crazyquick 10 Posted April 26, 2013 @ crazyquick If you're talking about mission making, if you want to have the support function available to your RTO or yourself, you need to place the Unsung support module, which can be found under the modules tab, into your mission. You can set how many aircrafts and bombs you want to have available. Why thanks baby! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Itsarclight 1 Posted April 26, 2013 Downloaded from Armaholic twice, first the normal one and then the fixed one and both were corrupt. Now I'm downloading the torrent, is anybody seeding this? Taken me 7 hours to get 90% done with an average download speed of 92kB/s. Yes Fonzie, there are a lot of people seeding (me included). /Arclight Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted April 27, 2013 Cheers for the input guys... EggBeast, legend mate, thanks for those bomb names. Napalm working like a treat on my other script now. Means running one for strafing runs and another for napalm. But it actually worked out quite well. If you get any joy with the Support system for the RTO and respawns, let me know. I too am after something reliable, to keep the Support option with the RTO through a respawn. Thanks again, much appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3684 Posted April 27, 2013 it is reliable in my test mission i need to pad it out a little to bring in the other effects but the radio support works after respawn just open my mission and look in mission, init and spawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted April 27, 2013 Cool, completely missed your post with the mission on. I'll take a look... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NY_Knicks 10 Posted April 27, 2013 Here is the full script... Ignore the switch cases for USNavy & NVA, those are just in place for once it works. //Single aerial bombing/rocket/mg/cannon run - [KH]Foxy if (!isServer) exitwith {}; private ["_spwnPos", "_wpPos", "_vehDestroyed", "_pilotType", "_grpSide", "_planeArray", "_diveDist", "_fireDist", "_bombLauncher", "_rndPos", "_vel0", "_vel1", "_spwnDir", "_trg", "_friendlySide", "_marker"]; waitUntil {!isNil "fx_aircraftCompileDone"}; //Aircraft arrays for random selection //==================================== //US _us_mgs = ["uns_a1j"]; _us_cannons = ["A7UN"]; _us_bombers = ["A7UN"]; _us_rockets = ["uns_a1j"]; //US Navy _usnavy_bombers = []; _usnavy_cannons = []; //NVA _nva_bombers = []; _nva_cannons = []; //Parameters //========== _side = _this select 0; // "us", "usnavy", "nva" _type = _this select 1; // "mgs", "cannons", "bombs", "rockets" Switch (typeName (_this select 2)) do { // spawn position - can be a marker name or a positon array e.g: [567, 32, 0]; case "STRING": {_spwnPos = getMarkerPos (_this select 2)}; case "ARRAY": {_spwnPos = _this select 2}; }; _dir = _this select 3; //Direction aircraft should fly on spawning - "N", "S", "E", "W", "NE", "NW", "SE", "SW" Switch (typeName (_this select 4)) do { // target position - can be a marker name or a vehicle name or a positon array e.g: [567, 32, 0]; case "STRING": {_wpPos = getMarkerPos (_this select 4)}; case "OBJECT": {_wpPos = getPosATL (_this select 4); if (!alive (_this select 4)) then {_vehDestroyed = "true"}}; case "ARRAY": {_wpPos = _this select 4}; }; if (!isNil "_vehDestroyed") exitwith {diag_log ["fx_singleAirstrike - target destroyed - exit script"]}; if (count _this > 5 && (_this select 5) != "noEgress") then { // optional: Egress position - can be a marker name or a vehicle name or a positon array e.g: [567, 32, 0]; Switch (typeName (_this select 5)) do { case "STRING": {_egress = getMarkerPos (_this select 5)}; case "ARRAY": {_egress = _this select 5}; }; } else { "noEgress"; }; _rndTarPos = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {false}; // optional: Random strike location - true or false _xAxis = if (count _this > 7) then {_this select 7} else {100}; // optional: Random strike x-axis - number _yAxis = if (count _this > 8) then {_this select 8} else {100}; // optional: Random strike y-axis - number _rndSpwnPos = if (count _this > 9) then {_this select 9} else {false}; // optional: Random spawn location - true or false _xAxis_Spwn = if (count _this > 10) then {_this select 10} else {100}; // optional: Random spawn x-axis - number _yAxis_Spwn = if (count _this > 11) then {_this select 11} else {100}; // optional: Random spawn y-axis - number _safeTrg = if (count _this > 12) then {_this select 12} else {false}; // optional: Safe trigger - checks for friendly units at target location //Side/pilot/plane/weapon/dive and fire distance selection //======================================================== Switch (_side) do { case "us": { //_centre = createCenter west; _pilotType = "uns_pilot1"; _grpSide = west; _friendlySide = "west"; Switch (_type) do { case "mgs": {_planeArray = _us_mgs; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360}; case "cannons": {_planeArray = _us_cannons; _diveDist = 500; _fireDist = 400}; case "bombs": {_planeArray = _us_bombers; _diveDist = 500; _fireDist = 400; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"}; case "rockets": {_planeArray = _us_rockets; _diveDist = 555; _fireDist = 360}; }; }; case "usnavy": { //_centre = createCenter west; _pilotType = "uns_pilot1"; _grpSide = west; _friendlySide = "west"; Switch (_type) do { case "mgs": {_planeArray = _usnavy_cannons; _diveDist = 615; _fireDist = 360}; case "cannons": {_planeArray = _usnavy_cannons; _diveDist = 615; _fireDist = 360}; case "bombs": {_planeArray = _usnavy_bombers; _diveDist = 525; _fireDist = 360; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"}; case "rockets": {(if (true) exitwith {hint "There are no naval aircraft with rockets!"})}; }; }; case "nva": { //_centre = createCenter east; _pilotType = "uns_pilot1"; _grpSide = east; _friendlySide = "east"; Switch (_type) do { case "mgs": {_planeArray = _nva_cannons; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360}; case "cannons": {_planeArray = _nva_cannons; _diveDist = 575; _fireDist = 360}; case "bombs": {_planeArray = _nva_bombers; _diveDist = 485; _fireDist = 320; _bombLauncher = "uns_MK82SnakeLauncher"}; case "rockets": {(if (true) exitwith {hint "There are no NVA aircraft with rockets!"})}; }; }; }; _planeType = _planeArray select (floor(random(count _planeArray))); //Set up start direction and speed //================================ Switch (_dir) do { case "N": {_vel0 = 0; _vel1 = 50; _spwnDir = 0}; case "E": {_vel0 = 50; _vel1 = 0; _spwnDir = 90}; case "S": {_vel0 = 0; _vel1 = -50; _spwnDir = 180}; case "W": {_vel0 = -50; _vel1 = 50; _spwnDir = 270}; case "NE": {_vel0 = 35; _vel1 = 35; _spwnDir = 45}; case "SE": {_vel0 = 35; _vel1 = -35; _spwnDir = 135}; case "SW": {_vel0 = -35; _vel1 = -35; _spwnDir = 225}; case "NW": {_vel0 = -35; _vel1 = 35; _spwnDir = 315}; }; //Set up safety trigger //===================== if (_safeTrg) then { _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _trg setTriggerArea [100,100,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation [_friendlySide,"PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["'man' countType thislist > 0 || 'Car' countType thislist > 0 || 'Tank' countType thislist > 0", "", ""]; _trg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, true]; /* //For debugging only _markerName = format ["air_%1",random 10000]; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_markerName, [0,0,0]]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [100, 100]; //_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "Dot"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorOrange"; //_marker setMarkerTextLocal _markerName; */ }; //Set up random strike/spawn locations (if required) //================================================== if (_rndTarPos) then { _pos = _wpPos; _wpPos = [((_pos select 0) + _xAxis - random (_xAxis * 2)),((_pos select 1) + _yAxis - random (_yAxis * 2)), 0]; //Check safety trigger //==================== if (_safeTrg) then { _trg setPosATL _wpPos; sleep 2; _marker setMarkerPos (getPosATL _trg); while {triggerActivated _trg} do { _wpPos = [((_pos select 0) + _xAxis - random (_xAxis * 2)),((_pos select 1) + _yAxis - random (_yAxis * 2)), 0]; _trg setPosATL _wpPos; sleep 2; /* _marker setMarkerPos (getPosATL _trg); _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRED"; */ }; deleteVehicle _trg; }; }; if (_rndSpwnPos) then { _pos = _spwnPos; _spwnPos = [((_pos select 0) + _xAxis_Spwn - random (_xAxis_Spwn * 2)),((_pos select 1) + _yAxis_Spwn - random (_yAxis_Spwn * 2)), 0]; }; //Spawn aircraft and pilot / set direction and speed and behaviour //================================================================ _grp = createGroup _grpSide; _plane = createVehicle [_planeType, _spwnPos, [], 0, "fly"]; _pilot = _grp createUnit [_pilotType,_spwnpos, [], 0, "none"]; _pilot moveInDriver _plane; { _x setDir _spwnDir; _x setVelocity [_vel0, _vel1, 0]; _x setPosATL [(_spwnPos select 0), (_spwnPos select 1), 300]; _x flyInHeight 300; _x setSpeedMode "LIMITED"; _x allowFleeing 0; _x disableAI "target"; _x disableAI "autotarget"; _x setBehaviour "careless"; } forEach [_plane]; //Add waypoints //============= [_plane] call fx_delAllWp; sleep 1; _wp0 = _grp addWaypoint [_wpPos, 0]; _wp0 = [_grp,0] setWaypointType "MOVE"; if (_egress != "noEgress") then { _wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_egress, 0]; _wp1 = [_grp,1] setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; //Attack Run //========== waitUntil {_plane distance _wpPos < _diveDist || !alive _plane}; if (!alive _plane) exitwith {}; _plane flyInHeight 30; waitUntil {_plane distance _wpPos < _fireDist || !alive _plane}; if (!alive _plane) exitwith {}; Switch (_type) do { case "bombs": { _plane setSpeedMode "full"; _plane fire _bombLauncher; sleep (0.5 + random 1.5); _plane fire _bombLauncher; }; case "rockets": {_plane setSpeedMode "full"; [_plane] spawn fx_fireRockets}; case "cannons": {[_plane] spawn fx_fireCannon}; case "mgs": {[_plane] spawn fx_fireMG}; }; //Egress and delete plane //======================= waitUntil {getPosATL _plane select 2 < 120 || !alive _plane}; //deleteMarker _marker; if (!alive _plane) exitwith {}; _plane flyInHeight 1000; _plane setSpeedMode "full"; while {getPosATL _plane select 2 < 900 && alive _plane} do { sleep 10; }; if (!alive _plane) exitwith {}; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew _plane + [_plane]; I can not get this to work. I am calling it by this ya = ["US","bombs","N","HERE"] execVM "airstrike.sqf"; but its not woking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 142 Posted April 27, 2013 First of all thanks for this great release and moreover for your hard work.. I love it. have a prob though I can't get the patches of the units to work as soon as I use the code it gives me an error message. this setobjecttexture [0,â€\uns_army\data\4ids_co.paaâ€]; it gives me an "Invalid number in expression" error. Anybody knows what's wrong here? Did I miss a solution somewhere posted? My other gripe is that I would like to use my own Nam loading screens for my missions how can I disable the default screens only mission specific. Thanks for any help :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SD_BOB 10 Posted April 28, 2013 I can not get this to work. I am calling it by this Code: ya = ["US","bombs","N","HERE"] execVM "airstrike.sqf"; but its not woking. The script I posted is one of a number which are needed for it all to work together. It will not work without them. I gave up trying to get the planes to drop bombs with that script anyway. I use it just for strafing runs now, with the script below for napalm and bomb runs. Probably not very elegent, it was thrown together from a couple of other scripts. But it works, so I'm happy with it, plus imo it looks better with the planes running in level top drop the bombs, rather than diving straight onto the target as with a cannon run. if (!isServer) exitwith {}; _grp = createGroup side s1; _spwn = getPosASL NAPpad; _spwndir = getDir NAPpad; _naploc = getPos naptarget; _airSupBomb = "Uns_Napalm_blu1"; _lockobj = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle _naploc; _lock = getPosASL _lockobj select 2; nofricgrav = { _b = _this select 0; _vx = _this select 1; _vy = _this select 2; _vz = 0; while {!isNull _b} do { _b setVelocity [_vx,_vy,_vz]; _vz = _vz - 9.8*0.3; sleep 0.27; }; if(true)exitWith{}; }; _plane = createVehicle ["A7UN", position NAPpad, [], 0, "FLY"]; _plane setdir _spwndir; _plane setVelocity [sin(_spwndir)*100,cos(_spwndir)*100,0]; _pilot = _grp createUnit ["uns_pilot1", _spwn, [], 0, "FORM"]; _pilot moveinDriver _plane; _plane flyInheight 120; sleep 2; _plane doMove getPos naptarget; while {true} do { if (((((getPos _plane select 0) - (_naploc select 0))^2+((getPos _plane select 1) - (_naploc select 1))^2)^0.5) <= 500)exitwith{}; if(!alive _plane)exitwith{}; sleep 0.5; }; if (alive _plane) then { _b1 = _airSupBomb createvehicle [getPos _plane select 0,getPos _plane select 1,(getPos _plane select 2)-10]; _b1 setDir ((_naploc select 0)-(getPos _b1 select 0)) atan2 ((_naploc select 1)-(getPos _b1 select 1)); _bombfall = sqrt(((getPosASL _b1 select 2)-_lock)/5.0); _bombvelx = ((_naploc select 0)-(getPos _b1 select 0))/_bombfall; _bombvely = ((_naploc select 1)-(getPos _b1 select 1))/_bombfall; [_b1,_bombvelx,_bombvely] spawn nofricgrav; _b2 = _airSupBomb createvehicle [getPos _plane select 0,getPos _plane select 1,(getPos _plane select 2)-10]; _b2 setDir ((_naploc select 0)-(getPos _b2 select 0)) atan2 ((_naploc select 1)-(getPos _b2 select 1)); _bombfall2 = sqrt(((getPosASL _b2 select 2)-_lock)/4.0); _bombvelx2 = ((_naploc select 0)-(getPos _b2 select 0))/_bombfall2; _bombvely2 = ((_naploc select 1)-(getPos _b2 select 1))/_bombfall2; [_b2,_bombvelx2,_bombvely2] spawn nofricgrav; }; sleep 30; if(alive _pilot)then{deleteVehicle _pilot}; deleteVehicle _plane; Just kick that off with this:- napalmgo = [] execVM "napalm.sqf"; Obviously you will need to place the NapPad and naptarget objects, but see what you think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted April 28, 2013 compared to VTE, I have FPS drop with Unsung. dunno if it's the map or somethign else, but I always have to modify my video settings to have more than 20 FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy Mcnab 10 Posted April 28, 2013 compared to VTE, I have FPS drop with Unsung.dunno if it's the map or somethign else, but I always have to modify my video settings to have more than 20 FPS. ArmA2OA.exe" -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@UNS;-exThreads=0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted April 28, 2013 ok, I'll try this. what's that for? I mean what does it do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NY_Knicks 10 Posted April 28, 2013 (edited) I was in need for a nice a airsupport script so I made one my self. You cant see the cursor in the vid. don't know why. But the script can be used with what ever units you want and you can add up to 10 vehicles in each category EX: So you can add 10 planes, 10 attach choppers, 10 lite transport ect . Or you could have 1 or none. You can also put what ever names you want for each one. Here it is. Still WIP Edited April 28, 2013 by NY_Knicks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted April 28, 2013 (edited) compared to VTE, I have FPS drop with Unsung.dunno if it's the map or somethign else, but I always have to modify my video settings to have more than 20 FPS. Mate you been playing unsung for a while now you should know :P Our undergrowth and trees are much more detailed and thick than other mods. Monkalbs MBG nam & Icebreakers Lingor island lags a bit on everything high. But all these maps are very detailed and use custom foliage not older outdated OFP trees. Post a screenshot of your video setup and computer specs it might help identify what the issue is. For all those who are having performance issues use this configuration it may help depending on your system. ALSO!!! We are sending a call out for mission editors , especially those that have experience in making campaigns. Also looking for a good cut-scene maker. I have been talking with a few members and might be a good time to revisit our original "Operation Copperhead" Campaign . Those only serious and committed need to apply. The campaign will need to include real voice dialogue. So anyone interested please PM me Edited April 28, 2013 by SGT_SAVAGE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted April 28, 2013 yeah, it's just that I thought it would have been a little bit improved. I can play with good FPS, it's just that I can't play with the same conf as the one I use in vanilla game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 142 Posted April 28, 2013 Hi everybody I've been completing a first mission for the UNSUNG mod. And I made the first intro scene for that mission called Valley of tears I re-post the video also in the Unsung thread where it properly belongs hope I don't get in trouble with the mods for that. The mission is relating to Operation Wayne Grey. 4th Infantry Division Alpha company is inserted by air into LZ Turkey on March 2nd 1969 and from there proceed into the Plei trap valley in Northern direction. They didn't know that they were out of reach of protecting friendly artillery. Alpha company got ambushed by the 66th NVA regiment and went straight into a meat grinder. They took heavy casualties in the fighting. After the battle was over Alpha has taken so many casualties that they were combat ineffective. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for this outstanding mod. Kudos to the unsung team I love it :inlove: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Russ1544 1 Posted April 28, 2013 Hi guys, I know you kinda had to rush out this release, but were you guys ever able to implement working rucks? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crazyquick 10 Posted April 28, 2013 Hi everybodyI've been completing a first mission for the UNSUNG mod. And I made the first intro scene for that mission called Valley of tears I re-post the video also in the Unsung thread where it properly belongs hope I don't get in trouble with the mods for that. The mission is relating to Operation Wayne Grey. 4th Infantry Division Alpha company is inserted by air into LZ Turkey on March 2nd 1969 and from there proceed into the Plei trap valley in Northern direction. They didn't know that they were out of reach of protecting friendly artillery. Alpha company got ambushed by the 66th NVA regiment and went straight into a meat grinder. They took heavy casualties in the fighting. After the battle was over Alpha has taken so many casualties that they were combat ineffective. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for this outstanding mod. Kudos to the unsung team I love it :inlove: Thank yuo!! We need more missiosn and the music is GREAAT! cant wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 11 Posted April 29, 2013 Question: MBG.NAM map has been added to UNSUNG Mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desiderius 0 Posted April 29, 2013 (edited) Yesterday we play a big ( 34 players!!! ) coop 2.0 mission ( some pvp vietcong human players but mostly coop ). Here a little video: Maybe some more this days. Some of us guys had make over 100gb fraps video :D Great mod! Greetings Edited April 29, 2013 by Desiderius Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted April 29, 2013 (edited) Hi guys,I know you kinda had to rush out this release, but were you guys ever able to implement working rucks? Thanks No mate , 4 guys were put on that task and none completed it. Question:MBG.NAM map has been added to UNSUNG Mod? It was added due to Cao bang required objects. We got permission from Monkalb to add it. Since most Nam players have MBG nam anyway and its a bloody nice map we thought add it in.All credits go to Monkalb and Burgoff, we have not edited it in anyway from the public release. Edited April 29, 2013 by SGT_SAVAGE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3684 Posted April 29, 2013 (edited) ALSO!!! We are sending a call out for mission editors , especially those that have experience in making campaigns. Also looking for a good cut-scene maker. I have been talking with a few members and might be a good time to revisit our original "Operation Copperhead" Campaign . Those only serious and committed need to apply. The campaign will need to include real voice dialogue. So anyone interested please PM me I'm still beavering away on evo too. count me in - i guess you do already. I've been trying hard the last couple of days to get ALICE2 civ spawning and ambient animals to work on your unsung maps with unsung civs and i'm having a hard time of it. has anyone got a link for a demo mission with this working? meanwhile i'm working on it... please see this separate thread i made to discuss it. can anyone help? are any of you guys also working on this? Edited April 29, 2013 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted April 29, 2013 (edited) Mate I'm hanging for a evo match , after the fun I had with the boys on the test mission on the CAO ... I can't wait , keep it up mate ;) Also mate re the campaign , I have a progressive original story and I can set up a basic missions in the editor but they will need briefings , win and loose conditions. It was looking pretty damn good before we shelved it.The missions are not your run of the mill either some are very intense just like the mod. I still need time to go back and rewrite some of the dialogue and scripts so no rush yet. Also our Vietnamese voice actor will be busy with studies for a month yet. Still need more people so anyone else wanna join us with the goal to actually complete a full campaign. Edited April 29, 2013 by SGT_SAVAGE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3684 Posted April 29, 2013 hey sav take a quick look at the thread i started on the ambients - wolffy has kindly replied. do you mind if i rip open the buildings and civs and try to patch a fix? I won't release it except to you to discuss with team/contributors. if it involves editing actual models i'm lost and will have to workaround it (like placing ghost taki houses in the mission, possibly editing wolffy's hack code - he'll probably help looking at his encouraging reply) in short we may need to: a) rebuild the civilian faction from the class man_base rather than as a hive off of a russian SF soldier b) edit the village building configs to add in entires that allow civ spawns (need to confirm it's not a model issue, though i fear it may be) c) edit the fsm for ambient animals (will need to explore how possible this is) to include/modify for unsung suitable animals only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dimitri_harkov 10 Posted April 29, 2013 I guess it's far easier to script a custom or tweaked ambient civilian module... I'll have a look at this and let you know, if you are interested. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NY_Knicks 10 Posted April 29, 2013 hey savtake a quick look at the thread i started on the ambients - wolffy has kindly replied. do you mind if i rip open the buildings and civs and try to patch a fix? I won't release it except to you to discuss with team/contributors. if it involves editing actual models i'm lost and will have to workaround it (like placing ghost taki houses in the mission, possibly editing wolffy's hack code - he'll probably help looking at his encouraging reply) in short we may need to: a) rebuild the civilian faction from the class man_base rather than as a hive off of a russian SF soldier b) edit the village building configs to add in entires that allow civ spawns (need to confirm it's not a model issue, though i fear it may be) c) edit the fsm for ambient animals (will need to explore how possible this is) to include/modify for unsung suitable animals only I am working on a dynamic mission that uses the whole map. So I made a civi spawn script. It spawns Civics when you get a certain distance from the trigger then deletes them when you are a certain distance away. If you want it let me know because I will upload it. I also have another set of scripts for the civis that let you talk to them. Theres about 105 different ways the conversation could lead to. It could lead to the civi giving you info on a cache or him pulling a gun on you or he could start to run away at wich point you have to arrest him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites