC´s.

that´s all.

More things i changed in the mission:

removed zbe cache (think its not working properly with the HC´s)

disabled eos caching in eos_core.sqf (line 193 - 269), cause caching is to fast.


Disabling the eos cache is not the best solution but i am not very familiar with scripting.

Best way will be a server parameter where you can choose a time limit before eos caching starts.

eos cache off - or starts after 30 mins - after 60 mins - after 90 mins - after 120 mins

Any help would be great for this solution.

You can test the performance on our server     -      Altis version     -      Stratis Version

running wit ASR-AI on Elite, no Mods needed on clientside.

i send a link to jigsor with the modified mission files, asr-ai settings and server profiles (server and HC´s), cause

i don´t know if i have permission to post it here. If it´s ok, jigsor can post the link here.


@mr. ripley

Thank you for the in depth insight to the modification you have done.

Here is the link to mr. ripley's  Werthles Headless Kit integration for any interested in trying this.

Mr. ripley, with caching disabled have you observed significant performance increase with this implementation.

Regarding eos cache, eos uses trigger to activate/deactivate zones so maybe reaction delay can be added to trigger properties on line 46 of eos_core.sqf. if delay is all that is needed.

Though I maybe overlooking something.


_eosActivated setTriggerTimeout [10, 10, 10, false];

Thanks again!

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