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Combat Space Enhancement Modification

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Is there footage of the weapon resting actually in action? Because we don't care about a click, we want to know how it impacts weapon handling.

Yes! We do.

Not sure why I didn't include any in that showcase... :/


Here you are :)

Glowbal has thrown up another video demonstrating the weapon resting with some medium range shots

Old version:

(contains A3 recoil bug, although you can still see the effect) Edited by kieran_s
new video link

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I think you're probably better off re-recording that example video, as it looks like it's got the recent "recoil for every third shot" bug going in it.

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Question, does the back-blast prevent using the weapon inside or on-top of buildings ?

It's one thing that AGM does that's very frustrating...

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I think you're probably better off re-recording that example video, as it looks like it's got the recent "recoil for every third shot" bug going in it.

Yea, it was just a quick video to demonstrate the difference that I threw up before heading to work.

Glowbal has uploaded another video showing the recoil difference with a rifle at medium range, check the post, I've edited it with a link :)

Question, does the back-blast prevent using the weapon inside or on-top of buildings ?

It's one thing that AGM does that's very frustrating...

Currently if you fire with your back to the wall, you will get the blast coming back to hit you.

However, I've spoken to glowbal, and we will look at adding in a togglable option, so you can choose if to enable that particular effect or not.

Edit: That quick! We have changed it so that building backblast effects can be toggled, as well as backblast effects for AI.

Edited by kieran_s
update! :D

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It's one thing that AGM does that's very frustrating...

OT: It is realistic though. If you have a wall behind you the stream that comes with the backblst would be deflected.

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nope it's not realistic - it's 100% insta kill if you fire a rocket in/on/next-to a building, which clearly isn't realistic at all.

I'm not talking about a small enclosed space.. which would do you a lot of damage granted - i mean off a roof or a terrace.


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One more question about weapon resting. Something I really liked about AGM's system was that you could steady your weapon against vertical edges, like door frames and the like. Is that the case with this system? If I remember it's less effective in AGM but still possible, which is a pretty handy feature for urban combat.

And a bit off topic, have you guys considered implementing a container system like ACE's? The way you had to unpack your gear from your pack to access it was a pretty cool feature. I usually just RP pulling stuff out of my pack but having it as an actual mechanic would be awesome :) All it really needs to be is something that prevents you from using any magazines that are kept in backpacks, as the interface for moving stuff around is already there.

nope it's not realistic - it's 100% insta kill if you fire a rocket in/on/next-to a building, which clearly isn't realistic at all.

I'm not talking about a small enclosed space.. which would do you a lot of damage granted - i mean off a roof or a terrace.


AGM seems to have a bit of a damage bug. Everything does more than it should. Falls and collisions in vehicles are ludicrously damaging and backblast is more dangerous than the actual round causing it is. That mod needs to be fixed, or replaced by something like this! I like the way this backblast system works, just kind of knocks you down which is perfect.

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One more question about weapon resting. Something I really liked about AGM's system was that you could steady your weapon against vertical edges, like door frames and the like. Is that the case with this system? If I remember it's less effective in AGM but still possible, which is a pretty handy feature for urban combat.

Yes, that is possible. You do need to lean though. So it's best used on corners.

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Quick question: Are you guys looking to 'mimic' ACE with future updates, or are you staying with your own features?

By mimic ACE, I am referring to using ACE features to create features to use in CSE, such as Mortar improvements, and various other common ACE features.

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Quick question: Are you guys looking to 'mimic' ACE with future updates, or are you staying with your own features?

By mimic ACE, I am referring to using ACE features to create features to use in CSE, such as Mortar improvements, and various other common ACE features.

No. We will be staying with our own features. There is obviously some overlap of features with other mods such as ACE, as we both have a similar aim of creating a more indepth and rich experience on the battlefield for players. The intent of CSE has never been to re-create ACE, but to create a customisable and more indepth modification that we would like to play and (hopefully) the community would like to play.

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Since mortars from ACE were mentioned: Will CSE aim to improve the Mortar/ Artillery system that is currently provided by ArmA 3? I know you guys have a few things planned on multiple branches but I don't recall hearing or seeing you working on an advanced indirect fire system.

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Since mortars from ACE were mentioned: Will CSE aim to improve the Mortar/ Artillery system that is currently provided by ArmA 3? I know you guys have a few things planned on multiple branches but I don't recall hearing or seeing you working on an advanced indirect fire system.

At the current stage, there is no plan to create an artillery system or anything similar. However, as development progresses and the modification matures, we might look at adding in extra modules.

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Hey guys!

Just letting you all know that the public alpha version of CSE will be released this weekend on the 12th July.

Please note that this may vary one day in either direction for you due to time zone differences.

Edited by kieran_s

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Oh Baby, super excited. I know my community is going to be using it right away. Thanks guys for a release, and hope development continues to improve. Well done.

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Hey guys !

Awesome !

I'm trying it, and i have a question :

There is no respawn with the medical system ?

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Hi GlowBal, beautiful mod!

How I can to put a time to death?

Best regards!!

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The mod looks great. Although I don't know how this mod will compare to AGM. I heard that features in the mod will be modular right? Like AGM? I'm just wondering if, I don't know, use like both mods at the same time. Maybe remove files on one mod that would conflict with the other such as the medical system. Would this be possible? Guess I'm going to try this. I'll update once I have something.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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Hi, I found an incompatibility with the mod POMI PMC. All damage is finally located, but there is still a problem that prevents us to display the heartbeat and other analysis.

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Hey guys,

Just so we only have to check one thread (rather then two), can we post all CSE discussions over at the thread linked below please? :)



As for the questions:

regarding death, death prevention, etc. there were a couple of bugs in the initial release, I believe they have been patched in 0.2.6

likewise, the incompatability with units (pmc etc) I think was also patched.

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We'd like to see a stamina module like that's in AGM. The basic stamina system in Arma is a piece of crap and you just cannot sprint for more than a 100 meters without winding yourself out.

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We'd like to see a stamina module like that's in AGM. The basic stamina system in Arma is a piece of crap and you just cannot sprint for more than a 100 meters without winding yourself out.

New vanilla stamina effects are excellent IMO. It forces you to carry less, sprint less, and think more strategically (not just about what you carry, but about how you move). Those that used to carry 20 mags, an AT launcher, a .50 cal sniper rifle, 100 bandages, and an Apache in their backpack will have to think twice from now on.

I've found no issues moving through towns with my rifle, 8 mags, a few smoke grenades, and some medical supplies.

Edited by Goodson

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New vanilla stamina effects are excellent IMO. It forces you to carry less, sprint less, and think more strategically (not just about what you carry, but about how you move). Those that used to carry 20 mags, an AT launcher, a .50 cal sniper rifle, 100 bandages, and an Apache in their backpack will have to think twice from now on.

I've found no issues moving through towns with my rifle, 8 mags, a few smoke grenades, and some medical supplies.

Well we use TFA clothes since those weight very little. Our ammo and equipment for a rifleman is his weapon with 8 mags, 3 nades, 5 smokes, 1 IR, 3 chemlights and 10 bandages at max. We barely reach half of the white weighting line with this load and with the basic jogging pace we can go maybe 3-400 meters then bam, you're tired as hell. IRL you could sprint for like 500 meters with this kind of load.

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