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Von Quest

[WIP] Von Quest Industries - Sniper System

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You have latest version? v0.2? The v0.2 has a userconfig file to turn ON or OFF some public-hints so you can see whats going on behind the scenes. Also, What do you mean 'weapon box'? Everything should be working good with v0.2 and not have any conflicts other than maybe the SWAY as that's a core-game element.

In a future update, I'm going to include more user config options so you can adjust settings or just turn them off if there is a conflict. Can you be more specific by chance?

Yes, I am. Is there a keybind to check? Everything is installed properly because it works with no mods (0.1 did, haven't tried v2 with no mods but i'm sure it will work). When I play (0.1 and 0.2) with this mod and other mods on:

1. The sway on sniper rifles still moves in prone

2. No prone wind deflection

3. No range cards

4. Questrel doesn't pop up

5. No option to build a hide

6. I don't see anything related to whether things are working or not with the userconfig.

I know the mod is at least loaded because I can take the hat and questrel from the box but that's it.

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Anyone else having issues with this in MP? This Mod is broken for MP because of BIS or another Mod conflict... Anyone know?

Client pc can not see vegetation, the Boonie Hat, still has sway, etc. Grrr... Always feel like I'm chasing my tail... :confused:


You get it to work yet? I'm wondering if it's just a DL/Install glitch you have?

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OK, will be uploading an update when I get home in the morning...

Anyone have last minute requests, questions, ideas, or issues?

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-NEW: Added Data Log Book (WIP)

-NEW: Target to Match DATACARD!!!

(perfect match to human size)

-BOONIE HAT: Darkend Color

-BOONIE HAT: Adjusted Feather

-WEAPON SWAY: Bone-Bridge (micro)

-DATACARD: Tweaked Image

-DATACARD Display: Weapon Fired

-DATACARD Display: Ammo/Mag Used

-DATACARD Display: Scope/Optic

-DATACARD Display: Weapon Creator

-DATACARD Display: Zeroing

-DATACARD Display: Target Range

-DATACARD Display: Wind (kts)

-DATACARD Display: Wind (direction)

-DATACARD Display: Date

-DATACARD Display: Time

-DATACARD Display: Rain (needed?)

-DATACARD Display: Humidity

-DATACARD Display: Temp (WIP)

-DATACARD Display: Elevation

-Tweaked Map Wind Set




-CRATE: Added Weapons, Optics, etc

-QUESTREL: Darken Color

-MAP/MISSION: Updated!!!

Big update ladies!!! :bounce3: Added an accurate Target that's almost the exact dimensions of a Unit in the Game. I'm just learning 3D Modeling, and thought this would be a great time to add something simple to start.


As you can see, the DataCard is now mostly filled in with more feedback than just hit location. I added a Log Book as well. Still WIP. You NEED this in your Map Slot to get it to pop up with my Targets. I also HIGHLY recommend you check out the Test Training Editor Map/Mission for a better introduction into these features and to practice your Marksmen skills. It's amazballz! :p

I also added the Option to turn OFF the simple Ballistics (stilll WIP), so you can use this with other Mods that have Ballistics that you may prefer; like Ruthberg's, AGM, etc. Make sure you put the userconfig folder in your root A3 folder per standard setup.

Kinda in a hurry right now, so I'm probably forgetting a few things. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!!!!!!

Edited by Goblin

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Thanks for informing us about the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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If you want to use unlimited Targets, DO NOT Name them and just place this into the init box:

this addEventHandler ["HitPart", { _this call VQI_eh_hitlocation; }];

Does anyone know how to just build this into the model itself by chance? Couldn't find it.

I also for got to mention the classnames:



-SE Boonie.......VQI_BoonieHat_SE_Hathcock

-Log Book........VQI_SniperLogBook


-Sniper Box......VQI_Sniper_Box


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Thank you very much. How can I access your Kestrel? It's in the slot.

And: Error message:


Mods I use (some weapon and faction mods may be useless, but hey):

REM ========[OPTIONAL]==========================================================
SET mods=@JSRS2;@sthud;@VQI_SNIPER;@st_gi;@status_hud;@st_nametags;@st_map_autobrightness;@bzly_UIcorrections
SET mods=%mods%;@blastcore_a3;@tpw_mods;@tort_dynamicWeather;@mcc_sandbox_a3
SET mods=%mods%;@advancedballistics;@atragmx;@kestrel4500

REM ==========[Weapons and factions===========
set mods=%mods%;@evw;@sud_russians;@caf_ag;@caf_hlc_wp_repl
SET mods=%mods%;@asdg_jr;@hlcmods;@hlcmods_core;@hlcmods_fal;@hlcmods_g3;@hlcmods_jsrs;@hlcmods_m14;@hlcmods_m60e4

REM ========[Defaults]============
SET mods="-mod=@CBA_A3;%mods%";@BaBe_midTex

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Adjust + Compass buttons. HOLD for a few seconds.

Not sure what Keys these are, as I use a Gaming Controller.

Thanks for the ScreenShot! Damn it!!! I see the data is NOT

aligning up. Frick! Why? I even used SafeZone setup......

I thought this is what you use for everyone's resolutions.

Anyone know how to setup this properly???????? :confused:


Oh, and use the Radio Triggers to play with my Range Setup.

Edited by Goblin
pissed - where are BIS official tutorials?

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Thank you, works. No you cannot know how I have my keys assigned ;).

Error missing ";" in line 158 vqi_questrel.sqf

Also line 141 when I change wind. Something about display mode 2007.

EDIT: Radio menu starts with index 8

Dev branch.

Edited by tortuosit

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I have tried this for about 20 minutes, and I took the mod off. I refuse to download it until things are RIGHT.

First off:

Why does it take UP TO AN HOUR to build sniper blindness? Are you kidding me? I get you want a realistic experience, but this is still a game. Shorten the time frame to 5-10 minutes MAX or remove it. Nobody is going to lie there for a fracking hour where the slightest twitch on your mouse will reset the whole thing. That's just bull.

Wind detection doesn't work. There's nothing that displays humidity either. It's basically just a GPS with direction/bearing (ADJUST + compass).

When using my scope and zooming in, the range loses detection after about 280ish meters and resets to 0000, but if I move the crosshair closer, it will regain its detection when it gets in the 200m range.

I can't use log book, or data book. There are no keys to open it (you don't tell us how for some odd reason).

pressing adjust to 'sniff' doesn't seem to work. How will I know he sniffed? Will it give me the option? When will it give me the option? How will I know what I'm smelling? Will it display a caption on the screen saying 'I smell oil'? How do I determine what direction a smell is coming from?

There are so many things you are leaving out of this that you can't even understand half of it. You need to make it more user friendly. Until then, no usage for me.

Edited by MannyRecon

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Thanks for the brutal feedback. It seems you have spent almost zero time reading the main post, this entire thread, or the readme files included. Not very Sniper like... No patience?

First off:

These creative projects belong to the authors. NOT to anyone else. They are FREE to use and play with if you wish. I could care less if anyone uses it or not. I built it for ME. And me alone. Did you miss all the WIP plastered all over this project? It stands for Work-In-Progress. Its NOT finished yet. Its only v0.3 Beta.

That being said... It does NOT take an hour. It only takes a few minutes to start. 5-10 minutes MAX. If you read my posts, I explain the philosophy behind the direction of this project. You were never meant to drop down and turn into a bush. That would be silly. I spent hundreds of hours painstakingly carving out the mechanics and synergistic nuances of this. If you think it through, you would become a super hero if played the way you think it should work. You would be invisible and invincible.

