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All in Arma (AiA) - TKOH/OA/A2/A1 merge with A3

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I found the same "Launch All in Arma - Manual.bat" as vegeta897 at the link he provided. That is the best way to launch AiA as far as I`m concerned.

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Is it possible for AllinArma to now have Take On Mars added to it? It wouldn't be "all" inArma anymore without TOM.

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Is it possible for AllinArma to now have Take On Mars added to it? It wouldn't be "all" inArma anymore without TOM.

I'm not sure if you're serious, but I think ToM uses a different engine.

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Not possible that easy, because it does use a different engine.

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there si also a Domi Server with AiA online. you can fly jets and drive tanks etc... [AiA] All in Arma <Aerial warfare and training>

7 Domination! Blufor [2.99l] Beta (0.74) AiA v15 ****Jets & Armor**** on Stratis

1/40 players

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Hey guys,

I could use a little assistance here, because I just can't get AiA running with custom mods. Or anything else. I tried launching AiA with this:


rem Adjust the path with your local path


set _ARMA3_PATH=M:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3

set _ARMA2_PATH=M:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

set _ARMA2OA_PATH=M:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2


rem Define your additional modfolders


set _CUSTOM_MODS=@CBA_A3;@Lingor;@Lingor_units;@BCNIslands;@BCNMods


rem Adjust your parameters



rem -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -noFilePatching


rem -window -showScriptErrors


rem "-profiles=%_ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=Dar"

rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////




rem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

cd /D "%_ARMA3_PATH%"

arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=%_CUSTOM_MODS%;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3"


And it didn't even load up cba, also non of the other mods. In the menu, A3 gave me an error message about some MPframework.sqf issues, no maps or units were available in the editor, no missions or campaigns shown.

So I tried to launch via Play with SIX, added the mod to my custom preset and put the other mods into Arma 3 Alpha (Beta) game settings/startup parameters. Result: AiA maps and units available,but no custom stuff like Lingor. Also when placing an A2 unit in the editor, it will just spawn a basic A3 soldier without vest and helmet that ist just carrying the gun of the a2 unit.

All paths are triple checked and valid.

Any idea is welcome

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Is it possible for AllinArma to now have Take On Mars added to it? It wouldn't be "all" inArma anymore without TOM.

Once TOM's mod tools are released one of the devs said it might be possible. Someone will port the map in, just maybe not in all its glory.

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Hey guys,

I could use a little assistance here, because I just can't get AiA running with custom mods. Or anything else. I tried launching AiA with this:

And it didn't even load up cba, also non of the other mods. In the menu, A3 gave me an error message about some MPframework.sqf issues, no maps or units were available in the editor, no missions or campaigns shown.

So I tried to launch via Play with SIX, added the mod to my custom preset and put the other mods into Arma 3 Alpha (Beta) game settings/startup parameters. Result: AiA maps and units available,but no custom stuff like Lingor. Also when placing an A2 unit in the editor, it will just spawn a basic A3 soldier without vest and helmet that ist just carrying the gun of the a2 unit.

All paths are triple checked and valid.

Any idea is welcome

This is what I did with Lolo Nai'a island but I don't know if this would also apply with Lingor.

1) Copy the mods (@Lingor;@Lingor_units;@BCNIslands;@BCNMods) to your A3 directory M:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3

2) Transfer the latest AiA files to your A3 directory so you should have M:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3\@AllInArma

3) @CBA_A3 should also be in your A3 directory so you should have M:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3\@CBA_A3

4) Launch the game using this batch file

rem 		Game paths here

set ARMA3_PATH=M:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\common\Arma 3
set ARMA2_PATH=M:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2
set ARMA2OA_PATH=M:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

rem		This is where custom mods are declared

set CUSTOM_MODS=@Lingor;@Lingor_units;@BCNIslands;@BCNMods

rem		Game profile, other parameters, other mods used

set DEFAULT_PARAMETERS=-nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -noFilePatching -mod=@CBA_A3
set PROFILE_PARAMETERS="-profiles=%ARMA3_PATH%" "-name=Dar"


cd /D "%ARMA3_PATH%"

arma3.exe %DEFAULT_PARAMETERS% %PROFILE_PARAMETERS% "-mod=%CUSTOM_MODS%;@AllInArma\ProductDummies;%ARMA2_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%;%ARMA2OA_PATH%\Expansion;%ARMA3_PATH%;@AllInArma\Core;@AllInArma\PostA3"


From the AiA FAQ

Q: How to play with A2/OA/TKOH infantry models?

A: Remove the AiA_ActivateA3Models.pbo from @AllInArma\Core\addons.

Give them a try :)

Edited by asuseroako
1) Added CBA instruction

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thank you sir.

That works. Just made my day.

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Hi Guys,

thanks for this great mod - impressive work!

One problem:

When i start AiA, ArmA3 doesn´t load my entire profile-file, so i can´t load my missions in editor (all missions: as well as ArmA2 & ArmA3)!

It seems that ArmA3 doesn´t load the correct path to my profile...

I start AiA with correct batch file like all of you...

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use play with six...it is a lot safer etc..

if you are already using it then remove and re download and re do all the necessary file changes/movements again

Hi Guys,

thanks for this great mod - impressive work!

One problem:

When i start AiA, ArmA3 doesn´t load my entire profile-file, so i can´t load my missions in editor (all missions: as well as ArmA2 & ArmA3)!

It seems that ArmA3 doesn´t load the correct path to my profile...

I start AiA with correct batch file like all of you...

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So, everything works in-game, Then whenever i place an Infantry unit in the editor (From ARMA 2: CO) and i play it, it only shows the NATO uniform and no helmet from the unit i originally placed. I am playing Arma 3 Beta current version... Installed from playwithsix. Everything else works like aircraft, helos, tanks, weapons etc. Just the infantry units from ARMA 2: CO.

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I get better performance on takistan with arma 3 AiA. is it just me?? :bounce3:

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Airfox. The BAF,CDF,US Units are just to balanced the game not to crashing if you want to enable A2 Model you can

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@airfox: Q: Why do A2/OA/TKOH infantry use A3 models?

A: A3 crashes when the engine has to load A2/OA/TKOH infantry models and A3 infantry models. Thus its either or.

Q: How to play with A2/OA/TKOH infantry models?

A: Remove the AiA_ActivateA3Models.pbo from @AllInArma\Core\addons.

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Sound is very strange if you drive and shoot with a tank or with other vehicle. There is an endless echo .

Anyone else with the same problem? I use the latest dev build.

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Could anyone please help me with the JSRS sounds thingy? I have been trying to get it working all morning, I have put the @JSRS folder in the ArmA2OA folder and put the activatejsrs.pbo thingy in the core, but it's still not working?

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Any updates regarding the reverb problem since the latest dev patch?

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Could anyone please help me with the JSRS sounds thingy? I have been trying to get it working all morning, I have put the @JSRS folder in the ArmA2OA folder and put the activatejsrs.pbo thingy in the core, but it's still not working?

If you're trying to launch JSRS in ArmA3, why did you put it in ArmA2OA then? :rolleyes:

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Sound is very strange if you drive and shoot with a tank or with other vehicle. There is an endless echo .

Anyone else with the same problem? I use the latest dev build.

I get this problem too.

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Could anyone please help me with the JSRS sounds thingy? I have been trying to get it working all morning, I have put the @JSRS folder in the ArmA2OA folder and put the activatejsrs.pbo thingy in the core, but it's still not working?

Put the @JSRS-folder in Arma 3's directory instead of Arma 2's. And then add @JSRS to the "-mod=" in the shortcut you use to launch All in arma. Hope this helps!

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