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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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2.06.148670 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v7, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Added: TimeLimiter for heavy AI tasks that could freeze servers

 - Tweaked: Improved performance of triggers with Present/NotPresent activation

 - Tweaked: Improved performance of network message encoding 

 - Fixed: Locations search in Eden Editor was not working as expected - FT-T161001

 - Fixed: Sound occlusion from createSoundSource/say3D would not update when switching between 1st/3rd person while inside a vehicle - FT-T131341

 - Fixed: say3D command would always disable sound attenuation (introduced in 2.04)

 - Fixed: On-screen script errors were only displaying "Generic Error" messages

 - Fixed: Script errors would be printed to RPT twice (once correct, and a second "Generic Error" message after it)

 - Fixed: Eden Editor cut operation with an object under the cursor would copy all selected units, but only delete units under the cursor

 - Fixed: Potential crash when using Regular Expressions in script


if you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.06.148819 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v8, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Added: The RPT Mod list now shows when a modfolder doesn't contain any PBOs to help with Linux servers

 - Added: Automatically add CDLC tags to compositions that contain CDLC objects

 - Tweaked: Limited length of script errors so that on-screen error message is always shown completely

 - Tweaked: Use AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics to tell windows that we are a Game

 - Tweaked: Improved multithreaded code performance and fixed bottleneck on dedicated servers (Thanks Kohbrax)

 - Tweaked: Very experimental multithreading improvement on Linux

 - Tweaked: Minor performance improvement if there are many vehicles on the map

 - Fixed: Car no longer locks into extreme turn if driver opens map, changes seat or exits a vehicle after initiating turn - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162644

 - Fixed: Selection of groups and waypoints in Zeus was broken in SP

 - Fixed: Erratic behaviour of Darter following waypoints when flying at high altitude - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82570

 - Fixed: Crash when shift click selecting item in a ListView without any previously selected items - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161512

 - Fixed: Rebreather facemask would show up as soon as feet touch water while diving goggles only show when swimming - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161998

 - Fixed: Stopping free fall by grabbing onto a ladder would still apply fall damage when leaving the ladder

 - Fixed: "Suspending not allowed in this context" script error would not show in on-screen error message - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T151337

 - Fixed: Potential game crash after loading savegame - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162128

 - Fixed: canAdd script command (and its variants) was creating stray entities in Multiplayer (Thanks AeoG | El'Rabito) - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163205

 - Removed: Network reports (networkDiagInterval, NetStrStatsExport) (still available on profiling build)



if you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.06.148844 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v9, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Added: New -noPauseAudio start parameter to keep audio running while the game is not in focus - FT-T163147
 - Tweaked: Improved networking performance (update checking for players/objects is now spread over multiple frames)
 - Tweaked: skipTime script command is now limited to max +/-1000 hours per skip - FT-T68952
 - Fixed: canAdd/getContainerMaxLoad script commands were creating stray entities (locally) (Thanks AeoG | El'Rabito) - FT-T163205
 - Fixed: File reading errors when there are multiple PBOs with the same prefix loaded
 - Fixed: It was possible to see illegal game dates before 1970 - FT-T163269



if you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.06.148854 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v10, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Fixed: More stray entities bugs in addItemCargo and setUnitLoadout - FT-T163205
 - Reverted: Update checking for players/objects being spread over multiple frames (due to spurious/repeated/unprovoked weapon discharge)


if you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.06.148877 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v11, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Reverted: Reverted update checking for players/objects being spread over multiple frames (spurious weapon discharge fixed)
 - Fixed: Several game crashes
 - Fixed: Planes would start moving on their own when the user opened a map and placed a marker - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163253
 - Fixed: Incoming missile warnings were played through the radio instead of the effects channel - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163245


if you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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Thanks for all the work on stability and performance. Great to see multithreading improvements being added over the months, I hope it ends up in 2.08!


However, I'm still struggling with memory related crashes when using CDLC assets (particularly GM). More recently, these have been DX11 out of memory CTDs. Tickets here:

https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163062 (2022)

https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160056 (2021)

Mission editing seems to trigger it the most. I have watched the VRAM usage on my GTX 1660 Ti (6GB) creep all the way to 5.8GB and keep going, when using Very High or Ultra textures. This ultimately leads to a CTD. If I use High textures then it only creeps up to 4.x GB and thus remains stable.


Previously, I used to have crashes due to running out of swap file when using CDLC assets (both GM and CSLA). These days I do not seem to have these issues, but for reference, these were the relevant tickets I made at the time:

https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160057 (2021)

https://feedback.bistudio.com/T153532 (2020)

But now I just set my page file to 16GB (+ 16GB RAM), and it does not happen with Very High textures. I think it might still happen with Ultra, however.


Note that this doesn't happen with just vanilla assets even with Ultra textures.


Would be really great to have some fix, either better memory management or something, especially with 4K textures. This is probably the only stability issue I have encountered with the game in the last couple of years.


P.s. using performance binaries in all cases.

Edited by SuicideKing
adding clarification
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2.08.148925 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v0, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Sync with 2.08 main branch update

 - Previous Profiling branch exclusive improvements are still present

 - Some Profiling branch features from after 2.06 v8 were removed, they will be re-added in v1


if you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.148977 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v1, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Added: Automatically add Creator DLC tags to compositions that contain CDLC objects
 - Added: New -noPauseAudio start parameter to keep audio running while the game is not in focus - FT-T163147
 - Tweaked: Limited length of script errors so that on-screen error messages are always shown completely
 - Tweaked: Improved multithreaded code performance and fixed bottleneck on Dedicated Servers (Thanks Kohbrax)
 - Tweaked: Very experimental multithreading improvement on Linux
 - Tweaked: Minor performance improvement if there are many vehicles on the map
 - Tweaked: Improved networking performance (update checking for players/objects is now spread over multiple frames)
 - Tweaked: skipTime script command is now limited to max +/-1000 hours per skip - FT-T68952
 - Fixed: File reading errors when there are multiple PBOs with the same prefix loaded
 - Fixed: It was possible to see illegal game dates before 1970 - FT-T163269
 - Fixed: More stray entities bugs in addItemCargo and setUnitLoadout - FT-T163205
 - Fixed: Incoming missile warnings were played through the radio instead of the effects channel - FT-T163245
 - Fixed: 32-bit executables crashing
 - Fixed: Servers falsely shown as "incompatible version" in the game server browser (needs this update to be running server-side)
 - Removed: Network reports (networkDiagInterval, NetStrStatsExport) (still available in Profiling build)


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149000 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v2, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Tweaked: Several minor performance tweaks
 - Fixed: Server did not fully disable VoN if the disableVoN config parameter was set


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149024 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v3, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Tweaked: Submunition _triggerOnImpact now only triggers for actual hits, not for deflections

 - Fixed: Counter Measures did not provide a projectile in Fired/FiredMan Event Handlers (always passed objNull)

 - Fixed: Several game crashes

 - Fixed: remoteExec failing when JIP parameter starts with numbers and a colon, while also not being a valid netId which influenced BIS_fnc_createTask (Thanks @MBMC)

 - Removed: Network Compression (disabled for now)


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149042 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v4, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Fixed: triggerAmmo command not working on bullets, grenades, mines, flares, submunition - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163630
 - Fixed: Broken firemode selection on launchers with multiple flight profiles - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163651
 - Fixed: remoteExec not handling negative netIDs (bug from Profiling v3)
 - Fixed: VoN being disabled if no disableVoN config entry was present, even if it was set to 0 (bug from Profiling v2)
 - Fixed: Standing up after going prone with a launcher in top-down mode - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128198


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149044 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v5, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Fixed: Multiplayer Map Markers not working when client is using Profiling branch 😢


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149057 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v6, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Fixed: Spurious weapon firing in MP

 - Fixed: VehicleTransport cargoBayDimensions/Dimensions/Exits positions were XZY format instead of XYZ

 - Tweaked: Minor script performance improvements


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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Thank you, Sir, for all your hard work!!

Can't be appreciated enough that 9 years after release you guys still work on improving the game, making our experience a better one!

Thank you!! 

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2.08.149072 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v7, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Fixed: Crash when inter-creating ropes between transports - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163714 -

 - Fixed: Rare server freezing


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149116 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v8, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Tweaked: Multithreading tweaks
 - Tweaked: Slightly improved nearestTerrainObjects performance when sorting is enabled
 - Fixed: Some modded AT launchers could not switch their fire mode
 - Fixed: Cruise control would not disengage when the engine is turned off - FT-T163709


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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2.08.149135 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v9, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Tweaked: Disabled helicopters exploding when turned upside down

 - Tweaked: Several adjustments for vehicle towing

 - Fixed: Creating a rope from a vehicle and to the same vehicle is enabled again

 - Fixed: Invalid "setting invalid pitch" log messages - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163807

 - Fixed: Cruise Control was not stopped when using handbrake - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163813


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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After one of the last updates to the profiling branch I'm unable to start Arma: after the initial splash screen game crashes to desktop with error message about "unknown software exception (0xc000001d)" (the error address is changing, I guess different each time I try to start game, I've noted two examples: "0x410f44e2" and "0x410b44e2"). There is no .rpt file that I can find (I had error logs turned off, but turned them on after encountering the problem first time) and I validated the game data via Steam.


Sad part is that I can't really tell which update may have caused it, as the last time I played Arma was on 12th of March, or earlier. I'm going to try switching to stable branch, but apart from that, is there anything I can do to remedy this problem?


Edit: indeed switching to stable allows me to run the game, but obviously there's something wrong with profiling.

Edited by krzychuzokecia

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2.08.149174 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v10, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit
 - Tweaked: Inventory item lists are now sorted - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163668
 - Fixed: Unable to click the bottom-most item in the inventory if a scrollbar is present - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163667
 - Tweaked: Inventory UI listboxes now have the class names of the items inside lbData (previously only magazines had them)
 - Fixed: Script compile errors due to missing closing brace were not logged to RPT
 - Fixed: exitWith potentially exiting the whole script (instead of just one layer) if the script also tried to compile a script file with a missing closing brace in it
 - Fixed: AI would calculate a path even if "PATH" is disabled via disableAI - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160446


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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On 3/25/2022 at 9:18 PM, krzychuzokecia said:

After one of the last updates to the profiling branch I'm unable to start Arma: after the initial splash screen game crashes to desktop with error message about "unknown software exception (0xc000001d)" (the error address is changing, I guess different each time I try to start game, I've noted two examples: "0x410f44e2" and "0x410b44e2"). There is no .rpt file that I can find (I had error logs turned off, but turned them on after encountering the problem first time) and I validated the game data via Steam.

No RPT but maybe a mdmp?

Such errors could be CPU compatability, but we changed nothing related to that in v9.


Can you try the previous profiling branch versions to tell me where the problem actually appeared?

Are you using 32bit or 64bit Arma?

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64bit Arma, I'm running a 64bit Win7 on a 64bit Xeon X5470 (dated, yes).


If the mdmp file is supposed to be in Windows/Minidump/ folder, then I can't see any Arma-related (there's one file there from February 2021).


I'll try the older versions! I was using Steam branch, and didn't know that Google link has all the previous versions too, otherwise, I'd try that earlier. Will report any findings.

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My AI have suddenly stopped moving or responding to waypoints. Anybody else experiencing this? Came out of the blue just today, even in vanilla. Perhaps this is due to the pathing changes from the most recent patch?

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2.08.149187 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v11, server and client, windows 32/64-bit, linux server 32/64-bit

 - Fixed: AI units not following waypoints

 - Fixed: Uniform/Vest/Backpack containers not listed in dead unit inventories

 - Fixed: Entity HitPart event would fire for remote projectiles


If you don't want to use the Steam branch, the files are also available for alternative download here:


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On 3/31/2022 at 3:37 PM, krzychuzokecia said:

If the mdmp file is supposed to be in Windows/Minidump/ folder

Its not, its in the Arma RPT folder

%localappdata%/Arma 3

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Ah, so that's where those files are, sorry I was looking in wrong folder. There are both mdmp files and rpts - should I upload them to Google Drive? The mdmp files are about 50 megs, I think that's too much for the Feedback Tracker?

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