The Questrel obviously works, I have screenshots above. What the heck? Are you feeling okay? Not sure what you are addressing with the scope. I need more info. I'm starting to wonder if you may have a mod conflict here. The Sniper Log Book is NOT setup yet. Its just an Item you need to place in your Map Slot it use with the Targets. That's all. And the 'sniff' doesn't work until AFTER you are all snug in your Sniper Blind. It moves the screen slightly to signify you sniffed the air, plays the sniff audio, and then returns a hint feedback with what you are most probably detecting based on several variables. And why would you have smell direction? You can't without getting up and moving around. Which, again, defeats the whole paradigm.

I'm sorry you hate it.

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I'm sorry if I came across brutal, that was not my intent. Sometimes when I'm straight forward I can appear that way. While 20 minutes isn't very long, the only thing that was technically working was the no-sway when prone. The wind direction is genius if the mod somehow adds that ballistic to the game, but it wasn't working. I couldn't open up the log book (yes i read your recent reply about it not working yet), but I really want to see what that's about because that's exactly what I've wanted: a book on directions, readings, and other variables. It's ideal for a spotter to communicate to the sniper.

I had one instance when I first tried it to 'Begin Sniper Blind' or something along that line. I assume I just [spacebar] and it will start? Also, when I sniff, will it make a noise or do I have to assume it sniffs based on any indications it tells me?

I eventually want to start a unit that's strictly a sniper/recon school, with drills and realistic training, for new people who want to join a unit (so they get their training ahead of time, and for units to "scout" out new snipers for their teams), or for units to send their marksmen in for training because they don't have the time or resources to do it themselves. Having this mod polished out would become like... so... [insert most pleasurable thing that comes to mind]. It would add a whole new level to the experience.

Now again, I'm sorry I came off rude, and I"ll admit re-reading it I was. This mod is genius, but there are still some things to work out with it.

I do have a couple suggestions though:

1) Add Trixie's Sniper/Marksmen mod to this... or have your sniper mod collaborate with it somehow, because there are some ghille camos in trixie's mod that would look great with stealth. It was a bummer having to go from full-body ghille to NATO. The mod works for me and I use it every day.

2) I have no idea if this is even possible, but it would be epic if we could write in our log book ourselves and save it, as far as directions/distances go. That way, it encourages us to explore the regions and learn about the terrain more and we can record our findings for personal use. Then, one day when we go back to that area for a mission, we may have the recordings for it so we can be able to adjust more quickly. Know what I mean? It would encourage more reconnaissance. If not, no worries, i'm just thinking ahead of myself.

Or, to make it more simple, have each page pre-set on each town where a mission happens, so when we're in the proximity of that town/city, we can open the book and all the variables and directions for that town are automatically shown.

Edited by MannyRecon

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UPDATE: v0.3.1

-Fixed SP/MP issue

-Added New settings.hpp file

The Mod is broken without the .hpp file in the userconfig folder in root A3.

Sorry guys!


No worries mate! I totally understand. I do it all the time. Easy for things to get taken out of context on Forums.

Many more cool things coming with this. This is all just public testing right now. Cool beans. :cool:

Edited by Goblin

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I have been waiting to give this mod a try. I will provide some feed back when i get a chance to test it with the advanced ballistics mod by Ruthburg. I'm hoping that it will not conflict too much.

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Thanks. Sounds good. Haven't had time to play with Ruthberg's stuff yet. Looks amazing though!

Yup. just did some live MP testing this Friday. Worked great! At least with 1920x1080 resolution, anyway.

Found out that if you do not install the settings folder in MP, it breaks it for the client. I did a fix and

uploaded the v0.3.1 to fix this. I forgot the new file. Sorry. Should be okay now...

Just set the Ballistics settings to OFF (vqi_sniper_bfw_onoff = 0;) and it should work with any Mod.

Keep in mind, mine is pretty basic and simple right now. Not sure if I'm going to do much more with

it since that wasn't the focus of this mod, and there are much better ballistic mods out there.


Thanks. I had full support of Trixie's. Love his mod. Yes, it went perfect with this. I had on my first post, that

I recommend his mod to go with this. But technically I can not use his (or anyones) mods inside mine without

their expressed permission. Nor would I want to. Half of the fun, is making things yourself. Plus that last

time I checked, his mod wasn't working too well for me. The scopes were all messed up. I'm hoping its a mod

conflict or something. I really LOVED the ghillied-up-guns! They are awesome!!

As for the Log Book. Not sure how far I'm going to develop that. I was going to have reference pages that

you can pull up to look at. But other than that, I don't know how to save entries into the game/pc. I'm still

exploring ideas and options right now. We'll see. ;)

Edited by Goblin

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Thanks for informing us about the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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When I start the game shows me "include file userconfing \ VQI_settings_sniper.hpp not foud.

help please!

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Remains the same, and do not let start the game, is there any way to change MOD's without having to enter the game ???

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I think the sniper blindness (building your stealth) should be lowered to 1 minute max. I tried the recent version on concrete, plain grass, and in brush. It's been more than 2 minutes and I don't know if I built my hiding/stealth yet, nor does it give me the option to like it did in the first place yesterday. As mentioned previously, I think 'building' that hiding/stealth blindness should take no more than a minute, while any large movements, loud shots, and rolling over would reset it. The senses, however, could be built up overtime.

The sniper blindness doesn't work in general. It's only prompted me to enable it twice in two days, whether it be hiding on plain dirt and grass, or dense bushes and forests. When it was enabled, I couldn't tell if it was really building or not, or how much it built for the duration of my hand off the mouse, but even when I fired my weapon, there was no indication of the blindness resetting. The only other time (the 3rd time) it has prompted to enable was when I was in my main base running around by the ammo box, and I could enable the hiding/stealth while running on concrete.

Just some experiences to address some problems.

Edited by MannyRecon

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Sorry, there was a flub on my end and I forgot to include the settings.hpp file. That's what I fixed and re-uploaded in v0.3.1. You NEED this file in your root A3 folder INSIDE a Folder named 'userconfig'. You can open up the file and turn ON/OFF a few things.


Make sure you're carrying the "Questrel: SniperBuddy" in your Uniform, or Vest. You can't build your Blind without it. 1 Minute Max? Yikes! I think I'll add more options to the Settings File to allow the player to set whatever value they want. Not sure yet. In extensive testing, the system get super unstable if you mess with the timing though. Its running like an engine in the background. I also recommend you Turn ON the DeBug Hints in the Settings File, so you can see how it's "thinking". It might help clear up a few things. I'll see what I can do....

Thanks guys!

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I do have intentions on working on other sniper rounds other than .338 Lapua, I am looking into .408 Cheytac, .416 Barrett, and .50 BMG for the high caliber stuff, I have no eta on them but they will be made available for you and your team to use at your discretion. Also Ruthberg and I are working in coordination so my ballistics code will also work with his ballistics mod for the ultimate shooting experience.

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Goblin so far so good with Advanced ballistics and AGM running. One thing i did notice is the data card text information on what rifle and distance etc is not lining up with the lines on the data card. Its about an inch low on my screen.

But so far this is quite the challenge with advanced ballistics running. Simply because the BIS default zeroing has absolutely almost no effect on the optics. I really wish there was a way to create your own dope card for each rifle so that you could accurately figure out what your adjustments for every range would be without having figure out on the fly. For now I'll resort to making my own dope tables for each and every rifle.

Edit: One thing i did notice that going prone and building a hide and then resting your weapon with AGMs resting will reintroduce the sway. While just remaining prone without resting eliminates the sway entirely. I understand why you have the 0 sway option while prone with the sniper weapon and ghillie but at the same time I think it would be a good idea to set that in config to allow you to turn off the 0 sway option and then you can use AGM or VTS weapon resting.

2nd Edit: I am pretty sure something within your mod causes the Advanced Ballistics wind readings on the Kestrel and wind indicator to break they read 0. I did turn off your wind in your user config as well. I'll turn it back on and double check to make sure that's not whats breaking it.

This was something you had implemented in your mission i believe on your range. The wind does work fine its not broken at all.

Edited by Raytesh

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