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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Animation speed changes are achieved at a config level and can't be disabled. But they can be set back to the defaults. tpw_mods.hpp has default values as comments next to each animation speed. Alternatively, just remove animspeed.pbo.

Prototype556, please delete everything and try manually installing. If the tpw_mods.hpp is incorrect then the animation changes will be messed up.

Daantjeeuh, there is currently no provision to pass custom inits to spawned civs. They live in an array called tpw_civ_civarray, so you could always write a script that periodically assigned stuff to each _x of this array.

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Was also having movement problems. Couldn't move forward when toggled walk nor in combat pace, only when crouching.

Spent 40 minutes troubleshooting, turning on addons one after one in Play withSix until I hit TPW, then it worked.

So there's a problem with the SIX version apparently.

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Was also having movement problems. Couldn't move forward when toggled walk nor in combat pace, only when crouching.

Spent 40 minutes troubleshooting, turning on addons one after one in Play withSix until I hit TPW, then it worked.

So there's a problem with the SIX version apparently.

I'll have to say it again: while I really appreciate PW6's support for my mod, it has a very unfortunate habit of messing up configs. Please just download and manually install from the link on the 1st page.

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Yes, currently with TPW FALL a unit will always fall down if hit by a bullet/explosion. I did originally think about randomising the possibility a bit, but could agree with myself on a realistic value. Should a hit unit drop 50% of the time? 90%? etc? To my way of thinking, if someone is hit by a 5.56, 6.5 or 7.62 round they're gonna drop, regardless of what the various armchair generals on this forum might have to say about it. There's nothing more realism shattering than hitting an opponent 50m away with a round centre mass and watching him just twitch.

Yes at first I liked the twitch of Arma 3 as at least the AI were showing some reaction as opposed to Arma 2 in which they would continue doing whatever they were doing while being shot while red poofs of blood eminated from their statue-like demeanor. But the twitch now seems almost equally silly almost like they are shrugging off bullets with minor annoyance only to blast you back .01 seconds later. The fall is far better tho the only problem is it usually puts me in a more advantageous position as I tend to drop to my side, unintentionally ducking the follow up bullets and am ready to counter fire. What might be nice would be the chance to either drop weapon and/or momentarily being unable to shoot immediately due to pain, regaining trigger position etc...

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I have addtac manually set to 0 but I still get those Tactical glasses for some reason.

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Hmm, after Mogadishu Battle (i.e. Black Hawk Down) Delta Force operatives wrote in their AAR that the new 5.56 ammunition they had received for their CAR15s would pass through targets leaving them standing and still shooting even after 4 to 5 bullets, only killing them from the wounds after some time. That was actually the reason why Shughart (or Gordon, can't remember) used an old M14: it was unwieldy and kicked back as hell, but its 7.62 dropped targets on their backs consistently.

The reason was the bullets were encased in thin metal sheets (can't remember the correct terms, sorry) to aid in penetration on the metal sheets that were so common in that environment: the added penetration made bullets just pass through bodies, without delivering enough shock to the target to make him drop.

Of all this I am 100% sure about, now follow my personal knowledge on how bullet hits work.

5.56 do not drop people because of the physical force they deliver: that's just not possible from an energy point of view; they drop them bacuse of the shock the hit soldier receives in the area the bullet hits. Since our body is largely made of fluids the bullet impact creates a heavy shockwave around the hit area, seriously damaging the tissues involved.

I don't know how all this would apply in ArmA, both because MX are based on 6.something bullets, and because it's 2035 and soldier protection would probably be very advanced and different from what we have today.

I have addtac manually set to 0 but I still get those Tactical glasses for some reason.
0 may evaluate as true. You have to set it to false.


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Well, I'm not sure this is the place to discuss terminal ballistics, but if I recall correctly most FMJ 5.56 is very dependent on velocity to deal significant damage, as at high velocities (>3000ft/s? I can't remember) would fragment violently. The British, trying not to violate that whole Hague business, actually uses ammo that cannot fragment, therefore reducing overall effectiveness of their rifles, even with the long barrels bullpups offer.

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0 may evaluate as true. You have to set it to false.


I am officialy stupid. Thank you very much, it worked. :)

Edited by Salvatore_Lee

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Here something to fix :)

Error in expression < = creategroup civilian;
_civ = _sqname createUnit [_civtype,_spawnpos, [], 0, ">
Error position: <createUnit [_civtype,_spawnpos, [], 0, ">
 Error Type Number, expected String
Error in expression <rkers - 1) do
_marker = allmapmarkers select _ct;
if ((!isnil "_marker") && {g>
 Error position: <select _ct;
if ((!isnil "_marker") && {g>
 Error Zero divisor
File TPW_MODS\tpw_hud.sqf, line 723

Greets :)

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Thanks Gliptal. I'm fully aware of the physics of transferring a bullet's kinetic energy, and of the psychological shock and pain of being hit. That's why I prefer to err on the side of caution and simulate these things by having units drop when hit. More effective armour stops bullets passing through a body, but means that far more of the bullet's energy is transferred to the wearer. The physical and psychological impact of the resultant non fatal sledgehammer blow to the body is going to result in more than the default Arma3 twitch.

I hope no-one is going to insult my intelligence by telling me that BIS is modelling a future where all combatants are so hopped up on adrenaline and PCP that they literally shrug off 3-4 rounds centre mass before dropping dead on the 5th one.

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I manually installed TPW again, and I was still not able to walk. I disabled the animations.pbo and it worked like a charm, thanks!

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Ok, status report: Now it look like either false or 0 don't work again. I still get those tactical glasses. :confused:

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@Salvatore_Lee and @Prototype556: There is no reason for these errors you are seeing other than a misconfigured tpw_mods.hpp. Both movement speed and tactical glasses work as advertised for me in both script and addon versions. I wouldn't release the mod if it failed so fundamentally (annoying bugs are a different story though :) )

Please manually copy @TPW_MODS\userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp from the latest download to \your_steam_location\steamapps\common\Arma 3\userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp

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Thanks Gliptal. I'm fully aware of the physics of transferring a bullet's kinetic energy, and of the psychological shock and pain of being hit. That's why I prefer to err on the side of caution and simulate these things by having units drop when hit. More effective armour stops bullets passing through a body, but means that far more of the bullet's energy is transferred to the wearer. The physical and psychological impact of the resultant non fatal sledgehammer blow to the body is going to result in more than the default Arma3 twitch.

I hope no-one is going to insult my intelligence by telling me that BIS is modelling a future where all combatants are so hopped up on adrenaline and PCP that they literally shrug off 3-4 rounds centre mass before dropping dead on the 5th one.

IMHO, the 2035 setting is a huge hoax by BIS to put the assets they want (aka messed up factions made of mixed assets coming from totally different countries): nothing feels like it's 2035, it could as well be 2014; the closest thing to 2035 is your HUD.

I'm totally with you about the armor creating a larger shock on the wearer.

@those having problems: post your .hpps or send them to me via MP and I'll take a look! :D


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@Salvatore_Lee and @Prototype556: There is no reason for these errors you are seeing other than a misconfigured tpw_mods.hpp. Both movement speed and tactical glasses work as advertised for me in both script and addon versions. I wouldn't release the mod if it failed so fundamentally (annoying bugs are a different story though :) )

Please manually copy @TPW_MODS\userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp from the latest download to \your_steam_location\steamapps\common\Arma 3\userconfig\TPW_MODS\TPW_MODS.hpp

I second this. It works perfectly unless the TPW_MODS.hpp is misconfigured.

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Random suggestion:

- Add a random sleep to your foggy breath script.

I was playing around the other day and noticed all my units were breathing out at once. Slightly unnerving! Even a 0 - 0.25 second delay would have the incremental effect of getting breathers out of sync. :)

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Random suggestion:

- Add a random sleep to your foggy breath script.

I was playing around the other day and noticed all my units were breathing out at once. Slightly unnerving! Even a 0 - 0.25 second delay would have the incremental effect of getting breathers out of sync. :)

It shall be done, can't have Kremator freaking out now can we?!

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I freaked out Kremator once... to this day I am still in therapy :p

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@those having problems: post your .hpps or send them to me via MP and I'll take a look! :D


Welp. I redownloaded the entire folder, got rid of any old files or leftovers and used only the provided .jar file to edit the settings. Still doesn't work.

And for some reason now the walk speed has been doubled so everyone walks really, really fast. I just don't get it. Since it works for so many others, there must be something interfering with it on my end. :confused:

Gliptal, sent you a PM btw. :)

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Random suggestion:

- Add a random sleep to your foggy breath script.

I was playing around the other day and noticed all my units were breathing out at once. Slightly unnerving! Even a 0 - 0.25 second delay would have the incremental effect of getting breathers out of sync. :)

might be overkill but how about this? make the frequency of it change based on fatigue. now that would be awesome.

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might be overkill but how about this? make the frequency of it change based on fatigue. now that would be awesome.

It already does this BB. I can exaggerate the effect further if needs be.

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It already does this BB. I can exaggerate the effect further if needs be.

Yes please :)

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