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United States Colonial Marines

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Good news everyone, I got the sounds working again. I'll be tidying it up and packing it for a release soonish.

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Freaking A! I missed those space-badasses a lot! Now I can use the awesome M41 to waste some CSAT and raptors lol


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Yay!!!! Thanks a lot B00ce! Now we only need aliens for arma3 =D

(ok, CSAT are already alienlike so....)


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Cool, looking forward to the Dropship myself :D

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Thanks for the support and the mirror. Work continues and I've started remaking the M41 (Among other things) because the current one was made entirely in O2 and we all know how wonderful of a program it is for making things from scratch. :rolleyes:


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New mod 0.0.2 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:



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Thanks for the mirror on Six.

Here's tonight's progress on the pulse rifle. (The sights will actually be useful this time. :yay:)


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Looking good B00ce. Will you also make the M41A capable of mounting scopes and other accessories as well as Joint Rails compatible?

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Took a break last night and most of today... For obvious reasons. :rolleyes:

Got a little progress to show.


Happy New Year folks.

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Here's tonight's progress on the pulse rifle. (The sights will actually be useful this time. :yay:)

Great I was going to post some feedback on this - current sights are tough to use :) Otherwise looking good can't wait to see the rest of it!!

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Needs moar pauldrons!

Still, Im happy to see this. The motion tracker idea: I remember that there was a script for Arma 2 that added a simple radar that updated in bleeps, dont remember the name though.

BTW: Check this out! Maybe it gives you some idea ;)

EDIT: I just did a simple sweep&clear style mission using your marines. Ive got to say that the Pulse Rifle is pretty damn OP. The 95 round magazine is really something else. Just 10 marines were able to clear an urban area of about 25 enemy soldiers with only 3 casualties (including my stupid ass 2 times). Ive got to say Im now really looking forward to even better M41 as well as that Halo mod in the making. The firing sound in the firefight is just godly.

EDIT2: Could create a version of the M41 that would support ASDG joint rails? I would love to put tacticool stuff on it.

Edited by Taro8

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Glad to see you're back in action b00ce. Thought the USCM mod was KIA.

Love the new body armor, but it needs pauldrons like Taro said. Also, I'm happy to see the sounds working again.

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The body armor pauldrons are kinda out of the question with that particular model because its just a re-skin. I've been incredibly busy (and burnt out) and in the field for a couple weeks (Nobody is actually injured in this picture ;) ), so there hasn't been any progress with any of my projects.

As for the rails, I have no plans for them. The source material doesn't have them and I'm not sure rails will be a thing that far in the future.

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I would disagree about the rails not being a thing in the future. In the technical manual it does state that the M41A has a '3x power AN-RVS-552 CCD television sight'. And there's also laser sights, I doubt those would completely phase out.

Edited by FlightofIcarus

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Hey B00ce, as a huge ALIENS fan, i love what you have made so far. I hope you keep up the great work. cant wait to see an APC or Smartgun in arma3

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Hey B00ce, as a huge ALIENS fan, i love what you have made so far. I hope you keep up the great work. cant wait to see an APC or Smartgun in arma3

The Smartgun has been the tricky one for me, I've started it over a few times so far because I can never quite get it right.

I would disagree about the rails not being a thing in the future. In the technical manual it does state that the M41A has a '3x power AN-RVS-552 CCD television sight'. And there's also laser sights, I doubt those would completely phase out.

That's true, I don't know what it looks like or how exactly it'll attach though. I 'spose I'll have to be a little creative I guess.

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Got an update for you guys.


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