flowa91 10 Posted September 30, 2013 (edited) Hello to all! I'm here 'to expose my problem that is apparently' common state that already ... 'I read EVERYTHING' regarding issues of fps .. coming to the problem, and the amazing thing 'that having MSI open in game I have seen that having 30 fps ultilizzo video card is this: gpu 1: 25 fps, 30% use video card core clock 550MHz gpu 1: 25 fps, 30% use video card core clock 550MHz IN OTHER GAME: `` `` `` Fps 99% use video card core clock 1100MHz `` `` `` Fps 99% use video card core clock 1100MHz now also having a lot of friends with the CONFIGURATION different types (5870, 7970 3gb, 6gb 7970) we have the same fps .... I wonder why? the rest of the specs of my pc even there the list 'cause it's all at the top .... 3770K processor and ram to 2133MHz OCZ Vertex etc. 4. I now believe that here 'there' is a fundamental problem ... plus I noticed that even if you set the graphics to a minimum you have the SAME fps! coming to the speech processor as I read not 'true that is used a lot' cause I game in the use of 20%. then summing up the whole, if I had to use the gpu to 99% and the fps were those then I opened this topic, but here 'the problem' very strange indeed! there 'a component of the PC that is used at 100% or at least 50%! and 'impossible! the game is not 'been optimized in loading and processing of textures! I hope you solve the most 'soon! I do not ask you to run the game at 200fps! but at least I want the video cards are stressed as on every other game! and have at least 60 having spent € 4,000 computer! REPEAT the strange thing 'than with any other computers you have the same fps! however much compliments the game and the work done on the mechanics! i love it! thx for attention! and sorry for my bad english! it's not a joke is this my pc: http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/6799/cwv7.jpg Edited September 30, 2013 by flowa91 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pac Man 10 Posted September 30, 2013 Yeah. Shame it doesn't utilize that 4k$ pc. I've an ~ 750$ pc, i5-2500k, gtx560, 8GB ram etc etc, and it runs the game as good as you, if not better atm. Sure wish they'd optimize a3 better =/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rory_pamphilon 16 Posted September 30, 2013 This game is all about raw CPU cuz, the higher you have your CPU clocked the more fps you get. Is your CPU overlooked? my 3750k is at 4.5ghz and game runs ok for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted September 30, 2013 jakes on you, i run arma at +40fps in 50 player multiplayer, with a $600 rig. Gotta know what to spend your $$$ on. caveat: sometimes with lots of AI and fighting in Kavala, fps drops to 28+ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pac Man 10 Posted September 30, 2013 caveat: sometimes with lots of AI and fighting in Kavala, fps drops to 28+ yeah, that's when it comes down to mission design and optimization though. Not caching units is bad. Not cleaning up dead corpses and vehicles is bad. Bad scripting, such as utilizing many tight loops is bad. Designers can make or break performance. Not to mention server performance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dwaight 17 Posted September 30, 2013 a guy from overclock.net runs 3 way titans, at 5K ( 3 screens ) and gets 57 - 60 fps everything maxed out on wasteland server, i can show you it if you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pac Man 10 Posted September 30, 2013 a guy from overclock.net runs 3 way titans, at 5K ( 3 screens ) and gets 57 - 60 fps everything maxed out on wasteland server, i can show you it if you want. Most of us live in the reality where we can't afford 3 titans & 3 screens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
simon1279 53 Posted September 30, 2013 (edited) I7 4770k @5,2 ghz and gtx 680 gainward 4gb vram, the less i get is 45 FPS (but i usually run from 52 to 60 fps), everything set to ultra and with everything i mean everything,just the view distance @3600 (wich is so far for arma engine) this is not battlefield or such, here you need not super GPU but super CPU, as always been in Arma, open world needs CPU EDIT: FPS on multiplayer depends from scripts made by mission maker, and server itself, the real FPS misure is just in SP, if someone doesn't make polished scripts, then your fps will drop, and also if you run a mission with too many scripts for sure you'll have poor FPS, you just have to use the essential scripts you need, and a script in loop will steal to your systems around 2-3 fps Edited September 30, 2013 by Simon1279 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
papanowel 120 Posted September 30, 2013 EDIT: FPS on multiplayer depends from scripts made by mission maker, and server itself, the real FPS misure is just in SP, if someone doesn't make polished scripts, then your fps will drop, and also if you run a mission with too many scripts for sure you'll have poor FPS, you just have to use the essential scripts you need, and a script in loop will steal to your systems around 2-3 fps Even without using script you'll lose some fps if you compare to the solo version of a mission. So server and mission are not the only one to blame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dwaight 17 Posted September 30, 2013 Most of us live in the reality where we can't afford 3 titans & 3 screens. We live in reality. and buying titans over 780's is stupid anyways Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PapaRomeo 10 Posted September 30, 2013 Playing on ultra with i7 2600k @4,2ghz. GTX 780 My FPS is about 40-60. Sometimes slows down to 28-30, but its rarely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mariodu62 5 Posted September 30, 2013 Choose a good server... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leon86 13 Posted September 30, 2013 2 titans are not going to help when cpu limited. max out everything but viewdistance, object viewdistance and model detail, turn off PiP (those are the cpu heavy settings) might as well try and make some use of the titans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon01 903 Posted September 30, 2013 jakes on you, i run arma at +40fps in 50 player multiplayer, with a $600 rig. Gotta know what to spend your $$$ on. caveat: sometimes with lots of AI and fighting in Kavala, fps drops to 28+ What CPU do you have? I know that it's what really matters in ArmA. I'm looking for a good, cheap-ish CPU. Could be dual-core (though a quad would be best), but what really matters for me is how much it can be overclocked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pac Man 10 Posted September 30, 2013 I'm looking for a good, cheap-ish CPU. i5-2500k - Cheap & great performance. Though someone else may be able to recommend something with a better bang for your buck. All's i know, it performs great & was cheap. It was cheap long ago when i bought it lol. As it was, at that time, the best bang for your buck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clydefrog 3 Posted September 30, 2013 (edited) I7 4770k @5,2 ghz and gtx 680 gainward 4gb vram, the less i get is 45 FPS (but i usually run from 52 to 60 fps), everything set to ultra and with everything i mean everything,just the view distance @3600 (wich is so far for arma engine) this is not battlefield or such, here you need not super GPU but super CPU, as always been in Arma, open world needs CPUEDIT: FPS on multiplayer depends from scripts made by mission maker, and server itself, the real FPS misure is just in SP, if someone doesn't make polished scripts, then your fps will drop, and also if you run a mission with too many scripts for sure you'll have poor FPS, you just have to use the essential scripts you need, and a script in loop will steal to your systems around 2-3 fps It depends what the loop is doing and how often, it's not as simple as any loop will affect performance (at least not to the extent of causing lower framerates). Also as Papanowel said you will see lower fps in MP even on an empty map with nothing on it and no scripts. Also personally I'm not overclocking my CPU and risking the stability of my PC just because Arma 3 runs like crap, that's their job to fix and not mine by stressing my hardware which should be good enough to run the game well as it is. Edited September 30, 2013 by clydefrog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayglow 2 Posted September 30, 2013 OP what is your view distance set at? How high AA? I run an OC 3820 @ 4.4 with a 660ti SLI setup and get around 30-40 fps on 3 screens in SP and Coop with most setting on high with a 2500m view distance and no AA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M. BlackBeard 26 Posted September 30, 2013 These threads make me all jelly but warm inside. I've been playing Arma 3 on my Asus G73 laptop (I know, it's old) and getting the same FPS rate these people are complaining about(around 35ish FPS on standard/high settings, 1080p, 3500 Km View/Obj distance). BIS really needs to put ALL effort on this as we've all been noticing how it's turning into a big buzz kill for the franchise/community. I know...thousand thread story...we all know how these threads are horrible. But I've been noticing it's getting worse. I've seen some streaming and youtube videos and the way the lag increments when scripted AI spawns is just ridiculous. Other then the game being unplayable for some people, I think we're heading the right way...idk, are we? Sounds a little static at the moment... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fushko 59 Posted September 30, 2013 I get 60 FPS in the editor with a single 550 Ti. It generally goes down to 40-30 in MP. I'm playing on ultra. Have you downloaded the latest drivers? These improve the performance for A3 in SLI, which is your case. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flowa91 10 Posted September 30, 2013 (edited) no guys!! ok on random situation me too i got 50 fps but is impossibile whit my configuration get 20 25 fps!!! AND IS NOT A RAW CPU!!! ME AND MY FRIENDS LOOK THE CPU IN GAME IS AT 20%! SO PLEASE....IS NOT ALL CPU!! THE GAME IS NOT OPTIMIZED! GUYS, on any game on this world the gpu usage is 99%! why this game not??????????? arma 2 repeate arma 2 usage 99%! arma 3 not! the game need patch!! the question is WHY ALL COMPUTERS : LOW MID WHIGH GET SAME FPS!! IS A SHAME!!! Edited September 30, 2013 by flowa91 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clydefrog 3 Posted September 30, 2013 (edited) no guys!! ok on random situation me too i got 50 fps but is impossibile whit my configuration get 20 25 fps!!! AND IS NOT A RAW CPU!!! ME AND MY FRIENDS LOOK THE CPU IN GAME IS AT 20%! SO PLEASE....IS NOT ALL CPU!! THE GAME IS NOT OPTIMIZED! Yep, I don't care what anybody says about ignoring your CPU usage, people go on about it being CPU heavy but really it isn't because it's not using a lot of the available computing power, if it was you wouldn't be getting 20fps would you. You know that if it says about 50% and your GPU usage isn't much better and the game is running terribly then there are big optimisation problems (speaking about multiplayer, single player performance is better, higher max fps but still big drops near built up areas etc. and still big stutters on texture loading and that's using an SSD too). Edited September 30, 2013 by clydefrog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leon86 13 Posted September 30, 2013 no guys!! ok on random situation me too i got 50 fps but is impossibile whit my configuration get 20 25 fps!!! AND IS NOT A RAW CPU!!! ME AND MY FRIENDS LOOK THE CPU IN GAME IS AT 20%! SO PLEASE....IS NOT ALL CPU!! THE GAME IS NOT OPTIMIZED!GUYS, on any game on this world the gpu usage is 99%! why this game not??????????? arma 2 repeate arma 2 usage 99%! arma 3 not! the game need patch!! the question is WHY ALL COMPUTERS : LOW MID WHIGH GET SAME FPS!! IS A SHAME!!! hello there captain capslock. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valken 623 Posted September 30, 2013 @Simon1279 - what kind of cooling are you using to OC up to 5.2 GHZ? I'm looking at a new system build for ARMA 3 already. @ flowa91 are you getting low FPS online? Because online FPS depends on server performance also. If the server is lagged out due to CPU load from AI or too many players or both. If you startup a dedicated server on a fast dual or quad core, not sharing your game pc, then have all your friends log into it, it should be better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted September 30, 2013 no guys!! ok on random situation me too i got 50 fps but is impossibile whit my configuration get 20 25 fps!!! AND IS NOT A RAW CPU!!! ME AND MY FRIENDS LOOK THE CPU IN GAME IS AT 20%! SO PLEASE....IS NOT ALL CPU!! THE GAME IS NOT OPTIMIZED!GUYS, on any game on this world the gpu usage is 99%! why this game not??????????? arma 2 repeate arma 2 usage 99%! arma 3 not! the game need patch!! the question is WHY ALL COMPUTERS : LOW MID WHIGH GET SAME FPS!! IS A SHAME!!! Dude trust me on this. When I OCd my i7 2600k to 4,3 GHz my performance improved significantly. And not only the performance but AI behaviour too. Looking at your system your CPU is the bottleneck. A super expensive GPU won´t help you if your CPU slows everything down. Give it a try OCing has become pretty easy with the right tools+Mainboard+cooling Before someone asks i7-2600k at 4,3 GHz on a asus p8p67 pro rev 3.1 with a Scyte Mugen 2 Rev B cooler in a Cooler Master HAF 912 plus tower (really helps with the cooling) and a HD5850 Sapphire toxic on top. I run Arma 3 at high settings +6k view and 3k object view distance with around 40FPS (I need a better GPU) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeuroFunker 11 Posted September 30, 2013 This has been discussed a ton, the game engine is very cpu limited. You can have tri-sli of 780gtx, this won't help, until you have high end cpu, and maximum overclocked. I can play all ultra with my single 670gtx, with same 30-40fps, and the game doesn't never use 100% my gpu, even with 8xFSAA and SMAA ultra. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites