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About Raz0rLëgend

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    Lance Corporal


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    Video Games, Sports, Music
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    Commercial Manager

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    Colonel Couscous, Leader de la section Lëgend sur Arma 3. Rejoignez nous sur Teamspeak ! ts3.team-legend.fr
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  1. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    Hi, Sniffff ;'(
  2. Aaaaaaaaaa I have not thought about that! I try as soon as I can, I will return this to you in 1 hour max ^ ^ ----------------- ok I've tried in stratis. And nop, it's same. In my version it's good ! Enjoye it. :)
  3. I've got one weird "echo" do you hear it ? I'm in contact with JSRS Addon Maker, i Wait an answer, i publish without echo and i make Update if not good or what ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G36 Pack 2.0 - many Variants/AG36 - Optional JSRS and ASDG Compatible Audio Fix 0.1B [bootcamp update] This is a fix for the G36 Pack 2.0 - many Variants/AG36 - Optional JSRS and ASDG Compatible I've updated the configs to the new audio system introduced in Arma3 v1.24. Download link : Click here! Requirements : G36 Mod, (in option)JSRS2, Arma3 rc1.24 or higher. You just have to remove the "@" file in the directory Arma 3, by cons if you do not use JSRS2, this will create an error, you don't have to forget to remove the file "g36fix_jsrs2" Thank.
  4. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    So you're speaking about biprivatekey ? i'm not good in that xD Moreover, we need to create one other key for all massi's uniforms mod... It's what i've create new key..
  5. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    I agree with that, but the theory is that the file in the "keys" file is the private key, is not it?
  6. I'm on it... It works good. I've got one problem. I've made two pbo wich Jsrs config and an other. In first person everything is good, but when i am in third person, two sounds are added... It's very ugly.. If you've go an idea ?! Ifnot you can choose between them, and you can choose it, if you are using JSRS, what do you think about ? Thx !
  7. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    I do not understand because I have signed all the files, with the signing of Mas directly ...
  8. Hi ! If you give me permissions, i can fix it.. Bye ! :) In reality what you hear when you're fps are "closures sounds". These are the slam that made ​​the weapons when the head moves, etc.. And all the players know that playing in Arma third person is ugly! : p
  9. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    I just thought of something, being given that massi also has big mod equipment if I contains all the mods, with the signature that I created, it may not be consistent. I'm redoing the multiplayer signing with the initial massi signature. The bugs will be resolved. Also, I put the Author score in the code handy with virtual arsenal ... Feed this line ! I wait your returns. Ok, it's good ! http://serv.team-legend.fr/fixmassi_0_2.rar tell me ! :)
  10. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    I think we have to do one key for all pbo's... i try tomorrow. :)
  11. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    We need someone to make an addon with all SCARS and ACWR ! ♥
  12. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    In any case, I need to modify or delete some line config file... Let her MOD it will perhaps be an update when everyone has forgotten. Too bad for him. Otherwise I recommend you the SCAR TSI Addon that really TOP! ;) I don't use check signature on my server, anyone can tell me if mod works well ?
  13. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    I'm on it link is the same. For sounds changes, I just made ​​sure that the sounds go with the class and not the piou piou base .. @Vasilyevich Scrars Work at this time, but addon maker doesn't give me permissions. So take STI addons... :D
  14. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    I can make new Mas Bikey if you want..
  15. Raz0rLëgend

    Massi's Weapons Pack Audio Fix

    This is a fix for the NATO SF and RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ WEAPONS addon by Massi. I've updated the configs to the new audio system introduced in Arma3 v1.24 (with the author's authorization). Please note that, currently, only the unsupressed gunshots have been fixed; in that regard, everyone having time is welcome to contribute - until Massi can properly update everything! This thread will be closed as soon as Massi updates his pack to the new configuration standards. Download link : Click here! Requirements : NATO SF and RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ WEAPONS, Arma3 rc1.24 or higher. Installation : It is a replacement file, just overwrite the mas_us_rifle_c and Bising file PBO file with mine Thanks to Massi for one of the biggest weapons addon out there! {Wink}