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Blastcore: Phoenix 2

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er -- how would ANYONE ever setup a server that was PVP oriented that allowed miss-matched mods ???


Its not so much having miss-matched mods, they server keys stop that. The real issue comes from whether the server forces you to have the mod or whether its optional.

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Ok im gonna start trying to make a update, atm i got so much stuff thats WIP and incomplete in the mod which is whats holding up the update i will try and make a version with stuff thats working and stable, seems like i need make 2 versions, a WIP version for myself and another one i can actually release without all the experimental shit.

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Ok im gonna start trying to make a update, atm i got so much stuff thats WIP and incomplete in the mod which is whats holding up the update i will try and make a version with stuff thats working and stable, seems like i need make 2 versions, a WIP version for myself and another one i can actually release without all the experimental shit.

Take your time mate, on thing at a time ;)

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I would be more than happy to assist with WIP/experimental tests, PM me if you are interested! :)

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Only 33 mbs, complete game changer, practically no performance impact (at least on my end.)

If I were BIS's CEO, I'd buy this for some thousand bucks and implement it in the game for everyone, haha.

Im assuming that you don't have to deal with the ruinous black square artifacts that plague BlastCore for some players. If only those didn't appear as frequently...

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Im assuming that you don't have to deal with the ruinous black square artifacts that plague BlastCore for some players. If only those didn't appear as frequently...

As far as my knowledge goes, the black squares anomaly appears when some lightsources try to light up dust or smoke from other Phoenix warFX. But it doesn't happen with all of them. Its mostly muzzleflashes from tanks and artillery.

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Does it affect fps alot?

That mostly depends on what kind of hardware you're using and how many WarFX fill a scene at any given point.

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Awesome mod man, one of the best for the game :)

But uhh I have a suggestion, obviously you're super busy and stuff so by all means this is only a suggestion, not a demand.

So.. 2 things -

1) It looks super weird to get dust sprays at certain times, especially when it's either raining or you're shooting certain terrain such as a beach or in the middle of a lush forest. It would be cool to see mud sprays instead of dusty puffs? idk

2) Would it be possible to have secondary fragmentation impacts? Obviously not frag simulation with actual projectiles, but just the illusion of shrapnel hitting distant places. The amount and range would vary on the weapon, so a frag wouldn't end up shooting shrapnel 500m away, but maybe you would see a piece or two if you had a jdam dropped 500m away.

I bet you probably get fed up seeing suggestions constantly, but you obviously know what you're doing when it comes to particle effects ;P. Regardless, you could stop work entirely on this mod and I'd still be happy. Thanks for the time and effort you've put into making this mod :D

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Ok im gonna start trying to make a update, atm i got so much stuff thats WIP and incomplete in the mod which is whats holding up the update i will try and make a version with stuff thats working and stable, seems like i need make 2 versions, a WIP version for myself and another one i can actually release without all the experimental shit.

That would be much appreciated! Really it looks amazing now as-is, other than the smoke "grid" issue and still some issues with square-shaped flare lighting.

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Ok im gonna start trying to make a update, atm i got so much stuff thats WIP and incomplete in the mod which is whats holding up the update i will try and make a version with stuff thats working and stable, seems like i need make 2 versions, a WIP version for myself and another one i can actually release without all the experimental shit.

That would be awesome if you could do that. When you finally complete incomplete and WIP stuff, you can add it to the working stable branch and push out updates whenever you finish stuff.

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Blastcore A3

This a Visual Effects package for the A3 Platform

Also make sure you have set the particles to high in the options menu. And are running the latest CBA build

Blastcore A3 Phoenix Update

- Complete rebuild of the effects package

- Supports third-party Addons Better

Showcase :







Thank you for this awesome mod

I have one question

I dont have explosion effect from tank he-shells, how can fix it?

and some video with apfsds-t hiteffect



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The smoke from smoke grenades looks pretty weird, is it supposed to be like this?http://i59.tinypic.com/2qlxu2q.jpg

Yeah mate its like this way in all blastcore phoenix versions,maybe in the next update it should be fixed and yeah OS already know this.

All the best Edu

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Also smoke's space is too large and diddle player that AI can't see him, but AI just will blind through vanilla smoke's space not blastcore effect.

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As far as my knowledge goes, the black squares anomaly appears when some lightsources try to light up dust or smoke from other Phoenix warFX. But it doesn't happen with all of them. Its mostly muzzleflashes from tanks and artillery.

It happens for me when (usually multiple) vehicles explode and seems to lately happen more often when the AI destroys other AI vehicles. The more explosions, the higher the chance of black squares apparently.

A couple issues: the black squares, the smokes (obviously), and the fires from aircraft after crashing and burning looks strange. But man is it beautiful to see aircraft explode in the air and "rain" down to earth.

Also, when multiple fires are burning and another vehicle explodes, all the smoke from the fires immediately disappears and starts over. This very well may be unavoidable though.

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Anyone have their explosions from rocket artillery disappear? I no longer see them.

Edited by rover66oyo

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Anyone have their explosions from rocket artillery disappear? I no longer see them.

I have the same thing, but i can remember that i disable RAFI..Vehicles if you have it it may causing that how i don't know but first rocket artillery explosion was been like bullet hit the ground nothing after i delete some addons it works again !

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Odd question love the mod, I just want to be able to remove the extra smoke effect from smoke grenades but keep everything else. is this possible? mainly for mp pvp for others who dont have blastcore on>

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Ok im gonna start trying to make a update, atm i got so much stuff thats WIP and incomplete in the mod which is whats holding up the update i will try and make a version with stuff thats working and stable, seems like i need make 2 versions, a WIP version for myself and another one i can actually release without all the experimental shit.

i'm a bit confused about this link, as nothing was said by Opticalsnare since his last post... is this the update he's talking about? i clearly see "R3" and the changelog in armaholic's page, but no confirmed update by the author/armaholic...

Can someone clear this up please?

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