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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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On 12/17/2019 at 3:53 PM, tpw said:

I have. The satmap and ground texturing, the jumbled up architecture and  the jumbled up biomes don't really make for a coherent experience at this stage in the beta. 

Fair enough.


Has something changed with the latest TPS_MODS as I can't seem to get them to initialize. No script errors to report and tested with only CBA_A3 to check but no change.

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I've been having an issue with TPW where absolutely nothing happens. No init of any item. I installed TPW through the .bat and loaded the addon how I should (with CBA_A3) edited the .hpp to the required settings, then upon mission start, nothing. I had also set it to give the hint that TPW loaded, nothing came from that either.


I am unsure if I missed a step, broken something or if the mod is just unworking. Any support will be appreciated!


quick edit:


Running on: Tested on both SP & MP (same result)
ArmA Version: Latest non-dev (stable)

CBA Verison: Latest non-dev (does cba even have a dev version?)

Downloaded from: tried both dropbox and armaholic


Edited by Huski_
added info

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Thanks for the biggest chuckle of my day so far TPW.

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11 hours ago, tpw said:

Well aren't I a winner?!?! I managed to upload TPW_MODS.zip wihout the actual tpw_mods.pbo in it :face_palm:


 I need to fire my QC department.


Please redownload https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip


Could have fooled me - I noticed it missing but didn't get any errors. I suppose I don't use enough of the functionality!


Thanks for the quick response.

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TPW MODS 20191231: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip



[SOAP 1.53] Added Finnish soundpack. Fixed car stereo errors on maps with undefined ethnicity.

Hi everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas and managed to avoid the carb-pocalypse (I didn't). I thought I'd put down the celery and release a final update for the year and decade, mainly centered around adding Finnish ambience due to the rash of outstanding Finnish terrains which have been released by Temppa (Ruha, Hellanmaa, Vingesvingen, Ihantala, Summa, Suursaari), and most recently Furean (Virolahti). I've found myself playing a lot on these brilliant terrains which utilise Enoch assets to give really believable and immersive environments, devoid only of the noise of the famously exuberant and outgoing Finns. So I've put together a pack of Finnish conversation and modern music to give the maps a bit more of a Suomi feel. Enjoy your new year!  

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G'day @tpw - just been tinkering around with the latest version of PKL, now under the RHS badge. I've found that using your mod with it will trigger a CTD. Nothing too obvious leaping out at me in the .RPT, but are there any classname references or similar to PKL that, if changed, might be bringing it on?


That said, anyone managing to run both successfully?


Thanks for your hard work, as always - happy 'straya Day!

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16 hours ago, CameronMcDonald said:

G'day @tpw - just been tinkering around with the latest version of PKL, now under the RHS badge. I've found that using your mod with it will trigger a CTD. Nothing too obvious leaping out at me in the .RPT, but are there any classname references or similar to PKL that, if changed, might be bringing it on?


That said, anyone managing to run both successfully?


Thanks for your hard work, as always - happy 'straya Day!

Thanks mate. I’ll download the new PKL and have a look.. 

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Everything is Ok here......here is my .hpp



tpw_core_active = 1; // cannot be deactivated
tpw_core_mapstrings[] = {"c_man","c_man","cup_c_c","cup_c_tk","c_man","c_man"}; // civilian classname strings for Mediterranean, Oceanian, European, Mideastern, African, Asian maps respectively
tpw_core_excludestrings[] = {}; // classname strings to filter out civilian and vehicles. e.g. "DAP" will exclude all IDAP civilians and vehicles
tpw_core_morning = 5; // reduced ambience before this time (24 hr). Set to -1 to disable
tpw_core_night = 22; // reduced ambience after this time (24 hr). Set to 25 to disable

tpw_hint_active = 1; // 0 = inactive

// AIR
tpw_air_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_air_delay = 10; // delay before flybys start (sec)
tpw_air_time = 300; // maximum time between flybys (sec)
tpw_air_max = 2; // maximum aircraft at a given time
tpw_air_heights[] = {50,250,500}; // randomly chosen aircraft flying heights
tpw_air_exclude = 2; // exclusion. 0 = no aircraft  excluded, 1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded

tpw_animal_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_animal_delay = 10; // delay before animals start spawning (sec)
tpw_animal_max = 15; // maximum animals near player. 0 = ambient animals disabled
tpw_animal_maxradius = 200; // distance beyond which animals will be removed
tpw_animal_minradius = 75; // minimum distance from player to spawn animals
tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises
tpw_animal_saddleperc = 10; // % of horses spawned with saddles (if using dbo_horses)
tpw_animal_crows = 1; // crows will build up around dead bodies. 0 = no crows

tpw_bleedout_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_bleedout_inc = 5; // unit damage will be increased by this % every 10 sec
tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.85; // damage beyond which a unit will writhe around incapacitated (1 = dead)
tpw_bleedout_heartbeat = 0; // Player heartbeat visible as slight screen shake (0 = no heartbeat shake)
tpw_bleedout_selfheal = 1; // AI units will automatically try to stop their own bleeding if equipped with First Aid Kits (0 = no self heal)
tpw_bleedout_affect = 1; // All injured units will have their speed and skill lowered according to the degree of injury (0 = units'  speed/skill unaffected by injury)
tpw_bleedout_geneva = 1; // Incapacitated units are set as non-combatants so that other AI will not fire on them (0 = incapacitated units can be fired upon by AI).

tpw_boat_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_boat_delay = 10; // delay before boats start spawning (sec)
tpw_boat_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for water spawn boats
tpw_boat_waypoints = 5; // how many waypoints to give each boat
tpw_boat_num = 3; // max number of boats to spawn around player. 0 = ambient boats disabled

tpw_car_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_car_delay = 10; // delay before cars start spawning (sec)
tpw_car_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to give each car
tpw_car_num = 3; // max number of cars to spawn around player. 0 = ambient cars disabled
tpw_car_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for roads and spawn cars
tpw_car_nocombatspawn = 1; // cars will not be spawned during combat. 0 = cars continue to spawn during combat
tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_civ_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_civ_delay = 5; // delay (sec) until civ spawning starts
tpw_civ_radius = 150; // radius (m) around player to check for house and spawn civs
tpw_civ_density = 5; // how many houses per civ. 0 = ambient civs disabled
tpw_civ_maxsquadcas = 4; // maximum number of civilian casualties that can be inflicted by squad
tpw_civ_maxallcas = 50; // maximum number of total civilian casualties
tpw_civ_casdisplay = 1; // what to do if casualty threshold exceeded (0 -nothing, 1 - popup message, 2 - end mission)
tpw_civ_maxciv = 20; // maximum number of civs to spawn regardless of tpw_civ_density
tpw_civ_init = ""; // function or script to run when each civ is spawned. e.g. "_this call your_function", or "[_this,2] execvm 'your_script.sqf'", where _this is the civ

Civilian units matching these strings will be used if found in the config. Default BIS civilians ("c_man") will be used if strings can't be found (eg if the mod isn't loaded)

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_afr_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_afr_civ_man

CUP UNITS: cup_c_c

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_me_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_tak_civ_man
CUP UNITS: cup_c_tk

tpw_compress_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_compress_level = 0.8; // muting factor ( 0 = no muting, 0 = silence)
tpw_compress_attack = 0; // time (sec) for full muting (0 = immediate)
tpw_compress_hold = 0.1; // time (sec) for volume to remain muted
tpw_compress_release = 0; //  time (sec) for full unmuting (0 = immediate)

tpw_crowd_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_crowd_max = 20; // maximum number of civs
tpw_crowd_density = 2; // civs per house
tpw_crowd_radius = 150; // radius to scan around player to spawn civs
tpw_crowd_animradius = 80; // units closer than this will animate
tpw_crowd_moveradius = 20; // units closer than this will disperse
tpw_crowd_scantime = 1.5; // time (sec) between scanning, spawning and visibility checks

tpw_duck_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_duck_grenaderun = 1; // grenade avoidance ( 1 = AI run from unexploded grenades. 0 = units will ignore grenades)
tpw_duck_sensitivity = 0.85; // sensitivity. 0 = suppressed units never duck, 1 = suppressed units always duck
tpw_duck_nosquad = 0; // suppression applied to player squad. 1 = suppression not applied to player squad
tpw_duck_player = 0; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

// EBS
tpw_ebs_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_ebs_thresh = 5; // unit is suppressed if this many bullets pass by in 5 secs
tpw_ebs_delay = 1; // how long until suppression functions start (sec)
tpw_ebs_debug = 0; // 1 = debugging will colour the suppressed unit's uniform (green = own side, yellow = enemy <5 bullets, red = enemy >5 bullets)
tpw_ebs_radius = 500; // units must be closer to player than this (m) for suppression to work
tpw_ebs_playersup = 1; // suppression effects applied to player. 0 = no player suppression
tpw_ebs_aisup = 1; // suppression effects applied to AI. 0 = no AI suppression
tpw_ebs_findcover = 1; // AI will seek cover when suppressed. 0 = will not seek cover
tpw_ebs_suptype = 0; // Suppression type. 0 = bullet centric, 1 = suppression shell object

tpw_fall_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fall_sensitivity = 50; // sensitivity of unit to falls (%). 50 = unit half as likely to fall over from a given height.
tpw_fall_radius = 300; // unit must be closer than this (m) to player to realistically react to falls from height.
tpw_fall_delay = 10; // delay until fall functions start
tpw_fall_falltime = 25; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_threshold = 0.2; //  Randomised damage threshold above which ragdolling will occur (0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, 1 will always use animated falls)
tpw_fall_minfalltime = 10; // Minimum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_sightnoise = 1; // Noises for looking down sights. (0 = no noises)

tpw_fire_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fire_radius = 100; // radius (m) around player to scan for fires
tpw_fire_intensity = 0.3; // fire intensity (0-1)
tpw_fire_maxfires = 1; // maximum fires around player at any given time
tpw_fire_types[] = {"metalbarrel","garbagebarrel","fire"}; // array of strings to match with "HIDE" terrain objects
tpw_fire_exclude = 200; // only one fire in this radius (m) - use to prevent multiple adjacent barrels on fire for example
tpw_fire_colour[] = {1,0.2,0} ; // fire colour {r,g,b}

tpw_firefly_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_firefly_window =4; // How many hours after sunset will fireflies appear
tpw_firefly_temp =18; // Minimum temperature (deg C) for fireflies to be active, if running TPW FOG
tpw_firefly_trees = 5 ; // Number of trees needed within tpw_firefly_radius of player in order to spawn fireflies. 0 = fireflies everywhere
tpw_firefly_radius = 25; // Firefies will be spawned within this distance (m) of player
tpw_firefly_time = 5; // Max seconds between spawning each firefly/swarm
tpw_firefly_maxflies = 50; // Maximum number of fireflies around player
tpw_firefly_swarmsize = 5; // Maximum number of fireflies per swarm (must be less than tpw_firefly_maxflies)
tpw_firefly_largeswarm = 0.1; // Chance of a large swarm (5 X tpw_firefly_swarmsize) spawning near player. 0 = never, 1 = always
tpw_firefly_colour[] = {200,250,100}; // Firefly glow colour
tpw_firefly_brightness = 0.4; // Brightness of each firefly (0 - 1)
tpw_firefly_size = 0.02; //  Apparent size of each firefly (0.01 - 0.2)
tpw_firefly_blink = 1; // Flashing enabled. 0 = no flashing, 1 = brief flash with ~1 sec between flashes
tpw_firefly_speed = 0.075; // Max time (sec) between firefly animation "frames". Larger = slower moving fireflies

// FOG
tpw_fog_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fog_radius = 250; // units must be closer than this to show foggy breath (m). 0 = foggy breath disabled
tpw_fog_delay = 20; // delay before fog functions start (sec)
tpw_fog_breath = 1; // foggy breath enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_groundfog = 0; // ground fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_rainfog = 1; // rain fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_heathaze = 1; // heat haze enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_cansnow = 0; // snow enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_mist = 0.01; // ground steam/mist fx in tropical/jungle and cold environments. 0 = no mist, 1 = extremely thick mist. Recommended = 0.05

tpw_furniture_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_furniture_radius = 50 ; // radius (m) around player to scan for houses to furnish
tpw_furniture_scantime = 5; // time (sec) in between house scans

tpw_houselights_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_houselights_delay = 10; // delay (sec) until houselights functions start
tpw_houselights_radius = 400; // radius (m) around player to check for houses to spawn lights into

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,500}; // effective minimum and maximum range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour. Default icon colour for all units in the default simplified HUD
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.6; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] = {1,0.6,0.456,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] = {1,0.5,0.452,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze).
tpw_hud_grd[] = {1,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_lmt[] = {1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .
tpw_hud_hlt[] = {1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.56,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze (performance heavy, disabled by default).
tpw_hud_vel[] = {1,0.6,0.57,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.505,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.25,0.75}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 0/1/2 = disabled/simplified/full, 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.34,0.26}; // HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.9; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 1; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0; // no HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_extragoggles[] = {}; // Classnames of additional goggles you want HUD to display on e.g. {"goggles1","goggles2"}
tpw_hud_extraheadgear[] = {}; // Classnames of additional headgear you want HUD to display on e.g. {"headgear1","headgear2"}

// LOS
tpw_los_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_los_debug = 0; // 1 = blue balls will appear above units with line of sight to a visible enemy
tpw_los_maxdist = 100; // maximum distance (m). LOS stuff only works for units closer than this.
tpw_los_mindist = 25; // minimum distance (m). Enemies are considered "visible" no matter what, if less than this distance.
tpw_los_delay = 10; // delay until los functions start (sec)

tpw_park_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_park_perc = 30; // percentage of houses with parked cars. 0 = no cars
tpw_park_createdist = 200; // cars created within this distance, completely removed past it.
tpw_park_simdist = 20; // cars closer than this have simulation enabled
tpw_park_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars
tpw_park_alarm = 1; // alarms may be set off in cars hit by gunfire or explosions. 0 = no alarm,

tpw_puddle_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_puddle_max = 8; // maximum puddles around player
tpw_puddle_radius = 50; // max distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_minradius = 10; // min distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_gradient = 0.1; // how flat must spawn position be to spawn puddle 0 = absolutely flat, 1 = 45 degree gradient
tpw_puddle_time = 600; // Sec after rain stops to continue spawning puddles
tpw_puddle_rainthresh = 0.2; // rain threshold beyond which puddles will be spawned, -1 = puddles regardless
tpw_puddle_ripple = 0; // 1 = use rippling water shader for puddles - will give visual anomolies, 2 = use decal puddles from Malden 2035 DLC

tpw_radio_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_radio_time = 90; // maximum time between messages (sec)
tpw_radio_car = 1; // radio in/near vehicles (0 = no radio in vehicles)
tpw_radio_foot = 0; // radio on foot (0 = no radio on foot)

tpw_rain_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_rain_noises = 1; // Raindrop noises on player helmet and raised weapons (0 = no noises)

tpw_repair_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_repair_noise = 1 ; // random mechanic noises during repairs. 0 = no noises
tpw_repair_time = 5; // Repair time (min). It will take up to this long to complete repairs. 30 sec is the minimum repair time regardless of this value. Maximum is 120 minutes

tpw_sanity_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_sanity_scanradius = 200; // radius around player to scan for vehicles
tpw_sanity_slowradius = 25; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause a slowdown
tpw_sanity_stopradius = 5; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop
tpw_sanity_scanspeed = 15; // default speed of scanned vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_slowspeed = 7; // speed of slowed vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_affectall = 1; // 0 = will only affect TPW MODS generated vehicles
tpw_sanity_collisiondisabled = 1; // collisions between AI vehicles and footbound friendlies disabled (0 = collisions enabled)

tpw_skirmish_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_resistsquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_resistvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 500; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 2000; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 1; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 0; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {1}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {4}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {6}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom string (comma separated) to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV (comma separated). Empty = NATO default UAV
tpw_skirmish_enemy_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CAS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy support heli (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CHS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy UAV (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default UAV
tpw_skirmish_resist_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CAS
tpw_skirmish_resist_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance support heli (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CHS
tpw_skirmish_resist_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance UAV (comma separated). Empty = AAF default UAV
tpw_skirmish_deadtime = 300; // Dead units will be removed after this amount of time (sec)

tpw_soap_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 0; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 0; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 0; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 1; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 0; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 0; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = German, 100 = polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 0;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud
tpw_soap_chainsawvolume = 0; // Chainsaw volume (0-2)

tpw_streetlights_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_streetlights_factor = 10; // brightness factor. 3-15 should be ok for most maps
tpw_streetlights_range = 1000; // radius (m) around player to scan for streetlights
tpw_streetlights_colour = 1; // light colour. 0 = warm white incandescent, 1 = yellow sodium, 2 = blue/white fluorescent
tpw_streetlights_moths = 1; // 0 = no moths around lights

tpw_zombies_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_zombies_civambience =  0; // Civilian ambience (CARS, CIVS, CROWD, PARK, SOAP, HOUSELIGHTS) when zombies active. 0 =  disabled. 1 = enabled
tpw_zombies_infestationsize =  12; // Maximum number of zombies in an infestation (randomised up to this number).
tpw_zombies_target = 1; // Zombie target. 0 = zombies just amble around, do not attack , 1 = zombies move towards/attack player, 2 = zombies move toward/attack any units
tpw_zombies_time = 30; // Time (sec) before zombies enabled
tpw_zombies_females = 1; // Female zombies. 1 = enabed, 0 = disabled

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;
#define run_rifle 0.6 //default 0.685
#define tactical_rifleup 0.7 //default 0.786
#define tactical_jog 1.35 //default 1.55
#define unarmed_walkspeed 0.27 //default 0.35
#define rifledown_walkspeed 0.20 //default 0.3
#define rifleup_walkspeed 0.80 //default 0.85
#define roll_left 0.6 //default 1.1    
#define roll_right 0.7 //default 1.2



Edited by Dedmen
Put the config into a Spoiler tag, please don't just paste blobs of text into a post without a spoiler tag
  • Thanks 1

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On 1/28/2020 at 3:05 AM, pvt. partz said:

Everything is Ok here......here is my .hpp

  Reveal hidden contents



tpw_core_active = 1; // cannot be deactivated
tpw_core_mapstrings[] = {"c_man","c_man","cup_c_c","cup_c_tk","c_man","c_man"}; // civilian classname strings for Mediterranean, Oceanian, European, Mideastern, African, Asian maps respectively
tpw_core_excludestrings[] = {}; // classname strings to filter out civilian and vehicles. e.g. "DAP" will exclude all IDAP civilians and vehicles
tpw_core_morning = 5; // reduced ambience before this time (24 hr). Set to -1 to disable
tpw_core_night = 22; // reduced ambience after this time (24 hr). Set to 25 to disable

tpw_hint_active = 1; // 0 = inactive

// AIR
tpw_air_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_air_delay = 10; // delay before flybys start (sec)
tpw_air_time = 300; // maximum time between flybys (sec)
tpw_air_max = 2; // maximum aircraft at a given time
tpw_air_heights[] = {50,250,500}; // randomly chosen aircraft flying heights
tpw_air_exclude = 2; // exclusion. 0 = no aircraft  excluded, 1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded

tpw_animal_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_animal_delay = 10; // delay before animals start spawning (sec)
tpw_animal_max = 15; // maximum animals near player. 0 = ambient animals disabled
tpw_animal_maxradius = 200; // distance beyond which animals will be removed
tpw_animal_minradius = 75; // minimum distance from player to spawn animals
tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises
tpw_animal_saddleperc = 10; // % of horses spawned with saddles (if using dbo_horses)
tpw_animal_crows = 1; // crows will build up around dead bodies. 0 = no crows

tpw_bleedout_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_bleedout_inc = 5; // unit damage will be increased by this % every 10 sec
tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.85; // damage beyond which a unit will writhe around incapacitated (1 = dead)
tpw_bleedout_heartbeat = 0; // Player heartbeat visible as slight screen shake (0 = no heartbeat shake)
tpw_bleedout_selfheal = 1; // AI units will automatically try to stop their own bleeding if equipped with First Aid Kits (0 = no self heal)
tpw_bleedout_affect = 1; // All injured units will have their speed and skill lowered according to the degree of injury (0 = units'  speed/skill unaffected by injury)
tpw_bleedout_geneva = 1; // Incapacitated units are set as non-combatants so that other AI will not fire on them (0 = incapacitated units can be fired upon by AI).

tpw_boat_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_boat_delay = 10; // delay before boats start spawning (sec)
tpw_boat_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for water spawn boats
tpw_boat_waypoints = 5; // how many waypoints to give each boat
tpw_boat_num = 3; // max number of boats to spawn around player. 0 = ambient boats disabled

tpw_car_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_car_delay = 10; // delay before cars start spawning (sec)
tpw_car_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to give each car
tpw_car_num = 3; // max number of cars to spawn around player. 0 = ambient cars disabled
tpw_car_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for roads and spawn cars
tpw_car_nocombatspawn = 1; // cars will not be spawned during combat. 0 = cars continue to spawn during combat
tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_civ_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_civ_delay = 5; // delay (sec) until civ spawning starts
tpw_civ_radius = 150; // radius (m) around player to check for house and spawn civs
tpw_civ_density = 5; // how many houses per civ. 0 = ambient civs disabled
tpw_civ_maxsquadcas = 4; // maximum number of civilian casualties that can be inflicted by squad
tpw_civ_maxallcas = 50; // maximum number of total civilian casualties
tpw_civ_casdisplay = 1; // what to do if casualty threshold exceeded (0 -nothing, 1 - popup message, 2 - end mission)
tpw_civ_maxciv = 20; // maximum number of civs to spawn regardless of tpw_civ_density
tpw_civ_init = ""; // function or script to run when each civ is spawned. e.g. "_this call your_function", or "[_this,2] execvm 'your_script.sqf'", where _this is the civ

Civilian units matching these strings will be used if found in the config. Default BIS civilians ("c_man") will be used if strings can't be found (eg if the mod isn't loaded)

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_afr_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_afr_civ_man

CUP UNITS: cup_c_c

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_me_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_tak_civ_man
CUP UNITS: cup_c_tk

tpw_compress_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_compress_level = 0.8; // muting factor ( 0 = no muting, 0 = silence)
tpw_compress_attack = 0; // time (sec) for full muting (0 = immediate)
tpw_compress_hold = 0.1; // time (sec) for volume to remain muted
tpw_compress_release = 0; //  time (sec) for full unmuting (0 = immediate)

tpw_crowd_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_crowd_max = 20; // maximum number of civs
tpw_crowd_density = 2; // civs per house
tpw_crowd_radius = 150; // radius to scan around player to spawn civs
tpw_crowd_animradius = 80; // units closer than this will animate
tpw_crowd_moveradius = 20; // units closer than this will disperse
tpw_crowd_scantime = 1.5; // time (sec) between scanning, spawning and visibility checks

tpw_duck_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_duck_grenaderun = 1; // grenade avoidance ( 1 = AI run from unexploded grenades. 0 = units will ignore grenades)
tpw_duck_sensitivity = 0.85; // sensitivity. 0 = suppressed units never duck, 1 = suppressed units always duck
tpw_duck_nosquad = 0; // suppression applied to player squad. 1 = suppression not applied to player squad
tpw_duck_player = 0; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

// EBS
tpw_ebs_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_ebs_thresh = 5; // unit is suppressed if this many bullets pass by in 5 secs
tpw_ebs_delay = 1; // how long until suppression functions start (sec)
tpw_ebs_debug = 0; // 1 = debugging will colour the suppressed unit's uniform (green = own side, yellow = enemy <5 bullets, red = enemy >5 bullets)
tpw_ebs_radius = 500; // units must be closer to player than this (m) for suppression to work
tpw_ebs_playersup = 1; // suppression effects applied to player. 0 = no player suppression
tpw_ebs_aisup = 1; // suppression effects applied to AI. 0 = no AI suppression
tpw_ebs_findcover = 1; // AI will seek cover when suppressed. 0 = will not seek cover
tpw_ebs_suptype = 0; // Suppression type. 0 = bullet centric, 1 = suppression shell object

tpw_fall_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fall_sensitivity = 50; // sensitivity of unit to falls (%). 50 = unit half as likely to fall over from a given height.
tpw_fall_radius = 300; // unit must be closer than this (m) to player to realistically react to falls from height.
tpw_fall_delay = 10; // delay until fall functions start
tpw_fall_falltime = 25; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_threshold = 0.2; //  Randomised damage threshold above which ragdolling will occur (0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, 1 will always use animated falls)
tpw_fall_minfalltime = 10; // Minimum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_sightnoise = 1; // Noises for looking down sights. (0 = no noises)

tpw_fire_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fire_radius = 100; // radius (m) around player to scan for fires
tpw_fire_intensity = 0.3; // fire intensity (0-1)
tpw_fire_maxfires = 1; // maximum fires around player at any given time
tpw_fire_types[] = {"metalbarrel","garbagebarrel","fire"}; // array of strings to match with "HIDE" terrain objects
tpw_fire_exclude = 200; // only one fire in this radius (m) - use to prevent multiple adjacent barrels on fire for example
tpw_fire_colour[] = {1,0.2,0} ; // fire colour {r,g,b}

tpw_firefly_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_firefly_window =4; // How many hours after sunset will fireflies appear
tpw_firefly_temp =18; // Minimum temperature (deg C) for fireflies to be active, if running TPW FOG
tpw_firefly_trees = 5 ; // Number of trees needed within tpw_firefly_radius of player in order to spawn fireflies. 0 = fireflies everywhere
tpw_firefly_radius = 25; // Firefies will be spawned within this distance (m) of player
tpw_firefly_time = 5; // Max seconds between spawning each firefly/swarm
tpw_firefly_maxflies = 50; // Maximum number of fireflies around player
tpw_firefly_swarmsize = 5; // Maximum number of fireflies per swarm (must be less than tpw_firefly_maxflies)
tpw_firefly_largeswarm = 0.1; // Chance of a large swarm (5 X tpw_firefly_swarmsize) spawning near player. 0 = never, 1 = always
tpw_firefly_colour[] = {200,250,100}; // Firefly glow colour
tpw_firefly_brightness = 0.4; // Brightness of each firefly (0 - 1)
tpw_firefly_size = 0.02; //  Apparent size of each firefly (0.01 - 0.2)
tpw_firefly_blink = 1; // Flashing enabled. 0 = no flashing, 1 = brief flash with ~1 sec between flashes
tpw_firefly_speed = 0.075; // Max time (sec) between firefly animation "frames". Larger = slower moving fireflies

// FOG
tpw_fog_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fog_radius = 250; // units must be closer than this to show foggy breath (m). 0 = foggy breath disabled
tpw_fog_delay = 20; // delay before fog functions start (sec)
tpw_fog_breath = 1; // foggy breath enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_groundfog = 0; // ground fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_rainfog = 1; // rain fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_heathaze = 1; // heat haze enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_cansnow = 0; // snow enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_mist = 0.01; // ground steam/mist fx in tropical/jungle and cold environments. 0 = no mist, 1 = extremely thick mist. Recommended = 0.05

tpw_furniture_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_furniture_radius = 50 ; // radius (m) around player to scan for houses to furnish
tpw_furniture_scantime = 5; // time (sec) in between house scans

tpw_houselights_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_houselights_delay = 10; // delay (sec) until houselights functions start
tpw_houselights_radius = 400; // radius (m) around player to check for houses to spawn lights into

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,500}; // effective minimum and maximum range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour. Default icon colour for all units in the default simplified HUD
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.6; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] = {1,0.6,0.456,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] = {1,0.5,0.452,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze).
tpw_hud_grd[] = {1,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_lmt[] = {1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .
tpw_hud_hlt[] = {1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.56,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze (performance heavy, disabled by default).
tpw_hud_vel[] = {1,0.6,0.57,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.505,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.25,0.75}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 0/1/2 = disabled/simplified/full, 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.34,0.26}; // HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.9; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 1; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0; // no HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_extragoggles[] = {}; // Classnames of additional goggles you want HUD to display on e.g. {"goggles1","goggles2"}
tpw_hud_extraheadgear[] = {}; // Classnames of additional headgear you want HUD to display on e.g. {"headgear1","headgear2"}

// LOS
tpw_los_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_los_debug = 0; // 1 = blue balls will appear above units with line of sight to a visible enemy
tpw_los_maxdist = 100; // maximum distance (m). LOS stuff only works for units closer than this.
tpw_los_mindist = 25; // minimum distance (m). Enemies are considered "visible" no matter what, if less than this distance.
tpw_los_delay = 10; // delay until los functions start (sec)

tpw_park_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_park_perc = 30; // percentage of houses with parked cars. 0 = no cars
tpw_park_createdist = 200; // cars created within this distance, completely removed past it.
tpw_park_simdist = 20; // cars closer than this have simulation enabled
tpw_park_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars
tpw_park_alarm = 1; // alarms may be set off in cars hit by gunfire or explosions. 0 = no alarm,

tpw_puddle_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_puddle_max = 8; // maximum puddles around player
tpw_puddle_radius = 50; // max distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_minradius = 10; // min distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_gradient = 0.1; // how flat must spawn position be to spawn puddle 0 = absolutely flat, 1 = 45 degree gradient
tpw_puddle_time = 600; // Sec after rain stops to continue spawning puddles
tpw_puddle_rainthresh = 0.2; // rain threshold beyond which puddles will be spawned, -1 = puddles regardless
tpw_puddle_ripple = 0; // 1 = use rippling water shader for puddles - will give visual anomolies, 2 = use decal puddles from Malden 2035 DLC

tpw_radio_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_radio_time = 90; // maximum time between messages (sec)
tpw_radio_car = 1; // radio in/near vehicles (0 = no radio in vehicles)
tpw_radio_foot = 0; // radio on foot (0 = no radio on foot)

tpw_rain_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_rain_noises = 1; // Raindrop noises on player helmet and raised weapons (0 = no noises)

tpw_repair_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_repair_noise = 1 ; // random mechanic noises during repairs. 0 = no noises
tpw_repair_time = 5; // Repair time (min). It will take up to this long to complete repairs. 30 sec is the minimum repair time regardless of this value. Maximum is 120 minutes

tpw_sanity_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_sanity_scanradius = 200; // radius around player to scan for vehicles
tpw_sanity_slowradius = 25; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause a slowdown
tpw_sanity_stopradius = 5; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop
tpw_sanity_scanspeed = 15; // default speed of scanned vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_slowspeed = 7; // speed of slowed vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_affectall = 1; // 0 = will only affect TPW MODS generated vehicles
tpw_sanity_collisiondisabled = 1; // collisions between AI vehicles and footbound friendlies disabled (0 = collisions enabled)

tpw_skirmish_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_resistsquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_resistvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 500; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 2000; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 1; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 0; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {1}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {4}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {6}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom string (comma separated) to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV (comma separated). Empty = NATO default UAV
tpw_skirmish_enemy_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CAS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy support heli (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CHS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy UAV (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default UAV
tpw_skirmish_resist_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CAS
tpw_skirmish_resist_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance support heli (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CHS
tpw_skirmish_resist_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance UAV (comma separated). Empty = AAF default UAV
tpw_skirmish_deadtime = 300; // Dead units will be removed after this amount of time (sec)

tpw_soap_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 0; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 0; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 0; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 1; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 0; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 0; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = German, 100 = polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 0;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud
tpw_soap_chainsawvolume = 0; // Chainsaw volume (0-2)

tpw_streetlights_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_streetlights_factor = 10; // brightness factor. 3-15 should be ok for most maps
tpw_streetlights_range = 1000; // radius (m) around player to scan for streetlights
tpw_streetlights_colour = 1; // light colour. 0 = warm white incandescent, 1 = yellow sodium, 2 = blue/white fluorescent
tpw_streetlights_moths = 1; // 0 = no moths around lights

tpw_zombies_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_zombies_civambience =  0; // Civilian ambience (CARS, CIVS, CROWD, PARK, SOAP, HOUSELIGHTS) when zombies active. 0 =  disabled. 1 = enabled
tpw_zombies_infestationsize =  12; // Maximum number of zombies in an infestation (randomised up to this number).
tpw_zombies_target = 1; // Zombie target. 0 = zombies just amble around, do not attack , 1 = zombies move towards/attack player, 2 = zombies move toward/attack any units
tpw_zombies_time = 30; // Time (sec) before zombies enabled
tpw_zombies_females = 1; // Female zombies. 1 = enabed, 0 = disabled

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;
#define run_rifle 0.6 //default 0.685
#define tactical_rifleup 0.7 //default 0.786
#define tactical_jog 1.35 //default 1.55
#define unarmed_walkspeed 0.27 //default 0.35
#define rifledown_walkspeed 0.20 //default 0.3
#define rifleup_walkspeed 0.80 //default 0.85
#define roll_left 0.6 //default 1.1    
#define roll_right 0.7 //default 1.2




No luck with your .hpp applied, pvt. partz, but thanks for your help regardless!


However, further testing seems to have revealed the problem. If I remove the TPW_Livonia.pbo, PKL runs with no issues. Replacing it reintroduces the CTD. Can anyone else confirm?

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10 hours ago, CameronMcDonald said:


No luck with your .hpp applied, pvt. partz, but thanks for your help regardless!


However, further testing seems to have revealed the problem. If I remove the TPW_Livonia.pbo, PKL runs with no issues. Replacing it reintroduces the CTD. Can anyone else confirm?


I started with a fresh download of TPW and RHSPKL ran without any problems, although I did have quite a few modules turned off. My hpp file below.





tpw_core_active = 1; // cannot be deactivated
tpw_core_mapstrings[] = {"c_man","c_man","cup_c_c","cup_c_tk","c_man","c_man"}; // civilian classname strings for Mediterranean, Oceanian, European, Mideastern, African, Asian maps respectively
tpw_core_excludestrings[] = {}; // classname strings to filter out civilian and vehicles. e.g. "DAP" will exclude all IDAP civilians and vehicles
tpw_core_morning = 5; // reduced ambience before this time (24 hr). Set to -1 to disable
tpw_core_night = 22; // reduced ambience after this time (24 hr). Set to 25 to disable

tpw_hint_active = 1; // 0 = inactive

// AIR
tpw_air_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_air_delay = 10; // delay before flybys start (sec)
tpw_air_time = 600; // maximum time between flybys (sec)
tpw_air_max = 1; // maximum aircraft at a given time
tpw_air_heights[] = {50,250,500}; // randomly chosen aircraft flying heights
tpw_air_exclude = 1; // exclusion. 0 = no aircraft  excluded, 1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded

tpw_animal_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_animal_delay = 10; // delay before animals start spawning (sec)
tpw_animal_max = 5; // maximum animals near player. 0 = ambient animals disabled
tpw_animal_maxradius = 200; // distance beyond which animals will be removed
tpw_animal_minradius = 75; // minimum distance from player to spawn animals
tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises
tpw_animal_saddleperc = 10; // % of horses spawned with saddles (if using dbo_horses)
tpw_animal_crows = 0; // crows will build up around dead bodies. 0 = no crows

tpw_bleedout_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_bleedout_inc = 5; // unit damage will be increased by this % every 10 sec
tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.85; // damage beyond which a unit will writhe around incapacitated (1 = dead)
tpw_bleedout_heartbeat = 1; // Player heartbeat visible as slight screen shake (0 = no heartbeat shake)
tpw_bleedout_selfheal = 1; // AI units will automatically try to stop their own bleeding if equipped with First Aid Kits (0 = no self heal)
tpw_bleedout_affect = 1; // All injured units will have their speed and skill lowered according to the degree of injury (0 = units'  speed/skill unaffected by injury)
tpw_bleedout_geneva = 1; // Incapacitated units are set as non-combatants so that other AI will not fire on them (0 = incapacitated units can be fired upon by AI).

tpw_boat_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_boat_delay = 10; // delay before boats start spawning (sec)
tpw_boat_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for water spawn boats
tpw_boat_waypoints = 5; // how many waypoints to give each boat
tpw_boat_num = 3; // max number of boats to spawn around player. 0 = ambient boats disabled

tpw_car_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_car_delay = 10; // delay before cars start spawning (sec)
tpw_car_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to give each car
tpw_car_num = 3; // max number of cars to spawn around player. 0 = ambient cars disabled
tpw_car_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for roads and spawn cars
tpw_car_nocombatspawn = 1; // cars will not be spawned during combat. 0 = cars continue to spawn during combat
tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_civ_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_civ_delay = 5; // delay (sec) until civ spawning starts
tpw_civ_radius = 150; // radius (m) around player to check for house and spawn civs
tpw_civ_density = 5; // how many houses per civ. 0 = ambient civs disabled
tpw_civ_maxsquadcas = 4; // maximum number of civilian casualties that can be inflicted by squad
tpw_civ_maxallcas = 50; // maximum number of total civilian casualties
tpw_civ_casdisplay = 1; // what to do if casualty threshold exceeded (0 -nothing, 1 - popup message, 2 - end mission)
tpw_civ_maxciv = 20; // maximum number of civs to spawn regardless of tpw_civ_density
tpw_civ_init = ""; // function or script to run when each civ is spawned. e.g. "_this call your_function", or "[_this,2] execvm 'your_script.sqf'", where _this is the civ 

Civilian units matching these strings will be used if found in the config. Default BIS civilians ("c_man") will be used if strings can't be found (eg if the mod isn't loaded)

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_afr_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_afr_civ_man

CUP UNITS: cup_c_c

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_me_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_tak_civ_man
CUP UNITS: cup_c_tk

tpw_compress_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_compress_level = 0.8; // muting factor ( 0 = no muting, 0 = silence)
tpw_compress_attack = 0; // time (sec) for full muting (0 = immediate) 
tpw_compress_hold = 0.1; // time (sec) for volume to remain muted
tpw_compress_release = 0; //  time (sec) for full unmuting (0 = immediate)

tpw_crowd_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_crowd_max = 20; // maximum number of civs 
tpw_crowd_density = 2; // civs per house
tpw_crowd_radius = 150; // radius to scan around player to spawn civs
tpw_crowd_animradius = 80; // units closer than this will animate
tpw_crowd_moveradius = 20; // units closer than this will disperse
tpw_crowd_scantime = 1.5; // time (sec) between scanning, spawning and visibility checks 

tpw_duck_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_duck_grenaderun = 1; // grenade avoidance ( 1 = AI run from unexploded grenades. 0 = units will ignore grenades)
tpw_duck_sensitivity = 0.8; // sensitivity. 0 = suppressed units never duck, 1 = suppressed units always duck
tpw_duck_nosquad = 0; // suppression applied to player squad. 1 = suppression not applied to player squad
tpw_duck_player = 0.2; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

// EBS
tpw_ebs_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_ebs_thresh = 5; // unit is suppressed if this many bullets pass by in 5 secs
tpw_ebs_delay = 1; // how long until suppression functions start (sec)
tpw_ebs_debug = 0; // 1 = debugging will colour the suppressed unit's uniform (green = own side, yellow = enemy <5 bullets, red = enemy >5 bullets)
tpw_ebs_radius = 500; // units must be closer to player than this (m) for suppression to work
tpw_ebs_playersup = 1; // suppression effects applied to player. 0 = no player suppression
tpw_ebs_aisup = 1; // suppression effects applied to AI. 0 = no AI suppression
tpw_ebs_findcover = 1; // AI will seek cover when suppressed. 0 = will not seek cover
tpw_ebs_suptype = 0; // Suppression type. 0 = bullet centric, 1 = suppression shell object

tpw_fall_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fall_sensitivity = 100; // sensitivity of unit to falls (%). 50 = unit half as likely to fall over from a given height.
tpw_fall_radius = 300; // unit must be closer than this (m) to player to realistically react to falls from height.
tpw_fall_delay = 10; // delay until fall functions start
tpw_fall_falltime = 45; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit. 
tpw_fall_threshold = 0.2; //  Randomised damage threshold above which ragdolling will occur (0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, 1 will always use animated falls)
tpw_fall_minfalltime = 10; // Minimum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_sightnoise = 1; // Noises for looking down sights. (0 = no noises)

tpw_fire_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fire_radius = 100; // radius (m) around player to scan for fires
tpw_fire_intensity = 0.3; // fire intensity (0-1)
tpw_fire_maxfires = 8; // maximum fires around player at any given time
tpw_fire_types[] = {"metalbarrel","garbagebarrel","fire"}; // array of strings to match with "HIDE" terrain objects
tpw_fire_exclude = 20; // only one fire in this radius (m) - use to prevent multiple adjacent barrels on fire for example
tpw_fire_colour[] = {1,0.2,0} ; // fire colour {r,g,b}

tpw_firefly_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_firefly_window =4; // How many hours after sunset will fireflies appear
tpw_firefly_temp =18; // Minimum temperature (deg C) for fireflies to be active, if running TPW FOG
tpw_firefly_trees = 5 ; // Number of trees needed within tpw_firefly_radius of player in order to spawn fireflies. 0 = fireflies everywhere 
tpw_firefly_radius = 25; // Firefies will be spawned within this distance (m) of player
tpw_firefly_time = 5; // Max seconds between spawning each firefly/swarm
tpw_firefly_maxflies = 50; // Maximum number of fireflies around player
tpw_firefly_swarmsize = 5; // Maximum number of fireflies per swarm (must be less than tpw_firefly_maxflies)
tpw_firefly_largeswarm = 0.1; // Chance of a large swarm (5 X tpw_firefly_swarmsize) spawning near player. 0 = never, 1 = always
tpw_firefly_colour[] = {200,250,100}; // Firefly glow colour
tpw_firefly_brightness = 0.4; // Brightness of each firefly (0 - 1)
tpw_firefly_size = 0.02; //  Apparent size of each firefly (0.01 - 0.2)
tpw_firefly_blink = 1; // Flashing enabled. 0 = no flashing, 1 = brief flash with ~1 sec between flashes
tpw_firefly_speed = 0.075; // Max time (sec) between firefly animation "frames". Larger = slower moving fireflies

// FOG
tpw_fog_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fog_radius = 250; // units must be closer than this to show foggy breath (m). 0 = foggy breath disabled
tpw_fog_delay = 0; // delay before fog functions start (sec)
tpw_fog_breath = 0; // foggy breath enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_groundfog = 1; // ground fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_rainfog = 1; // rain fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_heathaze = 1; // heat haze enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_cansnow = 1; // snow enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_mist = 0.05; // ground steam/mist fx in tropical/jungle and cold environments. 0 = no mist, 1 = extremely thick mist. Recommended = 0.05

tpw_furniture_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_furniture_radius = 50 ; // radius (m) around player to scan for houses to furnish
tpw_furniture_scantime = 5; // time (sec) in between house scans

tpw_houselights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_houselights_delay = 10; // delay (sec) until houselights functions start
tpw_houselights_radius = 75; // radius (m) around player to check for houses to spawn lights into

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,500}; // effective minimum and maximum range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour. Default icon colour for all units in the default simplified HUD 
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.6; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] = {0,0.6,0.456,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] = {0,0.5,0.452,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze).
tpw_hud_grd[] = {0,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_lmt[] = {1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .
tpw_hud_hlt[] = {1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] = {0,0.5,0.56,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze (performance heavy, disabled by default).
tpw_hud_vel[] = {0,0.6,0.57,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.505,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.25,0.75}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 0/1/2 = disabled/simplified/full, 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.34,0.26}; // HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.7; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 0.7; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1; // no HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_extragoggles[] = {}; // Classnames of additional goggles you want HUD to display on e.g. {"goggles1","goggles2"}
tpw_hud_extraheadgear[] = {}; // Classnames of additional headgear you want HUD to display on e.g. {"headgear1","headgear2"}

// LOS
tpw_los_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_los_debug = 0; // 1 = blue balls will appear above units with line of sight to a visible enemy
tpw_los_maxdist = 100; // maximum distance (m). LOS stuff only works for units closer than this.
tpw_los_mindist = 25; // minimum distance (m). Enemies are considered "visible" no matter what, if less than this distance.
tpw_los_delay = 10; // delay until los functions start (sec)

tpw_park_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_park_perc = 30; // percentage of houses with parked cars. 0 = no cars
tpw_park_createdist = 200; // cars created within this distance, completely removed past it.
tpw_park_simdist = 20; // cars closer than this have simulation enabled
tpw_park_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars
tpw_park_alarm = 1; // alarms may be set off in cars hit by gunfire or explosions. 0 = no alarm, 

tpw_puddle_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_puddle_max = 8; // maximum puddles around player
tpw_puddle_radius = 50; // max distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_minradius = 10; // min distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_gradient = 0.1; // how flat must spawn position be to spawn puddle 0 = absolutely flat, 1 = 45 degree gradient
tpw_puddle_time = 600; // Sec after rain stops to continue spawning puddles
tpw_puddle_rainthresh = 0.2; // rain threshold beyond which puddles will be spawned, -1 = puddles regardless
tpw_puddle_ripple = 0; // 1 = use rippling water shader for puddles - will give visual anomolies, 2 = use decal puddles from Malden 2035 DLC

tpw_radio_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_radio_time = 90; // maximum time between messages (sec)
tpw_radio_car = 1; // radio in/near vehicles (0 = no radio in vehicles)
tpw_radio_foot = 0; // radio on foot (0 = no radio on foot)

tpw_rain_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_rain_noises = 1; // Raindrop noises on player helmet and raised weapons (0 = no noises)

tpw_repair_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_repair_noise = 1 ; // random mechanic noises during repairs. 0 = no noises
tpw_repair_time = 3; // Repair time (min). It will take up to this long to complete repairs. 30 sec is the minimum repair time regardless of this value. Maximum is 120 minutes 

tpw_sanity_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_sanity_scanradius = 200; // radius around player to scan for vehicles
tpw_sanity_slowradius = 25; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause a slowdown
tpw_sanity_stopradius = 5; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop
tpw_sanity_scanspeed = 15; // default speed of scanned vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_slowspeed = 7; // speed of slowed vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_affectall = 1; // 0 = will only affect TPW MODS generated vehicles
tpw_sanity_collisiondisabled = 1; // collisions between AI vehicles and footbound friendlies disabled (0 = collisions enabled)

tpw_skirmish_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_resistsquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_resistvehicles_max = 1; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 500; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 2000; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 1; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 0; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {1}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default 
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {4}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default 
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {6}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default 
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring[] = {}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring[] = {}; // Custom string (comma separated) to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV (comma separated). Empty = NATO default UAV
tpw_skirmish_enemy_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CAS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy support heli (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CHS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom enemy UAV (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default UAV
tpw_skirmish_resist_casstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CAS
tpw_skirmish_resist_chsstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance support heli (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CHS
tpw_skirmish_resist_uavstring[] = {}; // Classname/s of custom resistance UAV (comma separated). Empty = AAF default UAV
tpw_skirmish_deadtime = 300; // Dead units will be removed after this amount of time (sec)

tpw_soap_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 1; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 1; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 1; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 1; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 1; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 0; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = German, 100 = polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 4;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud
tpw_soap_chainsawvolume = 0; // Chainsaw volume (0-2)

tpw_streetlights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_streetlights_factor = 10; // brightness factor. 3-15 should be ok for most maps
tpw_streetlights_range = 1000; // radius (m) around player to scan for streetlights
tpw_streetlights_colour = 0; // light colour. 0 = warm white incandescent, 1 = yellow sodium, 2 = blue/white fluorescent
tpw_streetlights_moths = 1; // 0 = no moths around lights

tpw_zombies_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_zombies_civambience =  0; // Civilian ambience (CARS, CIVS, CROWD, PARK, SOAP, HOUSELIGHTS) when zombies active. 0 =  disabled. 1 = enabled
tpw_zombies_infestationsize =  12; // Maximum number of zombies in an infestation (randomised up to this number). 
tpw_zombies_target = 1; // Zombie target. 0 = zombies just amble around, do not attack , 1 = zombies move towards/attack player, 2 = zombies move toward/attack any units
tpw_zombies_time = 30; // Time (sec) before zombies enabled
tpw_zombies_females = 1; // Female zombies. 1 = enabed, 0 = disabled

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;
#define run_rifle 0.6 //default 0.685
#define tactical_rifleup 0.7 //default 0.786
#define tactical_jog 1.35 //default 1.55
#define unarmed_walkspeed 0.27 //default 0.35
#define rifledown_walkspeed 0.20 //default 0.3
#define rifleup_walkspeed 0.80 //default 0.85
#define roll_left 0.6 //default 1.1    
#define roll_right 0.7 //default 1.2



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TPW MODS 20200201: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip



  • [ANIMALS 1.59, CORE 1.79, FOG 1.81, SOAP 1.54] Added RKSPKL and Chernarus 2020 support.

Hi everyone. Happy 2020. I thought things couldn't be worse than 2019 but from where I'm standing they definitely are. Regardless, here's my 1st release for 2020 which basically just introduces proper support for the sublime RHSPKL (one of the greatest mod terrains ever made IMHO) , and for Chernarus 2020 (which aside from terrible clutter popping and nasty satmap/ground texture mismatches is a fantastic attempt to port that beloved terrain to modern A3 standards). For those having trouble with RHSPKL please try this new version and let me know how you go. For what it's worth, I always run tpw_livonia.pbo and have not experienced issues.


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@tpw I really hope that 2020 improves for you. Thanks for your diligence.

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On 10/26/2019 at 3:46 PM, mickeymen said:



after version 20190928, I found at least two problems.  You added a new animation for the wounded lying on the ground, but in this case:


1. If you approach the wounded and apply treatment, he will not be cured. He just keeps lying on the ground and continue writhes in pain

2. If he once fell to the ground and there is no medical assistance, then he will never die, since BLEEDOUT will not act on him. It looks like this animation will be endless.


Good Day TPW!


October 26, I informed you about the problem, but so far you have not corrected the error. Sometimes the treatment does not work in your mod!

Can't you find a mistake?

Or did you forget about this? 


New video here


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Great Mod! I have a little thing here and need some tipps. i want to ad from the star wars mod some troops, vehicles and airships. it works but any tip how I get away this normal arma soldiers? they are still there and I disabled them or puted the star wars classnames in it. thank you I am not so much into scripting.

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On 2/11/2020 at 1:31 AM, mickeymen said:

Good Day TPW!


October 26, I informed you about the problem, but so far you have not corrected the error. Sometimes the treatment does not work in your mod!

Can't you find a mistake?

Or did you forget about this? 


New video here


I actually looked into it but couldn't replicate it. Then I forgot about it :) 


I'll reopen the ticket.

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22 hours ago, pixel_de said:

Great Mod! I have a little thing here and need some tipps. i want to ad from the star wars mod some troops, vehicles and airships. it works but any tip how I get away this normal arma soldiers? they are still there and I disabled them or puted the star wars classnames in it. thank you I am not so much into scripting.

Can you please send me your TPW SKIRMISH settings, either from the HPP file or from the script you use to launch it?

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6 hours ago, tpw said:

I actually looked into it but couldn't replicate it. Then I forgot about it :) 


I'll reopen the ticket.


Helpful information: The error was added when you added new animations of the wounded (a soldier on the ground writhes in pain), this is due to new animations. As I understand it, the unit cannot leave the new wound animation wound, even when it was processed by a combat life saver or other soldier

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On 2/13/2020 at 8:50 AM, tpw said:

Can you please send me your TPW SKIRMISH settings, either from the HPP file or from the script you use to launch it?




tpw_core_active = 1; // cannot be deactivated
tpw_core_mapstrings[] = {"c_man","c_man","cup_c_c","cup_c_tk","c_man","c_man"}; // civilian classname strings for Mediterranean, Oceanian, European, Mideastern, African, Asian maps respectively
tpw_core_excludestrings[] = {}; // classname strings to filter out civilian and vehicles. e.g. "DAP" will exclude all IDAP civilians and vehicles
tpw_core_morning = 5; // reduced ambience before this time (24 hr). Set to -1 to disable
tpw_core_night = 22; // reduced ambience after this time (24 hr). Set to 25 to disable

tpw_hint_active = 1; // 0 = inactive

// AIR
tpw_air_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_air_delay = 10; // delay before flybys start (sec)
tpw_air_time = 300; // maximum time between flybys (sec)
tpw_air_max = 2; // maximum aircraft at a given time
tpw_air_heights[] = {50,100,155}; // randomly chosen aircraft flying heights
tpw_air_exclude = 2; // exclusion. 0 = no aircraft  excluded, 2 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded

tpw_animal_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_animal_delay = 10; // delay before animals start spawning (sec)
tpw_animal_max = 0; // maximum animals near player. 0 = ambient animals disabled
tpw_animal_maxradius = 200; // distance beyond which animals will be removed
tpw_animal_minradius = 75; // minimum distance from player to spawn animals
tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises
tpw_animal_saddleperc = 10; // % of horses spawned with saddles (if using dbo_horses)
tpw_animal_crows = 1; // crows will build up around dead bodies. 0 = no crows

tpw_bleedout_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_bleedout_inc = 5; // unit damage will be increased by this % every 10 sec
tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.85; // damage beyond which a unit will writhe around incapacitated (1 = dead)
tpw_bleedout_heartbeat = 1; // Player heartbeat visible as slight screen shake (0 = no heartbeat shake)
tpw_bleedout_selfheal = 1; // AI units will automatically try to stop their own bleeding if equipped with First Aid Kits (0 = no self heal)
tpw_bleedout_affect = 1; // All injured units will have their speed and skill lowered according to the degree of injury (0 = units'  speed/skill unaffected by injury)
tpw_bleedout_geneva = 1; // Incapacitated units are set as non-combatants so that other AI will not fire on them (0 = incapacitated units can be fired upon by AI).

tpw_boat_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_boat_delay = 10; // delay before boats start spawning (sec)
tpw_boat_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for water spawn boats
tpw_boat_waypoints = 5; // how many waypoints to give each boat
tpw_boat_num = 3; // max number of boats to spawn around player. 0 = ambient boats disabled

tpw_car_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_car_delay = 10; // delay before cars start spawning (sec)
tpw_car_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to give each car
tpw_car_num = 3; // max number of cars to spawn around player. 0 = ambient cars disabled
tpw_car_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for roads and spawn cars
tpw_car_nocombatspawn = 1; // cars will not be spawned during combat. 0 = cars continue to spawn during combat
tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_civ_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_civ_delay = 5; // delay (sec) until civ spawning starts
tpw_civ_radius = 150; // radius (m) around player to check for house and spawn civs
tpw_civ_density = 5; // how many houses per civ. 0 = ambient civs disabled
tpw_civ_maxsquadcas = 4; // maximum number of civilian casualties that can be inflicted by squad
tpw_civ_maxallcas = 50; // maximum number of total civilian casualties
tpw_civ_casdisplay = 1; // what to do if casualty threshold exceeded (0 -nothing, 1 - popup message, 2 - end mission)
tpw_civ_maxciv = 20; // maximum number of civs to spawn regardless of tpw_civ_density
tpw_civ_init = ""; // function or script to run when each civ is spawned. e.g. "_this call your_function", or "[_this,2] execvm 'your_script.sqf'", where _this is the civ 

Civilian units matching these strings will be used if found in the config. Default BIS civilians ("c_man") will be used if strings can't be found (eg if the mod isn't loaded)

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_afr_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_afr_civ_man

CUP UNITS: cup_c_c

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_me_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_tak_civ_man
CUP UNITS: cup_c_tk

tpw_compress_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_compress_level = 0.8; // muting factor ( 0 = no muting, 0 = silence)
tpw_compress_attack = 0; // time (sec) for full muting (0 = immediate) 
tpw_compress_hold = 0.1; // time (sec) for volume to remain muted
tpw_compress_release = 0; //  time (sec) for full unmuting (0 = immediate)

tpw_crowd_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_crowd_max = 20; // maximum number of civs 
tpw_crowd_density = 2; // civs per house
tpw_crowd_radius = 150; // radius to scan around player to spawn civs
tpw_crowd_animradius = 80; // units closer than this will animate
tpw_crowd_moveradius = 20; // units closer than this will disperse
tpw_crowd_scantime = 1.5; // time (sec) between scanning, spawning and visibility checks 

tpw_duck_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_duck_grenaderun = 1; // grenade avoidance ( 1 = AI run from unexploded grenades. 0 = units will ignore grenades)
tpw_duck_sensitivity = 0.8; // sensitivity. 0 = suppressed units never duck, 1 = suppressed units always duck
tpw_duck_nosquad = 0; // suppression applied to player squad. 1 = suppression not applied to player squad
tpw_duck_player = 0; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

// EBS
tpw_ebs_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_ebs_thresh = 5; // unit is suppressed if this many bullets pass by in 5 secs
tpw_ebs_delay = 1; // how long until suppression functions start (sec)
tpw_ebs_debug = 0; // 1 = debugging will colour the suppressed unit's uniform (green = own side, yellow = enemy <5 bullets, red = enemy >5 bullets)
tpw_ebs_radius = 500; // units must be closer to player than this (m) for suppression to work
tpw_ebs_playersup = 1; // suppression effects applied to player. 0 = no player suppression
tpw_ebs_aisup = 1; // suppression effects applied to AI. 0 = no AI suppression
tpw_ebs_findcover = 1; // AI will seek cover when suppressed. 0 = will not seek cover
tpw_ebs_suptype = 0; // Suppression type. 0 = bullet centric, 1 = suppression shell object

tpw_fall_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fall_sensitivity = 100; // sensitivity of unit to falls (%). 50 = unit half as likely to fall over from a given height.
tpw_fall_radius = 300; // unit must be closer than this (m) to player to realistically react to falls from height.
tpw_fall_delay = 10; // delay until fall functions start
tpw_fall_falltime = 45; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit. 
tpw_fall_threshold = 0.2; //  Randomised damage threshold above which ragdolling will occur (0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, 1 will always use animated falls)
tpw_fall_minfalltime = 10; // Minimum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_sightnoise = 1; // Noises for looking down sights. (0 = no noises)

tpw_fire_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fire_radius = 100; // radius (m) around player to scan for fires
tpw_fire_intensity = 0.3; // fire intensity (0-1)
tpw_fire_maxfires = 8; // maximum fires around player at any given time
tpw_fire_types[] = {"metalbarrel","garbagebarrel","fire"}; // array of strings to match with "HIDE" terrain objects
tpw_fire_exclude = 20; // only one fire in this radius (m) - use to prevent multiple adjacent barrels on fire for example
tpw_fire_colour[] = {1,0.2,0} ; // fire colour {r,g,b}

tpw_firefly_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_firefly_window =4; // How many hours after sunset will fireflies appear
tpw_firefly_temp =18; // Minimum temperature (deg C) for fireflies to be active, if running TPW FOG
tpw_firefly_trees = 5 ; // Number of trees needed within tpw_firefly_radius of player in order to spawn fireflies. 0 = fireflies everywhere 
tpw_firefly_radius = 25; // Firefies will be spawned within this distance (m) of player
tpw_firefly_time = 5; // Max seconds between spawning each firefly/swarm
tpw_firefly_maxflies = 50; // Maximum number of fireflies around player
tpw_firefly_swarmsize = 5; // Maximum number of fireflies per swarm (must be less than tpw_firefly_maxflies)
tpw_firefly_largeswarm = 0.1; // Chance of a large swarm (5 X tpw_firefly_swarmsize) spawning near player. 0 = never, 1 = always
tpw_firefly_colour[] = {200,250,100}; // Firefly glow colour
tpw_firefly_brightness = 0.4; // Brightness of each firefly (0 - 1)
tpw_firefly_size = 0.02; //  Apparent size of each firefly (0.01 - 0.2)
tpw_firefly_blink = 1; // Flashing enabled. 0 = no flashing, 1 = brief flash with ~1 sec between flashes
tpw_firefly_speed = 0.075; // Max time (sec) between firefly animation "frames". Larger = slower moving fireflies

// FOG
tpw_fog_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fog_radius = 250; // units must be closer than this to show foggy breath (m). 0 = foggy breath disabled
tpw_fog_delay = 0; // delay before fog functions start (sec)
tpw_fog_breath = 1; // foggy breath enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_groundfog = 1; // ground fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_rainfog = 1; // rain fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_heathaze = 1; // heat haze enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_cansnow = 1; // snow enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_mist = 0.05; // ground steam/mist fx in tropical/jungle and cold environments. 0 = no mist, 1 = extremely thick mist. Recommended = 0.05

tpw_furniture_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_furniture_radius = 50 ; // radius (m) around player to scan for houses to furnish
tpw_furniture_scantime = 5; // time (sec) in between house scans

tpw_houselights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_houselights_delay = 10; // delay (sec) until houselights functions start
tpw_houselights_radius = 75; // radius (m) around player to check for houses to spawn lights into

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,500}; // effective minimum and maximum range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour. Default icon colour for all units in the default simplified HUD 
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.6; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] = {1,0.6,0.456,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] = {1,0.5,0.452,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze).
tpw_hud_grd[] = {1,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_lmt[] = {1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .
tpw_hud_hlt[] = {1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.56,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze (performance heavy, disabled by default).
tpw_hud_vel[] = {1,0.6,0.57,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.505,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.25,0.75}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 0/1/2 = disabled/simplified/full, 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.34,0.26}; // HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.9; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 1; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1; // no HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_extragoggles[] = {}; // Classnames of additional goggles you want HUD to display on e.g. {"goggles1","goggles2"}
tpw_hud_extraheadgear[] = {}; // Classnames of additional headgear you want HUD to display on e.g. {"headgear1","headgear2"}

// LOS
tpw_los_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_los_debug = 1; // 1 = blue balls will appear above units with line of sight to a visible enemy
tpw_los_maxdist = 600; // maximum distance (m). LOS stuff only works for units closer than this.
tpw_los_mindist = 25; // minimum distance (m). Enemies are considered "visible" no matter what, if less than this distance.
tpw_los_delay = 10; // delay until los functions start (sec)

tpw_park_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_park_perc = 30; // percentage of houses with parked cars. 0 = no cars
tpw_park_createdist = 200; // cars created within this distance, completely removed past it.
tpw_park_simdist = 20; // cars closer than this have simulation enabled
tpw_park_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars
tpw_park_alarm = 1; // alarms may be set off in cars hit by gunfire or explosions. 0 = no alarm, 

tpw_puddle_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_puddle_max = 8; // maximum puddles around player
tpw_puddle_radius = 50; // max distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_minradius = 10; // min distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_gradient = 0.1; // how flat must spawn position be to spawn puddle 0 = absolutely flat, 1 = 45 degree gradient
tpw_puddle_time = 600; // Sec after rain stops to continue spawning puddles
tpw_puddle_rainthresh = 0.2; // rain threshold beyond which puddles will be spawned, -1 = puddles regardless
tpw_puddle_ripple = 0; // 1 = use rippling water shader for puddles - will give visual anomolies, 2 = use decal puddles from Malden 2035 DLC

tpw_radio_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_radio_time = 90; // maximum time between messages (sec)
tpw_radio_car = 1; // radio in/near vehicles (0 = no radio in vehicles)
tpw_radio_foot = 1; // radio on foot (0 = no radio on foot)

tpw_rain_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_rain_noises = 1; // Raindrop noises on player helmet and raised weapons (0 = no noises)

tpw_repair_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_repair_noise = 1 ; // random mechanic noises during repairs. 0 = no noises
tpw_repair_time = 5; // Repair time (min). It will take up to this long to complete repairs. 30 sec is the minimum repair time regardless of this value. Maximum is 120 minutes 

tpw_sanity_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_sanity_scanradius = 200; // radius around player to scan for vehicles
tpw_sanity_slowradius = 25; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause a slowdown
tpw_sanity_stopradius = 5; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop
tpw_sanity_scanspeed = 15; // default speed of scanned vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_slowspeed = 7; // speed of slowed vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_affectall = 1; // 0 = will only affect TPW MODS generated vehicles
tpw_sanity_collisiondisabled = 1; // collisions between AI vehicles and footbound friendlies disabled (0 = collisions enabled)

tpw_skirmish_active = 1; // 1 = active
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 0; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 4; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_resistsquad_max = 0; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_resistvehicles_max = 0; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 400; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 800; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 0; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 0; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {0}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default 
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {0}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default 
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {0}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default 
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {SpiderOG,SWOP_332_shield,TuskenRaiders3}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1,SW_BARC,O_CAA_TX225_1}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {SpiderOG,SWOP_Droideka,SWOP_327_Bly}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1,SpiderOG,SWOP_Scout_trooper}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring[] = {SWOP_Droideka,SWOP_Mando_Protectors_serg,SWOP_Mando_Protectors_serg,SWOP_Mando_Protectors_serg}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring[] = {SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1,SW_BARC,swop_ywRed}; // Custom string (comma separated) to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {swop_delta7b_obi,sh_flyable,swop_arc_t,swop_yw}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {swop_LAATmk2_104,swop_HMP_droidgunship}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {Imperial_TurboLaser_UAV,O_JM_TX130_1}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV (comma separated). Empty = NATO default UAV
tpw_skirmish_enemy_casstring[] = {swop_yw,swop_awch,swop_ywRed}; // Classname/s of custom enemy CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CAS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_chsstring[] = {swop_LAATmk2_104,swop_LAATmk2_104}; // Classname/s of custom enemy support heli (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CHS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_uavstring[] = {Imperial_TurboLaser2_UAV,SWOP_interrogationdroid}; // Classname/s of custom enemy UAV (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default UAV
tpw_skirmish_resist_casstring[] = {swop_delta7b_obi,swop_Scimitar,swop_Scimitar,swop_Scimitar}; // Classname/s of custom resistance CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CAS
tpw_skirmish_resist_chsstring[] = {swop_LAAT_cargo,Swop_Uwing}; // Classname/s of custom resistance support heli (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CHS
tpw_skirmish_resist_uavstring[] = {Imperial_TurboLaser2_UAV,O_SWOP_HoverT_1,SWOP_Rebel_Dio_Droid}; // Classname/s of custom resistance UAV (comma separated). Empty = AAF default UAV
tpw_skirmish_deadtime = 300; // Dead units will be removed after this amount of time (sec)

tpw_soap_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 1; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 1; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 1; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 1; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 1; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 0; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = German, 100 = polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 6;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud
tpw_soap_chainsawvolume = 1; // Chainsaw volume (0-2)

tpw_streetlights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_streetlights_factor = 10; // brightness factor. 3-15 should be ok for most maps
tpw_streetlights_range = 1000; // radius (m) around player to scan for streetlights
tpw_streetlights_colour = 0; // light colour. 0 = warm white incandescent, 1 = yellow sodium, 2 = blue/white fluorescent
tpw_streetlights_moths = 1; // 0 = no moths around lights

tpw_zombies_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_zombies_civambience =  0; // Civilian ambience (CARS, CIVS, CROWD, PARK, SOAP, HOUSELIGHTS) when zombies active. 0 =  disabled. 1 = enabled
tpw_zombies_infestationsize =  12; // Maximum number of zombies in an infestation (randomised up to this number). 
tpw_zombies_target = 1; // Zombie target. 0 = zombies just amble around, do not attack , 1 = zombies move towards/attack player, 2 = zombies move toward/attack any units
tpw_zombies_time = 30; // Time (sec) before zombies enabled
tpw_zombies_females = 1; // Female zombies. 1 = enabed, 0 = disabled

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;
#define run_rifle 0.6 //default 0.685
#define tactical_rifleup 0.7 //default 0.786
#define tactical_jog 1.35 //default 1.55
#define unarmed_walkspeed 0.27 //default 0.35
#define rifledown_walkspeed 0.20 //default 0.3
#define rifleup_walkspeed 0.80 //default 0.85
#define roll_left 0.6 //default 1.1    
#define roll_right 0.7 //default 1.2


Edited by Dedmen
Put the Code into a Spoiler tag, please don't just paste blobs of text into a post without a spoiler tag

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On 2/13/2020 at 10:49 AM, tpw said:

I actually looked into it but couldn't replicate it. Then I forgot about it :) 


I'll reopen the ticket.


TPW, please do not forget about the second problem that I told you about in the month of October.
Sometimes BLEEDOUT MODULE does not work for AI soldiers!

This is due to the new injure animations that you added.

Look at the time on top of the screen, I increased the game speed thus - about 10 minutes AI-soldier does not die



He will only writhe in pain while lying down - I didn’t shoot a video  > 10 minutes. I could never wait for him to die from blood loss. It seems like it's endless

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On 2/17/2020 at 6:13 PM, pixel_de said:


  Reveal hidden contents


tpw_core_active = 1; // cannot be deactivated
tpw_core_mapstrings[] = {"c_man","c_man","cup_c_c","cup_c_tk","c_man","c_man"}; // civilian classname strings for Mediterranean, Oceanian, European, Mideastern, African, Asian maps respectively
tpw_core_excludestrings[] = {}; // classname strings to filter out civilian and vehicles. e.g. "DAP" will exclude all IDAP civilians and vehicles
tpw_core_morning = 5; // reduced ambience before this time (24 hr). Set to -1 to disable
tpw_core_night = 22; // reduced ambience after this time (24 hr). Set to 25 to disable

tpw_hint_active = 1; // 0 = inactive

// AIR
tpw_air_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_air_delay = 10; // delay before flybys start (sec)
tpw_air_time = 300; // maximum time between flybys (sec)
tpw_air_max = 2; // maximum aircraft at a given time
tpw_air_heights[] = {50,100,155}; // randomly chosen aircraft flying heights
tpw_air_exclude = 2; // exclusion. 0 = no aircraft  excluded, 2 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded

tpw_animal_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_animal_delay = 10; // delay before animals start spawning (sec)
tpw_animal_max = 0; // maximum animals near player. 0 = ambient animals disabled
tpw_animal_maxradius = 200; // distance beyond which animals will be removed
tpw_animal_minradius = 75; // minimum distance from player to spawn animals
tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises
tpw_animal_saddleperc = 10; // % of horses spawned with saddles (if using dbo_horses)
tpw_animal_crows = 1; // crows will build up around dead bodies. 0 = no crows

tpw_bleedout_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_bleedout_inc = 5; // unit damage will be increased by this % every 10 sec
tpw_bleedout_ithresh = 0.85; // damage beyond which a unit will writhe around incapacitated (1 = dead)
tpw_bleedout_heartbeat = 1; // Player heartbeat visible as slight screen shake (0 = no heartbeat shake)
tpw_bleedout_selfheal = 1; // AI units will automatically try to stop their own bleeding if equipped with First Aid Kits (0 = no self heal)
tpw_bleedout_affect = 1; // All injured units will have their speed and skill lowered according to the degree of injury (0 = units'  speed/skill unaffected by injury)
tpw_bleedout_geneva = 1; // Incapacitated units are set as non-combatants so that other AI will not fire on them (0 = incapacitated units can be fired upon by AI).

tpw_boat_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_boat_delay = 10; // delay before boats start spawning (sec)
tpw_boat_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for water spawn boats
tpw_boat_waypoints = 5; // how many waypoints to give each boat
tpw_boat_num = 3; // max number of boats to spawn around player. 0 = ambient boats disabled

tpw_car_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_car_delay = 10; // delay before cars start spawning (sec)
tpw_car_waypoints = 15; // how many waypoints to give each car
tpw_car_num = 3; // max number of cars to spawn around player. 0 = ambient cars disabled
tpw_car_radius = 1000; // radius (m) around player to check for roads and spawn cars
tpw_car_nocombatspawn = 1; // cars will not be spawned during combat. 0 = cars continue to spawn during combat
tpw_car_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars

tpw_civ_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_civ_delay = 5; // delay (sec) until civ spawning starts
tpw_civ_radius = 150; // radius (m) around player to check for house and spawn civs
tpw_civ_density = 5; // how many houses per civ. 0 = ambient civs disabled
tpw_civ_maxsquadcas = 4; // maximum number of civilian casualties that can be inflicted by squad
tpw_civ_maxallcas = 50; // maximum number of total civilian casualties
tpw_civ_casdisplay = 1; // what to do if casualty threshold exceeded (0 -nothing, 1 - popup message, 2 - end mission)
tpw_civ_maxciv = 20; // maximum number of civs to spawn regardless of tpw_civ_density
tpw_civ_init = ""; // function or script to run when each civ is spawned. e.g. "_this call your_function", or "[_this,2] execvm 'your_script.sqf'", where _this is the civ 

Civilian units matching these strings will be used if found in the config. Default BIS civilians ("c_man") will be used if strings can't be found (eg if the mod isn't loaded)

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_afr_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_afr_civ_man

CUP UNITS: cup_c_c

CAF AGGRESSORS: caf_ag_me_civ
LEIGHT'S OPFOR: lop_tak_civ_man
CUP UNITS: cup_c_tk

tpw_compress_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_compress_level = 0.8; // muting factor ( 0 = no muting, 0 = silence)
tpw_compress_attack = 0; // time (sec) for full muting (0 = immediate) 
tpw_compress_hold = 0.1; // time (sec) for volume to remain muted
tpw_compress_release = 0; //  time (sec) for full unmuting (0 = immediate)

tpw_crowd_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_crowd_max = 20; // maximum number of civs 
tpw_crowd_density = 2; // civs per house
tpw_crowd_radius = 150; // radius to scan around player to spawn civs
tpw_crowd_animradius = 80; // units closer than this will animate
tpw_crowd_moveradius = 20; // units closer than this will disperse
tpw_crowd_scantime = 1.5; // time (sec) between scanning, spawning and visibility checks 

tpw_duck_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_duck_grenaderun = 1; // grenade avoidance ( 1 = AI run from unexploded grenades. 0 = units will ignore grenades)
tpw_duck_sensitivity = 0.8; // sensitivity. 0 = suppressed units never duck, 1 = suppressed units always duck
tpw_duck_nosquad = 0; // suppression applied to player squad. 1 = suppression not applied to player squad
tpw_duck_player = 0; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

// EBS
tpw_ebs_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_ebs_thresh = 5; // unit is suppressed if this many bullets pass by in 5 secs
tpw_ebs_delay = 1; // how long until suppression functions start (sec)
tpw_ebs_debug = 0; // 1 = debugging will colour the suppressed unit's uniform (green = own side, yellow = enemy <5 bullets, red = enemy >5 bullets)
tpw_ebs_radius = 500; // units must be closer to player than this (m) for suppression to work
tpw_ebs_playersup = 1; // suppression effects applied to player. 0 = no player suppression
tpw_ebs_aisup = 1; // suppression effects applied to AI. 0 = no AI suppression
tpw_ebs_findcover = 1; // AI will seek cover when suppressed. 0 = will not seek cover
tpw_ebs_suptype = 0; // Suppression type. 0 = bullet centric, 1 = suppression shell object

tpw_fall_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fall_sensitivity = 100; // sensitivity of unit to falls (%). 50 = unit half as likely to fall over from a given height.
tpw_fall_radius = 300; // unit must be closer than this (m) to player to realistically react to falls from height.
tpw_fall_delay = 10; // delay until fall functions start
tpw_fall_falltime = 45; // Maximum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit. 
tpw_fall_threshold = 0.2; //  Randomised damage threshold above which ragdolling will occur (0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, 1 will always use animated falls)
tpw_fall_minfalltime = 10; // Minimum time on ground (sec) after falling from bullet hit.
tpw_fall_sightnoise = 1; // Noises for looking down sights. (0 = no noises)

tpw_fire_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fire_radius = 100; // radius (m) around player to scan for fires
tpw_fire_intensity = 0.3; // fire intensity (0-1)
tpw_fire_maxfires = 8; // maximum fires around player at any given time
tpw_fire_types[] = {"metalbarrel","garbagebarrel","fire"}; // array of strings to match with "HIDE" terrain objects
tpw_fire_exclude = 20; // only one fire in this radius (m) - use to prevent multiple adjacent barrels on fire for example
tpw_fire_colour[] = {1,0.2,0} ; // fire colour {r,g,b}

tpw_firefly_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_firefly_window =4; // How many hours after sunset will fireflies appear
tpw_firefly_temp =18; // Minimum temperature (deg C) for fireflies to be active, if running TPW FOG
tpw_firefly_trees = 5 ; // Number of trees needed within tpw_firefly_radius of player in order to spawn fireflies. 0 = fireflies everywhere 
tpw_firefly_radius = 25; // Firefies will be spawned within this distance (m) of player
tpw_firefly_time = 5; // Max seconds between spawning each firefly/swarm
tpw_firefly_maxflies = 50; // Maximum number of fireflies around player
tpw_firefly_swarmsize = 5; // Maximum number of fireflies per swarm (must be less than tpw_firefly_maxflies)
tpw_firefly_largeswarm = 0.1; // Chance of a large swarm (5 X tpw_firefly_swarmsize) spawning near player. 0 = never, 1 = always
tpw_firefly_colour[] = {200,250,100}; // Firefly glow colour
tpw_firefly_brightness = 0.4; // Brightness of each firefly (0 - 1)
tpw_firefly_size = 0.02; //  Apparent size of each firefly (0.01 - 0.2)
tpw_firefly_blink = 1; // Flashing enabled. 0 = no flashing, 1 = brief flash with ~1 sec between flashes
tpw_firefly_speed = 0.075; // Max time (sec) between firefly animation "frames". Larger = slower moving fireflies

// FOG
tpw_fog_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_fog_radius = 250; // units must be closer than this to show foggy breath (m). 0 = foggy breath disabled
tpw_fog_delay = 0; // delay before fog functions start (sec)
tpw_fog_breath = 1; // foggy breath enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_groundfog = 1; // ground fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_rainfog = 1; // rain fog enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_heathaze = 1; // heat haze enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_cansnow = 1; // snow enabled. 0 = disabled
tpw_fog_mist = 0.05; // ground steam/mist fx in tropical/jungle and cold environments. 0 = no mist, 1 = extremely thick mist. Recommended = 0.05

tpw_furniture_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_furniture_radius = 50 ; // radius (m) around player to scan for houses to furnish
tpw_furniture_scantime = 5; // time (sec) in between house scans

tpw_houselights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_houselights_delay = 10; // delay (sec) until houselights functions start
tpw_houselights_radius = 75; // radius (m) around player to check for houses to spawn lights into

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,500}; // effective minimum and maximum range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 1.5; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour. Default icon colour for all units in the default simplified HUD 
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.6; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] = {1,0.6,0.456,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] = {1,0.5,0.452,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze).
tpw_hud_grd[] = {1,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_lmt[] = {1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] = {1,0.6,0.51,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .
tpw_hud_hlt[] = {1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] = {1,0.5,0.56,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze (performance heavy, disabled by default).
tpw_hud_vel[] = {1,0.6,0.57,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.505,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.25,0.75}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 0/1/2 = disabled/simplified/full, 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.34,0.26}; // HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.9; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 1; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1; // no HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, enemy unit, hidden enemy unit, enemy vehicle, hidden enemy vehicle,marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_extragoggles[] = {}; // Classnames of additional goggles you want HUD to display on e.g. {"goggles1","goggles2"}
tpw_hud_extraheadgear[] = {}; // Classnames of additional headgear you want HUD to display on e.g. {"headgear1","headgear2"}

// LOS
tpw_los_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_los_debug = 1; // 1 = blue balls will appear above units with line of sight to a visible enemy
tpw_los_maxdist = 600; // maximum distance (m). LOS stuff only works for units closer than this.
tpw_los_mindist = 25; // minimum distance (m). Enemies are considered "visible" no matter what, if less than this distance.
tpw_los_delay = 10; // delay until los functions start (sec)

tpw_park_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_park_perc = 30; // percentage of houses with parked cars. 0 = no cars
tpw_park_createdist = 200; // cars created within this distance, completely removed past it.
tpw_park_simdist = 20; // cars closer than this have simulation enabled
tpw_park_include[] = {"RDS","LOP_","CIV","CUP_C","GM"}; // strings to select classnames of custom cars
tpw_park_alarm = 1; // alarms may be set off in cars hit by gunfire or explosions. 0 = no alarm, 

tpw_puddle_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_puddle_max = 8; // maximum puddles around player
tpw_puddle_radius = 50; // max distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_minradius = 10; // min distance (m) from player to spawn puddles
tpw_puddle_gradient = 0.1; // how flat must spawn position be to spawn puddle 0 = absolutely flat, 1 = 45 degree gradient
tpw_puddle_time = 600; // Sec after rain stops to continue spawning puddles
tpw_puddle_rainthresh = 0.2; // rain threshold beyond which puddles will be spawned, -1 = puddles regardless
tpw_puddle_ripple = 0; // 1 = use rippling water shader for puddles - will give visual anomolies, 2 = use decal puddles from Malden 2035 DLC

tpw_radio_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_radio_time = 90; // maximum time between messages (sec)
tpw_radio_car = 1; // radio in/near vehicles (0 = no radio in vehicles)
tpw_radio_foot = 1; // radio on foot (0 = no radio on foot)

tpw_rain_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_rain_noises = 1; // Raindrop noises on player helmet and raised weapons (0 = no noises)

tpw_repair_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_repair_noise = 1 ; // random mechanic noises during repairs. 0 = no noises
tpw_repair_time = 5; // Repair time (min). It will take up to this long to complete repairs. 30 sec is the minimum repair time regardless of this value. Maximum is 120 minutes 

tpw_sanity_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_sanity_scanradius = 200; // radius around player to scan for vehicles
tpw_sanity_slowradius = 25; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause a slowdown
tpw_sanity_stopradius = 5; // any footbound friendlies within this radius around each vehicle will cause the vehicle to stop
tpw_sanity_scanspeed = 15; // default speed of scanned vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_slowspeed = 7; // speed of slowed vehicles (m/s)
tpw_sanity_affectall = 1; // 0 = will only affect TPW MODS generated vehicles
tpw_sanity_collisiondisabled = 1; // collisions between AI vehicles and footbound friendlies disabled (0 = collisions enabled)

tpw_skirmish_active = 1; // 1 = active
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 0; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 4; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_resistsquad_max = 0; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_resistvehicles_max = 0; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 400; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 800; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 0; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_enemy_support = 0; // CSAT enemy units can call support
tpw_skirmish_resist_support = 0; // AAF units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype[] = {0}; // BLUFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {0,1,7} will spawn user selected, NATO and FIA BLUFOR. Empty = NATO default 
tpw_skirmish_enemytype[] = {0}; // OPFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {4,5} will spawn CSAT and CSAT PACIFIC OPFOR. Empty = CSAT default 
tpw_skirmish_resisttype[] = {0}; // INDFOR: 0 = user specified,1 = NATO, 2 = NATO PACIFIC, 3 = CTRG PACIFIC, 4 = CSAT, 5 = CSAT PACIFIC, 6 = AAF, 7 = FIA, 8 = SYNDIKAT, negative values will wear shemaghs. Multiple values may be selected eg {-6,-7} will spawn FIA and AAF resistance, wearing Shemaghs. Empty = AAF default 
tpw_skirmish_spawntime = 30; // Time (sec) between spawning each enemy/friendly squad/vehicle
tpw_skirmish_friendlyunitstring[] = {SpiderOG,SWOP_332_shield,TuskenRaiders3}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly units from config
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehiclestring[] = {SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1,SW_BARC,O_CAA_TX225_1}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select friendly vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyunitstring[] = {SpiderOG,SWOP_Droideka,SWOP_327_Bly}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy units from config
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehiclestring[] = {SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1,SpiderOG,SWOP_Scout_trooper}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select enemy vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring[] = {SWOP_Droideka,SWOP_Mando_Protectors_serg,SWOP_Mando_Protectors_serg,SWOP_Mando_Protectors_serg}; // Custom strings (comma separated) to select resistance units from config
tpw_skirmish_resistvehiclestring[] = {SWOP_Clonetrooper_P1,SW_BARC,swop_ywRed}; // Custom string (comma separated) to select resistance vehicles from config
tpw_skirmish_casstring[] = {swop_delta7b_obi,sh_flyable,swop_arc_t,swop_yw}; // Classname/s of custom friendly CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CAS
tpw_skirmish_chsstring[] = {swop_LAATmk2_104,swop_HMP_droidgunship}; // Classname/s of custom friendly support heli (comma separated). Empty = NATO default CHS
tpw_skirmish_uavstring[] = {Imperial_TurboLaser_UAV,O_JM_TX130_1}; // Classname/s of custom friendly UAV (comma separated). Empty = NATO default UAV
tpw_skirmish_enemy_casstring[] = {swop_yw,swop_awch,swop_ywRed}; // Classname/s of custom enemy CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CAS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_chsstring[] = {swop_LAATmk2_104,swop_LAATmk2_104}; // Classname/s of custom enemy support heli (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default CHS
tpw_skirmish_enemy_uavstring[] = {Imperial_TurboLaser2_UAV,SWOP_interrogationdroid}; // Classname/s of custom enemy UAV (comma separated). Empty = CSAT default UAV
tpw_skirmish_resist_casstring[] = {swop_delta7b_obi,swop_Scimitar,swop_Scimitar,swop_Scimitar}; // Classname/s of custom resistance CAS aircraft (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CAS
tpw_skirmish_resist_chsstring[] = {swop_LAAT_cargo,Swop_Uwing}; // Classname/s of custom resistance support heli (comma separated). Empty = AAF default CHS
tpw_skirmish_resist_uavstring[] = {Imperial_TurboLaser2_UAV,O_SWOP_HoverT_1,SWOP_Rebel_Dio_Droid}; // Classname/s of custom resistance UAV (comma separated). Empty = AAF default UAV
tpw_skirmish_deadtime = 300; // Dead units will be removed after this amount of time (sec)

tpw_soap_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_soap_ambientvolume = 1; // Ambient sounds volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_musicvolume = 1; // Music volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_azanvolume = 1; // Azan volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_housefxvolume = 1; // House fx volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_screamvolume = 1; // Screams volume (0-2)
tpw_soap_usermusic = 0; // Number of user supplied music files in @TPW_MODS\music. 0 = no user music
tpw_soap_usersounds = 0; // Number of user supplied sound files in @TPW_MODS\sounds. 0 = no user sounds
tpw_soap_region = 0; // Region specific sounds. 0 = autodetect, 1 = Greek, 2 = Mideast, 3 = Fijian, 4 = French, 5 = Russian, 6 = German, 100 = polyglot
tpw_soap_trafficmult = 6;  // 0 = no traffic sounds, 20 = very loud
tpw_soap_chainsawvolume = 1; // Chainsaw volume (0-2)

tpw_streetlights_active = 0; // 0 = inactive
tpw_streetlights_factor = 10; // brightness factor. 3-15 should be ok for most maps
tpw_streetlights_range = 1000; // radius (m) around player to scan for streetlights
tpw_streetlights_colour = 0; // light colour. 0 = warm white incandescent, 1 = yellow sodium, 2 = blue/white fluorescent
tpw_streetlights_moths = 1; // 0 = no moths around lights

tpw_zombies_active = 0; // 1 = active
tpw_zombies_civambience =  0; // Civilian ambience (CARS, CIVS, CROWD, PARK, SOAP, HOUSELIGHTS) when zombies active. 0 =  disabled. 1 = enabled
tpw_zombies_infestationsize =  12; // Maximum number of zombies in an infestation (randomised up to this number). 
tpw_zombies_target = 1; // Zombie target. 0 = zombies just amble around, do not attack , 1 = zombies move towards/attack player, 2 = zombies move toward/attack any units
tpw_zombies_time = 30; // Time (sec) before zombies enabled
tpw_zombies_females = 1; // Female zombies. 1 = enabed, 0 = disabled

//animationsActivePlaceholder = 1;
#define run_rifle 0.6 //default 0.685
#define tactical_rifleup 0.7 //default 0.786
#define tactical_jog 1.35 //default 1.55
#define unarmed_walkspeed 0.27 //default 0.35
#define rifledown_walkspeed 0.20 //default 0.3
#define rifleup_walkspeed 0.80 //default 0.85
#define roll_left 0.6 //default 1.1    
#define roll_right 0.7 //default 1.2


Hi mate


I looked at your HPP. So basically TPW SKIRMISH will default to using Arma3 blufor, opfor and indfor units if the strings you specify cannot be found in the classnames of the mod you are using. I don't use the star wars mod you use, so I have no idea if the classnames are correct. Is there a list of classnames for this mod I could check?

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Hi. I'm trying to use tpw_houselights script in my mission with no luck. 

I put this in the init.sqf as explained in the instructions:

0 = [10] execvm "tpw_houselights.sqf";


An on the sidechat appears this as an error: "TPW HOUSELIGHTS incorrect/no config, exiting."


I checked the code and it seems the script needs two parameters, the second being the radius, so I run the script in init.sqf this way:

0 = [10,200] execvm "tpw_houselights.sqf";


The error doesn't appear, but doesn't work also. What I'm missing? I'm testing on Altis map.

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