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Group Link 5 Special FX Edition

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hey all im going to take some time today to work on this and push out an update to fix the pop up error!

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 Glad to hear you are somewhat returned to The Game and congratulations on your good news.
 I had been assuming, but nowhere found it explicit that you use ZBE-Cache, Hetman and GL5 together. If this is so, do you advise to disable any part for best results?  Lordprimate  recently expressed a fondness for ASR_AI+TPW_CAS on another thread, but again I'm not sure how that relates to GL5 and would love to know about both of your respective multiplayer set-ups.

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Hi, sorry if I missed, read aoll the 6 pages in a hurry.  I use Group Link since the beginning.



One of the coolest stuff is that there were a "Script/framework" version of it if you don´t want to make people to have the mod to play it.


GL5 has this feature? Is it possible to accomplish that (even if not with all Resources)? 


Anyway GL was always a really great system. A set of complete solutions yet simple to implement.

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I hope this mod gets updated. The 1.59 DEV build breaks it now and it is still one of the best AI mods out there.

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Hey all if you want to test out the latest build i have been tooling around with... nothing much has changed in the mod it self. I have changed a few commands IE, say3D to CBA_GlobalSay3d (not sure how that will work out)  I also tweaked some fire effects in efforts to make the fire in ARMA look more lifelike and natural (not quite there yet but workin on it. I have also removed the configs for Ammo and shells. IE the ballistics of ammunition is no longer affected by this mod ... the values are outdated, I tried to look at some ballistic info posted around BIS forums and just decided to remove it.

I have worked on the CREW_FX and added fire to the ejecting Crew of destroyed vehicles. When a vehicle is destroyed crew will dismount and be on fire in a few randomly chosen places until they die. 


I still haven't found out why i get sparks Mid Air with some large caliber rounds. and I am still working on the placement of some of the HIT effects... they are Centered on the object and not located on the actual impact point.


I dont get any startup errors or any problems in the editor however this is not tested on my dedi as were past builds.. There are still the undefined variable errors that show up if you have show script errors on. but they go away in a few seconds. 


I apologize i do not have a proper  change log or any semblance of organization. 


Have fun!!


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 Nice thanks for continuing work on this. Ive noticed that buildings rarely if ever catch fire anymore -any ideas on that? Also kinda think those funny charred gibs from slx - though strange for gunbattles - would be great for charred crew members or bomb victims

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Sorry to bother again,


I´m interested mostly in the reinforcements part of it, Can someone point me how to implement it in the script (no-mod) version?  


Actually, I as able to make it work, the problem is that I´m getting error messages when specifing groups manually (cg1=group this; , sg1=group this; and so on)


The other problem, is that I can´t change the preferences which were on "userconfig folder" like number of groups to reinforce and the most important for me, disabling enemy group markers (after using for tests, in the release version).


Pls, pls pls help me to implement in non-mod way!   I was able to do partially that with Skankman´s heklp itself on A2. That time, the problem was only tenabling/disabling "preferences" part, now I´m getting this erros I told.



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I'm glad to see continued work on this. Perhaps you can inherit some of the Blastcore Flame effects as when I load Blastcore Eagle I can see the difference. Also the houses don't burn as easily with FRAG grenades which was crazy in the last version.


It is easily seen in ARMA Benchmark by GreenFist from Steam Workshop.


I test with BC Eagle, Foxfort Edited Blast Core tracers, GL5 FX and TPW - remove EBS.pbo.


Add sound mod of choice and wow... 

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So, I'm a little confused. If I understand correctly, the current working version is the mediafire link posted May 5th, not the one on PW6. The mediafire version is the FX version, not the AI only.


How would I go about using the AI improvements only?


Follow up - I'm a little hazy on what gets synced to what - If I want to use the AI enhancement in an ALiVE mission, where I place no actual enemy units on the map, how do I go about it? Or is it just the effects that need to be synced...?

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So, i know im years behind on this unbelievable milsim, but i just invested in a gaming laptop and picked up arma.  I okayed a little of the single player without mods to begin with, but once i added some mods, it was leaps ahead of what it was.

My question is...is the GL5FX mod suitable for single player?  Ive used it throighout the game but i contiue to have more and more issues as i progress throigh rhe campaign.  Has the high command been fixed?  On the radio silence mission i called in mortars and the squad acknowledged them with a fire and splash but there was zero effect shown.  When flying a drone, it goes where it wants, almost impossible to control and i cant tag spotters in death valley with it.  

Is there a similar working mod like GL5 i should use instwad to get this effect on campaign mode?

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JRT2006 Welcome to Bis forums!

Yes GL5FX is geared for singleplayer, running it during a campaign as far as I know, things for it may not work like they should however, inside GL5 (forgive my memory as to where)

but there is code where you can tweak the settings to work with how you play, in terms of tweaking the values, or turning settings on or off.

3 hours ago, JRT2006 said:

 Has the high command been fixed?

Have no idea, never used it tbh. Sorry cant really help you with the campaign as I never played it, I'm always in the editor or modding, but as for AI mods

3 hours ago, JRT2006 said:

Is there a similar working mod like GL5 i should use instwad to get this effect on campaign mode?

See my thread here:  https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/165560-ai-compilation-list-of-addonsmodsscripts-misc/?page=1

Review the descriptions of the addons and mods for AI, I cant particularly recommend any that you should use with a campaign, however in general gameplay

(nonlinear scripted scenarios) maybe best.


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Thanks for replying so quickly.  Ive been a console guy for years but you just cant get this kind of depth on a console.  I'mtrying to get uses to keyboard/mouse control at thr moment and want to dive into the campaign before i take on any multiplayer.


Ive edited the .hpp files, the high command in particular.  I've completely disabled it I think.  I'll give it a run at lunch to see if that corrects the issue.  As far as the drone flying, the death valley mission is completely unbeatable for me.  It is almosy as if I'm on a sort of delay, bravo team in the buildings acknowledges my presence well before i am in veiw of the buildings and my time to locate spotters is shortened.  Controlling the drone isnt much of a problem,  bit occassionally the drone flies far beyond where i ask it to via the map.  Biggest issue is controllinf the turret to spot, just doesnt happen and the mission is failed every time.  


I'll have a look at the link you provided, ive done some searching but the amount of available mods is ridiculous and could find anything that seems close to the GL5FX mod.  


Thanks again

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I disabled some of the mod features.  Still no effect on the radio silence mortar fire.  Team just calls it out but there is no explosion or hit anywhere nearby.  Maybe ill add a mod to see if that helps any, one of your AI artillery links

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i have not been able to dedicate time to this as of late. its too Old and needs to be revamped by someone much better at coding then me. when i can ill take a look..


High command has NOT been fixed there is a whole new load of scripting to get that to work. and i haven't even touched it.


@tpwcas is much smaller and much easer for me to work on since my cancer diagnosis i have been rather preoccupied and this mod(gl5) is just a grandiose task that i cannot touch right now.

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