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LIFTER for ArmA 3

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Please, help. Can't make fast ropes to work. I set custom key 11, then I get in the chopper as a passenger, deploy ropes with wheel menu but i can't see them. I cant fast rope. What are the steps???

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First, do not despair.

Second. Remember that the deployment of the strings "only" the pilot can do (Actions menu) or script (putting true variable "fastRopeOn" as indicated in about_fastrope.txt).

Third. Verify that the logical conditions exist for deployment. Helicopter height between 5 and 25 meters. less than 10 km / h forward speed. Staff in the cargo area of the helicopter.

Fourth. The "human" players do not descend automatically. Should indicate through action on the Actions menu (or indicate that they will not, if you already indicated).

Check these conditions and let me know how it goes ...

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Using BTC Respawn script aswell as the Advanced Vehicle Respawn script, figure the more info the better! Thanks for the reply if you need any scenarios tested have a couple guys willing to play around testing to see what works what doesn't etc!

Look forward to an update on the fast ropes! Something totally different but still related to loads etc that would top this mod off would be combat drops from C-17, C-130s (Fly low with the bay open and drop the gear out on skids). Something possibly to look into down the road!

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On my list of projects is the launch cargo aircraft at low altitude, but still missing a couple of "Details" to come with LIFTER.

Keep tuned ...

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First, do not despair.

Second. Remember that the deployment of the strings "only" the pilot can do (Actions menu) or script (putting true variable "fastRopeOn" as indicated in about_fastrope.txt).

Third. Verify that the logical conditions exist for deployment. Helicopter height between 5 and 25 meters. less than 10 km / h forward speed. Staff in the cargo area of the helicopter.

Fourth. The "human" players do not descend automatically. Should indicate through action on the Actions menu (or indicate that they will not, if you already indicated).

Check these conditions and let me know how it goes ...

I tried again with my friend and we made it work. Thank you! Also, I couldnt make IA (pilot) to deploy fast ropes. But i do can make them fast rope if i'm the pilot.

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For the pilot AI start the fast-rope , you must load into the memory space of the helicopter, variables coordinate landing area (if applicable) and order the start by changing the state of the variable "fastRopeOn" to true.

It's simple. Place the helicopter on a WP or trigger or script (use as desired) the following:

helo4 setVariable ["fastRopePos "getpos zone_deploy]; helo4 setVariable ["fastRopeOn", true]

This forces the helicopter to move the position of the object (usually a logical drive but can be anything) and then starts the deployment (fastRopeOn).

If you are already in the area , ignore the burden of position and just run the final part of the code .

In circulated LIFTER v1.05 package of 2 missions are examples that show how to use the deployment path WP with and without it. There are other ways (with scripts) , but these are easier to assimilate.

If problems continue , let me know and see.

Greetings .

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Thanks for the info. I will investigate the matter.


It says as well Antorugby


Since Operation Flashpoint, BIS have trouble getting their helicopter hit the exact spot (lol). I have provided a script to "push" the helicopter to the precise area, but is still a bit primitive. I guess in a later release we can improve the accuracy.



The helicopter CH-47 family now use up to 3 strings to fast-rope. There is a "smart" routine that decides how many use as a function of the quantity available and the number of troops deployed. You will leave this Friday or Saturday with other improvements and fixes. (next v1.06)

Keep radio frequency ....


The space in between point a en point b is the heli's landing path so i put *this in the onact of the waypoint in the FastRope_with_WP mission and guise what ,The Heli hovers exactly in the center of his landing zone.

* Smoke = "SmokeShellGreen" createvehicle position LZ; helo land "get out";helo setvariable ["fastRopePos", getpos LZ]; helo setvariable ["fastRopeOn", true];

It doesn't work very well with a trigger activation..

Hope this helps a bit for someone?...

Edited by VinniMe

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since reading again about AI pilots here: is there any chance you might implement the ability to deploy the ropes for players in cargo?

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Nice work Raven, the mod looks great! Is it possible to embed your mod directly into a mission so players do not have to download and activate it to have lifting capabilities?

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Actually the maximum height of the string (by design) is 30 meters, but I put a default height of 20 to fast-rope from script because reaching extremes, the point of release of the player in the rope becomes imprecise and sometimes the unit is damaged.

but reading your comments, I think I can make a different height (with SetVariable command) in the same way that the destination (fastRopePos) is scheduled to be configured.


Thank you very much. I appreciate you considering looking at tweaking the mod for this purpose.

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Ran into an issue last night where, while using the SOAR Chinook, I dropped one of HAFM's HMMWV's off to a group of guys waiting for new wheels.

They all could see the truck as I brought it in, could see it as I leveled out and came to a relative stop @ about 4m off the ground (For the truck, not the helo) and then saw it release.

I saw it hit the ground, disappear for a second and then pop back up but the truck never returned for the guys on the ground. The lifter cables were there as they should have been but the truck just disappeared. We thought it was a major desync at first but it still never came back. More testing will be run over the next few nights to try and source the point of the problem.

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Ran into an issue last night where, while using the SOAR Chinook, I dropped one of HAFM's HMMWV's off to a group of guys waiting for new wheels.

They all could see the truck as I brought it in, could see it as I leveled out and came to a relative stop @ about 4m off the ground (For the truck, not the helo) and then saw it release.

I saw it hit the ground, disappear for a second and then pop back up but the truck never returned for the guys on the ground. The lifter cables were there as they should have been but the truck just disappeared. We thought it was a major desync at first but it still never came back. More testing will be run over the next few nights to try and source the point of the problem.

This probably has a lot to do with the 1.18 patch. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169944-Arma-3-STABLE-server-1-18-quot-performance-binary-quot-feedback&p=2681931&viewfull=1#post2681931

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Ran into an issue last night where, while using the SOAR Chinook, I dropped one of HAFM's HMMWV's off to a group of guys waiting for new wheels.

They all could see the truck as I brought it in, could see it as I leveled out and came to a relative stop @ about 4m off the ground (For the truck, not the helo) and then saw it release.

I saw it hit the ground, disappear for a second and then pop back up but the truck never returned for the guys on the ground. The lifter cables were there as they should have been but the truck just disappeared. We thought it was a major desync at first but it still never came back. More testing will be run over the next few nights to try and source the point of the problem.

Confirmed, had the same issue with a Marshal as well.

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Confirmed, had the same issue with a Marshal as well.

I have the same issue with a lot of things. I also ran into an issue where I droped one of the Speedboat little too low and it disapeared, as well as the Hunter that disapeared. Its odd, I have a script to respawn things that die, but they don't respawn, and they no longer show up on the map at all, its a strange occurence. So not sure if its 1.18 or what.

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I'm testing the ability to deploy ropes for any group leader who is in charge. So, apart from these, only the pilot may initiate a fast-rope . A separate issue is that the pilot (AI) to receive an order for fast-rope by any group leader in charge of the helicopter , you must use the area that flies for deployment. So beware of the time just when the request is made.


You can not use LIFTER without having it downloaded and activated in arma3 it contains objects (ropes , slings , cameras, LCD display) that are not part of the "native" package simulator. Who does not have it installed get errors like "error config.bin\rav_lifter_a3\rope.p3d" among many others. Sorry, but there is a price for everything ... haha


Those problems when releasing objects, occurred two weeks ago and I went crazy to find the causes and fix them. It ended with an update (of many) from BIS . Hopefully recurrence.

Edited by RAV_RAVEN

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Is a great Job Thanks for the MOD and for your quick reply


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I'm testing the ability to deploy ropes for any group leader who is in charge. So, apart from these, only the pilot may initiate a fast-rope . A separate issue is that the pilot (AI) to receive an order for fast-rope by any group leader in charge of the helicopter , you must use the area that flies for deployment. So beware of the time just when the request is made.


You can not use LIFTER without having it downloaded and activated in arma3 it contains objects (ropes , slings , cameras, LCD display) that are not part of the "native" package simulator. Who does not have it installed get errors like "error config.bin\rav_lifter_a3\rope.p3d" among many others. Sorry, but there is a price for everything ... haha


Those problems when releasing objects, occurred two weeks ago and I went crazy to find the causes and fix them. It ended with an update (of many) from BIS . Hopefully recurrence.

Is there a way that we can have the mod enabled on our server and clients, but keep the server public without requiring the use download of the mod? I.e. Deleting the addons section in the mission.sqm after putting down the two modules? Or will it still pop up with that same error config.bin. We really want to use your mod on our Server but we don't want to restrict noobies or people without the mod from playing with us, even if they see nothing.

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Wish you could. But it is not possible.

(I'll reveal some ultra-secret data mod .... if you spread ... I'll have to kill them!-Lol-)

I give two examples :

1- In scripts fast-rope "traditional", the soldier, descending, goes repositioning in very close locations, but with a decreasing height to give the appearance of fall by gravity along the extension cord. With LIFTER that has changed radically. All work is done by the rope. The descent is very soft and almost real, because the soldier is anchored (AttachTo command) to a point of memory is part of an (invisible) animated section of the rope and sliding along it. This section has an accurate way to simulate gravity fall timing parameters. No rope, not decrease.

2- In the scripts above lifting the vehicle (again attachTo command) was anchored to a position on the helicopter. Not needed a "physically present" sling. With LIFTER, the sling required, first because there are several types depending on the load, and second because at the ends of the slings are the points of connection for positioning and lifting objects. Stated another way, the object is attached to the sling and sling to the helicopter. Different slings have different anchor positions. No slings, no way to calculate the positions where to place the object.

LIFTER is a "very dependent" mod of physical objects. This forces you to have it installed for use, in the same way as we need to have a Hunter or UH-80 installed to serve him on a mission.

Edited by RAV_RAVEN

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Sad day, I appreciate the input though! I really want to use your mod, as it looks like the best heavy lift and fast roping mod out there, we may just have to reserve its use for private operations though.

I do appreciate the quick reply and great job! Loving it!

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I think it would be a nice idea to make some changes to this mod so that it uses a helicopters config to get values for lifting points etc. It would would mean that compatibility is not reliant on updates to LIFTER. In the process of updating my Blackhawks i setup some config values:

class CfgVehicles
  class ADF_S70A_BASE: Helicopter_Base_H
        RAV_Enable = 1;
        RAV_center = [0,-0.9,0];
        RAV_datCam = [[1.05,5.1,-0.63],[0,-1,-2],[0,2,-6]];
        RAV_datFastRopes = [[[1.05,1.6,-12.75],270,1,1],[[-1.00,1.6,-12.75],90,1,1]];

and experimented with some changes to LIFTER on my personal PC that allow it to read the Helicopter Config to find out if the required parameters exist and it will use those values, or fallback to script values if it is not set, or just exit if neither are found. Not sure if you are interested in taking it that way i just think it would make it more accessible and of course we modders can make our Helicopters compatible without needing to fill your inbox with requests for updates :p

_enable = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _this >> "RAV_center");

if(_enable == 1) then
_center = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _this >> "RAV_Enable");
_datCam = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _this >> "RAV_datCam");
_datFastRopes = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _this >> "RAV_datFastRopes");

Edited by pastor399
Changed RAV_Enable = True;

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What sets the ideal solution. It has been 2010, when I developed LIFTER for ArmA2. That was the first intention, but make addonmakers reach a consensus on the whole, it was almost a utopia. Perhaps what is for now is that the community is arma3 recent and few addons released. The crop is still green and could (in theory) get moving force for normalization of addons. Was imposed (I do not like the term), the idea of ​​including a set of features in each config addon to facilitate future work assimilate.

The ACE in ArmA2, mod-managed something similar but with limited-weights of the vehicles and string positions, but only applied on containing mods.

It would be possible to change the story? ...

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What sets the ideal solution. It has been 2010, when I developed LIFTER for ArmA2. That was the first intention, but make addonmakers reach a consensus on the whole, it was almost a utopia. Perhaps what is for now is that the community is arma3 recent and few addons released. The crop is still green and could (in theory) get moving force for normalization of addons. Was imposed (I do not like the term), the idea of ​​including a set of features in each config addon to facilitate future work assimilate.

The ACE in ArmA2, mod-managed something similar but with limited-weights of the vehicles and string positions, but only applied on containing mods.

It would be possible to change the story? ...

Yeah i agree.

My last post was typed off the top of my head, and was all wrong :s

I sat down and got it all working now, i made changes to chkHelo.sqf to read the config. -> http://pastebin.com/D5q1uUa1

and this is an example of a simple helicopter config to enable the lifter mod for it. http://pastebin.com/KeKtdtFL

The existing script values still work, if the helicopter config does not contain the RAV_Enable = 1; then it will continue to search through the arrays in the script, so all existing scripted helicopters values will still work.

Edited by pastor399

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I have to congratulate you for your contribution. I'll include in the next version of LIFTER (v1.06) and for v1.07 (the last one I have planned release) include a salvage crane customizable to each helicopter -as with slings-. Then, the structure of the code to be added to the config addon will change a little. With this in the community, consider that all bases are covered with LIFTER and pass to the next project on my list.


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I have to congratulate you for your contribution. I'll include in the next version of LIFTER (v1.06) and for v1.07 (the last one I have planned release) include a salvage crane customizable to each helicopter -as with slings-. Then, the structure of the code to be added to the config addon will change a little. With this in the community, consider that all bases are covered with LIFTER and pass to the next project on my list.


I have change some of my changes, it was working but would sometimes break (rather often). http://pastebin.com/1T9XDegK

I changed the code to use "BIS_fnc_getCfgData" which is the recommended way for ARMA 3 to retrieve config values.

if(_enable == 1)) then

was causing an error when a RAV_Enable was not in the vehicle config. Below is the change i made which now works, tested with a mix of ARMA 3 / ADF / HAFM helicopters and all seemed to work, though i cant fly for crap :s

if(!(isNil "_enable")) then

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I use an inhouse developed UH-1Y and I noticed that the latest version of RAV lifter allows you to give fast rope capabilities to aircraft not recognized by RAV Lifter through the initialization field of the aircraft through the editor. It doesn't seem to work. I don't recieve any sort of error, it just doesn't give the option to drop the ropes in any position of the aircraft.

I also use a CH-46 that is recognized by RAV lifter, however the anchor points of the ropes are in awkward positions. Is there anyway to use the initialization field to override the existing anchor points?

This is definitely a great mod, especially if it gives this sort of customization.

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