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F/A-18 Super Hornet and Su-35S Flanker E

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TeTeT (and friends),


Thanks for all the hard work on these updates it is very much appreciated, still my favorite jet in the game. I didn't get a chance to test out all the updates, but the cockpit was crystal clear flying around Altis during the day, although the pilot seemed to be set more forward a bit, but could just be me. Also checked some of the expanded user skins, VFA176_fa18e_hull_co.paa, desert is going to get some more flight time :thumb: Keep up the great work!

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Congrats on the relese!    Here is a idea,is there some way to make a radaraltimeter that can guide the AI in an effort to make them be able to fly very low and very fast ,sence flying up agains AAA-sites really can rip you to shredds.It would search for possible targets in path of plane ,then give arrows up/down ahead of time to make sure you don`t fly into the ground or at least a set altitude with a AP so you don`t fly into the ground ahead of time.


Sence this is th F-18F - could we get a hi-rez moving map display? Would be very useful with this. Another thing I came up with,is a setting that prevents the Ai to fly any higher or lower than we order it.It could perhapps `compute`the speed ahead of time -if we can draw the planned heading path and altitudes on a tablet -and fly 2:nd plane in.


Sometimes we need to be able to semi-guide dumb ordonace by ,lets say ,in advance use some better method to make sure we can fly right above the target only once.

Auto-lock a target as a choice.Loft-drop stuff and such.

Is any such system being worked on?  You know,a cheat-system to simplyfy things.

A nice mod,thank you.

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On ‎10‎/‎18‎/‎2017 at 6:30 PM, hcpookie said:

Have you tried it w/o AWS?  Kind of hard to troubleshoot multiple mods at once.  If you can naoow down exactly that it is this mod or AWS that can help immensely.

Yep, that did it. Of course, now none of Firewills aircraft have weapons.

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Glad to hear you narrowed it down to something in a different mod.  So here's hoping there will be a fix in the future for that other mod.


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Hi guys, I have the F/A-18 Super hornet MOD from TeTeTe and the FIR weapon system updated to the latest version. What I am having is that when I load a couple of GBU 38s on the F/A-18 I can't find the option GPS Targeting System from the drop down menu.


Anyone can help please ?



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would it be possible to change the afterburner only when you holding shift (accelerate button) because right now its pretty hard to keep it below 90% to not to engage afterburner.

If you look at RHS mig, it works as described.

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On 31/10/2017 at 7:52 PM, maiochine said:

Hi guys, I have the F/A-18 Super hornet MOD from TeTeTe and the FIR weapon system updated to the latest version. What I am having is that when I load a couple of GBU 38s on the F/A-18 I can't find the option GPS Targeting System from the drop down menu.


Anyone can help please ?




Im no expert but I use the laser designator cntrl-right mse button


Then lock on cntrl-t and activate laser

After that it is just tone and drop


Im not familiar with GPS targeting on the Hornet. FIR  AWS weapons were added but TGP etc arent currently implemented to my knowledge

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15 hours ago, callofmarty said:



would it be possible to change the afterburner only when you holding shift (accelerate button) because right now its pretty hard to keep it below 90% to not to engage afterburner.

If you look at RHS mig, it works as described.


I dont believe they will bring that back as i think it was made this way to fit in with the Jets DLC

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Well the RHS has the new flight model and still manage to get it right. (as described above)

By my opinion, right now the F18 is not usable and it doesn't make any sense to engage afterburner when more then 90% thrust. Would rather prefer separate key for afterburner, like it was last time.

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On 11/1/2017 at 5:37 AM, Rockapes said:


I dont believe they will bring that back as i think it was made this way to fit in with the Jets DLC

Agreed.  Senseless to regress to a pre-jets design at this point.  Jets/Physx stuff is difficult enough as it it w/o any customization whatsoever.

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On 11/1/2017 at 4:00 PM, callofmarty said:

Well the RHS has the new flight model and still manage to get it right. (as described above)

By my opinion, right now the F18 is not usable and it doesn't make any sense to engage afterburner when more then 90% thrust. Would rather prefer separate key for afterburner, like it was last time.

Actually, that's how real aircraft do this. The upper 10% (typically) of the throttle is the afterburner. It's RHS that's unrealistic about it.

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10 hours ago, dragon01 said:

Actually, that's how real aircraft do this. The upper 10% (typically) of the throttle is the afterburner. It's RHS that's unrealistic about it.

Not exactly... you have the 100% military thrust (Throttle full forward), and then you activate AFB, which is like 110/120/130% of power sort of, Firewill, RHS and the old F/A-18EF way was right (another key activating AFB on 100% military thrust)


Falcon 3.0 and Hornet 3.0 you could stack up 5 levels of AFB (by repetingly hiting the afb button)... Falcon 4.0 and DCS have a threshold for 100% military thrust on joysticks so you have this false notion that 100% forward throttle is AFB on.


TeTeT has changed to the way it is now to be more alligned with Vanilla controls (jets dlc kinda ruled that 100% throttle is 100% mil+ AFB)

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10 hours ago, dragon01 said:

Actually, that's how real aircraft do this. The upper 10% (typically) of the throttle is the afterburner. It's RHS that's unrealistic about it.

 Well true, but im not playin DCS and its still a game.

Only thing i have is mouse and keyboard....try to hit under 90% throttle with your keyboard, distracted with flying a maneuvering and other things.

RHS flight system is much more user friendly and intuitive. I'm kinda disappointed from this :(      + the PDF user guide for F18 is out of date then.

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Spend $40 at NewEgg and get a Thrustmaster HOTAS.  Works pretty good for a $40 setup ;)

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12 hours ago, corporal_lib[br] said:

Falcon 3.0 and Hornet 3.0 you could stack up 5 levels of AFB (by repetingly hiting the afb button)... Falcon 4.0 and DCS have a threshold for 100% military thrust on joysticks so you have this false notion that 100% forward throttle is AFB on.

Falcon 4.0 and DCS are the most realistic of those sims... It's rather silly to say it's a "false notion" in the same sentence, you know? There's no such thing as "AFB button" in any real aircraft cockpit I'm familiar with. You get a detent on your throttle and that's it. Also, afterburners can be throttled just like military thrust, which is done in this upper part of the throttle range. So what's done here is actually realistic. Flying with keyboard and mouse will never amount to much, anyway, any remotely realistic simulation is best experienced with a stick and throttle.

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Hi peeps,


A question on the FA-18 F, for the WSO when they they press CTL T and get into the ALTFLIR targeting pod, when they lase the a target me as a pilot can't lock onto the lase? I've tried GBU-12 and AGM-65 supplied by the FA-18's but it simply doesn't work.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? Can someone please help. :)


Also I can't see the GBU38 in the service menu anymore has this been completely removed?

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Hey guys,


anyone noticed that you can't load JDAMs on the planes anymore?

There are now tons of ammunition to choose, but no GBU-31/32/38 etc...


Or am i just doing something wrong?

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At the moment there is no option to lock the Camera on a position or on a target on the ground. Is this a planned feature/oversight or intentionally missing?

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This is a bug fix release for the SU35. The wheels stopped working properly in a recent Arma 3 update. PhysX wheel definitions were added to config and model. The only other change is support for Firewill's ECM system through a user action for the pilot. Please see the Changelog for further details.



- the intrinsic SU35 weapons are merely copies of vanilla weapons, will be changed in a later update

- the ejection seat does not work at 0 speed, 0 altitude, it may eject backwards

- the fuel tank and buddy refueling system is broken

- on some maps the aircraft position is not displayed correctly on the map MFD

- slight stuttering when the afterburner is deployed

- pylons can hold all weapons, will be change in a later update





- add Wheels class and use physx wheels

- add support for Firewill's ECM


- increase rotation speed of TGP

- set min maxTurn of TGP to +/-170

- add laserdesignator_mounted and laserbatteries to weapons and magazines

- ejection no longer works at 0/0


- enable init eventhandler again

- hide Init/Respawn module

2017-08-26 config

- reduce reloadTime of cannon to 0.04 (ROF 1500 per minute)

- adjusted pylon proxy positions

2017-08-18 model

- remove old proxies

- better pylon proxy positions, hopefully

- fix kh29 mag / weapon

2017-08-17 config, scripts

- add tanks, rockets to dynamic loadout

- add standard loadouts

- adjusted fuselage pylons

2017-08-17 config, scripts

    - add dynamic loadout for instant loadout scripts

    - adjust AB, make it slightly more powerful

2017-07-30 config, scripts

- add new afterburner script, adjust for SU-35 from F-18

- change to airplaneX simulation

- swap altFullForce and altNoForce

2017-06-13 config

- add ITGT support for Firewill AWS

- add new hitpoints structure

2017-06-12 config

- add vanilla TGP

- add CA_throttle to Rsc_SU35_UnitInfo 

- add sonic boom

- add ejection seat

- add sensors from F-18, slighly adjusted

2017-06-10 config, model

- change cannon reloadTime from 0.1 to 0.05 (higher ROF)

- add support for dynamic loadout (AWS and Vanilla)

- add Russian MFCD text

2017-03-19 model

- move get in and get in dir for pilot to the ground

- add MFD map for the maps pictureMap

2017-03-01 config

- add textures for vehicle customization

2017-02-28 config

- comment some value in kab500l, following Farquharson's advice

2017-02-27 models, config

- add maneuvrability = 0 to 80mm rockets

- run dep3d +fx on folder

2016-08-20 config

- added Lesh's towing mod support


- fix fuel hud error in Eden

- add preview image

- add loadout for Eden

- add skin selector for Eden


- fix apex popups, Leshrack

- fix flag and wreck path, TeTeT




Edited by TeTeT
All mirrors updated
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Im having a problem with the F variant of the hornet where whenever the WSO gets into the aircraft, the fire permissions change to the pilot and the WSO cant do anything. is there any help for this?


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@skittl, I just tried the following sequence and could not reproduce your problem:


  1. Equip F/A-18F with weapons for pilot and WSO in Eden pylon settings
  2. Set fuel to 0
  3. Place AI pilot in aircraft
  4. Place player WSO besides aircraft
  5. Start mission
  6. Enter WSO cockpit as player
  7. Weapons stay assigned to WSO
Can you please outline how the weapons are re-arranged? Maybe provide a sample mission that showcases this?

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@TeTeT This was us using it in multiplayer. I am not sure if it actually meant to be that in multiplayer the weapons stay assigned to the pilot but I dont remember it being like that


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@skittl did you use the service menu? That won't assign any weaponry to the WSO, only pilot. I'd recommend trying out GOMs aircraft loadout menu then.

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