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The Unsung Vietnam War Mod 2.5 Released

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  Orcinus said:

One suggestion re load-outs: M60 MG units get just 3 x 100 round mags, which was likely the standard loadout. However AIUI most or even all of his squadmates would have

carried a belt for the M60; it was too important a weapon to allow it rapidly to run out of ammo. Could some of the default loadouts be changed to reflect this?

Eggbeast just added some different ammo variations to m60 and other arms 2 days ago, already taken care of ;)

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  SGT_SAVAGE said:
Eggbeast just added some different ammo variations to m60 and other arms 2 days ago, already taken care of ;)

Cheers! :D

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Ok as of today here is the change log of 2.6, this is not a prelude to a release....there is still other updates and fixes in the works ;)

Changes / fixes –

- Added more volume to virtual AM radio

- Fixed incorrect unit designation Mike Force Recon to Force Recon Marines

- PBR Dual M2’s muzzle flashes now correctly follow barrels

- M48A3's commander M2 cupola can now be fired turned in and out.

- Fixed M48 track sinking into ground , fixed wheel animations.

- M113 driver turnout position fixed

- Added weapon crosshair to uh1 gunship

- Fixed zig zag bug effect of FFAR rockets on Uh1 Gunship , now firing correctly

- External view of planes and choppers set to external default Arma camera distance

- Fixed uh1 fleet sliding doors textures now matching the rest of the model

- Added new uniform texturing on Ah1g and Oh6 to suit UH1 fleet all have similar colour and texture.

- Fixed unit uns_lrrp_10h has no entry for the weapon (CT 56)

- Fixed animation on ah1 main gun

New Additional content

- A6-A Intruder (Aplion)

- E2 Hawkeye (operation French point Mod) Reconfigured to “E2-B†model by HC Pookie

- 7 NEW sampan models (HC Pookie)

- New custom made ordinance

Kab250, kab500, mk83, mk84, CBU24B Sadeye, BLU bomblet, AGM12C Bullpup, AGM45 Shrike, GBU8 HOBOS,

Mk77 Napalm (Myke)

- New targeting interface and custom load out system for all planes (eggbeast)

- Added new animated barrels and reload animations to M2’s on PBR , m48a3 and Sheridan. (HC Pookie)

- Main guns on Sheridan and M48 now have recoil effects animation. ( HC Pookie)

- Added Shell casings to minguns on uh1 gunship , ah1 cobra and oh6 cayuse (Eggbeast)

- Added new uns_missile box (eggbeast)

- M102 an M114 howitzers added (vilas)

- Added new loadouts for all combat jets (Eggbeast)

- Updated support module and radio interface ( Columdrum and Von knudenberg)

- Now able to switch RTO radio sounds off and on in the field (Columdrum)

- Added NEW extraction module (Columdrum)

- New nam era retexture of A7 (Spock)

- PBR upgrades , new weapon animations , new commanders position with working movable searchlight, other lights added to driver and front gunner. Added signal flare and horn. Also added a MK19 GL version. (HC Pookie)

Edited by SGT_SAVAGE

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Looking great :D

Thanks to the team for all their hard work (Sav, you're working all through the night?!).

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myke you forgot the little BLU bomblet - the Terry's Chocolate Orange of sudden death!


oops no it's this one


you left a lot of them on the hilltop tonight - I just left Cru tip-toeing through a field of them...

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  SteveMacNeils said:
Thanks for a great vietnam war mod, my only question to you is: how can I call in an artillery or napalm strike?

Hey Steve.

You can use our Support Module if you play as an RTO or an officer (With an RTO Close by). Enter the direction and distance, then choose between the different airstrikes or artillery types available.


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Any ETA for 2.7?

And will you release some missions or campaign along with it?

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2.7?!! You mean 2.6 ;)

Dunno yet , just tying up loose ends. No campaign unfortunately , maybe a few missions. After 2.6 work will cease on the Arma 2 engine as the team start to port our mainstream stuff to arma 3.

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Hey UNSUNG Team,

I'm very impressed with your work, everything is very detailed and worked clean. It is great fun to tinker missions.

Since I have a long time not been interested in Arma, I have to find in the lot of features of the editor.

I'm currently working on a SEAL team mission. Unfortunately, there are no units for and I use instead the Special Forces. Will there be in the future a SEALs units and Supportcrafts like the LSSC, MSSC or HSSC.

Thank you for your answer and keep it up! Great work!

P.S.: Sorry for my English!

Edited by viaSkO

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  viaSkO said:
Hey UNSUNG Team,

I'm very impressed with your work, everything is very detailed and worked clean. It is great fun to tinker missions.

Since I have a long time not been interested in Arma, I have to find in the lot of features of the editor.

I'm currently working on a SEAL team mission. Unfortunately, there are no units for and I use instead the Special Forces. Will there be in the future a SEALs units and Supportcrafts like the LSSC, MSSC or HSSC.

Thank you for your answer and keep it up! Great work!

P.S.: Sorry for my English!

Hi mate,

There are no plans yet to make the support craft you mentioned. Our next release (2.6) will the final release for arma 2. The theme for our Arma 3 release going to be centered around the USMC and an urban setting of the nam war. So will see further down the road if we have the manpower and time to include them.

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  SGT_SAVAGE said:
Hi mate,

There are no plans yet to make the support craft you mentioned. Our next release (2.6) will the final release for arma 2. The theme for our Arma 3 release going to be centered around the USMC and an urban setting of the nam war. So will see further down the road if we have the manpower and time to include them.

Thank you for your response.

It's a pity but understandable that every wish may not be fulfilled. I hope that maybe in the future for ARMA 3, the SEALs as infantry unit are available. The support units are of secondary importance there are plenty of other units that can be used, such as the PBR.

I read that one of the Seawolves Huey was at work, these were among others the SEALs as Support-Craft (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134440-Unsung-Vietnam-War-Mod-Version-2-5-Discussion/page20). Is this released yet?

SEAWOLVES HOMEPAGE: http://www.seawolf.org/index.asp)

One question I have ...

I had seen a video (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134440-Unsung-Vietnam-War-Mod-Version-2-5-Discussion/page18) of you the Air, Arty support menu. You can download this as a template somewhere? Or how I can use it?

Thanx a lot, I wish you much fun with your project, keep it up!

Edited by viaSkO

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Had to look those up at warboats.org :) The light model basically looks like a big speed boat with gun mounts. Can it be modeled? Yes and no... the proper modeling of those particular boats would be difficult to execute without "cheating" the model. The light one looks like it could hold many more passengers than you could accurately model in-game without the passengers sitting on top of each other. Based on my work with adding crew to other boat models, I will venture to guess that, in order to make it look "correct" in-game, you'd barely have room for the gunners' bodies. I don't know how to create new animations yet so we'd need a good "squatting" gunner proxy to use. Not sure if that exists.

According to that website, there were only 2 heavy ships built.

The medium looks very close to the PBR in size and capacity.

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Thanks hcpookie for the translation into modeling of addons and your answer to my question. I've seen that will come another model of PBR in the upcoming update and look forward to the test and used in a mission.

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I installed the mod unsung. Like everything works, but I can not fire up the armory. Scenarios are working but the armory loaded into the mid and late. It happens with every map, when installed unsung mod. This is normal?

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ok, because I thought that something was wrong with me :). I have another question, I have not seen servers where you can play this add-on line. Do you recommend any?

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  SGT_SAVAGE said:
Hi mate,

There are no plans yet to make the support craft you mentioned. Our next release (2.6) will the final release for arma 2. The theme for our Arma 3 release going to be centered around the USMC and an urban setting of the nam war. So will see further down the road if we have the manpower and time to include them.

Hey Savage,

I guess this means stuff like SOG and army units probably won't be in the first Arma 3 Unsung release? :)

Anyway, very much looking forward to the release of 2.6!


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