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Von Quest

[WIP] Von Quest Industries - Sniper System

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Sniper System

SpectreSniper - v0.3.1 Beta

STATUS: v0.3.1 beta Released

UPDATED: 26 September 2014






Work-In-Progress. This will be my second official Addon for the ArmA community! The BETA Version will likely be released in July 2014. This Sniper System will immerse the player into a scout/sniper roll. There will be several different elements to this project with the emphasis on Training, Camouflage, and Stalking the Objective. "Ballistics" are a dime-a-dozen. This Mod takes you deeper into the realm of a deadly and mysterious Sniper!

Sniper: Deadliest Missions (Full 1h:27min Show)


A Sniper is a highly trained marksman who operates alone, in a pair, or with a sniper team to maintain close visual contact with the enemy and engage targets from concealed positions or distances exceeding the detection capabilities of enemy personnel. These sniper teams operate independently, with little combat asset support from their parent units. Snipers typically have highly selective and specialized training and use high-precision/special application rifles and optics, and often have sophisticated communication assets to feed valuable combat information back to their units.

In addition to marksmanship, military snipers are trained in camouflage, field craft, infiltration, special reconnaissance and observation, surveillance and target acquisition.


  • Ballistics - Wind, Humidity, Elevation, Spin-Drft, Coriolis Effect, etc.
  • CPU/Prone - Only Prone shots get calculated to save on CPU, and be more 'infantry' friendly
  • WeaponSway - Absolultly ZERO Sway when in the Prone position
  • Wind Meter - Questrel: SniperBuddy I; to read and calculate the environment and weather
  • Targets - EXACT Human-Sized Targets to use with the Data Cards!
  • Data Cards - Name your Targets to get instant feedback on Hit-Locations
  • Log Book - Mil-Spec Data, Tables, Cards, etc. Reference Material
  • Blind/Hide - Build Vegitation around you over time to 'disapear' into the environment
  • SniperStealth - Wearing the Ghillie Suit will now work against Enemy AI (+boost w/ blind)
  • SniperHearing - Keen sense of Hearing over time if lying still in your Blind
  • SniperSmell - Keen sense of Smell over time if lying still in your Blind
  • BoonieHat - 1 Special Edition: 1966 USMC Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock BoonieHat in each Box

FEATURES (long):

Work-In-Progress. Some unclassified elements in development or currently in this Mod for public disclosure include:

  • BALLISTICS - Influential environmental effects on bullets such as wind, barometric pressure, temperature, humidity, spin drift, etc. (Still looking for good data on this. Let me know if you have any. Currently only the wind deflection is turned ON. Looking for real data. Example: How much a .408 round is pushed at 1000m with a 5mph 90* crosswind. Anyone have good info?)
  • CPU/PRONE - Currently ONLY Shots fired from the Prone position are effected to reduce CPU load. (working theory)
  • WEAPON SWAY - Absolutely ZERO weapon sway while in the Prone position. If your view is blocked, the next best option is the 'bone bridge' while sitting. There is only micro-sway in this seated position.
  • QUESTREL - The next gadget to roll off the production line from Defense Contractor Von Quest Industries, is the Questrel: SniperBuddy I. This Next Gen environmental meter displays wind direction, wind velocity, humidity, elevation, time, compass, etc. (USE: Adjust + Compass Buttons)
  • DATA CARDS - Name upto 5 Targets that will display detailed info on Sniper Data Cards for instant feedback and analysis. Unlimited Training and Practice to perfect your long-range sniper engagements. Accurate readout on Target-Hit Location for Both the in-game Moving & PopUp Targets. (NAME: VQI_TARGET_1, VQI_TARGET_2, etc)
  • GHILLIE a - The Ghillie Suit will now work against enemy AI. If wearing the (NATO) Ghillie, and NOT moving for x amount of time, you have a high probability of staying completely hidden to the enemy. 95% Stealth.
  • GHILLIE b - Snipers usually do not wear the ghillie the entire mission. They typically are NOT going to need one, OR they will suit up ONLY near their objective area. As a cumbersome and snag-prone suit, you will NOT be able to move too fast while wearing. Pack it away.
  • BLIND/HIDE - Master the art of camouflage. IF NOT moving for x amount of time, you will have the option to Build a Sniper Blind (aka 'Hide') with mixed vegetation. This works against humans (obviously) AND enemy AI. Camo/Blind is about 95% Stealth. Ghillie/Blind is 99.99%.
  • SNIPERSENSE - Keen sense of Smell & Hearing are key to mastering the art of camouflage and stealth. Detecting human presence near you while hidden are essential to a successful mission and staying alive. The LONGER you DO NOT MOVE your BODY, the sharper, more detailed, and further out you can detect nearby enemy units. Moving will kick-up pollen, dust, particles, etc that ruin your sense of smell. Noise like firing your gun ruin your hearing.


    Sniper Hearing
    ~ (USE:
    Sounds range from Radio Interference, Metal Clanking, Twig Snap, etc.
    Sounds will be Animal and Insects that may sound an 'alarm' like chatter, getting vocal, birds fleeing, etc.

    Sniper Smell
    ~ (USE:
    Button) Sniff the air to detect either the natural (Mediterranean flora) environment
    possible human odors like soap, body odor, gun oil, gasoline, etc.

  • BOONIE - 1 Special Edition: 1966 USMC Carlos "White Feather" Hathcock, BoonieHat in each Box (

*ANY disturbance CAN and WILL reset the "Sniper/Stealth/Senses" state!

*Large movements or getting up will break then reset the system.

*Firing LOUD weapon will break then reset the system for a VERY LONG time.

*Firing suppressed weapon will break then reset the system for a SHORT time.

*Firing suppressed sidearm has a low probability of breaking system.

*The Stealth and SniperSense work together (synergistic)

**Part of the genius of this System is its mostly automatic. Its up to YOU to play the part and immerse yourself into the Sniper role. Some of the philosophy and design is hard to explain. I wanted to create an original system that is sooo much more than just bullets effected by wind. I wanted to design a Sniper System that embraces multiple elements of that master marksmen. Targets, Camouflage, Senses, etc. I had to develop it so you MUST play realistic and to ensure that you are also not too powerful as well. The more you train and use this system, the more it will make sense.




1. To play as a "Sniper" in this Mod, CARRY the SniperBuddy in your Uniform, Vest, or Compass Slot.

2. To activate the "Stealth/Senses" part, you need to BUILD the BLIND/HIDE. (Keep moving around to keep building the vegitation up and in the shape you want. This can take a long time.)

3. (After you build a blind). To 'sniff' press ADJUST Key or Button on your controller. The Hearing is automatic. The longer you wait, the better!

4. SniperBuddy (aka Kestrel) press ADJUST + COMPASS. I also built in (WIP) the code that the Wind should stablize when pulling up the SniperBuddy. The default wind when not set, is very erratic and random. You may have to pull up the SniperBuddy 2 or 3 times. Stays on-screen for I think 30 seconds.



As part of my SpookWarCom series, I decided to release my Sniper project a little early. I'm not sure when or what will be in the BIS Marksmen DLC, so I'm releasing my SpectreSniper-v0.1 (Beta) now.

At the risk of sounding a little cocky, I think this system is absolutely brilliant. I never got into ArmA until A3, so I hope this is mostly an original and unique system in the ArmA series. I hope everyone will enjoy it and provide some feedback as I polish it up and put the last few stable adjustments and layers into this part of the project.

This system ended up being WAY more complex than I had anticipated. Even though its mostly ready, I do have more work to do. Please keep that in mind when posting here in the Forums.

I managed to get everything into the Mod I wanted, and even more. Much more! The basic stuff is nothing new. You have bullet ballistics effected by the wind & environment (still WIP). You have a rock-solid stable firing platform when prone (may conflict with other similar addons). Included is my version of the Kestrel (SniperBuddy) to measure the wind & conditions.

That was the easy (relatively speaking) part...

I never really agreed with "class" systems. Especially in a sim! If you want to play as a Sniper, then you MUST practice and conduct yourself AS A SNIPER. Just carrying a long gun does NOT make one a Sniper.

I've always been fascinated with Snipers and their Legends. What really got to me was not necessarily the long-range shots, but their ability to disappear into the wild for days stalking the objective. They were ghosts. They mastered the ability to disappear and become one with the environment. Almost eerily becoming super-human as an invisible spectre sending shivers down the spines of the enemy.

I built into this system, a complex element with an emphasis on camouflage. This works against BOTH human and enemy AI. Although not required, your Guillie suit is now worth something against AI. If you play right; as a Sniper... The enemy AI could walk right over you and never even know you're there. This system is too complex to explain in detail in an intro, but you MUST train, practice, plan, and play as a real Sniper. (ok, mostly real)

There are several 'levels' of being able to disappear. A Ghillie is not needed. But to get the best, highest level of becoming completely camouflaged; you MUST be wearing a Ghillie, Prone, NOT moving, and you will need to BUILD your Sniper Blind! Yes, thats right. You can BUILD your hiding spot over time. (still WIP)

But wait, there's more! After reading a book on Carlos Hathcock (aka White Feather) this spring, I also added elements of keen Sniper Senses!!

After my HALO mod, I started to brainstorm on how to push the envelope on design and gaming theory. Its up to YOU to master this system. Like my HALO Mod, you must train and practice to become proficient. You can just play as a soldier taking longer-range shots, OR you can immerse yourself into that ultimate Sniper experience.

The more you commit to the role, the better it gets! After you slither into position, you must build your Sniper Hiding Spot (a blind). You can build this in any size or shape you need. After you settle in, you MUST wait. And Wait... Over time your senses will heighten! You will disappear and become one with the forest...

Your sense of smell will heighten. You will have the ability to 'sniff' the air to detect things around you. The LONGER you lie still, not breaking stealth, the MORE keen and longer range your sense of smell will become.

Your sense of hearing will heighten. You will have the ability to 'hear' disturbances around you. The LONGER you lie still, again NOT breaking stealth, the MORE keen the hearing. How fucking cool is all this!?

If you move, the system breaks, and has to start over. If you move, you will kick up pollen, body odor, etc, that will take time to re-settle.

If you fire your weapon, you will also ruin your keen SniperSense. You'll temporally ruin your sense of smell AND hearing. There is even a difference between firing Suppressed vs Not-Suppressed. Getting excited yet? There is even a difference between pistol and rifle. Example: firing a Suppressed Pistol has a LOW probability of breaking-out of this "SniperStealth" mode. But firing a LOUD Rifle WILL RUIN your senses for a very very long time.

Plan ahead. Play smart. Not only is this system realistic and organic, it will force you to truly play as a SNIPER! Just pulling the trigger and accounting for windage is just a small part of this genius Mod.

I also included the option to use Targets with Sniper Data Cards to use as you train and master the art of long-range engagements with the tools of your craft.

I'm sure there is going to be debate and differences of opinion on this. But I wanted to create a Sniper addon that incorporates the full essence of playing as a Sniper without making the Player too powerful against humans nor AI.

There will be pros and cons to HOW you play. Most of this will NOT be noticeable to the average or casual player. This is sorta a sim within a sim. If you play within parameters of the Sniper-Role, you'll be a powerful and valuable asset. If you play reckless, and are unable to grasp the finer nuances of what I designed, the mod is designed to NOT work very well.

Becoming a good Sniper takes patience, practice, and precision. Part art. Part science.

Remember this is still v0.1: Work-In-Progess.

Good Luck!



-Targets - Named: VQI_TARGET_1, VQI_TARGET_2, etc (upto 5) use the Moving or Popup Targets (calibrated for the moving targets best, but will be tweaking for the popup targets instead in update).

-Sniper Data Cards - Instant and precision feedback on Target-Hit Location. Will be also including .pdf (or similar) files soon to print out so you can make or use your own Sniper Books or Data. (more on this later)

-Questrel "SniperBuddy I" (aka Kestrel) Compass, Wind Direction, Wind Force, Humidity, Elevation, etc USE: press 'adjust' + 'compass' buttons (keyboards OR gaming controllers)

-Ballistics - Wind & Environmental conditions will effect the bullet when you are Prone. (may change) Theory: ONLY "Sniper" shots therefore effected saving on cpu loads. (Any experts chime in? May be wrong here) also wanted to have the ability to install and use the mod for anyone, but IF they DID NOT want to worry about wind, then 'normal' un-prone combat would continue without effecting you.

-Weapon Sway - ZERO sway on weapons when Prone. This was an absolute must for a good Sniper Mod. (note: may conflict with similar addons)

-Camouflage - This system adds EXTRA "stealth" IF played right against AI:

Uniform + State + MOVE + Blind = Stealth (% is boost every x seconds)


Camo/any + Prone + NOT Moved + N = 0.00% (normal)

Camo/any + Prone + NOT Moved + Y = 95.00%

Ghillie Suit + Prone + NOT Moved + N = 95.00%

Ghillie Suit + Prone + NOT Moved + Y = 99.99%

*IF you MOVE or get a Bad %Roll (every x seconds) then it Breaks out of this mode, and then the enemy AI is 'capable' of seeing you (like normal, as-is in-game, system just turns OFF).

*The excepted 4 states are: prone, prone/rifle, prone/pistol, prone/optic

*IF Rifle/Weapon FIRED: Suppressed --> shorter break of system

*IF Rifle/Weapon FIRED: LOUD -------> very very long break of system

*IF Pistol/Weapon FIRED: Suppressed --> may or may not break system (low)

*IF Pistol/Weapon FIRED: LOUD -------> (same as LOUD Rifle)

[system is complex and a tad hard to explain]

-SniperSense - NOTE: ONLY Activates AFTER you BUILD your Sniper Hide/Blind

*The longer you lie and wait, the more keen it gets; the more it sharpens. (The entire "Camouflage/Sense" system can take over an hour to peak)

*IF an enemy is detected within range, there may be obvious audio like radio interference, throat clearing, twig snap, etc.

*IF an enemy is detected withing range, there may NOT be so obvious audio that will take a keen player to notice like birds fleeing, animal sounds and noises, "odd feeling", that are NOT in the game normally, etc

*Odors that may be detected include BOTH Natural and man-made Scents. A good Sniper can Sniff the air and detect things like human aftershave, boot polish, gun oil, body odor, tobacco, etc.

USE: just press 'adjust' button to take a 'sniff' of the area AFTER you have settled in and ALL the pollen, dust, etc have fallen back down. You MUST have your your Sniper Blind built. This can take a while. The longer you wait, the MORE accurate the reading you can get, AND the bigger the detection radius. (Example: For Scent, the probability starts low and peaks near 95% detection possible out to 300m over time)



One Shot, One Kill. IF you FIRE your (un-supressed) weapon, it will cancel the entire "Stealth/Senses" system for a very long time (upto an hour). I really wanted to emphasize the One-Shot-Sniper-Kill. Keep movements small or NONE at all. Plan your surveillance. Plan your cold-barrel-shot!

Also, snipers don't usually walk around in ghillie suits all day. They will hike in country, then only ghillie near the final leg of the objective. You should be packing away your ghillie suit IF you are going to wear one. As stated above, it is NOT required though. To emphasize this point, IF you wear a ghillie, you will fatigue very easy, so DO NOT RUN. The suit is cumbersome and is getting tangled and hung-up on foliage. Pack it away!

For the MOST effective Sniper Op: Plan ahead, Pack then ONLY wear the Ghillie into the Objective Area, Scout the best area to hide in, Build your Sniper Blind, DO NOT MOVE your BODY; just your eyes (TrackIR recommended). Keep your ears on high alert, Sniff the air once in a while to detect nearby humans, DO NOT FIRE until absolutely needed, USE the Von Quest Industries "Questrel: SniperBuddy" to calculate your Shot, dump or re-pack ghillie during egress for fast exfil, Enjoy a few cold beers back at the Officer's Club telling exaggerated tales of last sniper mission. Repeat.

Check back for updates and progress reports. More TBA later...

"One Shot, One Kill!"

SniperBuddy I:

  • Wind Direction
  • Wind Strength
  • Compass
  • Weather Data
  • Elevation
  • Humidity
  • Clock/Time
  • more coming...


1. CBA Required - Community Based Addons A3


1. This will be upgraded into a Module Setup, and absorbed into SpookWarCom.

2. TBA

:icon9: KNOWN ISSUES :icon9:

  • Terrible Frame Rates last testing. Unclear IF related to this Addon...
  • BIS MUST let us be able to eliminate Weapon Sway option!
  • Still possible to build your Blind/Hide on concrete
  • Vegetation of the Blind/Hide are lit even though you may build in shade
  • Vegetation & Scents are Mediterranean. Will add other regions later.
  • Need to 'lower' the stealth IF carrying a Launcher; current no penalty
  • Targets over water (Test/Mission) do NOT work with the Sniper Data Card
  • Sniper Data Card will ONLY have the Hit Location; update in next release
  • Screws up the Text in the Editor for some reason! Why?
  • MicroSway not working with 'Bone Bridge' last BootCamp update (will fix in v1)
  • 3x now in MP had a run away loop for Building the Sniper Blind. Ugh! (why?)


Use-At-Your-Own-Risk! I'm not a professional programmer.


-*Currently Experimental

-May need to use 'Smallest Interface' in your A3 Video settings

-Recommend Trixie's Sniper/Marksmen Pack

(currently broken on my end, anyone else?)

Credit & Thanks:

*BIS - for an amazing hobby!

*mrflay - target hit location




-NEW: Added Data Log Book (WIP)

-NEW: Target to Match DATACARD!!!

(perfect match to human size)

-BOONIE HAT: Darkend Color

-BOONIE HAT: Adjusted Feather

-WEAPON SWAY: Bone-Bridge (micro)

-DATACARD: Tweaked Image

-DATACARD Display: Weapon Fired

-DATACARD Display: Ammo/Mag Used

-DATACARD Display: Scope/Optic

-DATACARD Display: Weapon Creator

-DATACARD Display: Zeroing

-DATACARD Display: Target Range

-DATACARD Display: Wind (kts)

-DATACARD Display: Wind (direction)

-DATACARD Display: Date

-DATACARD Display: Time

-DATACARD Display: Rain (needed?)

-DATACARD Display: Humidity

-DATACARD Display: Temp (WIP)

-DATACARD Display: Elevation

-Tweaked Map Wind Set




-CRATE: Added Weapons, Optics, etc

-QUESTREL: Darken Color

-MAP/MISSION: Updated!!!



-Fixed: several bugs

-Added: userconfig (debug)



-first release


*PRIVATE USE ONLY! Any changes or alterations, in whole or in part, in ANY way; is strictly forbidden. Use At Your Own Risk.

(In other words, DO NOT make money off this. And never ever re-release to the public if changes are made. Share in private only, or post suggestions, code, ideas, etc. in forums. Thank You.)



Edited by Goblin
update v0.3.1

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Sounds great. I wonder if .50 cal bullet trail could be implemented long range, maybe use aircraft engine heat wave effects scaled down, that be pretty cool. Looking forward to your mod. I have animated bipods on my upcoming weapons, this would be a nice touch!!

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:icon9:KNOWN ISSUES:icon9:

  • Terrible Frame Rates last testing. Unclear IF related to this Addon...

I have a solid computer if you need a tester for this, send me a PM if you'd like, I know this is something that anybody could say but it's up to you.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to this great mod, it's like all of the best and core features from ACE2 are being slowly brought in and that's fantastic!

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Will be releasing v0.1 BETA this weekend! Yeah!!

Hoping first thing in the morning. Cross yer fingers.

Edited by Goblin

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Can this work with agm? Is it plug n play or need scripting? Could be used in the campaign and user created missions?

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Whats agm? Yes, its plug-n-play. Its a mod that you install and run in the background.

You just need to carry the SniperBuddy in your Uniform, Vest, or Compass slot to turn

"ON" the Sniper/Camo/Sense Mode. Ballistics are always ON, but only when Prone.

If you use in other missions/campaigns, everyone needs to have it installed to work.

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Why not make the ballistic on all the time, would be kind of confusing when standing regular ballistic, and when prone realistic ballistic

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ----------

AGM is the authentic gameplay modification from bundeswehr mod team, they have ballistic but not as complex as yours... but yeah would be fairly confusing your mod, let's say i'm playing campaign and during a fire fight i'm standing and shooting at guys 300 meters, no sweat but as i lie down, it makes the change, would be fairly confusing, would be better to make the ballistic only on with the SniperBuddy activated, or on at all times

Edited by Ckrauslo

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Hi Goblin,

First of all this looks like it's gonna be awesome good luck with it. I've been wanting a mod like this for quite a while. As far as

info on ballistics goes, a site called JBM ballistics is a good place to start. Another good site is shooting voodoo. It's more geared toward technique and equipment. If you can get your hands on a "Sierra" or a "Berger" reloading manual the would help a lot to. I'm not military but I do shoot long range and have shot competition in the past, so if you need help on the information side let me know.

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I knew that feature would get feedback quickly. Its just a working theory. First tests had bad frame rates, so I was brainstorming. I re-coded the EventHandler so its works great now. I'm guessing a lot of people will say the same and I'll just have it ON all the time. I've ran well over 200 tests now and its not confusing at all (biased opinion). The thought behind that is when NOT Prone, there is weapon sway so the ballistics would just be extra and unnecessary processing. Closer range engagements are not needed to calculate the weather as there would be very minimal effect on trajectory anyhow. I'm still on the fence with this one. Need more feedback from players before I decide.

I know realistically the ballistic physics would be ON all the time. But in a game I was thinking why waste the cpu power when its so easy to bog down the game as it is. In closed-testing with everyone, the current setup felt great and natural. Wind and environment didn't seems to factor in until over the 700m range.

Just looked up AGM. Looks like its not released yet. Correct? I'm guessing it may conflict (cancel or multiply) with other ballistics mods. As for other weapons and mods, it should work with ALL rifles.


Thanks. Will look onto those!

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Goblin mate, at 300 meters "border of regular infantry combat" or even further than 75 meters in real life, weather in case wind can cause significant changes in trajectory... is it the ballistic that is causing the impact on frame rate? or is it the sniperbuddy system?

Edited by Ckrauslo

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Added a few screenshots. Need to convert into the 'public' version and should have

v0.1 BETA uploaded sometime today, tonight, or in the morning I'm hoping. :p

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v0.1 Released - Download and Always

check for updates on first page. :icon_mrgreen:

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So goblin is the ballistic on all the time or only when lying down

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Thanks for informing us about the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Splendid achievement Goblin. Will def try this out.

AGM has been released. Quite a few communities are trying it out (as it is the closest thing to ACE you can get at the mom).

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vqi_halo.pbo is in the package too, if it's by design, is it any newer than the one coming with your actual Halo addon?

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Weird. Good catch. Not sure how that happened. Its probably new(ish). :whistle:

I have a HALO update coming in the next few days. Thanks for the notice.

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So about the ballistic .... is is only when prone or permanent ?

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So you say that firing unsupressed means breaking the system for an extended period of time. Does that mean your stealth advantages immediately disappear from anything you've done using the system to enhance your ability to stay hidden? Scout snipers are trained to take a shot without being spotted, so it'd be a bummer if you were immediately way more visible because you took a shot. Part of the purpose of the blind is to allow you to stay undetected even after you've taken a shot. I'd also be concerned if sway changed after the first shot as well, as it should be easy to get a follow up shot without a drastic (or any really) increase in that sort of thing. Just curious exactly how that stuff works and what resetting the system means.

So about the ballistic .... is is only when prone or permanent ?

Read the original post before you ask questions, come on.

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What would make the questrel not appear with ctrl+k? I am using mods and got it to appear without them but I have no idea which one is conflicting. Also is the sniper blind a menu option? Also do the ghillie suit advantages apply to ghillie suits added from mods as well?

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So you say that firing unsupressed means breaking the system for an extended period of time. Does that mean your stealth advantages immediately disappear from anything you've done using the system to enhance your ability to stay hidden? Scout snipers are trained to take a shot without being spotted, so it'd be a bummer if you were immediately way more visible because you took a shot. Part of the purpose of the blind is to allow you to stay undetected even after you've taken a shot. I'd also be concerned if sway changed after the first shot as well, as it should be easy to get a follow up shot without a drastic (or any really) increase in that sort of thing. Just curious exactly how that stuff works and what resetting the system means.

Read the original post before you ask questions, come on.

Read my original discussion with him where he states he is considering on leaving it on all times before, talking when i didn't said your name or addressed you

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How long is "X" amount of time? I have been sitting in the same spot for over 10 IRL minutes not moving or shooting and haven't got the option to build a hide?

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How long is "X" amount of time? I have been sitting in the same spot for over 10 IRL minutes not moving or shooting and haven't got the option to build a hide?

Your not the only one. Tried different places but dont get the build choice.

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New mod v0.1 beta available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ Goblin;

Soon you will be able to manage the promo pages of your content on our web platform and publish new content yourself.

To do so, please hit 'this is me' button on the page while logged in and you will get connected to your work.

For now you can send new content or releases our way through withsix.wetransfer.com or add your notification at getsatisfaction.withsix.com.

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