spooky lynx 73 Posted September 27, 2015 Nope, she was not party member. And she was a part of group of agriculture workers who were given the trips for best labour results. And yes, she is normal average citizen with family and children. Who travelled abroad. Problems with travelling were for those who worked in the fields connected with defence industry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted September 27, 2015 what? of course there were problems to travel, passports were given only whem Militia agree that person can travel, there were even some restrictions on which city someone may live in 50s, there were limits on travel, people who had longer holidays had to report Militia that they are in new place ("temporary check-in law") , traveling to NATO country was not easy, secret police was controlling passengers who go abroad for example on ships that traveled on sea if they were even going to neutral countries as Sweden, passports were not such easy to get like now, traveling to west was very limited, cenzorship office was checking letters , any abroad letter was read by cenzor officer, in early 50s , 60s there were even problems to have private truck, and trucks had to get special permission, TV receivers and radio receivers were made so they only work with given frequences, foreign stations were jammed, in case of some countries there was confiscation of farmers property and kolhoz was established, even my granparents house was confiscated https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Blok_wschodni-stara_wiza_PRL.jpg example - visa in ID, that allows to travel to other "commie" countries Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exe_74rus 1 Posted September 29, 2015 Oh cut the bullshit. The second world war wasn´t the first time Poland had seen Russian troops on its soil, and Russia was just too happy to start world war 2 together with Germany by invading Poland. Air bag my ass. Why Poland in 1938, with Nazi Germany divided Czechoslovakia? Poles thought that the story end? Why Poland has the right to divide the neighbors? But neighbors did not have the right to divide Poland? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted September 29, 2015 Wow, you Russians really have a hard time understanding that just because somebody else did something bad it doesn´t mean that you can do it too..... And, as we could read in this topic, Poland and Czechoslovakia had a dispute who that land belonged to while it was clear as day that Poland certainly didn´t belong to Russia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted September 29, 2015 Wow, you Russians really have a hard time understanding that just because somebody else did something bad it doesn´t mean that you can do it too..... And, as we could read in this topic, Poland and Czechoslovakia had a dispute who that land belonged to while it was clear as day that Poland certainly didn´t belong to Russia. indeed in 1790s Poland lost independence and was occupied by Russia , Germany, Austro-Hungary (3 countries invaded my country and partioned it) after WW1 Poland get independence and tried rebuild territory, than Soviet Union attacked Poland , as result of war spreading of communism was stoped, similar number of prisoners died from poor hygenic conditions in both side POW camps, in 1938 Poland anexed "Zaolzie" region , than in 17th September USSR invaded Poland after Hitler and now we hear that Katyn crime is justified cause Soviet POW died from ilness in our POW camp ? what about Polish POWs in Soviet camp ? the same number of Polish soldiers died in 1920 cams in USSR (not mentioning thousands of Poles who died from Tsar regime, from sending to Kazakhstan, Siberia) , Stalin crimes took milions of lives, it would be good to count how many Poles were murdered and sent to slave-work by Russian Empire (tsars) and USSR, over milion for sure, links pasted many times, also many times told that communism , Stalin etc. took more lives than Hitler, Russian ambassadors across the globe spread that Poland was ally of Third Reich and there was no USSR attack, btw. vice-chairman of Russian parliament yesterday gave nice interview, he said that Poles will be shot dead and Polish territory will be burn, cause in mid 2016 there will be Russian-German war, this guy is vice-chariman of Russian parliament with 20% voting support (he proposed to send some nations to moon too) in Russian thinking "if man A hit man B once, it means man C has right to hit man D ten times" and "if man A hit man B, and man B hit man A answering, it means man A has right to kill man B" Zhyrinovsky also said in interview that Poland should invade Ukraine and divide it with Russia - than Poland can avoid war, and such guy is vice chariman of parliament, 20% support in elections, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted September 29, 2015 Let me remind you something: And this first non-agression pact signed with nazis in Europe. Sure Poland never was an ally of Reich. It just fully supported it when Hitler decided to invade and rip apart Czechoslovakia. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted September 29, 2015 soviet propaganda, https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deklaracja_polsko-niemiecka_o_niestosowaniu_przemocy_z_26_stycznia_1934 treaty on non using violence and respecting minorities was not treaty to attack other country Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted September 29, 2015 soviet propaganda, https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deklaracja_polsko-niemiecka_o_niestosowaniu_przemocy_z_26_stycznia_1934 treaty on non using violence and respecting minorities was not treaty to attack other country What is soviet propaganda? The fact that Poland was the first country that signed non-agression pact with Reich and then had warm relations with it or the fact that Poland joined Reich in agression against Czechoslovakia? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted September 29, 2015 such methods are used to whitewash Stalin crimes , Putin anexation etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d_lukin 16 Posted September 29, 2015 Again, this topic ^_^ Already discussed same. Yes, Poland has a complicated relationship with Russia.. from wiki Poland–Russia relations have a long history, dating to the late Middle Ages, when the Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Muscovy struggled over control of their borderlands. Over centuries, there have been several Polish-Russian wars, with Poland once occupying Moscow and later Russians controlling much of Poland in the 19th century as well as in the 20th century. Polish-Russian relations have entered a new phase since the fall of communism in both countries around 1989–1993. Since then Polish-Russian relations have seen both improvement and deterioration, depending on various factors. According to a 2013 BBC World Service poll, 19% of Poles view Russia's influence positively, with 49% expressing a negative view. ================== But back to the topic of Ukraine :D Polit MK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted September 30, 2015 i read a news, i do not know is it true, but news claimed that city Horlivka/Gorlowka (Ukrainian/Russian spelling names) which is in area controlled by rebels is administrated by Russian authorities from Rostov Oblast news claimed that Russia anexed another piece of land (administrating it) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted September 30, 2015 Unfortunately that's not true. Gorlovka is under separatists' administration. BTW what's the point of annexing (administrating) one small city that is rather far from border? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d_lukin 16 Posted October 1, 2015 i read a news, i do not know is it true, but news claimed that city Horlivka/Gorlowka (Ukrainian/Russian spelling names) which is in area controlled by rebels is administrated by Russian authorities from Rostov Oblast news claimed that Russia anexed another piece of land (administrating it) In connection with the recent events have intensified Ukrainian "Internet warriors", they are distributed on the Internet video civilians killed .. example (obvious fake): Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted October 1, 2015 Damn the Crimean Tatars must be really desperate if they side with the right sector..... I can kind of understand them.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 272 Posted October 2, 2015 Video Damn the Crimean Tatars must be really desperate if they side with the right sector..... I can kind of understand them.... I bet there's more to come because Russia is now focusing on Syria. Something will likely happen in the east also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted October 2, 2015 There are rumors that Russia will actually use the bombing in syria to completely shift media coverage away from Ukraine so that they can agree to some compromises without having to tell their own citizens about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oxmox 73 Posted October 2, 2015 There are rumors that Russia will actually use the bombing in syria to completely shift media coverage away from Ukraine so that they can agree to some compromises without having to tell their own citizens about it. The media coverage i.e. TV, at least in Germany, did shift away from the Ukraine conflict since a longer time and is really quiete in comparison to months ago.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted October 2, 2015 The media coverage i.e. TV, at least in Germany, did shift away from the Ukraine conflict since a longer time and is really quiete in comparison to months ago.... I´m talking about the media coverage inside Russia. Ukraine ahs been the top topic since this mess started, now the attention has shifted to Syria. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted October 2, 2015 Damn the Crimean Tatars must be really desperate if they side with the right sector..... I can kind of understand them.... I'd correct you that Jamilev and Chubarov's folks aren't representatives of the whole Crimean Tatars at all. It's at first. At second: blocking of food trade is a very smart way for both making Crimeans will to return into Ukraine and support of Ukrainian producers and distributors for sure. Everybody will want to return to the country that tries to take off your food and harm own businessmen and farmers because of schizophrenic political course. What is more real is that this blockade is nothing but attempt to make money on letting the trucks pass the border. Just like recent event in Mukachevo, when Right sector tried to get the control on smuggling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted October 2, 2015 (BBC News) Ukraine rebels have powerful new Russian-made rockets - OSCE : http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34425454 The OSCE, which is monitoring the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, said in a statement that it found the Buratino on a military training ground run by the so-called People's Republic of Luhansk in the village of Kruhlyk. The rockets have two types of warhead - either incendiary, which can spread flames over tens of kilometres, or thermobaric, which sucks up oxygen to boost the explosion. A spokesman for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine told the BBC the discovery was particularly significant because of the damage the rockets could cause. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted October 2, 2015 Oh my god, Russia really gave them a Buratino...at least one...... That thing is outright monstrous, a heavy assault artillery vehicle. If they had one of those when the battle for the Donetsk airport was still going on they simply could have driven it up, fired a full salvo, waited until the fire dies out and then walk in. There wouldn´t have been much left of the airports defenders...or the airport itself... By the way, the Buratino is only produced and available in Russia. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Iraq bought a few. In the past Ukraine has accused Rebels of using a Buratino against them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted October 7, 2015 http://sledcom.ru/news/item/975043/ RF investigation commitee launched the probe against Ukrainian deputy and advisor of Internal affairs minister, Anton Gerashenko after his post in Facebook where he urged for publishing all private info of Russian military personell participating in Syrian operation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sudayev 27 Posted October 7, 2015 http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine-abroad/unian-poroshenko-says-putin-will-try-to-create-novosyria-after-defeat-in-donbas-399286.html Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko claims that after the defeat in Donbas with the 'Novorossiya' project, Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to create a 'Novosyria' (literally "New Syria") to strengthen his positions, according to the Ukraina TV Channel. Can anyone tell me what Mr. Poroshenko is smoking? After losing a strategic peninsula and heart of Ukrainian industry with factories and deposits he says Putin has suffered defeat in Donbass, almost like everything is OK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites