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ARP2 Objects Pack

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I just had another idea striking my mind.

Since there seems to be a "law enforcement" variation for quite a big portion of the BIS content and modders are already working on various police units, it would be nice to have Cocaine Bricks.


They could be targets of raids and many more mission scenarios :)

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I just had another idea striking my mind.

Since there seems to be a "law enforcement" variation for quite a big portion of the BIS content and modders are already working on various police units, it would be nice to have Cocaine Bricks.


They could be targets of raids and many more mission scenarios :)

crap, i knew i forgot to make something. these were planned, ill try to get them in asap.

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i just want to stress again that this is not MP compatible. it behaved so unpredictable that i decided to take a break from it until i get more consistent results. in short: using the same unchanged code gave us a wide range of behaviors, which makes it impossible to develop this further at the moment.

the following features work in MP:

- UAV toughbook

- screens in general

everything else either works partly or not. or it will work one time an not another time. so keep that in mind when reporting bugs and try to concentrate on reporting SP issues for now.

the download has a short guide on how to set up the screens. if you have any questions feel free to ask here.


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Thank you guys!!

You made my day with your awsomenes:yay:

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Thank you guys!!

You made my day with your awsomenes:yay:

haha good :) hope you enjoy and i hope there are few issues

Just tested and thats a very cool addon :)

enjoy :) thank you much

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awesome :yay:

allready made a small operation center with it.. camera stuff is easy to set up. :)

thnx :D

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oh btw guys. since we haven't put in an ammobox with all the items, here are the ones that you can use with PIP.

arp_objects_toughbook_M - this is a portable UAV computer linked to a UAV flying over your head you can use to check out your surroundings.

arp_objects_snakecam_M - this is a snake camera to look into rooms through closed doors like in swat 4.

both of them are magazines so you have to add them like this in your init line: this addmagazine "arp_objects_toughbook_M"

you will need a backpack to carry a toughbook since Thedog88 made sure it has a realistic weight.:)

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Hmmm the one thing we didnt think of^^ ill make a list of items tonight and add it to the main post for quick reference when i get home.

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some problems I ran into:

-changing 128 to 256 results in a black screen.

-I can't get the random texture thing on screens to work.

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I believe random text only works on monitors and laptops. Regarding the resolution ill check it out tonight see if i have the same issue. Also you using the dev build?

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Yes I'm using dev build. And the toughbook added to my inventory is really cool done, though when I press the action UAV - On the laptop shows up but the screen stays black. What am I forgetting?

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yea sorry i just realized that i didn't give an example for it in the how to. the variable looks a lot simpler with this mode. here's what works for me.

this setvariable ["arp_sc_mode", ["rantex_on"], true]

i'm gonna add that to the how to as soon as possible. thank you pointing that out.

about the resolutions. i got very weird results with that and just found an error in the how to. basically 128, 256 and 512 (powers of 64) should work. but this is kinda buggy due to the alpha. if you look into the demo mission 2 you will see that i used 256 there. you'll just have to try. sorry about that will update that too. thx again for pointing it out.

if screens are black a restart usually fixes that but as i said at the moment it behaves very unpredictable sometimes.

Edited by Bad Benson

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thnx for the example. Yes the screen for the toughbook UAV now works. :) looks nice on a spotter. :D


Edited by ltsThomas

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Hey man nice little TOC u got there :)

EDIT: added a class list with all items that function as inventory items.

Edited by Thedog88

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thnx for the example. Yes the screen for the toughbook UAV now works. looks nice on a spotter.

yea the toughbook is my personal favorite. if you like it already you will love what i just added to it. there will be another update very soon with advanced controls for it. including features like changing the target object on the fly and a control dialog with a zoom slider and buttons for the vision modes. trying to get rid of as much action menu as i can.

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I love this! Really adds a whole new feel to my missions. Having the screens in the HQ show a live shot of yourself on the battlefield during a cut scene is awesome. For some reason, though, i can not figure out how to use the toughbook. What do you do after you add it to your backpack?

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yea the toughbook is my personal favorite. if you like it already you will love what i just added to it. there will be another update very soon with advanced controls for it. including features like changing the target object on the fly and a control dialog with a zoom slider and buttons for the vision modes. trying to get rid of as much action menu as i can.

yeah i just have to say this again, bad benson has been doing an amazing job with all the scripting/coding and has put forth an immense amount of patience. without him most of this mod would not be where it is right now. looking forward to doing some more projects with him. danke nochmal mein freund ;)

I love this! Really adds a whole new feel to my missions. Having the screens in the HQ show a live shot of yourself on the battlefield during a cut scene is awesome. For some reason, though, i can not figure out how to use the toughbook. What do you do after you add it to your backpack?

im really glad there is such positive feedback. please feel free to post some screenshots of how you used it, im curious to see how others set things up. and yeah, the toughbook is getting an overall right now. u should simply have an addaction once you have it in your inventory, but be sure that your player is named (anything really). but the code might change a bit in this next release to make things a bit more interesting.


I just had another idea striking my mind.

Since there seems to be a "law enforcement" variation for quite a big portion of the BIS content and modders are already working on various police units, it would be nice to have Cocaine Bricks.

They could be targets of raids and many more mission scenarios :)


looks like we got us some coooooocaine here boys xD will be feature in this quick update coming up soon. wanted to pack it into the 2.0 release but havent gotten to it. ill see about getting a few more items like this in. like weed bags, 8 balls, and stuff like that for the police freaks around ;)

Edited by Thedog88

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You added These outstanding 5.56 magazines,how about some even more outstanding 6.5 ones!?!:p

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looks like we got us some coooooocaine here boys xD will be feature in this quick update coming up soon. wanted to pack it into the 2.0 release but havent gotten to it. ill see about getting a few more items like this in. like weed bags, 8 balls, and stuff like that for the police freaks around ;)

Looking nice! :D Thanks a lot!

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Looking awesome!, quick question not sure if its been asked before, but whats your stand point on adding some functionality to these items your making? I know you said about the little satellite dish getting ACRE capabilities..

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The satcom having acre capabilities is merely a dream. I dont have a lot of coding knowledge so most likely most objects will only be objects or items. The coding will be up to mission makers. Bad benson was kind enough to add some functionality to some objects. Again, im providing the objects for the mission maker, coder,or modder.wat kind of functionality did you have in mind?

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looks like we got us some coooooocaine here boys xD will be feature in this quick update coming up soon. wanted to pack it into the 2.0 release but havent gotten to it. ill see about getting a few more items like this in. like weed bags, 8 balls, and stuff like that for the police freaks around ;)

Reminds me so much of this scene(watch from 6:40).:biggrin:

Gratz on the release,can't wait to pimp my places.

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