phronk 905 Posted March 2, 2015 Trial and error, really. I'll spend hours adjusting things by the tiniest of increments possible, just to get it right. The biggest pain is getting the H-Barrier walls to be seamless, because it's a ton of icons on top of eachother and they aren't depicted accurately as far as size and position as they are in-game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
houbob03 10 Posted March 12, 2015 I plan on adding a version that uses CAF Aggressors instead of RHS and Leight's OPFOR Pack. Well I think the add on mods required enhance the mission and overall experience, vanilla arma 3 gets old. Not to mention the gear choices and base vehicles. Thanks for taking the time to do this for the community and its much appreciated!! I really look forward the RHS and Leight's OPFOR Pack. Using the new vehicles in RHS and fighting realistic enemies.....that's what its all about! Keep up the great work! L8R! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 15, 2015 Thanks for the kind words! I still have plans to continue to the current version (RHS and Leight's Opfor Pack), I'm just waiting for RHS to be stable again after the new ArmA patch. Hopefully it will be fixed after the next upcoming ArmA patch and I can get to work on releasing an update soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ramstin 3 Posted March 18, 2015 awesome work! will you release a vanilla version without all the mods dependences or without AiA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 19, 2015 I have no idea how to create Takistan Insurgency on Takistan, without having 'All in ArmA - Terrain Pack', since that has the Takistan map included. If you meant to ask if I'll do a vanilla Altis Insurgency, then yes, I've been working on an Altis Insurgency as much as the Takistan Insurgency mission, but for now I'm keeping it for my group. There's enough Altis Insurgency missions out there anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 10 Posted March 22, 2015 I've found that the cache/intel tends to spawn inside the floor of buildings on Takistan. I've also found that flying in helicopters (even at 10m) unloads all EOS-grids; which will make all hostiles unload too. This is quite dangerous, because when you land and step out, tanks will spawn in your face. I've been busy with the mission files but I could not fix this issue myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sorophx 25 Posted March 22, 2015 I have no idea how to create Takistan Insurgency on Takistan, without having 'All in ArmA - Terrain Pack' if you have Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead installed you can use the All-in-Arma config mod to make Takistan visible in Arma 3 from inside your Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead directory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dreadedentity 278 Posted March 22, 2015 Trial and error, really. I'll spend hours adjusting things by the tiniest of increments possible, just to get it right. The biggest pain is getting the H-Barrier walls to be seamless, because it's a ton of icons on top of eachother and they aren't depicted accurately as far as size and position as they are in-game. Here's a tip that will help you cut down on wasted time moving stuff tiny amounts: Edit the mission.sqm directly. I also had spent some time many months ago writing a small script that will be able to edit map objects in real-time and allow you to save their positions, which you can use to edit mission.sqm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dixon13 15 Posted March 23, 2015 Instead of making your mission a dependency on the Aggressors addon why don't you make it "compatible" with the Aggressors addon. Just a tip... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 23, 2015 @woutwo: This is a known bug. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the code or if it's an issue with how the A2 buildings have their collisons setup in A3. Will look into it more. @sorophx: That's true, but you'd have to have ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead installed for that to actually work. I gave ArmA 2 up when ArmA 3 officially released, so the chances of that happening are kind of slim unless someone else decides to do it. @DreadedEntity: Thanks, I might look into that. @dixon13: Right now, the mission depends on Leight's OPFOR Pack, which is dependent on the RHS Russian Armed Forces pack. I think Jigsor's insurgency mission is much more modular, but I don't like peeping into other people's missions. In other words, I have no idea how to do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plsgo 10 Posted March 25, 2015 @dixon13: Right now, the mission depends on Leight's OPFOR Pack, which is dependent on the RHS Russian Armed Forces pack. I think Jigsor's insurgency mission is much more modular, but I don't like peeping into other people's missions. In other words, I have no idea how to do it. I think a modular design could save you a lot of time on designing missions with different units and vehicles/statics. One mission per map as opposed to the 3ish you were considering? People can easily edit AGM Medical in and out of missions too so that doesn't need to be a huge concern. Personally I don't mind downloading a ton of addons but designing your missions in this way would enable the vanilla crowd to enjoy them too. I have no idea how much work it takes to make missions modular in that way though, so it's hard to say rather or not it's worth your time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
das attorney 858 Posted March 25, 2015 Right now, the mission depends on Leight's OPFOR Pack, which is dependent on the RHS Russian Armed Forces pack. I think Jigsor's insurgency mission is much more modular, but I don't like peeping into other people's missions. In other words, I have no idea how to do it. Hi, you can do this by checking for the existence of a cfgPatch from Leights mod. If it's active, then mission selects bad guys and equipment from the first set of arrays, if it isn't loaded then the second set of arrays get used with vanilla stuff. These are just examples but hopefully you get the idea. You'll need to get the proper cfgPatch name from your rpt file or other readout. if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "LEIGHTS_OPFOR_PACK_PATCH_NAME")) then { listOfBadGuys = [ // mod classes here ]; listOfEquipment = [ // mod classes here ]; } else { listOfBadGuys = [ // vanilla classes here ]; listOfEquipment = [ // vanilla classes here ]; }; Hope that helps. Hit me up if you get stuck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 26, 2015 Thanks! Jigsor actually sent me a message with an example of how to do it as well, I just haven't had the time or motivation to work on it yet. Will most likely work on the mission this weekend though and see if I can get some kind of modular setup going, so the mission will be easily compatible with Aggressors, Vanilla, Leight's Opfor Pack, etc. by just simply editing a number in the description.ext or selecting the option manually in the lobby parameters. I've actually wanted to do this since day one, but never really pursued it and always thought it was unorthodox to look into other people's scripts or even use them; a part of me actually feels awkward for using the scripts to spawn intel and caches by Hazey and /dev/urandom. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted July 27, 2015 I've been working on my "ATCAG exclusive" INSURGENCY: Altis mission for my group a lot. Started to get an itch again for some Takistan Insurgency, so I ported a lot of the stuff I did in my Altis Insurgency to the Takistan version. Lots of big and small changes, hopefully all for the better! Even more changes still to come. You can find the list of changes to the mission here if you are interested. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted August 10, 2015 Version: Pre-Alpha 1.0F (VANILLA VERSION | NOT ACE3 COMPATIBLE!) Size: 2.83 MB Download Link [ REQUIREMENTS: AiA_TP or AiA_TP_LITE ] [ OPTIONAL: Leight's Opfor Pack and/or Tactical Beards ] ADDITIONS: Added: More patrols and colored grid squares Added: UAV CAS drone Added: Spawned units now use random vanilla equipment Added: Separate version of Takistan Insurgency which only requires CBA_A3, ACE3, and AiA_TP or A3MP (Still TFAR compatible) Added: Admins can now access debug window in-game Added: ArmA 3's new server-side garbage collection system Added: Takistan-style Post Processing effect Added: CAS called in by JTAC will RTB after each CAS mission and return on station 10 mikes later (Thanks to Jigsor) Added: Vanilla version (Only requires AiA_TP or AiA_TP_Lite) Added: Vanilla + Leight's Opfor Pack version (Only requires AiA and LOP) Added: ACE3 version (Only requires AiA, CBA, and ACE3) Added: ACE3 + Leight's Opfor Pack version (Requires AiA, CBA, ACE3, and LOP) Added: Voiper's Little Immersion Tweaks to the vanilla version Added: Stealthstick's Bullet Wind Simulation to the vanilla version (Experimental) Added: [TcB]-Psycho-'s A3 Wounding System to the vanilla version Added: Starting weather parameter in the lobby Added: Dynamic wind (Wind changes direction) Added: Random wind strength/gust changes throughout mission Added: Default view distance parameter in the lobby Added: Call to prayer at minarets (WIP) ADJUSTMENTS: Tweaked: Each squad (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta) has a player slot with a unique role Tweaked: Delta squad roles revamped to be more SF CQB oriented (Team Leader, Pointman, Breacher, Intelligence Specialist, Medic) Tweaked: JTAC no longer has a limit on how many CAS missions he can call in Tweaked: Virtual Arsenal addAction text is now green Tweaked: All ambient units/vehicles are now neutral to enemies Tweaked: Briefing Tweaked: Increased default view distance to 3000, up from 2000 Tweaked: Reduced range players are required to be within some red grid squares for them to activate Tweaked: More variety of what INTEL can look like Tweaked: Added the Mk14 to the list of weapons insurgents can spawn with Tweaked: Lowered chance for each insurgent to get a flashlight to 50%, down from 100% Tweaked: Autoriflemen slot now spawns with a heavier machinegun Changed: All radios have same frequency for that type of radio Changed: Players no longer spawn with LR radios Changed: Players no longer spawn with MicroDAGR Changed: Relocated some scripts to organize mission folder Changed: JTAC CAS messages rewritten Changed: GPS functions as a hardcoded ArmA 3 ShackTac HUD instead Changed: Insurgent weapons caches now look like a stack of crates covered in a camo net Changed: Time of day parameter executed differently Changed: Initializing more scripts via initServer.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf (Experimental) FIXES: Fixed: Annoying ArmA bug that causes players to auto-report targets/commands Fixed: JTAC no longer loses addAction to call in CAS Fixed: Red grid sometimes didn't spawn units and would just turn blue Fixed: Active grids no longer deactivate when above 5m of grid; increased to 300m Fixed: HALO parachute no longer makes you slide across the terrain when you land Optimization: Initialize some scripts/commands through initServer.sqf, initPlayerLocal.sqf, initPlayerRespawn.sqf Optimization: Satellite textures on 2D map are toggled off by default for faster loading Optimization: Slight optimization with AI spawning Optimization: Slightly reduced terrain grid quality Optimization: Reduced object draw distance (Experimental) Optimization: Emptied all vehicle inventories at base at mission start (Respawned vehicles have items in them) Optimization: Shortened the name of many scripts and removed excess lines for slightly faster reading/processing Optimization: Shortened the mission's filename for faster loading Optimization: Disabled functions' ability to report info to RPT log Optimization: Civilian parked cars / VBIEDs cargo space is cleared upon spawning Protection: Disallowed functions recompiling REMOVED: Removed: Redundant scripts Replaced: All tiny/small objects for small IEDs; they're now bigger and more visible Disabled: AI's ability to speak outloud NOTE: This is the vanilla version, which is NOT compatible with mods like AGM or ACE3. I will release versions that support ACE3, RHS, Leight's Opfor Pack, and/or CAF Aggressors soonâ„¢. But first, I need feedback on mission/server stability. The mission may already support Leight's Opfor Pack middle eastern civilians and insurgents and Tactical Beards, but the code is incomplete. It should be stable though. Please read the ReadMe.txt included in the download link above. Thank you! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted September 23, 2015 I'm planning on releasing another update with some fixes, optimizations, changes, and additions (probably around the end of September or early October) but I'm curious if anyone has suggestions for the mission that I may be able to implement before then. Right now, the mission utilizes vanilla content with scripted features. It is designed to work well on a dedicated server. Insurgents and civilians will wear clothes from EricJ's Taliban Fighters mod and/or beards from iNTERBRED's Tactical Beard mod automatically if either of the mods are running on the dedicated server; if the server is not running them, then they will wear vanilla uniforms and headgear which somewhat fit the theme of Takistan. If a player connects to the mission without the mods, even if they are enabled on the server, the player can still connect and see enemies and civilians in underwear. You can always check my "Development Progress" spoiler in the second post of this thread, here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted October 2, 2015 Version: Pre-Alpha 1.0G Size: 2.89 MB Download Link [ REQUIREMENTS: AiA_TP or AiA_TP_LITE ] [ OPTIONAL: Taliban Fighters ; Tactical Beard ; CUP Weapons ] ADDITIONS:• Added: More view distance parameter choices • Added: Object view distance is now equal to the view distance set in lobby • Added: Players can question civilians for intel (WIP) • Added: More grid squares to clear • Added: Suicide bombers now wear a chest rig which holds explosive charges • Added: If a client connects with TPW MODS enabled, they are kicked to the lobby • Added: Insurgents will automatically use weapons from CUP Weapons Pack, if host has the addon enabled • Added: Insurgents and civilians will have beards from Tactical Beard, if host has the addon enabled • Added: Lobby parameter to enable/disable grass • Added: Server: Wind direction should slowly rotate into a random direction • Added: Wind changes should transition more smoothly now • Added: Quicksilver's 'Modded Fatigue System' script to mission (Does not activate for clients with ACE or Drifter's Fatigue enabled) • Added: ACE3 compatibility (WIP: Incomplete and not recommended!) ADJUSTMENTS: • Changed: Optimization: Totally rewrote several scripts for better performance, organization, and automatic mod asset usage • Tweaked: Increased damage multiplier on spawned units to 2.0, up from 1.33 • Tweaked: Increased chance for a civilian to become a suicide bomber to 3%, up from 1% • Tweaked: Increased chance for a civilian to pull a weapon out of their jacket and rebel to 15%, up from 10% • Tweaked: Reduced default amount of intel items per town to 2, down from 3 FIXES: • Fixed: Intel document items now grant you intel when gathered • Fixed: Explosive charges are now removed from suicide bomber's inventory if he detonates • Fixed: Explosive charges are now removed from suicide bomber's chest if he detonates • Fixed: Insurgents no longer forget to wear their vest or goggles/beard • Fixed: Call To Prayer sound no longer plays for clients that connect after the script activates • Fixed: Time of Day parameter has been rewritten and functions properly • Fixed: Weather parameter has been rewritten and functions properly • Fixed: If you wound yourself upon HALO landing, you'll be auto-revived • Optimization: Mission enables optional addons (if they are detected) at start of mission, instead of every time a unit spawns • Optimization: Dedicated server no longer renders grass • Optimization: Dedicated server no longer renders shadows • Optimization: Spawned drivers and gunners have their AI features disabled and then slowly re-enabled • Optimization: Spawned vehicles should now have a clean inventory • Optimization: Civilians have their skill set to 0 • Optimization: Major optimizations with spawning and randomizing units REMOVED: • Replaced/Removed: Leight's Opfor Pack requirement for mission with EricJ's 'TalibanFighters' (Optional!) • Removed: Insurgents no longer spawn with a backpack, unless they have an RPG • Removed: Minor Optimization: Task Force Arrowhead Radio crate • Removed: Insurgents and civilians no longer wear balaclavas (If vanilla units) • Removed: Some useless / broken lines of code (An ongoing effort) NOTE: Please read the ReadMe.txt file included. Although ACE is somewhat compatible with this mission, it is still an extremely early work-in-progress effort and will be done more properly in the next update. Please report any issues you have with the mission. Enjoy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted October 22, 2015 thanks for the update,really appreciate you still working on this. is the error fixed with random caches blowing up at mission start fixed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted October 22, 2015 It still exists, but it shouldn't happen that often. I still need to look into how I can fix it. Seems to happen less often on dedicated servers rather than singleplayer / client-side, so I consider it to still be very much playable and not as critical of a bug. Maybe I'll look into fixing it before next release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted October 23, 2015 My uneducated guess is, that they blow up because they drop a bit after spawning and thus catch fire and explode. However,i don`t know if that is 100% true and can`t confirm that they count towards Bluefor´s mission. Edit: Intel isn`t dropped by AI anymore,right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted October 23, 2015 Intel still drops from killed insurgents. You can also find intel in buildings and question civilians for intel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufopilot 5 Posted October 23, 2015 Thanks again for the infos! Did a quick check with a teleporting character to check for pre-spawned intel in buildings,sadly most of them spawn in the foundation but it`s good to know that AI still drops them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
onedigita 17 Posted November 1, 2015 this is the best news ever! glad to see your still working on insurgency! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
onedigita 17 Posted November 1, 2015 just tested it out in the editor and its better than I imagined! I managed to take out my target but a civi crept up on me and pulled out a sub machine gun and lit me up haha 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
onedigita 17 Posted November 1, 2015 I love the question system for civi's, would be very awesome if after you started the initial questioning that you could have a few follow up questions after the first, if you follow the right seqence than that would give you a better chance for finding some intel. one they that i have always wanted in my insurgency mission is some form of side missions that fall in line with the task of finding and destroying caches. it could be missions to help support your mission like setting up radio towers for fobs something along those lines. or missions to find a civilan and question them. maybe reports of ieds or suspicious packages or again things that fall inline with that. I know much of those cross's into an mso style of game but I think this would be a very cool enhancement to the mission. ​another thing that really is missing is civilians driving around. this really comes into play when you add the pvp dynamic to the group but even just in general this is something I need to see back in my mission. ​ I have tons of ideas, hope these help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites