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Enemy occupation system (eos)

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Ok guys, this is the one i use to end the mission:

if (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") then { endMission "END1";};

This one below is the one for saying: first task completed, here's second task (priority) and third task.

if (getMarkerColor "FrontLine" == "ColorGreen") then { Hint "Front Line Secured. Proceed to next objective.";["TaskSucceeded", ["Front Line Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task1 setTaskState "Succeeded";;;task2 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName2"]; task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take LZ Connor","LZ Connor",""]; task2 setTaskState "assigned"; task2 setsimpletaskdestination [2965, 1860]; player setCurrentTask task2;task3 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName3"]; task3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agios Ionnis","Agios Ionnis",""]; task3 setTaskState "assigned"; task3 setsimpletaskdestination [3073, 2139];};

This is the most complicated mission I've made yet (and I've been making them since ofp!), let me know if you see anything weird in there I'm still learning.

Does anyone know how we can trigger multiple zone markers at once? What are the most likely formats for listing multiple marker names?

No I havent tried it I'll check it out thanks!

edit -

well i think i spoke too soon, i checked it with ColorRed originally and it all seemed to work fine but i cant seem to get the scripts to run on ColorGreen for zones, i did test just markers and ColorGreen works for those. Are the zones a different color name? They seem more transparent.

edit -

Ok so the situation was that I checked these with ColorRed and just timed a bunch of triggers to go off in sequence, all the scripts worked and set off all the tasks etc.

Now tho i realize it wont work like that with ColorGreen and things happening at different times. I need to know how to put the script in so its always checking for these markers changing and then it will run the appropriate script. I tried putting them in the init but it didnt seem to work. Any input on this would be great.

Try putting your scripts in a loop. So

while{true} do {

sleep 1; if***(getMarkerColor***"airfield"***==***"ColorGreen")***then***{***endMission***"END1";};***if***(getMarkerColor***"otherplace"***==***"ColorGreen")***then***{***endMission***"END1";};



sorry for the block text and weird symbols. . I'm on my phone

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will do thanks.

I'll let you know how I make out with the loop. Where/how should I run it? in the init?

Edited by Drow09

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A couple of posts earlier, someone metioned using EOS and UPSMON together. I tried it myself and i regret admitting it, but my scripting knowledge fails me big time... Can anyone tell me where and how to call the UPSMON script when using EOS? Thanks in advance!

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Is it possible to add a delay on despawning zones? I played with EOS and BTC Revive and noticed that upon dying the AI instantly despawn, it would be useful if it was possible to specify a delay to help prevent those types of situations. Any ideas?

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Is it possible to add a delay on despawning zones? I played with EOS and BTC Revive and noticed that upon dying the AI instantly despawn, it would be useful if it was possible to specify a delay to help prevent those types of situations. Any ideas?

This is my main gripe with the EOS, I am also interested in this.

Edited by Drow09

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Is it possible to add a delay on despawning zones? I played with EOS and BTC Revive and noticed that upon dying the AI instantly despawn, it would be useful if it was possible to specify a delay to help prevent those types of situations. Any ideas?

add this in the eos_init.sqf

in the loop while

if (!triggeractivated _spotFriendlies) then

{// Waiting time

sleep 120;


like this :

while {_eosActive} do {sleep 2;

if (!triggeractivated _spotFriendlies) then

{// Waiting time

sleep 120;


if (!triggeractivated _spotFriendlies ) then

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Is it possible to add a delay on despawning zones? I played with EOS and BTC Revive and noticed that upon dying the AI instantly despawn, it would be useful if it was possible to specify a delay to help prevent those types of situations. Any ideas?

Try adding a timeout when the _spotfriendlies trigger is created.

For example

_spotFriendlies = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",_currentPOS]; 
_spotFriendlies setTriggerArea [(_SafeZone+ _eosMarkerSizeA),(_SafeZone+ _eosMarkerSizeB),0,true]; 
_spotFriendlies setTriggerActivation ["ANY","PRESENT",true]; 
_spotFriendlies setTriggerStatements ["{vehicle _x in thisList && isplayer _x} count allUnits > 0","",""];
_spotfriendlies setTriggerTimeout [1, 2, 3, false]; 

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I tried using UPSMON with EOS. I made a trigger named "ups1", spawned a guard patrol with EOS and it worked like it should. Then i tried to add UPSMON to the patrol by changing this line in eos_spawninfantry.sqf:

Line 55 0=[_sideEOSInf, _currentPOS, (random _eosMarkerSizeB * 0.5)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

with this: 0=[_sideEOSInf,"ups1", "nowait", "nofollow"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

At first it seemd to work, after spawning, the group moved to a random location within the trigger and started patrolling. They also despawned when i moved outside the trigger area, but they will not spawn again.

I guess it's because i'm just guessing around in the script... Can anyone enlighten me?

Edit: nvm, fixed it. I used the same marker for EOS and UPSMON and ofcourse that doesn't work. Using seperate markers fixed the issues i had.

Edited by Silvarin

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the trigger timeout is the time for the trigger to be activated, i'm not sure it's a dead zone for deactivated.. i will try

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Hello all

so i would like use EOS in my mission but i need all units exec one script when they spawns, when i put in openme it doesnt work. So where i can put a

ExecVM "ConvertToArmedCivilian.sqf" in the script for all units use before spawn?


I try to put this script to all unit spawned by EOS but i dont know why it's doesnt work, it works for unit on the map but not for spawned units. thnaks

waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};

_numWeapon = 1;

_numItem = 1;

_numMod = 1;

_numBag = 3;

_numAmmo = 1;

removeGoggles (_this select 0);

removeUniform (_this select 0);

removeVest (_this select 0);

removeHeadgear (_this select 0);

(_this select 0) unassignItem "NVGoggles";

(_this select 0) removeItem "NVGoggles";

//(_this select 0) unassignItem "ItemMap";

//(_this select 0) removeitem "ItemMap";

(_this select 0) unassignItem "ItemGPS";

(_this select 0) removeitem "ItemGPS";

(_this select 0) addUniform (["U_O_GhillieSuit","u_b_ghilliesuit","U_O_Wetsuit","U_O_PilotCoveralls","U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo","U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls","U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_vest","U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_tshirt","U_B_CombatUniform_mcam","U_Rangemaster","U_C_Commoner1_3","U_C_Commoner1_2","U_C_Commoner1_1","U_C_Poloshirt_blue","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_salmon","U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour","U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite","U_C_Poloshirt_stripped"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

if (random 1 < 0.8) then {(_this select 0) addHeadgear (["H_Cap_headphones","H_PilotHelmetHeli_B","H_PilotHelmetHeli_O","H_HelmetO_ocamo","H_MilCap_ocamo","H_HelmetB_light","H_HelmetB_paint","H_HelmetB","H_Booniehat_ocamo","H_MilCap_mcamo","H_Booniehat_mcamo","H_MilCap_mcamo","H_MilCap_ocamo","H_Cap_blu","H_Cap_brn_SERO","H_Cap_red"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);};

(_this select 0) addweapon (["DM_CAMO_M4","DM_M4","ice123_makeshift_rifle","rangefinder","Throw","srifle_LRR_f","srifle_GM6_f","srifle_EBR_F","M4_Benelli","HK430","R3F_AT4CS","R3F_PAMAS","R3F_HK417M_HG","R3F_HK417M_DES","R3F_HK417L","R3F_Minimi_762_HG","R3F_Minimi","R3F_M107","R3F_PGM_Hecate_II_POLY","R3F_PGM_Hecate_II","R3F_FRF2_DES","R3F_Famas_felin","R3F_Famas_surb_M203","R3F_Famas_surb_DES","R3F_Famas_surb_HG","R3F_Famas_G2_M203_DES","R3F_Famas_G2_M203","R3F_Famas_G2_HG_DES","R3F_Famas_G2_HG","R3F_Famas_G2_DES","R3F_Famas_G2","R3F_Famas_F1_M203_DES","R3F_Famas_F1_M203","R3F_Famas_F1_HG_DES","R3F_Famas_F1_HG","R3F_Famas_F1_DES","R3F_Famas_F1","launch_RPG32_F","LMG_Mk200_F","srifle_EBR_F","hgun_Rook40_F","launch_NLAW_F","arifle_MXM_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MX_GL_F","arifle_TRG21_GL_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F","arifle_SDAR_F","hgun_P07_F","arifle_MX_F"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

(_this select 0) addgoggles (["G_Tactical_Clear","Kio_Balaclava_blk","Kio_Balaclava_blkSkull","Kio_Balaclava_grn","Kio_Balaclava_des","Kio_Balaclava_multicam","Kio_Balaclava_hex","Kio_Balaclava_wcam","Kio_Balaclava_urbcam"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);

_ammo = ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","20Rnd_762x51_Mag","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","7Rnd_408_Mag","8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","HK430_30Rnd_556x45","R3F_AT4CS_Mag","R3F_15Rnd_9x19_PAMAS","R3F_20Rnd_762x51_TRACER_HK417","R3F_100Rnd_762x51_MINIMI","R3F_200Rnd_556x45_MINIMI","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_10Rnd_127x99_PEI_M107","R3F_7Rnd_127x99_PGM","R3F_7Rnd_127x99_PEI_PGM","R3F_10Rnd_762x51_FRF2","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_FAMAS","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","SmokeLauncherMag","Chemlight_blue","Chemlight_yellow","Chemlight_red","Chemlight_green","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShell","HandGrenade_Stone","MiniGrenade","HandGrenade","3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","NLAW_F","RPG32_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer","100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"];

(_this select 0) addMagazine [_ammo select floor(random(count(_ammo))), _numAmmo];

_ammo = ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","20Rnd_762x51_Mag","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","7Rnd_408_Mag","8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","HK430_30Rnd_556x45","R3F_AT4CS_Mag","R3F_15Rnd_9x19_PAMAS","R3F_20Rnd_762x51_TRACER_HK417","R3F_100Rnd_762x51_MINIMI","R3F_200Rnd_556x45_MINIMI","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_10Rnd_127x99_PEI_M107","R3F_7Rnd_127x99_PGM","R3F_7Rnd_127x99_PEI_PGM","R3F_10Rnd_762x51_FRF2","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_FAMAS","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","SmokeLauncherMag","Chemlight_blue","Chemlight_yellow","Chemlight_red","Chemlight_green","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShell","HandGrenade_Stone","MiniGrenade","HandGrenade","3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","NLAW_F","RPG32_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer","100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"];

(_this select 0) addMagazine [_ammo select floor(random(count(_ammo))), _numAmmo];

_ammo = ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","20Rnd_762x51_Mag","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","7Rnd_408_Mag","8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets","8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug","HK430_30Rnd_556x45","R3F_AT4CS_Mag","R3F_15Rnd_9x19_PAMAS","R3F_20Rnd_762x51_TRACER_HK417","R3F_100Rnd_762x51_MINIMI","R3F_200Rnd_556x45_MINIMI","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_10Rnd_127x99_PEI_M107","R3F_7Rnd_127x99_PGM","R3F_7Rnd_127x99_PEI_PGM","R3F_10Rnd_762x51_FRF2","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_FAMAS","R3F_30Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_FAMAS","R3F_25Rnd_556x45_TRACER_FAMAS","SmokeLauncherMag","Chemlight_blue","Chemlight_yellow","Chemlight_red","Chemlight_green","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShell","HandGrenade_Stone","MiniGrenade","HandGrenade","3Rnd_SmokeBlue_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_SmokeRed_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell","3Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","NLAW_F","RPG32_F","30Rnd_9x21_Mag","200Rnd_65x39_cased_Box_Tracer","100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_Tracer","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"];

(_this select 0) addMagazine [_ammo select floor(random(count(_ammo))), _numAmmo];

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Out of curiosity,

What happens if you kill say 2 members of a squad then leave and come back, will the squad be fully reinforced, or will it reflect the 2 dead members?

BangaBob is there a way to implement this in your script?

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Hey guys,

Here is what I'm using to set off tasks when zones are cleared, this isnt the most efficient script yet but it works for now.

For EOS Zones:



getMarkerColor "Camp Rogain" == "ColorGreen"

On Act:

Hint "Camp Rogain Secured. Proceed to next objective.";["TaskSucceeded", ["Camp Rogain Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task6 setTaskState "Succeeded"; task7 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName7"]; task7 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agia Marina","Agia Marina",""]; task7 setTaskState "assigned"; task7 setsimpletaskdestination [2984, 6027]; player setCurrentTask task7;

in description.ext of your mission: (this runs the task notifications)

class CfgNotifications { 

   class TaskSucceeded 
       title = "TASK COMPLETED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskicondone_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 
   class TaskFailed 
       title = "TASK FAILED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconfailed_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 

   class TaskCanceled { 
       title = "TASK CANCELED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcanceled_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1";

   class TaskAssigned  { 
       title = "TASK ASSIGNED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\Mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 


  class TaskCreated  { 
       title = "TASK CREATED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcreated_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 


For a trigger that ends the mission when all zones are completed:



(getMarkerColor "frontline" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiosIoannis" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "LZConnor" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampRogain" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "Mike-26" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampMaxwell" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airbase" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiaMarina" == "ColorGreen")

On Act:

endMission "END1"

Edited by Drow09

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APC's don't seem to engage me when i let them spawn with EOS. They spawn and despawn like they should, but don't bother shooting me. They follow me with the guns, but dont pull the trigger. Infantry is engaging me like always, but the gunners of APC's seem to like me a bit too much? ;)

I did nothing fancy, only scripts i use are eos. Any help?

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APC's don't seem to engage me when i let them spawn with EOS. They spawn and despawn like they should, but don't bother shooting me. They follow me with the guns, but dont pull the trigger. Infantry is engaging me like always, but the gunners of APC's seem to like me a bit too much? ;)

I did nothing fancy, only scripts i use are eos. Any help?

I experience the same thing and I've told him about it. I think it is because the taskdefend/taskpatrol functions are run on his vehicles and they don't work properly with them.

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I experience the same thing and I've told him about it. I think it is because the taskdefend/taskpatrol functions are run on his vehicles and they don't work properly with them.

I dont know if its because of the taskdefend command. I also used the upsmon script and stil they werent firing. Upsmon without EOS and no problem.

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Well I have tried spawning them through triggers without any patrol stuff and they shoot at me so I assumed it's the patrol/defend thing causing the problem. I also recreated it in another script (spawning the vehicle and running taskdefend on it) and I had the same issue of it looking at me and but not firing.

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Hey guys,

Here is what I'm using to set off tasks when zones are cleared, this isnt the most efficient script yet but it works for now.

For EOS Zones:



getMarkerColor "Camp Rogain" == "ColorGreen"

On Act:

Hint "Camp Rogain Secured. Proceed to next objective.";["TaskSucceeded", ["Camp Rogain Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task6 setTaskState "Succeeded"; task7 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName7"]; task7 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agia Marina","Agia Marina",""]; task7 setTaskState "assigned"; task7 setsimpletaskdestination [2984, 6027]; player setCurrentTask task7;

in description.ext of your mission: (this runs the task notifications)

class CfgNotifications { 

   class TaskSucceeded 
       title = "TASK COMPLETED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskicondone_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 
   class TaskFailed 
       title = "TASK FAILED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconfailed_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 

   class TaskCanceled { 
       title = "TASK CANCELED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcanceled_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1";

   class TaskAssigned  { 
       title = "TASK ASSIGNED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\Mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 


  class TaskCreated  { 
       title = "TASK CREATED"; 
       iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcreated_ca.paa"; 
       description = "%1"; 


For a trigger that ends the mission when all zones are completed:



(getMarkerColor "frontline" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiosIoannis" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "LZConnor" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampRogain" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "Mike-26" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampMaxwell" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airbase" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiaMarina" == "ColorGreen")

On Act:

endMission "END1"

I created my tasks with the condition of the triggers "getmarkercolor "marker##"=colorgreen", on act "hint "task suceeded", and then with task modules, linking each of the triggers with the create task module for the next task. then for the "succeed" state I linked the "set task state - succeed" module with the trigger that checks the color of the current area. and it works.

Then for bastions I created triggers with "getmarkercolor = colororange" and a hint saying that the place is under attack. i created a last task triggered by the green marker in the last area to say that some of the areas have been recaptured and the mission won't end until they have complete control.

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I'd really like to use this script as it seems to be successor to DAC (which I loved), but I'm having major problems getting the script to work with units from mods. Specifically the African units from massi's Africans for A3. Here's what I've got in the eos_SpawnInfantry.sqf that seems to be about units;


_InfantryPool = ["OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfSquad"];

_diverPool = ["OI_diverTeam"];

_enemyFaction = "East";

_enemyFactionVehicle = East;

_enemyTeam = "OPF_F";

Seems pretty straight forward, I just enter the data from the mod and it will work...


_InfantryPool = ["OPF_mas_afr_InfSquad_o"];

_diverPool = ["OI_diverTeam"];

_enemyFaction = "East";

_enemyFactionVehicle = East;

_enemyTeam = "mas_afr_rebl_o";

I didn't change the diverPool because the Africans don't have them. I've also tried OPF_mas_afr_F_o for the _enemyTeam value. No joy. No infantry spawns.

It would be a lot easier if we could just enter the individual soldiers class names (like DAC) into the array and have the EOS spawn them - at least for me. That way I could pick and choose who/what is going to show up during a mission.

So would it possible to create our own _InfantryPools rather than use the set ones?

Or at least use mods units instead of the standard ones? Since it seems to be looking in the game CFG files for the squads - and mods aren't a part of that.

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I just gave this script a quick shot, and while it clearly does what it is intended to, i am missing one feature: Saving the number of soldiers that has been in one zone. I explain on the example mission: the first zone is red, 5 enemy units spawn and want to kill me. I kill all 5 of them, spawn gets green, no more spawning here. Next zone further done the airfield: 5 Units spawn, i kill 3, go away, come back and 5 units spawn. Could it be possible to "safe" the ammount of left units and let the respawn?

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I just gave this script a quick shot, and while it clearly does what it is intended to, i am missing one feature: Saving the number of soldiers that has been in one zone. I explain on the example mission: the first zone is red, 5 enemy units spawn and want to kill me. I kill all 5 of them, spawn gets green, no more spawning here. Next zone further done the airfield: 5 Units spawn, i kill 3, go away, come back and 5 units spawn. Could it be possible to "safe" the ammount of left units and let the respawn?

Its possible to do this. I havn't done so because it is complicated and adding into EOS will be very complicated and may cause more issues that it solves. Maybe when the full game is released i will take a new look

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ----------

I'd really like to use this script as it seems to be successor to DAC (which I loved), but I'm having major problems getting the script to work with units from mods. Specifically the African units from massi's Africans for A3. Here's what I've got in the eos_SpawnInfantry.sqf that seems to be about units;


_InfantryPool = ["OIA_InfSquad_Weapons","OIA_InfSquad"];

_diverPool = ["OI_diverTeam"];

_enemyFaction = "East";

_enemyFactionVehicle = East;

_enemyTeam = "OPF_F";

Seems pretty straight forward, I just enter the data from the mod and it will work...


_InfantryPool = ["OPF_mas_afr_InfSquad_o"];

_diverPool = ["OI_diverTeam"];

_enemyFaction = "East";

_enemyFactionVehicle = East;

_enemyTeam = "mas_afr_rebl_o";

I didn't change the diverPool because the Africans don't have them. I've also tried OPF_mas_afr_F_o for the _enemyTeam value. No joy. No infantry spawns.

It would be a lot easier if we could just enter the individual soldiers class names (like DAC) into the array and have the EOS spawn them - at least for me. That way I could pick and choose who/what is going to show up during a mission.

So would it possible to create our own _InfantryPools rather than use the set ones?

Or at least use mods units instead of the standard ones? Since it seems to be looking in the game CFG files for the squads - and mods aren't a part of that.

Adding this feature would also be complicated and i would have to completely re-work the script.

However this is the next step for EOS

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Hey Banga,

Is there a fix planned for the vehicles not engaging you that was mentioned a few posts up? I've had to resort to placing vehicles instead of letting the EOS scripts do it.

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Is there a way to disable reinforcements based on whether something has been destroyed or not? For example trigger with !alive radio and then modify a specific markers statements to disable reenforcements? Thanks! Great script!

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If this script simply goes by marker color, you can easily do that!

!alive radio with onAct of:

"markerName" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";

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Believe it or not.. i'm trying to occupy all towns on Altis. I currently have over 200 markers placed and put in the init, but it takes sooooo much time.. Any idea how to make and code grids significantly faster? i wish I could just set a markers init :P and use 'this' instead of the name.. Just so you can copy/ paste them.


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