tpw 2315 Posted February 5, 2017 5 hours ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said: // RUN IT [] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_snow; Sorry for needing my hand held on the script. :( Is that part supposed to be left in or am I supposed to remove it and just call the rest of the script above it? I copied the script in full exactly as it was written, including the last part, and naming it snow.sqf and calling it in my init.sqf using [] execVM "snow.sqf"; and I get some script errors about undefined variables in expression. If I remove the RUN IT part at the bottom the script errors stop but it also doesn't snow, at least not after a couple minutes starting the mission a few times. Sorry mate, my bad I forgot to add a couple of lines of code - that's what you get for trying to post with kids hassling you to take them to the pool. Try this: Spoiler //STAND ALONE SNOW FX // Snow fx on goggles tpw_snow_fnc_goggledrops = { // More drops if heavier snow and/or moving faster private _dens = tpw_snow_snowdensity; if (_dens > 25) then {_dens = 25}; private _spd = abs (ceil speed player); private _int = 4 / _dens / (1 + _spd); // Emitter private _gogemitter = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; private _logic = "logic" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _gogemitter attachto [_logic,[0,0,0]]; _logic attachto [player,[0,0,0],"HEAD"]; _gogemitter setParticleCircle [0.0, [0, 0, 0]]; _gogemitter setParticleRandom [0, [0.5,0.5,0.5], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0.01, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; _gogemitter setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract",1,0,1], "", "Billboard", 1,0.05, [0,0,0], [0,0,0], 1, 1, 0, 0,[0.1],[[1,1,1,1]],[0], 0, 0, "", "", _logic]; _gogemitter setDropInterval _int; sleep 0.5; deletevehicle _gogemitter; deletevehicle _logic; }; // Array of precalculated random position offsets tpw_snow_fnc_snowpos = { tpw_snow_snowpos = []; for "_i" from 1 to 1000 do { private _dir = random 360; private _dist = random 20; tpw_snow_snowpos pushback [(_dist * sin _dir),(_dist * cos _dir),0]; }; }; // Single snowflake position and spawn tpw_snow_fnc_singlepos = { private _playdir = _this select 0; private _min = _playdir - 30; private _dir = _min + random 60; private _dist = 5 + random 10; private _offset = [(_dist * sin _dir),(_dist * cos _dir),0]; private _pos = eyepos player; private _lowpos = _pos vectoradd _offset; private _highpos = _lowpos vectoradd [0,0,30]; // Emitter cover checks if (!lineintersects [_lowpos,_highpos]) then { [_lowpos vectoradd [0,0,(random 3)]] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_snowemitter; }; }; // Array of exposed positions around player tpw_snow_fnc_expos = { private _temppos = []; private _pos = eyepos player; for "_i" from 0 to count tpw_snow_snowpos - 1 do { private _offset = tpw_snow_snowpos select _i; private _lowpos = _pos vectoradd _offset; private _highpos = _lowpos vectoradd [0,0,30]; // Emitter cover checks if (!lineintersects [_lowpos,_highpos]) then { _temppos pushback (_lowpos vectoradd [0,0,(1 + random 3)]); }; }; tpw_snow_expos = _temppos; }; // Fixed emitter for fast snow spawning tpw_snow_fnc_fastsnow = { private _spd = abs (ceil speed player); private _dst = _spd / 5; // snow box further away if faster private _snowEmitter = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; private _logic = "logic" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _snowEmitter attachto [_logic, [0,0,0]]; _logic attachto [vehicle player, [0,_dst,1]]; _snowEmitter setParticleCircle [0.0, [0, 0, 0]]; _snowEmitter setParticleRandom [0, [2,2,2], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0.01, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; _snowEmitter setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 1,0], "","Billboard", 10,10, [0,0,0], [0,0,0], 1, 0.0000001, 0, 20,[0.02],[[1,1,1,1]],[1000], 0.2, 0.2, "", "",_logic]; _snowEmitter setDropInterval 0.2 / _spd; // more snow if faster sleep 1; deletevehicle _snowemitter; deletevehicle _logic; }; // Spawn snow particles at exposed position tpw_snow_fnc_snowemitter = { private _pos = asltoatl (_this select 0); drop [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 1,0], "","Billboard", 10,10, _pos, [0,0,0], 0, 0.01,0, 10,[0.05],[[1,1,1,1]],[0,0], 0.2, 0.2, "", "", ""]; }; // Random position for snow emitters tpw_snow_fnc_snowscan = { private _time = (_this select 0) + 0.49; private _spd = _this select 1; private _posct = count tpw_snow_expos; while {time < _time} do { [tpw_snow_expos select floor random _posct] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_snowemitter; // random snowdrop around player if (_spd > 6) then { [getdir player] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_singlepos; // random snowdrops in direction of movement sleep 0.01; }; sleep 0.01; }; }; // Main snow loop tpw_snow_fnc_snow = { while {true} do { // Conditions for snow if (alive player && {(eyepos player) select 2 > 0} && {diag_fps > 25}) then { // Kill wind and rain 0 setrain 0; 0 setwindstr 0; // Player under cover? private _cover = false; private _ep = eyepos player; private _epc = _ep vectoradd [0,0,30]; if (lineintersects[_ep,_epc]) then { _cover = true; }; // Snow droplets on goggles if (cameraview != "external" && {!_cover} && {player == vehicle player}) then { [] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_goggledrops; }; // Periodically change snow density if (time > tpw_snow_snowtime) then { tpw_snow_snowtime = time + random 300; tpw_snow_snowdensity = ceil random 10; }; // Complex snow for slow movers private _spd = abs (ceil speed player); if (_spd < 20) then { // Update spawn positions only if player has moved sufficiently if (tpw_snow_lastpos distance player > 5) then { [] call tpw_snow_fnc_expos; tpw_snow_lastpos = getposasl player; }; // Place snow drops in exposed areas for "_i" from 0 to tpw_snow_snowdensity do { [time,_spd] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_snowscan; }; } else { // Simple snow emitter box for fast movers [] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_fastsnow; }; }; sleep 0.5; }; }; // RUN IT tpw_snow_snowtime = time + random 300; tpw_snow_snowdensity = ceil random 10; tpw_snow_lastpos = getposasl player; [] call tpw_snow_fnc_snowpos; [] spawn tpw_snow_fnc_snow; Copy the entire thing and save it as snow.sqf in your mission directory, then launch it with [] execvm "snow.sqf" and you'll be golden. I know this because I tested it out without pestering kids distracting me! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_Donkey 243 Posted February 6, 2017 tpw, is there anyway to configure TPW FALL to allow the player to ragdoll from bullet hits, but not ragdoll from jumping over obstacles/falling? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 6, 2017 6 hours ago, Savage_Donkey said: tpw, is there anyway to configure TPW FALL to allow the player to ragdoll from bullet hits, but not ragdoll from jumping over obstacles/falling? Not at present. To be honest you're the only person in 4+ years who's ever asked for it. If you want to run the script version of TPW FALL you can disable the fall from height routines by removing the following lines from the end of the script: Spoiler // MAIN FALL MONITORING LOOP - DETERMINE IF A UNIT HAS LEFT THE GROUND (IE BEGUN TO FALL) [] spawn tpw_fall_fnc_scan; while {true} do { private ["_i","_unit"]; for "_i" from 0 to (count tpw_fallunits - 1) do { _unit = tpw_fallunits select _i; //Only bother if footbound unit not already falling if (_unit getvariable "tpw_fallstate" == 0) then { // Is unit in air from a fall? if (!istouchingground _unit && _unit == vehicle _unit) then { _unit setfatigue 0; [_unit] spawn tpw_fall_fnc_fallproc; }; }; }; sleep tpw_fall_int; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korda 14 Posted February 6, 2017 Hello very good mod you created !! I have a question can we disabled or not animals, cars and civilians etc .. has there interface to settle? thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schulz 10 Posted February 6, 2017 6 hours ago, Korda said: Hello very good mod you created !! I have a question can we disabled or not animals, cars and civilians etc .. has there interface to settle? thank you This is the interface. But you can also change it in the .hpp file in the userconfig-folder. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korda 14 Posted February 6, 2017 2 hours ago, schulz said: Ceci est l'interface. Mais vous pouvez aussi le changer dans le fichier .hpp dans le UserConfig-dossier. Thanks is it up to date to the latest version TPW? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schulz 10 Posted February 7, 2017 3 hours ago, Korda said: Thanks is it up to date to the latest version TPW? I don't know, i'm not using it ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tupolov 520 Posted February 7, 2017 Great job with the snow TPW! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 8, 2017 TPW MODS 20170208: Changes: [CORE 1.31, FOG 1.48] Added Isla Duala to region and climate lists. [CARS 1.51] Improved vehicle collision disabling code: massively reduced chance of player and nearby AI being mown down by vehicles. [CROWD 1.05] Fixed sporadic undefined variable errors. [FURNITURE 1.03] Support for randomised furniture templates for each house: each now can now assigned a random furniture template from a list of templates, and will continue to use this template for the duration of a play session. No new templates are provided yet though! [SKIRMISH 1.37] Spawned infantry squads will move towards the general vicinity of the nearest enemy infantry squads. Refactored support calling code for reduced CPU hit. General code cleanup and optimisations. The great thing about being made redundant is it gives me plenty of time to work on TPW MODS in between sending job applications! This update contains among other things two critical changes which should improve the experience a bit: Vehicle collision: It's no secret that A3's abominable AI pathfinding and collision avoidance with the environment and other entities is one of its greatest weaknesses. But vehicles are essential for ambience. Therein lies the conundrum. I've personally experienced: Vehicles not slowing down or deviating at all and mowing me and my squad down Vehicles slowing/swerving to avoid people and mowing down others as a result Vehicles swerving off road at me for no apparent reason, to mow me down Military vehicles stopping to disembark crew, only to immediately run them over Since I can't code any apparent intelligence into the drivers, I can at least mitigate their behaviours to some degree to reduce carnage. I had previously tried to do this by invoking disablecollisionwith when vehicles approached entities, but this command very often fails to work when vehicles are moving slowly or rapidly driving/reversing as they are wont to do. I've since taken a different approach and applied hideobject to entities within a couple of metres of a moving vehicle. What this means is that entities about to be mown down by a vehicle will briefly disappear and will blink back into existence once the psychopathic driver has passed. It's far more reliable than disablecollisionwith and/or physx collision eventhandler wrangling, and in extensive testing I haven't had it fail yet. Hideobject works on the player, though from your own point of view you won't disappear, rather the vehicle will just pass through you. My implementation of this will apply to any civilian or military "car" class vehicle, including those spawned by other scripts, and results in far fewer dead bodies littering the roadside! Skirmish improvements: I've been getting more and more intolerant of the fact that Arma3 performance tanks once more than a handful of AI encounter enemies, switch to combat FSMs, and start slinging bullets and ordnance at each other. As per the driving, there's not much I can do about the engine being multiple generations behind the state of the art as far as multicore CPU utilisation (and GPU usage too, but I digress). However I can at least ensure that the scripts controlling my combat AI are not chewing up unnecessary cycles on that single abused core. So I've dived into TPW SKIRMISH and refactored chunks of code related to the way that AI squad leaders scan for targets to call support on. The simplified code gives much the same military ambience with far less computation. I've also changed the waypoint behaviour so that AI infantry squads will always move towards the general vicinity of the nearest enemy infantry. This greatly increases the military dynamic, by preventing squads from endless patrolling areas with no enemies. TPW SKIRMISH is disabled by default but if you do have it enabled you should see less CPU spiking when the opposing AI start sending love letters to each other. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mordacai 38 Posted February 8, 2017 This may have been asked many times before, but can I separate the addons? If I put the userconfigs in the appropriate place, can I make, for example @tpw_ambience with tpw_ambience and tpw_ambience.pbo.twp.bisign thrown in together? Actually, I would like to use SOAP for all the missions I play. What would I need to do this? If this has already been explained, could you kindly link me to the page explaining this? I'll figure the rest out myself. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 8, 2017 56 minutes ago, Mordacai said: This may have been asked many times before, but can I separate the addons? If I put the userconfigs in the appropriate place, can I make, for example @tpw_ambience with tpw_ambience and tpw_ambience.pbo.twp.bisign thrown in together? Actually, I would like to use SOAP for all the missions I play. What would I need to do this? If this has already been explained, could you kindly link me to the page explaining this? I'll figure the rest out myself. Cheers Sigh, years ago when they were separate mods everyone wanted me to consolidate them into a single mod :) If all you want to use is SOAP for every mission, why don't you consider just disabling all the other mods in the HPP? TPW MODS is 50MB, about 45MB of it is sound data for SOAP, so it's not like you'd be saving much disk space jettisoning the other components. So, short answer: no Longer answer: it would be quite a task to separate the mods, requiring generating new inits and configs for all of them. I have no intention of doing it, sorry. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xon2 102 Posted February 8, 2017 Hey tpw, anything planned for more immersive boats in the not too distant future like we've talking about around last fall? By the way, is it technically possible to 'plan' proper boat traveling routes for each island in the editor and somehow make your boats addon randomly choose one of them depending on the players location? Lets say i sat down and pre-planned 100 water routes for Tanoa and saved these as a mission and send this mission to you. Could these routes then be added as a script or what not so that your boats addon simply calls one of these routes? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 9, 2017 10 hours ago, xon2 said: Hey tpw, anything planned for more immersive boats in the not too distant future like we've talking about around last fall? By the way, is it technically possible to 'plan' proper boat traveling routes for each island in the editor and somehow make your boats addon randomly choose one of them depending on the players location? Lets say i sat down and pre-planned 100 water routes for Tanoa and saved these as a mission and send this mission to you. Could these routes then be added as a script or what not so that your boats addon simply calls one of these routes? Hi xon2 I guess I have no excuses now for not looking into it. In the mean time, have you checked out this random boat patrol script from Johnnyboy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mordacai 38 Posted February 9, 2017 18 hours ago, tpw said: Sigh, years ago when they were separate mods everyone wanted me to consolidate them into a single mod :) If all you want to use is SOAP for every mission, why don't you consider just disabling all the other mods in the HPP? TPW MODS is 50MB, about 45MB of it is sound data for SOAP, so it's not like you'd be saving much disk space jettisoning the other components. So, short answer: no Longer answer: it would be quite a task to separate the mods, requiring generating new inits and configs for all of them. I have no intention of doing it, sorry. I got it now. I did exactly that. Simple enough. Not sure this explanation about HPP is in your first page, but to save you any future headaches, I would paste it in there because it's absolutely vital. Other than that, thank you for your hard work on this mod, your updates and your kind patience in explaining things to your users. Greatly appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 9, 2017 1 hour ago, Mordacai said: I got it now. I did exactly that. Simple enough. Not sure this explanation about HPP is in your first page, but to save you any future headaches, I would paste it in there because it's absolutely vital. Other than that, thank you for your hard work on this mod, your updates and your kind patience in explaining things to your users. Greatly appreciated. Thanks Mordacai. All documentation related to usage and configuration of TPW MODS via HPP is indeed linked on the first page. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_Donkey 243 Posted February 9, 2017 Tpw, Is there any documentation on making the templates for houses? I'd like to try and help come up with templates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted February 9, 2017 2 hours ago, Savage_Donkey said: Tpw, Is there any documentation on making the templates for houses? I'd like to try and help come up with templates. I wanted to help out with some templates too, but can't find the time's a link for the script required to make the templates... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_Donkey 243 Posted February 9, 2017 Well I gave it a go, but it didn't work for me. However, I did notice a bunch of rpt spam: Spoiler 17:20:31 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:31 Error position: <PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:31 Error Missing ; 17:20:31 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:20:31 Error position: <20170106> 17:20:31 Error Missing ; 17:20:31 Error in expression <*/> 17:20:31 Error position: <*/> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Items> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Items> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// vars> 17:20:31 Error position: <// vars> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Initial invisible item> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Initial invisible item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Update item display> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Update item display> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:20:31 Error position: <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Delete last placed item > 17:20:31 Error position: <// Delete last placed item > 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Key detector > 17:20:31 Error position: <// Key detector > 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <& time > tpw_furniture_lastchange) then > 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_index < 0) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <re_index > tpw_furniture_itemcount) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle < 0) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle > 360) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <}; > 17:20:31 Error position: <}; > 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item height> 17:20:31 Error position: <// pageup, increase item height> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item height> 17:20:31 Error position: <// pagedown, decrease item height> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_height < 0) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <}; > 17:20:31 Error position: <}; > 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:20:31 Error position: <//numpad enter, place item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last item> 17:20:31 Error position: <// numpad 0, delete last item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:32 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:32 Error position: <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: furniture 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw 20170106> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw 17:20:32 Suspending not allowed in this context 17:20:32 Error in expression <sleep 10;> 17:20:32 Error position: <sleep 10;> 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem => 17:20:32 Error position: <=> 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem = > 17:20:32 Error position: <= > 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem => 17:20:32 Error position: <=> 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_keys = > 17:20:32 Error position: <= > 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <_ctrl = _this select 3;> 17:20:32 Error position: <select 3;> 17:20:32 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:20:32 Error in expression <_alt = _this select 4;> 17:20:32 Error position: <select 4;> 17:20:32 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:20:32 Error in expression <_key = _this select 1;> 17:20:32 Error position: <select 1;> 17:20:32 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:20:32 Error in expression <if (_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:20:32 Error position: <_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrl 17:20:32 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:20:32 Error position: <_key do> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _key 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 [294684,4965.94,0,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=TPW, missionVersion=52, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=true, didJIP=false"] 17:20:32 [294684,4966.03,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] 17:20:32 [294684,4966.07,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."] 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] spawn tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem 17:20:36 Mission id: 8a7b2ddca6ec40b1fb1a6e066b12d478547c5dea 17:20:36 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Offroad_01_sport_F, 17:20:37 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Hatchback_01_rallye_F, 17:20:44 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_SUV_01_sport_F, 17:20:45 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Hatchback_01_sportF, 17:20:48 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Hatchback_01_rallye_F, 17:24:03 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_dirt_6.wss not found !!! 17:24:05 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_grass_03.wss not found !!! 17:25:13 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_dirt_7.wss not found !!! 17:25:19 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_grass_02.wss not found !!! 17:28:13 EPE manager release (14|46|0) 17:28:13 Number of joints in scene after release: 14 17:28:13 Number of actors in scene after release: 29 17:28:13 EPE manager release (0|29|0) 17:28:13 Number of joints in scene after release: 14 17:28:13 Number of actors in scene after release: 15 17:28:14 EPE manager release (0|15|0) 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 17:28:15 [311204,5428.76,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.1.2.161105"] 17:28:15 [XEH]: Usage of deprecated Extended Event Handler "fired". Use "firedBIS" instead. Path: @BCP\bin\config.bin\Extended_Fired_EventHandlers\All. 17:28:15 [311204,5429.18,0,"XEH: PreInit finished."] 17:29:05 Starting mission: 17:29:05 Mission file: TPW 17:29:05 Mission world: Altis 17:29:05 Mission directory: C:\Users\Crist\Documents\Arma 3\missions\TPW.Altis\ 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 17:29:08 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 17:29:08 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 17:29:08 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 17:29:08 [312365,5482.13,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.1.2.161105"] 17:29:08 [XEH]: Usage of deprecated Extended Event Handler "fired". Use "firedBIS" instead. Path: @BCP\bin\config.bin\Extended_Fired_EventHandlers\All. 17:29:08 [312365,5482.52,0,"XEH: PreInit finished."] 17:29:09 Error in expression </*> 17:29:09 Error position: </*> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:09 Error position: <PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:09 Error Missing ; 17:29:09 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:29:09 Error position: <20170106> 17:29:09 Error Missing ; 17:29:09 Error in expression <*/> 17:29:09 Error position: <*/> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Items> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Items> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// vars> 17:29:09 Error position: <// vars> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Initial invisible item> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Initial invisible item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Update item display> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Update item display> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:29:09 Error position: <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Delete last placed item > 17:29:09 Error position: <// Delete last placed item > 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Key detector > 17:29:09 Error position: <// Key detector > 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <& time > tpw_furniture_lastchange) then > 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_index < 0) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <re_index > tpw_furniture_itemcount) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle < 0) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle > 360) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <}; > 17:29:09 Error position: <}; > 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item height> 17:29:09 Error position: <// pageup, increase item height> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item height> 17:29:09 Error position: <// pagedown, decrease item height> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_height < 0) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <}; > 17:29:09 Error position: <}; > 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:29:09 Error position: <//numpad enter, place item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last item> 17:29:09 Error position: <// numpad 0, delete last item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:10 Error Missing { 17:29:10 Error in expression <};> 17:29:10 Error position: <};> 17:29:10 Error Missing { 17:29:10 Error in expression <};> 17:29:10 Error position: <};> 17:29:10 Error Missing { 17:29:10 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:10 Error position: <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: furniture 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw 20170106> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw 17:29:10 Suspending not allowed in this context 17:29:10 Error in expression <sleep 10;> 17:29:10 Error position: <sleep 10;> 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem => 17:29:10 Error position: <=> 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem = > 17:29:10 Error position: <= > 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem => 17:29:10 Error position: <=> 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_keys = > 17:29:10 Error position: <= > 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <_ctrl = _this select 3;> 17:29:10 Error position: <select 3;> 17:29:10 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:29:10 Error in expression <_alt = _this select 4;> 17:29:10 Error position: <select 4;> 17:29:10 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:29:10 Error in expression <_key = _this select 1;> 17:29:10 Error position: <select 1;> 17:29:10 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:29:10 Error in expression <if (_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:29:10 Error position: <_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrl 17:29:10 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:29:10 Error position: <_key do> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _key 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 [312368,5483.7,0,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=TPW, missionVersion=52, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=true, didJIP=false"] 17:29:10 [312368,5483.73,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] 17:29:10 [312368,5483.74,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."] 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] spawn tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem 17:29:11 Mission id: 5c0be7d91b83551b393c106c05b7c4814346655b I copied the script into a file I called tpw.sqf, then in the init of the player I put this exec "tpw.sqf"; The hint with the code showed up and I had a chair floating in front of me, but I couldn't alter its position. 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tpw 2315 Posted February 9, 2017 47 minutes ago, Savage_Donkey said: Well I gave it a go, but it didn't work for me. However, I did notice a bunch of rpt spam: Hide contents 17:20:31 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:31 Error position: <PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:31 Error Missing ; 17:20:31 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:20:31 Error position: <20170106> 17:20:31 Error Missing ; 17:20:31 Error in expression <*/> 17:20:31 Error position: <*/> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Items> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Items> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// vars> 17:20:31 Error position: <// vars> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Initial invisible item> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Initial invisible item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Update item display> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Update item display> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:20:31 Error position: <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:20:31 Error position: <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Delete last placed item > 17:20:31 Error position: <// Delete last placed item > 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <// Key detector > 17:20:31 Error position: <// Key detector > 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <& time > tpw_furniture_lastchange) then > 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_index < 0) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <re_index > tpw_furniture_itemcount) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle < 0) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:31 Error position: <// arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle > 360) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <}; > 17:20:31 Error position: <}; > 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item height> 17:20:31 Error position: <// pageup, increase item height> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item height> 17:20:31 Error position: <// pagedown, decrease item height> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_height < 0) then> 17:20:31 Error position: <> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <}; > 17:20:31 Error position: <}; > 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:20:31 Error position: <//numpad enter, place item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last item> 17:20:31 Error position: <// numpad 0, delete last item> 17:20:31 Error Invalid number in expression 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:31 Error in expression <};> 17:20:31 Error position: <};> 17:20:31 Error Missing { 17:20:32 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:32 Error position: <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: furniture 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw 20170106> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw 17:20:32 Suspending not allowed in this context 17:20:32 Error in expression <sleep 10;> 17:20:32 Error position: <sleep 10;> 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem => 17:20:32 Error position: <=> 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem = > 17:20:32 Error position: <= > 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem => 17:20:32 Error position: <=> 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_keys = > 17:20:32 Error position: <= > 17:20:32 Error Generic error in expression 17:20:32 Error in expression <_ctrl = _this select 3;> 17:20:32 Error position: <select 3;> 17:20:32 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:20:32 Error in expression <_alt = _this select 4;> 17:20:32 Error position: <select 4;> 17:20:32 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:20:32 Error in expression <_key = _this select 1;> 17:20:32 Error position: <select 1;> 17:20:32 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:20:32 Error in expression <if (_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:20:32 Error position: <_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrl 17:20:32 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:20:32 Error position: <_key do> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: _key 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 [294684,4965.94,0,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=TPW, missionVersion=52, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=true, didJIP=false"] 17:20:32 [294684,4966.03,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] 17:20:32 [294684,4966.07,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."] 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] spawn tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem 17:20:32 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:20:32 Error position: <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:20:32 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:20:32 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:20:32 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:20:32 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem 17:20:36 Mission id: 8a7b2ddca6ec40b1fb1a6e066b12d478547c5dea 17:20:36 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Offroad_01_sport_F, 17:20:37 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Hatchback_01_rallye_F, 17:20:44 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_SUV_01_sport_F, 17:20:45 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Hatchback_01_sportF, 17:20:48 Cannot create non-ai vehicle C_Hatchback_01_rallye_F, 17:24:03 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_dirt_6.wss not found !!! 17:24:05 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_grass_03.wss not found !!! 17:25:13 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_dirt_7.wss not found !!! 17:25:19 Sound: Error: File: A3\sounds_f\characters\crawl\crawl_grass_02.wss not found !!! 17:28:13 EPE manager release (14|46|0) 17:28:13 Number of joints in scene after release: 14 17:28:13 Number of actors in scene after release: 29 17:28:13 EPE manager release (0|29|0) 17:28:13 Number of joints in scene after release: 14 17:28:13 Number of actors in scene after release: 15 17:28:14 EPE manager release (0|15|0) 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 17:28:14 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 17:28:15 [311204,5428.76,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.1.2.161105"] 17:28:15 [XEH]: Usage of deprecated Extended Event Handler "fired". Use "firedBIS" instead. Path: @BCP\bin\config.bin\Extended_Fired_EventHandlers\All. 17:28:15 [311204,5429.18,0,"XEH: PreInit finished."] 17:29:05 Starting mission: 17:29:05 Mission file: TPW 17:29:05 Mission world: Altis 17:29:05 Mission directory: C:\Users\Crist\Documents\Arma 3\missions\TPW.Altis\ 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_list 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpreinit 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listpostinit 17:29:07 Attempt to override final function - bis_functions_listrecompile 17:29:08 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missiontaskslocal 17:29:08 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionconversationslocal 17:29:08 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_missionflow 17:29:08 [312365,5482.13,0,"XEH: PreInit started. v3.1.2.161105"] 17:29:08 [XEH]: Usage of deprecated Extended Event Handler "fired". Use "firedBIS" instead. Path: @BCP\bin\config.bin\Extended_Fired_EventHandlers\All. 17:29:08 [312365,5482.52,0,"XEH: PreInit finished."] 17:29:09 Error in expression </*> 17:29:09 Error position: </*> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:09 Error position: <PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:09 Error Missing ; 17:29:09 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:29:09 Error position: <20170106> 17:29:09 Error Missing ; 17:29:09 Error in expression <*/> 17:29:09 Error position: <*/> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Items> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Items> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// vars> 17:29:09 Error position: <// vars> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Initial invisible item> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Initial invisible item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Update item display> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Update item display> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Place item in building, write co-ordi> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:29:09 Error position: <//sleep 1; // allow item time to settle> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:29:09 Error position: <// Write to clipboard in format that can> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Delete last placed item > 17:29:09 Error position: <// Delete last placed item > 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <// Key detector > 17:29:09 Error position: <// Key detector > 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <& time > tpw_furniture_lastchange) then > 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow up, scroll back through items> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_index < 0) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow down, scroll down through item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <re_index > tpw_furniture_itemcount) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle < 0) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:09 Error position: <// arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_angle > 360) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <}; > 17:29:09 Error position: <}; > 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item height> 17:29:09 Error position: <// pageup, increase item height> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item height> 17:29:09 Error position: <// pagedown, decrease item height> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <if (tpw_furniture_height < 0) then> 17:29:09 Error position: <> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <}; > 17:29:09 Error position: <}; > 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:29:09 Error position: <//numpad enter, place item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last item> 17:29:09 Error position: <// numpad 0, delete last item> 17:29:09 Error Invalid number in expression 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:09 Error Missing { 17:29:09 Error in expression <};> 17:29:09 Error position: <};> 17:29:10 Error Missing { 17:29:10 Error in expression <};> 17:29:10 Error position: <};> 17:29:10 Error Missing { 17:29:10 Error in expression <};> 17:29:10 Error position: <};> 17:29:10 Error Missing { 17:29:10 Error in expression <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:10 Error position: <FURNITURE PLACEMENT SCRIPT> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: furniture 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw 20170106> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw 20170106> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw 17:29:10 Suspending not allowed in this context 17:29:10 Error in expression <sleep 10;> 17:29:10 Error position: <sleep 10;> 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem => 17:29:10 Error position: <=> 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem = > 17:29:10 Error position: <= > 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem => 17:29:10 Error position: <=> 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <tpw_furniture_fnc_keys = > 17:29:10 Error position: <= > 17:29:10 Error Generic error in expression 17:29:10 Error in expression <_ctrl = _this select 3;> 17:29:10 Error position: <select 3;> 17:29:10 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:29:10 Error in expression <_alt = _this select 4;> 17:29:10 Error position: <select 4;> 17:29:10 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:29:10 Error in expression <_key = _this select 1;> 17:29:10 Error position: <select 1;> 17:29:10 Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry 17:29:10 Error in expression <if (_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:29:10 Error position: <_ctrl && _alt && time > tpw_furniture_la> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ctrl 17:29:10 Error in expression <switch _key do> 17:29:10 Error position: <_key do> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _key 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 200: // arrow up, scroll back throu> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 208: // arrow down, scroll down th> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem; > 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 203: // arrow left, rotate left> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 205: // arrow right, rotate right> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 [312368,5483.7,0,"XEH: PostInit started. MISSIONINIT: missionName=TPW, missionVersion=52, worldName=Altis, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false, CBA_isHeadlessClient=false, hasInterface=true, didJIP=false"] 17:29:10 [312368,5483.73,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] 17:29:10 [312368,5483.74,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."] 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 201: // pageup, increase item heigh> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 209: // pagedown, decrease item hei> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_updateitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 156: //numpad enter, place item> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] spawn tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_placeitem 17:29:10 Error in expression <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:29:10 Error position: <case 82: // numpad 0, delete last ite> 17:29:10 Error Foreign error: Invalid switch block 17:29:10 Error in expression <0 = [] call tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:29:10 Error position: <tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem;> 17:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem 17:29:11 Mission id: 5c0be7d91b83551b393c106c05b7c4814346655b I copied the script into a file I called tpw.sqf, then in the init of the player I put this exec "tpw.sqf"; The hint with the code showed up and I had a chair floating in front of me, but I couldn't alter its position. The script works fine here mate. Judging by the rpt it looks like you might not have copied the very first line of the script, which is a /* Please try copy pasting the full script again and let me know if the problem persists, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_Donkey 243 Posted February 10, 2017 1 hour ago, tpw said: The script works fine here mate. Judging by the rpt it looks like you might not have copied the very first line of the script, which is a /* Please try copy pasting the full script again and let me know if the problem persists, Still no go. I've copied the original script word for word several times, but a script error keeps showing up with "undefined variable in expression tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem" and I have the same problems as before. I've uploaded the scenario file here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 10, 2017 13 minutes ago, Savage_Donkey said: Still no go. I've copied the original script word for word several times, but a script error keeps showing up with "undefined variable in expression tpw_furniture_fnc_deleteitem" and I have the same problems as before. I've uploaded the scenario file here. I just downloaded your scenario and added a playable unit in Eden. I previewed the scenario and called the script with [] execvm "tpw.sqf" and it all worked fine. Are you on dev branch? Any other mods running? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_Donkey 243 Posted February 10, 2017 22 minutes ago, tpw said: I just downloaded your scenario and added a playable unit in Eden. I previewed the scenario and called the script with [] execvm "tpw.sqf" and it all worked fine. Are you on dev branch? Any other mods running? I changed the init to nul = [] execVM "tpw.sqf"; and it worked. Thanks for the suggestion. Also would you consider adding more furniture to the selections? If I inserted more classes into the script, would the template still be usable? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted February 10, 2017 1 minute ago, Savage_Donkey said: I changed the init to nul = [] execVM "tpw.sqf"; and it worked. Thanks for the suggestion. Also would you consider adding more furniture to the selections? If I inserted more classes into the script, would the template still be usable? Glad you got it happening. Feel free to add whatever other furniture and objects you'd like, TPW FURNITURE will spawn whatever you put in there. All I ask is that you don't use mod content, so that your templates will be usable by everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xon2 102 Posted February 10, 2017 Johnnyboy's script looks nice enough. Though there seems to be a good deal of zigzagging going on as well, but i have not yet given it a go. After feeling compelled to altering a steam workshop mission i am finally able to open pbo's....yipiie i guess I guess i should take a look at your boat and air (scripts?) sqf files to at least try to get some grasp how that stuff works. Maybe that bloody brain of mine comes up with something... So i guess the most interesting part is the section 'water waypoints'? Just a short question (so i can be disappointed from the get go and not get my hopes up too much): Does the island 'map code' contain info on where harbors and jetties are located, so that one could set these as spawn locations from where boats start and end the trips? If there's no info on that, could simple map coordinates be used as start and ending points? All way finding mishaps aside: Lets imagine, player is within 1000m of water, boat is being spawned at a jetty/harbour not too far away. Boat travels to a random not too distant jetty/harbour. ''Pathfinding issues could maybe overcome if the spawing direction as in degrees was fixed for each spawing location ( no need to turn inside harbour area and getting stuck in the landing or such) and all waypoints were fixed coordinates.'' .....and as i just now tested again....the boat ai is till dumb as fuck. It still cannot go into reverse and gets stuck at every little structure inside a harbour. Its gonna be really tricky to get boats do anything resembling a realistic travel pattern. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arma131 9 Posted February 10, 2017 Hi tpw, Unfortunately more undefined variable errors popped up: 17:29:34 Error in expression <-2.64746,0.184475],19.4736]]]; _items = _templates select floor random count _te> 17:29:34 Error position: <_templates select floor random count _te> 17:29:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: _templates 17:29:34 File TPW_MODS\tpw_furniture.sqf, line 122 17:29:34 Error in expression < _item enablesimulation false; } count _items; _bld setvariable ["tpw_spawned",> 17:29:34 Error position: <_items; _bld setvariable ["tpw_spawned",> 17:29:34 Error Undefined variable in expression: _items 17:29:34 File TPW_MODS\tpw_furniture.sqf, line 509 18:24:44 Error in expression <ount tpw_civ_houses))); _wppos = getpos _house; _wp =_sqname addWaypoint [_wppos> 18:24:44 Error position: <_house; _wp =_sqname addWaypoint [_wppos> 18:24:44 Error Undefined variable in expression: _house 18:24:44 File TPW_MODS\tpw_civs.sqf, line 196 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites