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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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  tpw said:
Road segs don't have classnames, and even using surfacetype is next to useless. As I've said, the only way really is to spawn cars based on number of road segments, and that is not exactly reliable either.

Huh. Road segments do have IDs on the map when you toggle IDs on -- so they're just intangible "yep, there's a road here" and the rest is somehow compiled into the WRP? That seems awfully short-sighted on BIS' part. Also makes one of my planned mods (a city traffic system, not far removed from the one in Take On Helicopters) to be far less practical or even impossible.

Now I are sad. Emoticon.

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  SAF_Biffa said:
Vehicles still get stuck on bridges, now how old is that bug?
This has nothing to do with TPW though.


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TPW i dont know if somebody mentioned it but maybe a small word of warning on your first post as its advisable to turn of (sections of) TPW mods while following the Campaign,

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  supergruntsb78 said:
TPW i dont know if somebody mentioned it but maybe a small word of warning on your first post as its advisable to turn of (sections of) TPW mods while following the Campaign,
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Good point, I will mention this.

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  daniagver said:
i cant see civ in the city's or traffic

what i did rong?

Do u have proper folder structure?

Userconfig should not stay inside mod-folder but..in main arma3 directory

ARMA3 (folder) -> Userconfig (folder) -> TPW_MODS (folder) -> TPW_MODS.hpp (FILE/edit values with Notepad)

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  GiorgyGR said:
Do u have proper folder structure?

Userconfig should not stay inside mod-folder but..in main arma3 directory

ARMA3 (folder) -> Userconfig (folder) -> TPW_MODS (folder) -> TPW_MODS.hpp (FILE/edit values with Notepad)

yes i all ready know that and i did it

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Sorry ..there is something you are not doing "right".

I just placed only my "Player" on editor..and Altis gone "Full of life" in 30 seconds.

You must again check proper folder structure of mod+Userconfig and also proper launch parameters..

Proper Addon-folder position will be:

ARMA3 (folder) -> @TPW_MODS (folder) -> Addons (folder) -> ALL *.pbo files

Edited by GiorgyGR

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Also check the mods are active in the Extensions menu.

@TPW: Did you by any chance check some of the new animations? From a screen I've seen in the latest dev blog, it looks like there may be some new wounded ones that could go with TPW FALL.


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Once again Mr t, continuing with the theme of "If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk". Reading this,

  GiorgyGR said:
I just placed only my "Player" on editor..and Altis gone "Full of life" in 30 seconds.

I couldn't help but imagining if you took this Mod of Mods one step further, and ( Optionally of course! ) included combat. What I mean is, if you were to incorporate Shuko's intercept script into this package, right outta the box. With a handful of helpful optional parameters to boot.

The beauty of the intercept script is that it can be set up such that no matter what map you place your player (or group), no matter where you spawn, or what direction you travel, you will intermittently run into bad guys to fight with. I find this to be the perfect match for your total-package mod.

Imagine sir, a new or new-ish player, unfamiliar with the editor or scripting, who wants to fire up any map, at any time, and have it full of life, complete with a firefight every so often - and he doesn't even have to learn how to make a mission or anything. All he has to do is install TPW_MODS, and tune the Config Knobs to his liking. For the casual once-in-a-while player, it could be the only mod he ever needs.

Perhaps you had 0/1 options like

-spawning enemy foot patrol

- spawning enemy vehicle patrol

- spawning enemy armor patrol

- time between spawns

etc and so on

Just a thought.

BTW - thanks for the update on the civDeath EndMission feature. Both the 1-popUp Hint option and the 2-endMIssion option seem to be working just fine. I did see an undefined error message on the 2-endMission, but it didn't say anything about your script, it seemed to be pointing directly at BIS-fnc-EndMission (or whatever its called, I'm typing that from memory).

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Has anyone else found TPW to block campaign progress at the 'explosive' start of the second mission?

Could the ragdoll-hit thing from TPW fall be affecting death triggers?

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  maturin said:
Has anyone else found TPW to block campaign progress at the 'explosive' start of the second mission?

Could the ragdoll-hit thing from TPW fall be affecting death triggers?

Mine played through just fine, however I did find it odd to have civs driving around on the island when the roads are "shut down" as they talked about in the story line. lol

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If you like X script, just go ahead and use it. You can run several scripts/systems at the same time.

Also, for Ambient Combat, spunFIN has an awesome script package for that. Give it a whirl.

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@Goblin - I do like X script, and I have been using it. Also, I have been aware for years that you can run multiple scripts at the same time, and I always do. Also, I wasn't speaking of ambient combat, but nonetheless, I'm aware of the script you mentioned, and I've even spoken about it to him in his Armaholic thread, months ago. I'm not sure what about my post led you to the assumptions you made.

I was simply stating how close this mod is to being an 'all a new/casual player ever needs' kind of thing. As in

1) buy A3

2) install TPW

3) ?

4) go play

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  R.Flagg said:
@Goblin - I do like X script, and I have been using it. Also, I have been aware for years that you can run multiple scripts at the same time, and I always do. Also, I wasn't speaking of ambient combat, but nonetheless, I'm aware of the script you mentioned, and I've even spoken about it to him in his Armaholic thread, months ago. I'm not sure what about my post led you to the assumptions you made.

I was simply stating how close this mod is to being an 'all a new/casual player ever needs' kind of thing. As in

1) buy A3

2) install TPW

3) ?

4) go play

That will leave mission makers..unemployed :D

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Is there some kind of way to reduce the amount of animals making noises... it happens so often and for so long from far away and only difference up close is that it only gets louder. It's driving me nutts.

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  ShinShin said:
Is there some kind of way to reduce the amount of animals making noises... it happens so often and for so long from far away and only difference up close is that it only gets louder. It's driving me nutts.
There is a value in the userconfig file to tailor this.


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Hi all

Sorry I have been a bit slack with the TPW MODS features and updates lately, real life has intruded and will take priority for a while. Keep the reports and suggestions coming, I will read them!

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  maturin said:
Has anyone else found TPW to block campaign progress at the 'explosive' start of the second mission?

Could the ragdoll-hit thing from TPW fall be affecting death triggers?

You mean when

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? If so, that's a bug in the campaign itself -- the mission may not progress even without any mods at all.

Or are you referring to

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? If so I haven't had any trouble, but I always turn off ragdolls (and keep TPW FALL enabled in all the other respects) because it makes the enemies jitter too much for my tastes -- it's much more rewarding watching an enemy fall over when you shoot them than watching them ragdoll while still alive.

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Yeah, gibson, I was referring to the second occasion. By the way, how do you turn off the ragdolls but still have people fall down?

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  maturin said:
Yeah, gibson, I was referring to the second occasion. By the way, how do you turn off the ragdolls but still have people fall down?

It's in the userconfig - set enable ragdoll to 0.

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Thanks for this addon!

Is there a way for me to stop the cars from using their horn? I searched the userconfig but didn't find a option.

The musical car horn breaks the atmosphere for me..

Really cool mod though!

Finally some life in the game :)

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I know this mod is SP only. But it worked for me on my dedicated server when I was the only one who enabled it. But consequently my performance was bad.

Does anyone know how to get this to work on a dedicated server?

I tried installing it as all other mods and with the userconfig but it did not work.

I only want to use tpw civ and cars.


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