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About onedigita

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    been playing arma since operation flash point. OH NO 1 IS DOWN!

    been playing Airsoft for 10 years where i participate in hardcore milsims that can go up to 36 hours long with up to 400 acres of space in the wilderness. you hike in all you kit food and sleeping and after the op you hike it out.

    I like to think of arma 3 as mental training for when i get out and do airsoft milsims and i test out things i learn there and here to combine my skills.

    One day I would like to join the army or police or work for them designing training tools like arma to assist them.

    The missions I want to create are as hardcore milsim as i can create.
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  1. awesome news. im looking for the next releases. I wish you had the mission back up on github
  2. Error in expression <top _unit; sleep .5; _unit addMagazines[_gunMag,4];_unit addWeaponGlobal _gun;_u> Error position: <_gunMag,4];_unit addWeaponGlobal _gun;_u> Error Undefined variable in expression: _gunmag File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\fn\civGun.sqf, line 45 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M'. Warning Message: No entry '.scope'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: Error: creating weapon CUP_8Rnd_9x18_Makarov_M with scope=private Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error position: <_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error Undefined variable in expression: _units File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 70 Error in expression <restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];};}; if(_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error position: <_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error Undefined variable in expression: _bmin File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 73 Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error position: <_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error Undefined variable in expression: _units File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 70 Error in expression <restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];};}; if(_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error position: <_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error Undefined variable in expression: _bmin File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 73 Server: Object 4:171 not found (message Type_121) Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. rhs_c_troops Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error position: <_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error Undefined variable in expression: _units File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 70 Error in expression <restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];};}; if(_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error position: <_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error Undefined variable in expression: _bmin File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 73 Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error position: <_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error Undefined variable in expression: _units File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 70 Error in expression <restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];};}; if(_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error position: <_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error Undefined variable in expression: _bmin File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 73 Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error position: <_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> Error Undefined variable in expression: _units File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 70 Error in expression <restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];};}; if(_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error position: <_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> Error Undefined variable in expression: _bmin File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 73 more rpt errors from dedicated. also have noticed i dont seem to find any ieds at all or any vehicles vbied when cache was destroyed the old markers did not disappear. also said when cache was destroyed there were 5.5 left of and standard 6.
  3. So doing a lot more testing and for some reason the ai never shoots any of there rpgs at us. i loaded into an opfor unit in editor and they could not reload them
  4. hey so been testing out the missions and im getting this error with eos on the dedicated server it will lag people out and kick them out of the server but only some of them and than you cant join back up for several minutes 6:44:18 Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> 6:44:18 Error position: <_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> 6:44:18 Error Undefined variable in expression: _units 6:44:18 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 70 6:44:18 Error in expression <restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];};}; if(_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> 6:44:18 Error position: <_bMin>0)then{ _pos=[_mkr,true]call SHKpo> 6:44:18 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bmin 6:44:18 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\eos\core\EOScore.sqf, line 73 6:44:18 Error in expression <eosActv getVariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; i> i tested it on my hosting it on my system and i saw weird graphical errors when this started happening and i had massive frame rate drops and things parts of the town would disappear and reappear 6:45:46 Deinitialized shape [Class: "VirtualMan_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\invisibleman.p3d";] 6:45:48 Deinitialized shape [Class: "C_man_hunter_1_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\civil\c_hunter_f.p3d";] 6:45:50 Server: Object 2:15848 not found (message Type_121) 6:45:51 Server: Object 2:15848 not found (message Type_93) 6:46:11 Server: Object 2:15848 not found (message Type_93) 6:46:19 Server: Object 2:15714 not found (message Type_93) 6:46:19 Server: Object 2:15713 not found (message Type_93) 6:46:27 Server: Object 2:15848 not found (message Type_121) 6:46:31 Server: Object 2:15848 not found (message Type_93) 6:46:36 Server: Object 2:15714 not found (message Type_121) 6:46:36 Server: Object 2:15713 not found (message Type_121) 6:46:38 Deinitialized shape [Class: "Underwear_F"; Shape: "a3\characters_f\common\basicbody.p3d";] 6:49:48 Error: EntityAI SubSkeleton index was not initialized properly (repeated 0x in the last 60sec) 6:49:48 name: Land_House_C_12_dam_EP1, shape: ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_12_dam_ep1.p3d, index: -1, matrices: 8 not sure if these are related or not . one of the things we noticed when it would crash on the dedi it was when a cup truck was coming near it. another time it crashed when i used spray paint. this could all also be related to ace and the new update aswell. here is the copy of my full rpt for it https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1hgxqs6z3286om/arma3_2017-01-20_14-50-17.mdmp?dl=0 I absolutely love the mission. love the idea of the bazaar. love he base and how realistic it is and so did everyone else. the shoot house doors wouldnt open and im not sure if your supposed to blow them or what not. I wish there were more missions. -A mission to defend the fob. - eod mission will possible ambush. - patrol mission. - meet with local elders. as a few more ideas the link for the dedicated rpt https://www.dropbox.com/s/cm9edga6702ng6r/arma3server_2017-05-17_02-21-46.rpt?dl=0
  5. Hey my idea wasn't to remove any red grids I want them all there, I want the blufor to act and assume like any grid could be hostile its the unknown that would be neat and or to just see some civvies walking around. maybe perhaps we can add a delay on how fast it takes a red grid to change to green once its been cleared. it would still be cleared but it would take longer to change colors. I did see this bug when i tested in editor, hopefully it get fixed in the next patch. And yes I have experienced the issue with opfor players not knowing where the blufor players are my groups old way to handle this was through allowing opfor to teleport ever 5 minutes as long as they were not within a certain proximity to the blufor. but that can still leave you hanging for quite a while. ***an easy solution to this issue or something that would help solve it at least would be using aces spawn into ai option. This would allow them only to spawn into ai slots that blufor have spawned from being in close proximity to grids. The only issue with that is wont allow opfor to setup ambushes on caches and ieds. my only solution to that would be to offer 2 different type of opfor slots. one for ambushing and one to spawn into ai, allowing the opfor to choose there slot and or there role. other ideas was that opfor could talk to civilians that would tell them what towns they heard blufor were in. Hopefully we can find a balance for this as its a big feature and a release I have yet to see accomplished well and was one of the best aspects from arma 2 ace insurgency.
  6. I had a neat idea, something i wanted to make but in my 60 hour work weeks i havent had the time to invest in it but i thought it would be neat if some of the towns on a pure random basis each time the mission was loaded did not have any insurgents as where others would and again this could change each time the mission was loaded again to keep you guessing. AND my main request, that you add opfor slots for a few players to insert with the opfor to make things that much more difficult for blufor. will be testing it out tonight, thank you for all your hard work!!!!!
  7. onedigita

    [MP][COOP] Takistan Insurgency

    any chance for an insurgency drop? been waiting oh so long for it :)
  8. I agree these are mods I would love to see updated as well!!! I wonder if there is a way to adjust how much suppression you are affected by. Personally i thought on the initial release that it was to much or that or that the suppression effect should fade away abit faster so that that its mostly happening when you actually being shot at so you know it.
  9. Excellent news! one of my favorite mods and so glad to see it on steam workshop!!! :D
  10. onedigita

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    well I have an error, when i try to host a game server I get an error that crashes the game Include file a3\functions_f\paramsrevive.hpp not found than i get application error. software exception(0x0000dead) occrured in the application at location 0x00008FFA50607788 this is immediately after clicking host server seems thats also trying to play apex protocol solo also causes the same error validated my files to make sure thats not it. can anyone confirm the same issue?
  11. onedigita

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    track ir is not working in the 64 bit :( other than that very stable, very smooth, my load times are almost non existent. excellent work. please get dx13 working!
  12. onedigita

    Feedback Thread

    counter strike, ghost recon, and im sure countless other games but its just a game mode is not owned by a game its just a scenario and one I want/need to see in arma3 or project-argo which ever!
  13. onedigita

    Feedback Thread

    First off just wanted to say how pleased i am with this release and I can see how it will open the doors to lots of new arma adventures. I have a bunch of ideas: 1. I would really like the ability to move my gun from high low position back in stock arma3. 2. would love to see a mode that allows the end game revive system. 3. different times of day would be nice and or night vision. 4. releasing the stock missions so they could be played with where there located. 5. a game mode that has no respawns but allows revive, 2 possible bomb sites at 2 separate locations and allow them to be disarmed if there is enough time. 6. taskforceradio would be cool to try luckily most are using the ingame voice chat 7. game mode of 10vs10 using the game mechanics. team one secures there objective so they move to the next location in the next match different objectives almost in the sense of a story. 8. swat style mission with more swat like looking guys vs bad guy looking guys. 9. many vs few game mode give the team with more numbers less tech while providing the smaller number teams wtih say night vision on a night time map. I've been dreaming of a game mechcanic that would do the things project argo offers the possibilities are limitless! could be a real contender for games like battlefield and cod! thank you for your work! Edit: update on this, Perhaps instead of turning on the end game revive opening up a medic class that can do heals and revive that would be pretty awesome especially on the non re-spawn style games. would make the medic hella useful.
  14. onedigita

    Mogadishu Map v2

    Yea i went threw the wiki and i have indexed other terrains before however the issue can bet that the terrain is locked so that only the creator could have the ability to do it and i believe i saw a similar issue with another terrain with the same issue
  15. onedigita

    Mogadishu Map v2

    I have done extensive test and all the above seems to be correct, however i did manage to get the cqb units spawning around the city and even on roofs and going up ladders. As well as using the custom military placement module I can easily get units to spawn on that and even with that I have created a fun scenario but I want more. I want to be able to have civilians span and vehicles and just use alive on this mission the way it was meant to be used not hacking things up and trying to band aid make the mission. Ive reached out to the alive team and the creator on steam as well as making a stink about it here now hoping someone will come to the rescue that can fix this awesome terrain.