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Arma 3 Cheating / hacking / Exploiting.

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Was playing Altis Life yesterday for the first time and every player on the server got killed at once due to a hacker.......twice!

That's you problem right there, playing Altis Life. Full of script kiddies!

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Was playing Altis Life yesterday for the first time and every player on the server got killed at once due to a hacker.......twice!
That's you problem right there, playing Altis Life. Full of script kiddies!

So Battle Eye is not doing so great I suppose.

Take 20 minutes to drive a tank to a mountain and then get killed with a pistol = never play again!

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So Battle Eye is not doing so great I suppose.

Take 20 minutes to drive a tank to a mountain and then get killed with a pistol = never play again!

Just because you see 1 cheater doesn't mean the anti-cheat sucks

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Was playing Altis Life


"I'm was in Africa and someone pierced me with the spear! World is wild!(baby, don't hurt me. No more.(Ñ)) " :)

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The game is getting harder and harder to enjoy, seems 90% of ppl are using some kind of hacks, the shield seems to be in wide use atm and is very easy to spot, frankly arma 2 and 3 servers are full off hackers and it really needs to stop.

Gaming company's need to get together and start using the courts to put a stop to cheating. Use the law and start punishing the cheats they cant be allowed to get away with this. 6 of my friends have give up gaming just in the last few weeks because of the cheating, how lone will it be before the only ppl playing is the cheaters? from want I have seen it wont be long.

I myself wont be buying anymore games until I see heads roll and script writers jailed!

The only fix for this is, use the law, if it needs to change to accommodate then change it but cheating needs to stop or multiplayer gaming will never be what it should be.

Youtube is full of videos of ppl cheating on arma 2 and 3 but not only bi games, seems cheating is a problem across the board.


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The game is getting harder and harder to enjoy, seems 90% of ppl are using some kind of hacks, the shield seems to be in wide use atm and is very easy to spot, frankly arma 2 and 3 servers are full off hackers and it really needs to stop.

Gaming company's need to get together and start using the courts to put a stop to cheating. Use the law and start punishing the cheats they cant be allowed to get away with this. 6 of my friends have give up gaming just in the last few weeks because of the cheating, how lone will it be before the only ppl playing is the cheaters? from want I have seen it wont be long.

I myself wont be buying anymore games until I see heads roll and script writers jailed!

The only fix for this is, use the law, if it needs to change to accommodate then change it but cheating needs to stop or multiplayer gaming will never be what it should be.

Youtube is full of videos of ppl cheating on arma 2 and 3 but not only bi games, seems cheating is a problem across the board.


The shield is an addon/mod not a hack - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBedvbUeoK0

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nobody here has provided any proof there was any actual 'hacking' going on. video? photo? what were the servers? no admins have chimed in with personal accounts of hacking (cite?)

nothing to suggest this wasn't just an admin or clan with either own modified mission, or have the debug console enabled wreaking havoc on their clients -> thus why "so many are doing it but not getting banned", theres no rule against annihilating your users on your server.

for example there was (is?) a period of time where if your heli were damaged, your AI commander would order all out, regardless of height.

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Just because you see 1 cheater doesn't mean the anti-cheat sucks

I have seen servers that were not enjoyable even for cheaters, with by far more cheaters than legit players.


"I'm was in Africa and someone pierced me with the spear! World is wild!(baby, don't hurt me. No more.(Ñ)) " :)

So cheating is the fault of who joins a public server? I think it is not.

nobody here has provided any proof there was any actual 'hacking' going on. video? photo? what were the servers? no admins have chimed in with personal accounts of hacking (cite?)

nothing to suggest this wasn't just an admin or clan with either own modified mission, or have the debug console enabled wreaking havoc on their clients -> thus why "so many are doing it but not getting banned", theres no rule against annihilating your users on your server.

Posting videos of explicit hacking cheating is forbiden in this forum. At the start of the thread I posted lots of links to videos and links to download cheats for arma 3 and them were deleted. But if you want proofs just take a look at youtube by yourself its plenty of hacking videos.

The game is getting harder and harder to enjoy, seems 90% of ppl are using some kind of hacks, the shield seems to be in wide use atm and is very easy to spot, frankly arma 2 and 3 servers are full off hackers and it really needs to stop.

I myself wont be buying anymore games until I see heads roll and script writers jailed!

Youtube is full of videos of ppl cheating on arma 2 and 3 but not only bi games, seems cheating is a problem across the board.

Is easier than that, just having admins in servers banning players for cheating so the more they cheat the less servers they can join. They will stop using them.

Also some kind of way to public stigmatization like the VAC Ban that appears at the steam accounts of banned cheaters, So no way to try to show of that you are good with that shiny Anti cheat Ban at your steam profile, everybody will now you actually suck.

And a Spectator Mode for Arma 3. so admins can easily spot cheaters.

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I have seen servers that were not enjoyable even for cheaters, with by far more cheaters than legit players.

So cheating is the fault of who joins a public server? I think it is not.

Posting videos of explicit hacking cheating is forbiden in this forum. At the start of the thread I posted lots of links to videos and links to download cheats for arma 3 and them were deleted. But if you want proofs just take a look at youtube by yourself its plenty of hacking videos.

Is easier than that, just having admins in servers banning players for cheating so the more they cheat the less servers they can join. They will stop using them.

Also some kind of way to public stigmatization like the VAC Ban that appears at the steam accounts of banned cheaters, So no way to try to show of that you are good with that shiny Anti cheat Ban at your steam profile, everybody will now you actually suck.

And a Spectator Mode for Arma 3. so admins can easily spot cheaters.

VAC is pretty lenient. BattleEye is not. If you get banned, you're banned from all BI game servers that run BE. It's actually better compared to A2 now that keys are tied to a steam account. They're harder to steal, reuse and more importantly significantly harder to replace. Previously it was really easy to just steal/buy cheap/get (thanks A2Free!) another key and go on your merry hacking way. Right now keys are still pretty pricey and you'd have to get someones steam-login to use their key.

I haven't really seen a cheater yet on any BE server that's set up properly and actually saw a few people get banned while playing. Going by the regularity of "I got BE banned, but I didn't cheat, I swear!" threads on the steam forums BE is working pretty well.

There'll always be cheaters/hackers, but you musn't forget that if the server isn't running BE and signature checks turned, it's very likely it'll contain players who don't play by the rules.

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For those of you experiencing "cheating" are you sure you're joining Battleeye enabled servers? Turn that on in your filter so you don't join servers with BE off. Also, ensure you're joining a quality server. A server that has admins, group pages, teamspeak available are a good sign of a quality server.

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I killed a player on Altis near a gun store at Kalava. I can't recall the server (been a few days). I ran forward, picked up the gear and money. Jumped into a vehicle and drove north towards a general store (was in need of water and food). When I got to Oreokastro I ditched the vehicle and started to make my way around town to clear it. My hydration was low again and that's when it caught my attention. It wasn't 4k+ in money that I picked up, it was 4xxxe006. I'm assuming that is like 4 Mil/Bil (I'm half idiot with math)?

I sat behind a rock for a bit wondering what to do. There is no way I could drop all of it in 5k chunks. I decided to disconnect and reconnect to see if that solves the issue. Upon my attempt to return to the server, I couldn't join it. I'm assuming I was banned for having that money on my person.

Now there is another way this hack is causing issues with clean players. Perhaps we could develop a way to see the amount before we pick it up.

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Easy solution for you my friend.

Stop Playing on:

PUBLIC Life Servers

PUBLIC Wasteland Server

that matter ANY PUBLIC SERVER because they all have bunch of players who wants to show off and be best and than you have guys who cant beat them so they cheat.

Find LOCKED servers,search for webpages of those clans or comunities and get the server password,you will never see hacker there and even is somebody is hacking it will get ban from that server and you dont need to worry about it anymore. Easy

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Depends. I haven't ran into any hackers after the update that brought us Battle-Eye. Why? Because I play on official Servers like Sa-Matra, and a few others of my liking. However, just because you end up with that much money doesn't mean anything. For example, if the server was using 404 Wasteland or any of those Custom wasteland files, there's something you can end up with called Scalar, which is by chance/luck, and provides the finder with INFINITE money. However, opening your player menu will delete it. Also, if you pick up Scalar off an enemy player you've killed, it will glitch out, and either give you an insane number like the one you explained, or nothing at all.

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All I'll say on this issue is if you're on a server that is being hacked simply exit it. Do NOT retaliate with a barrage of slanderous words as it's what the losers want. Their sad pathetic lives crave attention and their actions are merely aimed at provoking a reaction so don't give it to them. If you give it them then you become part of this problem.

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All I'll say on this issue is if you're on a server that is being hacked simply exit it. Do NOT retaliate with a barrage of slanderous words as it's what the losers want. Their sad pathetic lives crave attention and their actions are merely aimed at provoking a reaction so don't give it to them. If you give it them then you become part of this problem.

It is also a courtesy to inform the server admin(s) of the events. They can't be everywhere at all times, so they rely on players to be eyes and ears and not just stay quiet when they see stuff.

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