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The Eridanus Insurrection - An Arma 3 Total Modication

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Sounds have been added to the pelican ramps and the blackfoot issue has been fixed.

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Hello again!

There is some kinda Module or some steps need to use HEV pod use in Dedicated server?

I checked its possible to use drop sequence menu and blasting door function via Editor.

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Hello again!

There is some kinda Module or some steps need to use HEV pod use in Dedicated server?

I checked its possible to use drop sequence menu and blasting door function via Editor.

Please post any questions about the use of HEVs on the reddit for this mod, so we can keep this thread clear:


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Sounds have been added to the pelican ramps and the blackfoot issue has been fixed.

Oh, does it mean Blackfoot can be replaced with a Pelican without much of an issue?

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Oh, does it mean Blackfoot can be replaced with a Pelican without much of an issue?

No, there was an issue where this mod broke the AH-99 Blackfoot. That has been resolved.

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Played on the TEI wasteland server and ate my own words. I fucking love this mod and the people who play it.

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No, there was an issue where this mod broke the AH-99 Blackfoot. That has been resolved.

So it will be still impossible to replace Blackfoot with a pelican? I mean just a simple config replacer like this:

class B_Heli_Attack_01_F : TEI_pelican_unarmed_black {

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From last nights 6 hour long Zeus session on the Fox Gaming Servers - I give you two tiny videos about only the end. :P

Video pt. 1 -


Video pt. 2 -


Come join the TeamSpeak - ts3.foxgamingservers.com

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From last nights 6 hour long Zeus session on the Fox Gaming Servers - I give you two tiny videos about only the end. :P

Video pt. 1 -


Video pt. 2 -


Come join the TeamSpeak - ts3.foxgamingservers.com

Get admins on those servers to kick idiots. its a real deterrent for me I left last night because of it.

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I made some fixes to my ammo and hog drop scripts. The ammo pelican was blowing up because he was running into the ammo pods upon their detatchment (whoops), and I changed the way they are deleted upon finishing their drops (they now fly to 1000m in the air and are deleted at 800m).


_pos = position (_this select 0);

_startx = floor (random 2);

_starty = floor (random 2);

if (_startx == 0) then {_startx = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_startx = 1000 + (random 500)};

if (_starty == 0) then {_starty = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_starty = 1000 + (random 500)};

_startPos = [(_pos select 0) + _startx, (_pos select 1) + _starty];

//create pelican

_pel = createVehicle ["TEI_Pelican_unarmed_green", _startPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_pel setpos [getpos _pel select 0, getpos _pel select 1, 300];

createVehicleCrew _pel;

_pilot = driver _pel;

_grp = group _pilot;

//create pods

_d1 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d1 attachto [_pel, [0.5,-5,-0.5]];

_d1 allowdamage false;

_d2 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d2 attachto [_pel, [-0.5,-5,-0.5]];

_d2 allowdamage false;

_d3 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d3 attachto [_pel, [0.5,-4,-0.5]];

_d3 allowdamage false;

_d4 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d4 attachto [_pel, [-0.5,-4,-0.5]];

_d4 allowdamage false;

_d5 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d5 attachto [_pel, [0.5,-3,-0.5]];

_d5 allowdamage false;

_d6 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d6 attachto [_pel, [-0.5,-3,-0.5]];

_d6 allowdamage false;

//fill drop pods

clearweaponcargoglobal _d1;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d1;

_d1 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_BR55HB_ScopedRifle", 1];

_d1 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_36Rnd_95x40_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d2;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d2;

_d2 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_BR55HB_ScopedRifle", 1];

_d2 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_36Rnd_95x40_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d3;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d3;

_d3 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_M7S", 1];

_d3 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_60Rnd_5x23mm_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d4;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d4;

_d4 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_MA5B_AC", 1];

_d4 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_32Rnd_762x51_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d5;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d5;

_d5 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_MA5B_AC", 1];

_d5 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_32Rnd_762x51_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d6;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d6;

_d6 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_M41_SSR", 1];

_d6 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_M41_Twin_HEAT", 2];

//move pelican to drop off point

_pel flyinheight 100;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance _pos < 400};

_pel flyinheight 50;

//halt pelican and drop pods

_pel allowdamage false;

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 50};

detach _d1;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d2;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d3;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d4;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d5;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d6;

sleep 0.5;

_pel allowdamage true;

//upright the pods

waituntil {getpos _d1 select 2 < 1};

_d1 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d2 select 2 < 1};

_d2 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d3 select 2 < 1};

_d3 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d4 select 2 < 1};

_d4 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d5 select 2 < 1};

_d5 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d6 select 2 < 1};

_d6 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

//move pelican to spawn and delete

_pilot domove _startPos;

_pel flyinheight 200;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 150 && distance (_this select 0) > 400};

_pel flyinheight 1000;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 800};


deletevehicle _x;

} foreach crew _pel;

deletevehicle _pel;

waituntil {(_this select 0) distance _d1 > 800};

deletevehicle _d1;

deletevehicle _d2;

deletevehicle _d3;

deletevehicle _d4;

deletevehicle _d5;

deletevehicle _d6;






_pos = position (_this select 0);

_startx = floor (random 2);

_starty = floor (random 2);

if (_startx == 0) then {_startx = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_startx = 1000 + (random 500)};

if (_starty == 0) then {_starty = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_starty = 1000 + (random 500)};

_startPos = [(_pos select 0) + _startx, (_pos select 1) + _starty];

//create pelican

_pel = createVehicle ["TEI_Pelican_unarmed_green", _startPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_pel setpos [getpos _pel select 0, getpos _pel select 1, 300];

createVehicleCrew _pel;

_pilot = driver _pel;

_grp = group _pilot;

//create warthog and attach to pelican

_veh = createVehicle ["TEI_M12_LRV", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_veh attachto [_pel, [0,-5,-3]];

//move pelican to drop off point

_pel flyinheight 100;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance _pos < 300};

_pel flyinheight 5;

//halt pelican and drop warthog

waituntil {_pel distance _pos < 100};

//dostop _pilot;

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 8};

detach _veh;

//move pelican to spawn and delete

_pilot domove _startPos;

_pel flyinheight 200;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > && distance (_this select 0) > 400};

_pel flyinheight 1000;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 800};


deletevehicle _x;

} foreach crew _pel;

deletevehicle _pel;

I also made a simple pelican taxi script, and a music script. Both only take the player as input. The taxi script is very simple,

call taxi.

get in.

open map.

click where you want to go.



The music script plays what I consider ambient music on a loop and switches to what I consider combat music when the player is (probably) in combat. I wrote it to work for west side only but you could easily switch it to east if you wanted to. To use the taxi script see my earlier post about using the ammo and hog scripts. To use the music script:

copy and paste it into a file called 'player_music.sqf'

put this in your init.sqf: nul=[player]execvm"player_music.sqf";


_playerPos = position (_this select 0);

landPos = [];

_startx = floor (random 2);

_starty = floor (random 2);

if (_startx == 0) then {_startx = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_startx = 1000 + (random 500)};

if (_starty == 0) then {_starty = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_starty = 1000 + (random 500)};

_startPos = [(_playerPos select 0) + _startx, (_playerPos select 1) + _starty];

//create pelican

_pel = createVehicle ["TEI_Pelican_unarmed_green", _startPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_pel setpos [getpos _pel select 0, getpos _pel select 1, 300];

createVehicleCrew _pel;

_pilot = driver _pel;

_grp = group _pilot;

_crewCount = count (crew _pel);

//move pelican to pickup point

_pel flyinheight 100;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_playerPos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance _playerPos < 300};

_pel flyinheight 4;

//halt pelican and load units

waituntil {_pel distance _playerPos < 100};

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 2};

_pilot disableai "move";

//get LZ position

waituntil {(vehicle (_this select 0)) == _pel};

titletext ["Click on Your Map to Select LZ","plain down"];

mapClick = false;

onMapSingleClick "landPos = _pos; mapClick = true; onMapSingleClick{};";

//move pelican to LZ

waituntil {mapClick};

hint "Pelican Moving to LZ";

_pilot enableai "move";

_pel flyinheight 200;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [landpos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//create LZ marker

_marker = createMarker ["Pel_Drop", landPos];

_marker setMarkerType "mil_end";

_marker setMarkerColor "colorGreen";

_marker setMarkerText "LZ";

_marker setMarkerSize [1,1];

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance landPos < 300};

_pel flyinheight 100;

waituntil {_pel distance landPos < 200};

_pel flyinheight 2;

//halt pelican to unload units

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 2};

_pilot disableai "move";

//disembark all playergroup units


(_x) action ["getOut", _pel];

unassignVehicle (_x);

sleep 0.5;

} forEach units (group (_this select 0));

//delete LZ marker

deleteMarker _marker;

//move pelican to spawn and delete

waitUntil {count (crew _pel) == _crewCount};

_pilot enableai "move";

_pilot domove _startPos;

_pel flyinheight 200;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 150 && distance (_this select 0) > 400};

_pel flyinheight 1000;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 800};


deletevehicle _x;

} foreach crew _pel;

deletevehicle _pel;


_noncom_music = ["TEI_Music_Amber_Clad","TEI_Music_Live_Action","TEI_Music_Night_Ops","TEI_Music_Peril_and_Jeopardy","TEI_Music_Under_Cover_of_Moonlight"];

_combat_music = ["TEI_Music_Brave","TEI_Music_Covenant_Dance","TEI_Music_Mjolnir_Remastered","TEI_Music_Prepare_to_Drop","TEI_Music_Rescue_Mission","TEI_Music_Scorpion_Mix","TEI_Music_Going_Loud"];

_player = _this select 0;

_startTime = 0;

_song = "";

music_active = true;

music_stopped = true;

combat_stopped = true;

_ehID = addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop", {music_stopped = true; combat_stopped = true;}];

//loop for whole mission

while {music_active} do {

//if music is stopped start some

if (music_stopped) then {

sleep 15;

_song = (_noncom_music select (floor (random (count _noncom_music))));

playMusic [_song, 0];

0 fademusic 0;

10 fademusic 1;

music_stopped = false;


//if player is in combat (probably), start combat music

if (east knowsAbout _player > 0.5 && combat_stopped && _player findNearestEnemy _player distance _player < 1000) then {

_song = (_combat_music select (floor (random (count _combat_music))));

_startTime = switch (_song) do {

case "TEI_Music_Mjolnir_Remastered": {33};

case "TEI_Music_Prepare_to_Drop": {10};

default {0};


5 fademusic 0;

playMusic [_song, _startTime];

0 fademusic 0;

10 fademusic 1;

combat_stopped = false;


//if player is out of combat (probably), and combat music is on stop it

if (_player findNearestEnemy _player distance _player > 1000 && !combat_stopped) then {

combat_stopped = true;

music_stopped = true;

10 fademusic 0;


sleep 1;


And lastly, I was wondering why the SMG magazines are larger in your inventory than the MA5 or BR magazines. Is this based off of their ammo count or their physical size?

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Get admins on those servers to kick idiots. its a real deterrent for me I left last night because of it.

The Fox Gaming Servers are more of a casual experience then a milsim experience. If you want no nonsense, come join the 9th MEU - 9thmeu-tei.enjinvoice.com

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The Fox Gaming Servers are more of a casual experience then a milsim experience. If you want no nonsense, come join the 9th MEU - 9thmeu-tei.enjinvoice.com

I thought they weren't taking applications yet?

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Technically, the model of the armor is already almost identical to that used by ODST from Halo Reach, the only "flaw" is the lower back and hips, where the armor, to be truly perfect, should shrink and be more close to the body. In any case, if the guys of the development team would like introduce in the future, a model like the one seen in Halo 3 ODST, personally, I would not be offended by certain :p

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But why? The armor the ODSTs are wearing is already correct.

I made some fixes to my ammo and hog drop scripts. The ammo pelican was blowing up because he was running into the ammo pods upon their detatchment (whoops), and I changed the way they are deleted upon finishing their drops (they now fly to 1000m in the air and are deleted at 800m).


_pos = position (_this select 0);

_startx = floor (random 2);

_starty = floor (random 2);

if (_startx == 0) then {_startx = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_startx = 1000 + (random 500)};

if (_starty == 0) then {_starty = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_starty = 1000 + (random 500)};

_startPos = [(_pos select 0) + _startx, (_pos select 1) + _starty];

//create pelican

_pel = createVehicle ["TEI_Pelican_unarmed_green", _startPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_pel setpos [getpos _pel select 0, getpos _pel select 1, 300];

createVehicleCrew _pel;

_pilot = driver _pel;

_grp = group _pilot;

//create pods

_d1 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d1 attachto [_pel, [0.5,-5,-0.5]];

_d1 allowdamage false;

_d2 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d2 attachto [_pel, [-0.5,-5,-0.5]];

_d2 allowdamage false;

_d3 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d3 attachto [_pel, [0.5,-4,-0.5]];

_d3 allowdamage false;

_d4 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d4 attachto [_pel, [-0.5,-4,-0.5]];

_d4 allowdamage false;

_d5 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d5 attachto [_pel, [0.5,-3,-0.5]];

_d5 allowdamage false;

_d6 = createVehicle ["TEI_supply_pod", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_d6 attachto [_pel, [-0.5,-3,-0.5]];

_d6 allowdamage false;

//fill drop pods

clearweaponcargoglobal _d1;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d1;

_d1 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_BR55HB_ScopedRifle", 1];

_d1 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_36Rnd_95x40_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d2;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d2;

_d2 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_BR55HB_ScopedRifle", 1];

_d2 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_36Rnd_95x40_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d3;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d3;

_d3 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_M7S", 1];

_d3 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_60Rnd_5x23mm_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d4;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d4;

_d4 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_MA5B_AC", 1];

_d4 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_32Rnd_762x51_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d5;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d5;

_d5 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_MA5B_AC", 1];

_d5 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_32Rnd_762x51_Mag", 8];

clearweaponcargoglobal _d6;

clearmagazinecargoglobal _d6;

_d6 addweaponcargoglobal ["TEI_M41_SSR", 1];

_d6 addmagazinecargoglobal ["TEI_M41_Twin_HEAT", 2];

//move pelican to drop off point

_pel flyinheight 100;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance _pos < 400};

_pel flyinheight 50;

//halt pelican and drop pods

_pel allowdamage false;

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 50};

detach _d1;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d2;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d3;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d4;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d5;

sleep 0.5;

detach _d6;

sleep 0.5;

_pel allowdamage true;

//upright the pods

waituntil {getpos _d1 select 2 < 1};

_d1 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d2 select 2 < 1};

_d2 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d3 select 2 < 1};

_d3 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d4 select 2 < 1};

_d4 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d5 select 2 < 1};

_d5 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

waituntil {getpos _d6 select 2 < 1};

_d6 setVectorUp [0,0,1];

//move pelican to spawn and delete

_pilot domove _startPos;

_pel flyinheight 200;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 150 && distance (_this select 0) > 400};

_pel flyinheight 1000;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 800};


deletevehicle _x;

} foreach crew _pel;

deletevehicle _pel;

waituntil {(_this select 0) distance _d1 > 800};

deletevehicle _d1;

deletevehicle _d2;

deletevehicle _d3;

deletevehicle _d4;

deletevehicle _d5;

deletevehicle _d6;






_pos = position (_this select 0);

_startx = floor (random 2);

_starty = floor (random 2);

if (_startx == 0) then {_startx = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_startx = 1000 + (random 500)};

if (_starty == 0) then {_starty = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_starty = 1000 + (random 500)};

_startPos = [(_pos select 0) + _startx, (_pos select 1) + _starty];

//create pelican

_pel = createVehicle ["TEI_Pelican_unarmed_green", _startPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_pel setpos [getpos _pel select 0, getpos _pel select 1, 300];

createVehicleCrew _pel;

_pilot = driver _pel;

_grp = group _pilot;

//create warthog and attach to pelican

_veh = createVehicle ["TEI_M12_LRV", position _pel, [], 0, "none"];

_veh attachto [_pel, [0,-5,-3]];

//move pelican to drop off point

_pel flyinheight 100;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance _pos < 300};

_pel flyinheight 5;

//halt pelican and drop warthog

waituntil {_pel distance _pos < 100};

//dostop _pilot;

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 8};

detach _veh;

//move pelican to spawn and delete

_pilot domove _startPos;

_pel flyinheight 200;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > && distance (_this select 0) > 400};

_pel flyinheight 1000;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 800};


deletevehicle _x;

} foreach crew _pel;

deletevehicle _pel;

I also made a simple pelican taxi script, and a music script. Both only take the player as input. The taxi script is very simple,

call taxi.

get in.

open map.

click where you want to go.



The music script plays what I consider ambient music on a loop and switches to what I consider combat music when the player is (probably) in combat. I wrote it to work for west side only but you could easily switch it to east if you wanted to. To use the taxi script see my earlier post about using the ammo and hog scripts. To use the music script:

copy and paste it into a file called 'player_music.sqf'

put this in your init.sqf: nul=[player]execvm"player_music.sqf";


_playerPos = position (_this select 0);

landPos = [];

_startx = floor (random 2);

_starty = floor (random 2);

if (_startx == 0) then {_startx = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_startx = 1000 + (random 500)};

if (_starty == 0) then {_starty = -1000 - (random 500)} else {_starty = 1000 + (random 500)};

_startPos = [(_playerPos select 0) + _startx, (_playerPos select 1) + _starty];

//create pelican

_pel = createVehicle ["TEI_Pelican_unarmed_green", _startPos, [], 0, "FLY"];

_pel setpos [getpos _pel select 0, getpos _pel select 1, 300];

createVehicleCrew _pel;

_pilot = driver _pel;

_grp = group _pilot;

_crewCount = count (crew _pel);

//move pelican to pickup point

_pel flyinheight 100;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_playerPos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance _playerPos < 300};

_pel flyinheight 4;

//halt pelican and load units

waituntil {_pel distance _playerPos < 100};

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 2};

_pilot disableai "move";

//get LZ position

waituntil {(vehicle (_this select 0)) == _pel};

titletext ["Click on Your Map to Select LZ","plain down"];

mapClick = false;

onMapSingleClick "landPos = _pos; mapClick = true; onMapSingleClick{};";

//move pelican to LZ

waituntil {mapClick};

hint "Pelican Moving to LZ";

_pilot enableai "move";

_pel flyinheight 200;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [landpos, 0];

_wp setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";

//create LZ marker

_marker = createMarker ["Pel_Drop", landPos];

_marker setMarkerType "mil_end";

_marker setMarkerColor "colorGreen";

_marker setMarkerText "LZ";

_marker setMarkerSize [1,1];

//descend pelican

waituntil {_pel distance landPos < 300};

_pel flyinheight 100;

waituntil {_pel distance landPos < 200};

_pel flyinheight 2;

//halt pelican to unload units

waituntil {getpos _pel select 2 < 2};

_pilot disableai "move";

//disembark all playergroup units


(_x) action ["getOut", _pel];

unassignVehicle (_x);

sleep 0.5;

} forEach units (group (_this select 0));

//delete LZ marker

deleteMarker _marker;

//move pelican to spawn and delete

waitUntil {count (crew _pel) == _crewCount};

_pilot enableai "move";

_pilot domove _startPos;

_pel flyinheight 200;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 150 && distance (_this select 0) > 400};

_pel flyinheight 1000;

waitUntil {(position _pel) select 2 > 800};


deletevehicle _x;

} foreach crew _pel;

deletevehicle _pel;


_noncom_music = ["TEI_Music_Amber_Clad","TEI_Music_Live_Action","TEI_Music_Night_Ops","TEI_Music_Peril_and_Jeopardy","TEI_Music_Under_Cover_of_Moonlight"];

_combat_music = ["TEI_Music_Brave","TEI_Music_Covenant_Dance","TEI_Music_Mjolnir_Remastered","TEI_Music_Prepare_to_Drop","TEI_Music_Rescue_Mission","TEI_Music_Scorpion_Mix","TEI_Music_Going_Loud"];

_player = _this select 0;

_startTime = 0;

_song = "";

music_active = true;

music_stopped = true;

combat_stopped = true;

_ehID = addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop", {music_stopped = true; combat_stopped = true;}];

//loop for whole mission

while {music_active} do {

//if music is stopped start some

if (music_stopped) then {

sleep 15;

_song = (_noncom_music select (floor (random (count _noncom_music))));

playMusic [_song, 0];

0 fademusic 0;

10 fademusic 1;

music_stopped = false;


//if player is in combat (probably), start combat music

if (east knowsAbout _player > 0.5 && combat_stopped && _player findNearestEnemy _player distance _player < 1000) then {

_song = (_combat_music select (floor (random (count _combat_music))));

_startTime = switch (_song) do {

case "TEI_Music_Mjolnir_Remastered": {33};

case "TEI_Music_Prepare_to_Drop": {10};

default {0};


5 fademusic 0;

playMusic [_song, _startTime];

0 fademusic 0;

10 fademusic 1;

combat_stopped = false;


//if player is out of combat (probably), and combat music is on stop it

if (_player findNearestEnemy _player distance _player > 1000 && !combat_stopped) then {

combat_stopped = true;

music_stopped = true;

10 fademusic 0;


sleep 1;


And lastly, I was wondering why the SMG magazines are larger in your inventory than the MA5 or BR magazines. Is this based off of their ammo count or their physical size?

I've been saving all these in a text file to document them, in case the authors or any users need them later on. If you want to PM me some scripts of yours I can compile them into a user-friendly manual for the authors to use.

Edited by Trooper226

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But why? The armor the ODSTs are wearing is already correct.

I refer mainly to the back of the armor ... do not believe that the version you created do not like , rather it is the other way .. I find only the back a bit too simplistic , as opposed to the front ... take for example this


... the vest titanium as it connects with the giving back

thanks for the reply

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So it will be still impossible to replace Blackfoot with a pelican? I mean just a simple config replacer like this:

class B_Heli_Attack_01_F : TEI_pelican_unarmed_black {

You can, but it is an EXTREMELY bad idea. Editing base classes in the game can break things, mess up dependencies, etc. Not to mention, I dont see why you would want to do that anyways considering the Pelican is an unarmed transport and the blackfoot is a heavy attack helicopter.

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I refer mainly to the back of the armor ... do not believe that the version you created do not like , rather it is the other way .. I find only the back a bit too simplistic , as opposed to the front ... take for example this


... the vest titanium as it connects with the giving back

thanks for the reply

Technically in halo reach, the odst bdu is the same as the army and marines, except it had the odst chest piece on the front and the arms are different. You can see the army chest piece behind the odst chest piece.

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I've been saving all these in a text file to document them, in case the authors or any users need them later on. If you want to PM me some scripts of yours I can compile them into a user-friendly manual for the authors to use.

I just threw them in a .zip and put them on mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/p3b9b8s95h4ie6v/TEI_Scripts.zip

So I was thinking since there is the 32rnd and the 60rnd version of the MA5 maybe you could have the autoriflemen use the MA5 with the 60rnd clips, kind of like the M27 IAR is basically just an HK416 but fulfilling a SAW role.

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Technically in halo reach, the odst bdu is the same as the army and marines, except it had the odst chest piece on the front and the arms are different. You can see the army chest piece behind the odst chest piece.

.. but just wanting to change model


the part of the titanium is almost a different part that covers the shoulders and chest , while the lap portion of the plates appear as in the model of the mod ... that does not seem an armor completely closed as a vest ..

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You can, but it is an EXTREMELY bad idea. Editing base classes in the game can break things, mess up dependencies, etc. Not to mention, I dont see why you would want to do that anyways considering the Pelican is an unarmed transport and the blackfoot is a heavy attack helicopter.

Just testing waters before Gunship comes around. Im replacing the base classes so Pelicans are used in the vanilla missions.

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