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Arma 3 - Buzzard A-143 Extreme Low Flying [Montage]

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Here my First video of the new Fighter Jet Buzzard A-143

i love arma for its flying physics better then every flying sim ^^

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Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full. *chuckle* Something I should know about? KABOOM *spills coffee* Son-of-a....

Great vid! Bring on the JETS!!!

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I'm not liking how far back you are from the HUD/instrument panel at all in this plane, why is it that the pilot is pretty much lying down in the cockpit? It's pretty much like this:


Here's a photo of an L-159 ALCA which is what the "buzzard" is (that or the albatross that looks basically the same), you'll notice the pilots head isn't 4 feet away from the HUD.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Aero.L159a.arp.jpg (861 kB)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/L-159_ALCA_Czech_Air_Force.jpg (4759 kB)

Edited by clydefrog

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OMG! :O You got some skills dude! :O

:O every second of the video i was thinking "how in the hell it did not blow up!"

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Excellent video - still hoping for the ToH flight model to come back myself.... ;-)

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Thanks for the nice comments ^^ glad you all like it

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i love arma for its flying physics better then every flying sim ^^

lol is this some kind of joke? I don't care to much for sim like plane physics in the ArmA series as long as it's fun and partly believable (the standard view is no fun) but it's far from any flight sim physics.

---------- Post added at 01:46 ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 ----------

I'm not liking how far back you are from the HUD/instrument panel at all in this plane, why is it that the pilot is pretty much lying down in the cockpit? It's pretty much like this:

The actual view is close to the correct position, the problem is the field of view (BIS are trying to simulate a 3 monitor view into 1 monitor which is silly) I edited the config awhile back to a FOV similar to what I use in DCS World and it's much better. Also the chase view is terrible along with a lot of other vehicles which I changed also.

BTW nice flying Fuci, especially through the tower gap ;)

Edited by AUS_Twisted

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most flight sim dont have such detailed maps like in arma so flying looks much more realistic even if a flight sim is more accurate,

arma 2 and 3 look really good when it comes to flying, but i like arma in general

thanks AUS_Twisted

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microsoft flight simulator, x plane, and dcs have better physics, so does rise of flight(but that has different era planes) even world of warplanes has better physics and that's an arcade game.

what a stupid way to start off a topic.

most flight sim dont have such detailed maps like in arma so flying looks much more realistic even if a flight sim is more accurate,

arma 2 and 3 look really good when it comes to flying, but i like arma in general

thanks AUS_Twisted

the terrain area is also very tiny and stutters like crazy near cities while ms flight simulator basically modeled the entire planet and has no stuttering because it has multithreading.

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microsoft flight simulator, x plane, and dcs have better physics, so does rise of flight(but that has different era planes) even world of warplanes has better physics and that's an arcade game.

what a stupid way to start off a topic.

the terrain area is also very tiny and stutters like crazy near cities while ms flight simulator basically modeled the entire planet and has no stuttering because it has multithreading.

wow why so rude today?

and i played most of that games you said and they make no fun

its just a video about the new jet and low flying, sorry that i like arma

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Dont mind the guys with sand up their vagina's, they seem to be able to not stand for some reason that people can actually like this game over other games these days for some reason. Nice video, nice flying, and may i ask, how many times did you have to redo it... Cause sometimes it gets so close you had to crash somewhere. :p

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Dont mind the guys with sand up their vagina's, they seem to be able to not stand for some reason that people can actually like this game over other games these days for some reason. Nice video, nice flying, and may i ask, how many times did you have to redo it... Cause sometimes it gets so close you had to crash somewhere. :p

Thanks man ^^

the only ones i really had to redo a view time was the long street next to the big airfield and the the tower gap of corse =D lets say like 5-10 tries i really did not count it ^^

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Multi-threading aside, a single streetlight in Agia Marina has more polys than an entire city in MSFS.

lol ok

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Weird, my MSFS didn't come with any of that stuff...

and arma 2 didn't come with much of what people play in it. Point? besides the fact that you made a gross exaggeration and are now left either to admit it (like a reasonable person), try to walk it back, or come across as a blind fan boy.

---------- Post added at 13:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ----------

Here my First video of the new Fighter Jet Buzzard A-143

i love arma for its flying physics better then every flying sim ^^

Nice vid. Personally, I don't enjoy the flight model of Arma at all (at least with regards to helicopters. I don't really spend time in jets much, with the exception of DCS: A-10c)

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Hi, very good flight but a trash of plane... i would have been BIS i would have give a Yak-131 instead that crap of plane. Let's C ya

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I watched this again and i tried to fly lower with the plane, but using mouse + kb it's impossible :(

i have to ask you: do you use some kind of joystick? i wanted to set up at least the xbox 360 controller but it's a pain! :|

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lol ok


Harzach stated, "Multi-threading aside, a single streetlight in Agia Marina has more polys than an entire city in MSFS."

Your retort to that is to post a video of a very nice add-on *for* MSFS. That doesn't do anything to change what he said. What he said stands. What you quoted has nothing to do with the other.

I've been reading over the forums over the course of the last week since I picked up Arma 3 Beta. I haven't played this series since the original Flashpoint. One thing is for sure tho, there are some mean, nasty, people on here. Many of which seem to be angry that they didn't get the game they wanted as opposed to the game that was given them. This happens a lot, especially in music.

People get all hyped up, for no good reason. They just presume a lot of things and *expect* them, and when that's not what they get they start geek raging until kingdom come. "This isn't the album I wanted from them, this sucks." Doesn't matter if it's great music or not, all that matters to these self-important people is that it's not the music they *wanted*. It never occurs to them to go make the album themselves. . .even tho they can't, because they've never plucked a single string on a guitar, stroked a key on a keyboard (the music kind), picked up a drum stick, etc. Nope, the band (insert whoever here) just sucks because they didn't get what they wanted. Awesomeness be damned! lol

Fortunately for someone like me who, didn't play the last 2 versions of this game, I got what I thought I was being sold. I like this game because of the helicopters, period. The rest of the game is nice, for sure, but my particularly thing are the helos. Did I *expect* an Apache? Nope. Mostly because, even tho I've seen videos of it in Arma 2, I never saw anything in the beta to suggest there would be an Apache. From what I've been reading on the forums, I have no doubt that someone will come along with one at some point. Am I mad that BI didn't release one? Nope. As much as I'd like one, I was never sold the the idea that there would be one. Not once.

If you didn't get what you wanted (which is not the same as what they are selling) then you pretty much have no one to blame but yourself. Your expectations do not equate to reality. If you really despise what appears to be a fantastic game, you can always wait for Battlefield 4 to come out on Oct 29. Or you can go play BF3 right now. :) Black ops, CoD, whatever.

One thing is certain tho, folks. Spewing anger and rage on a forum after a games release is *not* going to get you the game you wanted. You're getting the game you were sold. If something is missing from the game, and you can show where that was a selling point, then by all means, email the devs, ask nicely why it's not there. You may get a reponse an explanation as to why its not there, or not there *yet*. Who knows. But crying everyone a river isn't going to change *squat*.

Happy Sunday, everyone. :)


To the OP. Awesome video! :) I have to figure out how to get all these different camera angles for some Helo videos. To google I go!

Edited by HazeX

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fuci, outstanding flying skills and nice video. Please try the Harrier or the A10 and the other great planes via AiA, lots of fun too. And ignore the comments from suprememodder and mobile_medic, they make tons of postings like these per day.

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I watched this again and i tried to fly lower with the plane, but using mouse + kb it's impossible :(

i have to ask you: do you use some kind of joystick? i wanted to set up at least the xbox 360 controller but it's a pain! :|

i used a xbox controller for now till i get my joystick, i also customized the layout but i used keyboard and mouse too at the beginning it just does not look so smooth

---------- Post added at 21:48 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

To the OP. Awesome video! :) I have to figure out how to get all these different camera angles for some Helo videos. To google I go!

I just asked a friend to Fly and used the Free Camera Script to record him ^^

---------- Post added at 21:49 ---------- Previous post was at 21:48 ----------

fuci, outstanding flying skills and nice video. Please try the Harrier or the A10 and the other great planes via AiA, lots of fun too. And ignore the comments from suprememodder and mobile_medic, they make tons of postings like these per day.

Thanks Hubert ^^

oh yeah i heard about AiA sure i will try it soon

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Nice video but not really impressive, anyone can do the same, sorry to say that.

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