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Cheating AI?

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The AI in this game cheats a lot. For example I was far away from the enemy in the scuba mission (the 2nd single mission) and ordered an artillery strike and after the strike hit the AI directly shot at me! I did not move or anything else, I just was prone there and they shot me like they could see me perfectly. I was really far away and behind cover so it should have been impossible for them to see me.

So I really hope there will be some balancing for the AI so they don´t have "superlook" and "see humans all the time" godmode.

I really like the style of the game so I hope the AI will be worked on in the future :)

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could be related to a bug, where AI knows your position when you kill AI with mine or grenade.

it is probably not intended and hopefully gets fixed.

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I really hope they will fix this. I try to make this mission now for over an hour but always get killed by super aiming AIs from so far away I even can´t see them, and they even see me behind rocks, grass etc. :/

Edit: Okay now its really BS. I killed the gunner on the boat, dived, dived to the island over 30 seconds under water, came out of the water far away from the camp and got shot instantly! I just can hope this is not what they intended...

Edit 2: Now I tried the vehicle mission. Having a supressor, I thougt it will work good. But no, not in Arma 3 ^^ Prone in a save, covered location, sniping supressed and guess what: got shot down instantly. Really fun *ironic* ...

Edited by Nimiria

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You should ban any AI you find cheating from your games. Or maybe have a voting system to get rid of them. AI have been getting away with this and ruining games for us for far too long.

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Im sure stuff like that will be fixed

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AI is using ESP and AIMBOT by default. Try missions on easy or what ever dificulties is there, set it on lowest. When making a mission you can set skill low or high for AI..

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You should ban any AI you find cheating from your games. Or maybe have a voting system to get rid of them. AI have been getting away with this and ruining games for us for far too long.

The Bastards!!!

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AI is using ESP and AIMBOT by default. Try missions on easy or what ever dificulties is there, set it on lowest. When making a mission you can set skill low or high for AI..

Hmm but is that the goal? Is it requestet too much for them to make a good, intelligent but not too much cheating AI? :/

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It's something that'll be sorted by the final game.

Is this confirmed somewhere? Really hoping for this so its going to be good, realistic and complex but not unfair ^^

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How did the AI SHOOT DIRECTLY at you if you allegedly "WERE BEHIND COVER"?!


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I really hope this is fixed until the game's release. Because really, even lying behind a rock, the AI can, with one or two shots at most, hit you ...is frustrating.

In fact it has more to do with AI accuracy than with AI cheating, IMO

Edited by MSILVA

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Penetration. bullets do it.

Even through rocks? Never had it happen.

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Even through rocks? Never had it happen.

Bullets dont seem to do any damage after penetration

. (Relevant action @ 0:57)

EDIT: Actually, those walls may not allow for actual penetration, though i cant be bothered to check it right now.

Also, if cover allows the penetration of bullets it should be considered concealment, not cover.

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It's something that'll be sorted by the final game.

If so, it will be the first time in the history of the series...

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They also know where ammo boxes are even if hidden behind walls, they can also take ammo from invisible ammo boxes.

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You should ban any AI you find cheating from your games. Or maybe have a voting system to get rid of them. AI have been getting away with this and ruining games for us for far too long.


There´s also the long lasting bug feature where AI shoots first at the man who killed most of them (i.e. highest rated players), leading to fun situations e.g. medics who aquired 18 kills by satchel on a full APC getting targeted first half an hour later during a firefight where the exact same medic does nothing and his MG buddys can keep firing away mostly unhampered.

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The AI in this game cheats a lot. For example I was far away from the enemy in the scuba mission (the 2nd single mission) and ordered an artillery strike and after the strike hit the AI directly shot at me! I did not move or anything else, I just was prone there and they shot me like they could see me perfectly. I was really far away and behind cover so it should have been impossible for them to see me.

So I really hope there will be some balancing for the AI so they don´t have "superlook" and "see humans all the time" godmode.

I really like the style of the game so I hope the AI will be worked on in the future :)

A lot of people were getting upset by stuff like that. It is a pretty common subject on the bug tracker so I am sure that Bohemia will address it by the time the full launch

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"cheating" is a strange way to look at the AI, but I guess it applies. I would say bad programming or lack of programming. I have seen the AI do things no human player can do. Right now the AI have problems, some pretty serious, that take away from the "fun" of the game. I just hope BI fixes this stuff before the final game is released. The AI problems are easily seen/reproduced plus the fact so many folks have posted/bug tracked them I find it hard to believe BI is not aware of the issue. Some of the AI issues are hold overs from ARMA2. All the new eye candy is nice, but having good AI ,imo, is more important.

Luckly this is still beta so there is time to get a fix on alot of these issues

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Luckly this is still beta so there is time to get a fix on alot of these issues

This phrase i getting funnier each time hear it :D

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One thing that really needs calibrating is making the AI's LOS a little more believable. Turn on Auto Report for your character and set up a town full of enemy AI, both indoors and out -you'll be calling out enemies that you never knew existed merely by panning your head at 360's. If your player character is calling them out when in actuality, they are barely to 'not really visible' at all, you can be damned sure the AI also detect you in a similar manner.

Ive been told that AI actually only "see" your head and torso -but that also means if your behind or being seen thru tremendous clutter, if a pixel of your torso/head are visible then your basically being seen plain as day. It doesn't play out as realistic or feel accurate if you don't see the AI basically go through the motions a human would do to better gauge if they see a target or not. The AI may have just seen you hiding at the side of that window by merely having his head face your direction but he then does little chicken dances that make little sense (leaving himself vulnerable) and then surprise you by headshotting you the next second. What would be preferable would be for the AI to maybe side shuffle to cover with his rifle aimed in your direction to better check you out -it would just feel more like what a human would actually do.

Edited by froggyluv

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This phrase i getting funnier each time hear it

I know but right now it is the only thing we can do is hope BI fixes some of these issues. Otherwise it will fall to some of the very talented members of this community to do what BI should have done. So luckily it is still beta and BI has time to fix these issues. Now will they is a different topic...

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Part of this is due to BIS making the same stupid mistakes. Like making beautiful tree trunks that don't block AI vision and thus ruin the game as well as your framerate.

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