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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Hi TPW, I was wondering how much work would be involved in getting your mod to recognise CUP for middle eastern civilian spawning? Using CAF aggressors for middle eastern civs is becoming problematic as that mod has not been updated in a very long time, and I believe CUP has almost all the same items in it.

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7 hours ago, ineptaphid said:

Hi TPW, I was wondering how much work would be involved in getting your mod to recognise CUP for middle eastern civilian spawning? Using CAF aggressors for middle eastern civs is becoming problematic as that mod has not been updated in a very long time, and I believe CUP has almost all the same items in it.

I was thinking the same thing the other day when I saw that autigergrad had released the takistani civs for cup. I will look into adding this. 

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15 hours ago, tpw said:

I was thinking the same thing the other day when I saw that autigergrad had released the takistani civs for cup. I will look into adding this. 



You can try something like this to get all civilians, cars, and air that's loaded on players pc.


	private ["_cfgArray","_cfgVehicles"];
	_CIVMen = [];
	_CIVAir = [];
	_CIVCar = [];

	_cfgArray = "(
	    (getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2) &&
	    	getNumber (_x >> 'side') == 3
	)" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");

	_cfgVehicles = [];

		_cfgVehicles pushBack (configName _x)
	} forEach _cfgArray;

	for "_c" from 0 to (count _cfgVehicles - 1) do {
		private ["_current"];
		_current = _cfgVehicles select _c;

		if (_current iskindof "Man") then {

			_CIVMen pushBack _current;

		if (_current iskindof "Air") then {

			_CIVAir pushBack _current;

		if (_current iskindof "Car") then {

			_CIVCar pushBack _current;



use this to see what all it got:

hint str [_CIVMen,_CIVAir,_CIVCar]; //or

CopyToClipboard str [_CIVMen,_CIVAir,_CIVCar];


This is what it gives me on my PC:





Hope this helps. Always loved your mods

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5 hours ago, mikey74 said:



You can try something like this to get all civilians, cars, and air that's loaded on players pc.


	private ["_cfgArray","_cfgVehicles"];
	_CIVMen = [];
	_CIVAir = [];
	_CIVCar = [];

	_cfgArray = "(
	    (getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2) &&
	    	getNumber (_x >> 'side') == 3
	)" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");

	_cfgVehicles = [];

		_cfgVehicles pushBack (configName _x)
	} forEach _cfgArray;

	for "_c" from 0 to (count _cfgVehicles - 1) do {
		private ["_current"];
		_current = _cfgVehicles select _c;

		if (_current iskindof "Man") then {

			_CIVMen pushBack _current;

		if (_current iskindof "Air") then {

			_CIVAir pushBack _current;

		if (_current iskindof "Car") then {

			_CIVCar pushBack _current;



use this to see what all it got:

hint str [_CIVMen,_CIVAir,_CIVCar]; //or

CopyToClipboard str [_CIVMen,_CIVAir,_CIVCar];


This is what it gives me on my PC:


  Hide contents



Hope this helps. Always loved your mods

Thanks mate, this is very helpful!

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Was thinking not sure what your variables are but maybe TPW_Civillians, TPW_cars, and TPW_Air; Kinda rushed it out. Had some last minute Valentine shopping to do. lol But you can use those 3 global arrays to call up what you need. If you need to match factions it will take a bit more work, but I can probably get you pointed on the right direction on that and let your expertise blow it outa the water. ;)



ohhhh I forgot I have a script with what I sent you that makes planes use airports. They will fly from one airport to another. Its not 100% working but works a little. If you want I can send that your way too. Not sure Your mod has that yet?



lol You probably wont want those airport scripts, but if you do can confirm it works on Tonoa(except AI has problem in one of the major airports navigating), Altis, Cherneruas, Isla Duala(had to flinagle it but works), Panthera, but not on Sahrani. Let me know I'll need to clean it up a bit and put notes though. lol

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4 hours ago, mikey74 said:

Was thinking not sure what your variables are but maybe TPW_Civillians, TPW_cars, and TPW_Air; Kinda rushed it out. Had some last minute Valentine shopping to do. lol But you can use those 3 global arrays to call up what you need. If you need to match factions it will take a bit more work, but I can probably get you pointed on the right direction on that and let your expertise blow it outa the water. ;)



ohhhh I forgot I have a script with what I sent you that makes planes use airports. They will fly from one airport to another. Its not 100% working but works a little. If you want I can send that your way too. Not sure Your mod has that yet?



lol You probably wont want those airport scripts, but if you do can confirm it works on Tonoa(except AI has problem in one of the major airports navigating), Altis, Cherneruas, Isla Duala(had to flinagle it but works), Panthera, but not on Sahrani. Let me know I'll need to clean it up a bit and put notes though. lol

Hi mikey74.


I've now got support for CUP civs and Autigergrad's Takistani and African civs too. It's just a matter of finding a common string in each class of civs that I wanted, TPW CORE handles the rest.


TPW AIR will automatically use any aircraft it finds, so if you use CUP vehicles then you'll have CUP aircraft. TPW CARS and TPW PARK will use CUP civilian vehicles if you add the string "CIV" to tpw_car_include / tpw_park_include in the HPP


eg  tpw_car_include [] = {"RDS","LOP_", "CIV"}; // will use RDS civ vehicles, Leight's civilian vehicles, CUP civilian vehicles if these mods are active.


I won't lie, I'm more than happy with TPW AIR for aircraft ambience and am not sure the extra hassle of airport style functionality is worth it for TPW AIR. But send the scripts anyway and I'll have a looksee.


Thanks again for your input, much appreciated.

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Tested with only TPW Mods and the CARS Module enabled (ofc CBA as well)

This is an issue only with the CARS Module

As can been seen in one of the gifs this makes running people over rather annoying

Also the car doesn't even need to be moving I can just shoot at it


So if I'm using a car as cover.. :|

Hope you can fix it soon and love your mod :)

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Hi s

30 minutes ago, stormwatchdog said:



Tested with only TPW Mods and the CARS Module enabled (ofc CBA as well)

This is an issue only with the CARS Module

As can been seen in one of the gifs this makes running people over rather annoying

Also the car doesn't even need to be moving I can just shoot at it


So if I'm using a car as cover.. :|

Hope you can fix it soon and love your mod :)

Hi mate, thank you for blowing your first post on my mod!


TPW CARS was recently updated so that footbound units could not be run over by cars - to compensate for the execrable AI pathfinding and collision avoidance. This happens by hiding units within 3m of a moving car so that they become collision disabled. I hadn't realised players such as our good self were so keen on running over other units, but I have now adjusted it so that the player's vehicle can now do just that. 


I never realised that shot vehicles picked up any speed, this briefly turns the shot vehicle into a moving vehicle which then causes nearby units to disappear. Thanks for the heads up, I've also got a workaround in place for that too.


I'll release the updates at the end of the week along with a few other things.


Thanks again stormwatchdog 


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Might be pushing my luck here.. perhaps add an option to enable or disable this part of TPW CARS?

I'd rather just have the unit ran over than phase through the car for the immersion sake.

Also side note you don't need to be in the direct path of the vehicle they could just drive right beside a unit and they'll disappear.


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Ehm, so i am pretty happy with my 'very light' tpw setup for SP at the moment. One thing concerning cars while we're at it. So i have nocombat spawn enabled (default). This does not deter already spawned cars to enter the combat area i reckon? I think it feels odd when during a firefight civilian cars keep following their planned waypoints only changing their route when coming directly under fire. Let me know whether i got that wrong.


If possible, could you alter tpw cars so that already spawned cars stay out of the area of combat zones? If a firefight develops in a specific area, either set new waypoints for cars that would otherwise enter said zone. Or maybe more simple: if combat happens, all waypoints get deletes and new ones are set avoiding the combat area. That mechanic would probably mean you somehow need to define what a combat area is and somehow have a logic that is able to place waypoints clear of that.


Anyway, what you guys think, u feel this is more realistic, or is it better the way it works atm? 

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4 hours ago, stormwatchdog said:



Might be pushing my luck here.. perhaps add an option to enable or disable this part of TPW CARS?

I'd rather just have the unit ran over than phase through the car for the immersion sake.

Also side note you don't need to be in the direct path of the vehicle they could just drive right beside a unit and they'll disappear.


I guess it's a matter of which you think is immersion killing - units unable to be mown down by shithouse AI drivers, or numerous units killed by AI drivers that have no hesitation mowing down anyone in their way. I know which I prefer.


I'm pretty hesitant to make changes that require a change to the whole TPW config HPP, but for the next release I have added an extra variable tpw_car_nocollision , and its equivalent for TPW SKIRMISH tpw_skirmish_nocollision . Set this to false and AI drivers can kill as many people as you see fit.

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2 hours ago, xon2 said:

Ehm, so i am pretty happy with my 'very light' tpw setup for SP at the moment. One thing concerning cars while we're at it. So i have nocombat spawn enabled (default). This does not deter already spawned cars to enter the combat area i reckon? I think it feels odd when during a firefight civilian cars keep following their planned waypoints only changing their route when coming directly under fire. Let me know whether i got that wrong.


If possible, could you alter tpw cars so that already spawned cars stay out of the area of combat zones? If a firefight develops in a specific area, either set new waypoints for cars that would otherwise enter said zone. Or maybe more simple: if combat happens, all waypoints get deletes and new ones are set avoiding the combat area. That mechanic would probably mean you somehow need to define what a combat area is and somehow have a logic that is able to place waypoints clear of that.


Anyway, what you guys think, u feel this is more realistic, or is it better the way it works atm? 

Currently vehicles spawned by TPW CARS will stop if they are closer than 50m to the player and there's gunfire (gunfire is determined by a function in TPW SOAP, so you need this running), and the script will subsequently perform its garbage collection to get rid of the immobilised cars. In my experience this stops civ cars from directly getting in the way of the player during firefights. I can always extend the radius to say 200m which will pretty much ensure that this happens. I'm not that keen on frigging around defining combat areas and new waypoints, so this should achieve much the same outcome. Let me know what you think.       

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hey tpw, is this the lines you were talking about?


car = tpw_car_cararray select _i;
                if (_car distance player < 50) then
                    dostop (driver _car); // stop the car, eventually it'll be deleted as appropriate


If so, can i change that to a higher value to test out which i personally like the best, or do i need to change more than that? By the way, is car spawning totally random from the allowed pool of civilian+rds etc. cars? I often have the feeling that it spawns different vehicles from the same classname. Like at times there is a lot of trucks driving around, 10mins later its a lot of rds cars, you get the idea. Is that just coincidence and i am seeing things, or is that by design for performance reasons?


Sorry to be nagging about this small stuff. I am just so in love with what this mods brings to the game:f:

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7 hours ago, tpw said:

Currently vehicles spawned by TPW CARS will stop if they are closer than 50m to the player and there's gunfire (gunfire is determined by a function in TPW SOAP, so you need this running), and the script will subsequently perform its garbage collection to get rid of the immobilised cars. In my experience this stops civ cars from directly getting in the way of the player during firefights. I can always extend the radius to say 200m which will pretty much ensure that this happens. I'm not that keen on frigging around defining combat areas and new waypoints, so this should achieve much the same outcome. Let me know what you think.       

Just for a heads up, I use a little known mod  that avoids killing friendly units when they get knocked down but you can still run over enemies. It's called Liability Insurance by Rydigier. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27485 


They still get knocked down but will get up again.

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3 hours ago, xon2 said:

hey tpw, is this the lines you were talking about?


car = tpw_car_cararray select _i;
                if (_car distance player < 50) then
                    dostop (driver _car); // stop the car, eventually it'll be deleted as appropriate


If so, can i change that to a higher value to test out which i personally like the best, or do i need to change more than that? By the way, is car spawning totally random from the allowed pool of civilian+rds etc. cars? I often have the feeling that it spawns different vehicles from the same classname. Like at times there is a lot of trucks driving around, 10mins later its a lot of rds cars, you get the idea. Is that just coincidence and i am seeing things, or is that by design for performance reasons?Sorry to be nagging about this small stuff. I am just so in love with what this mods brings to the game:f:

It's not nagging at all mate, TPW MODS only improves because people take the time to point out shortcoming and bugs, and make suggestions. 


You've identified the correct code to change, please let me know how you get on.


Cars are definitely spawned randomly, the human brain has an immense talent for pattern recognition even if there isn't one!

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correct on the 'pattern issue'...i let u know when i start seeing white mice. I try increaseing said value and let u know how things go.

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2 hours ago, alky_lee said:

Just for a heads up, I use a little known mod  that avoids killing friendly units when they get knocked down but you can still run over enemies. It's called Liability Insurance by Rydigier. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27485 


They still get knocked down but will get up again.

Thanks alky_lee. I originally was toying with a similar concept but found that having my squad continually knocked down was just as bloody annoying, even if they weren't necessarily being killed. With the current implementation I at least don't have to look over my shoulder and or run for cover every time a car hoves into view.

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Hey guys, thanks a lot for this great mod!


I'm currently working on a new mission and wanted to integrate some stuff from TPW directly into it. I don't know if it's ok to use it that way, but if I get your permission to do so, I'll need some advice. I want to include the middleeast ambience sound pack using tpw_soap script. As I can see in the script, there are only some sounds which need to be declared in CfgSounds, others are defined directly via:

format = ["path\to\sounds\X.ogg"]....

For testing I extracted and copied the sounds from the right addon pbo file into my mission folder and changed the sound paths to match it. But the sounds aren't played, and in the rpt logs it says i.e. "Sound: Error: File: sounds\tpw_sounds\sounds\dog20.ogg not found !!!". 

Do I have to define them in CfgSounds class or any other similar one?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Godis_1

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22 hours ago, Godis_1 said:

Hey guys, thanks a lot for this great mod!


I'm currently working on a new mission and wanted to integrate some stuff from TPW directly into it. I don't know if it's ok to use it that way, but if I get your permission to do so, I'll need some advice. I want to include the middleeast ambience sound pack using tpw_soap script. As I can see in the script, there are only some sounds which need to be declared in CfgSounds, others are defined directly via:

format = ["path\to\sounds\X.ogg"]....

For testing I extracted and copied the sounds from the right addon pbo file into my mission folder and changed the sound paths to match it. But the sounds aren't played, and in the rpt logs it says i.e. "Sound: Error: File: sounds\tpw_sounds\sounds\dog20.ogg not found !!!". 

Do I have to define them in CfgSounds class or any other similar one?


Thanks in advance!

Hi Godis_1. The same rules apply to you as everyone else - you're free to use my stuff as you see fit (within reason) provided you acknowledge the authors, in this case me and autigergrad. I don't have the time or desire to trawl around seeing if people respect this simple request (many don't I suspect), so I'm trusting you on this.


Now that's out of the way :) 


In order for TPW SOAP to work properly, you need 3 pbos:  TPW_AMBIENCE.pbo, TPW_AZAN.pbo and TPW_SOUNDS.pbo. The error you're seeing is because TPW SOAP causes dogs to bark when there's nearby gunfire, and the dog sounds are in TPW _SOUNDS.pbo. You'll need to unpack the samples you want from all of these pbos if you want to create a self contained mission without external dependencies.


TPW SOAP expects a given number of sound files in a given file order so that it can assign play lengths to them. If you only use a subset of the middle east sounds you'll need to address this in the code.   


Lastly, I always advise people who release mission or mods based on my work to let people know to disable the relevant TPW MOD, in your case TPW SOAP, to prevent interference.

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TPW MODS 20170216: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_MODS_20170216.zip



  • [CARS 1.52, SKIRMISH 1.38] All civilian cars will stop is there is gunfire around the player. Player vehicles can now flatten footbound units. Units should no longer briefly disappear when nearby cars are shot at. Collision removal may now be disabled by setting the variables tpw_car_nocollision = false and tpw_skirmish_nocollision = false.
  • [CIVS 1.52] "Chimp walking" civilians stuck in crouch walk will be removed. Civilian interaction is now disabled by default in the HPP.
  • [CORE 1.32] Added support for CUP civilians on European/Greek maps, and appropriate support for CUP Takistani / CUP African civilians if using Autigergrad's Takistani Civilians for CUP / African Factions for CUP respectively.
  • [FURNITURE 1.04] Added furniture template for Tanoa "Land_House_Small_05_F". Improved random template selection code, additional fuel station templates provided by Savage_Donkey.
  • [HUD 1.61] Optimised unit scanning code. Unit/marker scanning may be toggled using CTRL-ALT-U.
  • [SKIRMISH 1.38] Fixed sporadic undefined variable errors.
  • [SOAP 1.10] Additional Tanoan crowd ambience, many thanks to Autigergrad for offering me these samples.

No rest for the wicked.

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Thanks for the update, tpw! Dropbox is giving me a 404, is that an issue on my end?


Edit: tried again after Savage_Donkey's reply and it worked now. All good so off I go to shoot some folks :)

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59 minutes ago, Biflioi said:

Thanks for the update, tpw! Dropbox is giving me a 404, is that an issue on my end?

It worked fine for me.

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20 hours ago, tpw said:

Hi Godis_1. The same rules apply to you as everyone else - you're free to use my stuff as you see fit (within reason) provided you acknowledge the authors, in this case me and autigergrad. I don't have the time or desire to trawl around seeing if people respect this simple request (many don't I suspect), so I'm trusting you on this.


Now that's out of the way :) 


In order for TPW SOAP to work properly, you need 3 pbos:  TPW_AMBIENCE.pbo, TPW_AZAN.pbo and TPW_SOUNDS.pbo. The error you're seeing is because TPW SOAP causes dogs to bark when there's nearby gunfire, and the dog sounds are in TPW _SOUNDS.pbo. You'll need to unpack the samples you want from all of these pbos if you want to create a self contained mission without external dependencies.


TPW SOAP expects a given number of sound files in a given file order so that it can assign play lengths to them. If you only use a subset of the middle east sounds you'll need to address this in the code.   


Lastly, I always advise people who release mission or mods based on my work to let people know to disable the relevant TPW MOD, in your case TPW SOAP, to prevent interference.

Thx for the answer. Well, I am of course giving credits and keeping your rules on this - otherwise I wouldn't have asked ;-)
Ok, I don't know, maybe I didn't explain it exactly. I actually DID extract the related stuff from those PBOs and I defined those sounds in CfgSounds class which aren't defined with direct paths inside the script. And these sounds are working (player radio, i.e.) but the other sounds, like the mideast ambience ones and animal sounds are just not playing. The RPT log says it couldn't find them in the given path - even though they're existing there, and I also changed the path to those sound files to match the defined path inside the script. My question was:

If a sound is defined in the script like this: 

format = ["path\to\sounds\X.ogg"]....

do I still have to define it within the CfgSounds/CfgSFX classes in this particular case? Because they aren't played in the mission and RPT log says it cannot find the related .ogg files (BUT they are there in fact! The path is correctly defined in script, everything should be fine actually - but it doesn't work for some reason.... And yes, I extracted all sounds from all related PBOs as I mentioned in my very first post already. I just think when I define a direct path to an OGG file inside the script, then I don't have to define it in any Cfg class - is this correct? If so, then I really don't know why it cannot find the sounds... And I am not an SQF noob, but just not sure in this case. And actually I am asking you this because if it turns out I would have to define every single sound file in description.ext (or any other .hpp file containing sound classes definitions), this would be a LOT of writing work :D However, I think my description of my problem should be clear to understand now. Thank you for your hard work btw. ;-)






TPW SOAP expects a given number of sound files in a given file order so that it can assign play lengths to them. If you only use a subset of the middle east sounds you'll need to address this in the code.


I'm sorry, I didn't read it carefull enough! By addressing this in the code, does this mean I'll have to define each single sound file in the CfgSounds class in example? If so, I'm still curious why there's a path defined to these files inside the soap script (see code quote in my first post)

Edited by Godis_1

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