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ARMA 2: OA beta build 106400 (1.62 MP compatible build, post 1.62 release)

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mirror :

+ unspecified fixes

[104648] Fix: Initialization of backpack in vehicles in MP

[103718] Fixed: AI no longer fires on targets it does not see, only is reported by other group members.

+ more BattlEye server side filters http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138736-Introducing-Server-side-Event-Logging-Blocking&p=2364961&viewfull=1#post2364961

+ fixed SSL issues with secureID http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143091-Secure-ID-progress&p=2329137#post2329137

[102678] Fixed: switchWeapon action broken (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/71136)

+ way more crash fixes both scripting and else

[102493] Fixed: execFSM/doFSM/commandFSM causes crash with non fsm file

[102469] Fixed: initAmbientLife causes a crash (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/71001)

[102440] Fixed: Smooth camera could sometimes jump very far briefly (caused crash https://dev-heaven.net/issues/32444)

+ more crash fixes including the MP fire+ground hit one

[102106] Fixed: Joystick state reset on start

[102082] Fixed: gearSlotData causes crash when no valid control is given (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/70912)

[101333] A new mission.sqm unit value forceHeadlessClient used to mark a role reserved for a HC (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/67648)

+ hotfixed crash from 101141 changes

[101141] Fixed: Scripting functions aimPos, eyePos, eyeDirection fixed for a crew (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/38606#change-152548)

[101032] New: Scripting function hasInterface to allow detecting a headless client or a dedicated server.

[100540] Fixed: Users connecting with blocked CD keys were sometimes shown "You are banned" message instead of "Bad CD Key".

+ SSL fix http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143091-Secure-ID-progress&p=2273013&viewfull=1#post2273013

+ multiple crash cases resolved (thanks to all who reported)

[100296] Fixed: MP: Player head movement using numpad keys was not visible to other players.

[100257] Fixed: ballisticsComputer uses wrong velocity (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/6823)

+ some beta regressions fixed, shall hotfix some of the often crashes of client/server seen in past weeks

+ possible slight performance increase when using BE filters

the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks

suggested to be used for server hosting as it shall be noticeably stabler

(if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files

(compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH)

BattlEye compatibility: ... SUPPORTED, enjoy ! ...

note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 103419)


Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP)

Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391

More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)

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Thanks !

But,the problem is that you mentioned nothing last two weeks :D ... i don't know ,it's running "fine" for me ! so may i ask again about 1.63 ETA ?

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Get alot of script errors with the the new patch, when i play a mission using upsmon...

The betas after 103718, either makes my game lag or gives alot script errors :-(

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Testing this betabuild in vanilla A2OA with E08 benchmark mission (Takistan) - errors/bugs in arma2oa.rpt

File ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf, line 59 Error in expression < select 2]}; _tv=abs(_xv)+abs(_yv)+abs(_zv); if (_tv>2) then {_dr=1/_tv} else {> Error position: 2) then {_dr=1/_tv} else {> Error Undefined variable in expression: _zv
File ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf, line 59 Error in expression Error position: Error Undefined variable in expression: _shards
File ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf, line 71
Error in expression 0; if (BIS_fnc_init && !_recompile) exitwith {t> Error position: Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_fnc_init File ca\Modules\Functions\init.sqf, line 28
guess the old sound issues will remain in A2OA forever eg
Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbingradio_e\radio\male02tk\default\weapons\machinegun.ogg'
Cannot load sound 'ca\dubbingradio_e\radio\male01tk\default\weapons\cannonlow.ogg'

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Fun thing, seems they changed the error_reporting level (that seems raise in 105785) back to before-state _BUT_ only for there internal scripts? -and also that only partly as it became less spamy, but not all ca\ stuff is gone yet-

Speaking of

these script issues are on schedule, but the team is atm busy with E3 and Arma 3 beta ...

As i guess _loads_ of addons/mods/maps/missions-contributors will have the same problem, is there the chance to get that controllable?

Problem to solve is that a Missiondesigner might need the -showScriptErrors - but shouldn't really be bothered with 'Faults he cant fix' that overspam the faults hes looking for.

Maybe switches to set the level in specific scopes (core, addon, mission?) or similar could help, don´t know...

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Any others experiencing radar ghosting in mp cti with the 3 latest betas?

Yes I've noticed this on 106400 and 105785, not sure if it was there before or not. In particular its on warfare be .73.2 as I play almost exclusively on a single server. However as far as I'm aware the host has not changed that mission file in months so I can't see that being a factor.

basically the radar picks up phantom resistance AI on the radar and my AI will spot it and even target it. However there's nothing actually there when I drive over

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I see radar ghosting with the last two-three betas. My AI start to attack empty space. I also notice some duplicated markers on the map. For example, I saw three friendly MHQ markers in the different parts of map at the same time.

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With this beta i get about 30 mb of this same error when game starts "Warfare BE 073.3

Worked fine with 103718

Error in expression <_this select 7} else {550};

waitUntil {townModeSet && WFBE_Parameters_Ready};


Error position: <townModeSet && WFBE_Parameters_Ready};


Error Undefined variable in expression: townmodeset

Also it made headless client crash last night

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you need define variables after "spawn" now ! ... so the missions and scripts needs to be updated accordingly (hence why I said our own A2 and OA scripts, modules, functions must be updated also)

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Anyone has a problem with AI moving through buildings in towns generated by the module? It happens to me very often lately.

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any idea what this errors can cause by?

I tried 3 older betas and server / clients run no addons or mods running latest Benny warfare and other maps

I get about 10-20 of this errors in RPT every second/

cannot use magazine XXXXX in muzzle XXXXXX

Edited by johnsm

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Says ACR is not installed and installation aborts.. Do I have to have the ACR DLC for this patch???

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